HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 17 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake "in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.,
J uly 17, 1472
1. t
The Common Council of The Village of Prior Lake met in rogular.,<sessiori,In the Office
of the Village Clark Monday evening, July l7th., 1972 at :8:00 PA" , Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order. Roll Call , Present were Mayor
Stock Clerk Gertz,
} and Councilmen Oakes, Patchin, and Busse. Absent: Councilman Watkins.
Copies of all previous minutes for the month were given to each member of the council
several days, previous to the meeting. Motion was "made by Oakes, seconded by Patchin
ro approve.the minutes and upon a vote taken;' it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve paiyment of all bills approved by the Finance
�e Committee, 'seconded by Busse upon a. vote
Pon taken, It :was duly ,passed.
Eugene Labo presented an application fora building permit: to bulld'a „ slio and barn.
All plans and specs were in order. Motion was made, by Oakes to grant the building
permit. to Eugene Lobo to build the silo and barn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
` takenj` it was duly passed.
r Mr.. Lemley and Mr Knox were, present to present a petition .for sewer and: water main
externion:;to ths�iLdo�IdeManor a*the new WickerAnox :Additions.,'. Motion was
mad*byO ,akis�to;authorize-Engineer :Herold lsratlson to praP�e Prelfarl Ions for
the extensiwof sewer and" water, , mains tof61akeside Manor, and the new Wi ker/Knox
Addition, seconded by Busse and upon ,a vote taken, it waccluly passed._
I Ro . Ho l oad in the prese to inquire as , 'ro, plans on solving the water, :problem on the
Maws F ist�Additionw. Councilman Oakes,advised7Mr :: Schmokel is
working with the council to solve the problem and ' ested that the council be given
4.11tt6 mort,thno °to complete..
Several members were present regardin ga g garbage pickup and also the burning ban.: '
MbiW4t0ck,mcpinlnedJhe, preceduros� that be token - in, orxlerlo recdive a burning
t permit. K
Harold Israelson advised that the Ninth Avenue paving Plans have been completes! and
was sent to the printe "r t-day for printing. He talked to the County_ Engineer and he
suggeMed that -Ninth Ave nue
Road f39. be given a 'County':Road number whifch should be County
” Regarding thor C.1.P . Study, Mr. Ismison suggested a committee be formed to make
the study. Mayor Stock appointed' Councilmen Oakes and - Patchin. MGMSrock - and
Harold= brwlson will also serve on thsr committee.
A letter wa revived from, the Department : partment of Housing and` Urban Dewlopment Office
regarding Prior lake's open, Waoe :application far baseball lights. They advised that
thiy detected a probl6n in the finance :action. The application states that the local
share .will: bc. avallable, in,April, 1973, and since It Is the Area Office policy not
fund projects 'without an assurance .of local share, they roved a comnrthaent from the
village` prlor;ro the funding analysis, which will be In the late fall.. The village as
io' infionrr,flNrn to the�possibllity.of' obtaining this commitmentin the. near future, and
. if the " "firird: wf l not,be: avai:ldbley thay,will retum.#0 applied lommml the village may
rersrrbri tt r t.yeer� �A -letter is .to! be sent - infionning :thbn that ithe,rnone�►'i - jot
4; available at the :present time, but may be available shortlyAandrthat ihe. application. is
* to be kept ppen until. advised differently,
Tlier 'was a discussion, regarding theiinstatlatioriof, :wcisc a
nd:.tewu :mahw to the
Hidden Oakes Addition. .Madan was Mad* by Oakes that in.the 'future tl7e village
require al l developert to pickF up 011°sewer,4nd water main extention at the edge of
~' their property l Irw and carry., if through to +the :opposite edge of same,, seconded by
Patchin and upon a vote taken, It-was duly passed.
_.,. .
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said,Council'.
' t
Discussion of the cost difference in various developments was discussed. The mast
policy was to allow the developer the difference in cost for oversizing mains, etc, on .
hookups. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt the same policy, but allow, sewer
com missio n
b vote taken it council for modification of same, seconded
y Busse and u pon my passed.
Dale Meihak suggested that shooting, otdinance be adopted bacaute of the many calls
he receives concerning the shooting In Prior Lake. , He'suggosted that shooting be allowed
on the west side of County Road 02l ,and not on 'the east side. Oakes requested that the
report by Melhak be received and that the item be tabled, but work started to resolve
the. problem.
Dale Meihak advised that he and•Councilman ilusse did work on speed limits. He
that the county will post 30 MPH signs on County roads and he,and Busse will
past the others.
Dale Meihak presented Information on two bids he received for a new polies car. One
bid was from Valley Chrysler for a 1972 Plymouth (demonstrate') with 1200 miles at a '
net price of $3,570.00, with delivery to be made in several days. The other bid sues
was Penn Aut®r - laza for a 1973 . Ambassador Sedan, for $3,638.68, with air conditioning
and $3, 348.68:w10*ut air conditioning, witls lliwary to bs;made in mid October.
!Notion was made by Patchin to award the bid to Wolf Motor, Jordan, Mtnn far =3195.,
.if the cion make delivery in five days, seconded by Busse and upon a -vote taken, it
r :,
� t.
was .duly 'passed °
The Pol ice Comission advised- that ix ±men and one lady passed the' civil service te st.
The oral test W111 be° Tueiday, July•25k, (972.
Authorization was given to Fire Chief, Delbert Busse, to reeetve applications for
burning permits and submit to the P.C.A. for approval.
Lamb :Henan {submitted m letter of rest
_ gnation as a member of the Prior Lake Planning
Commission. Motion was made by Busse to accept the eesegnation4f Lambert Hennen
at a member of the Planning Commission,
seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it
was duly piiaed.
=Motion was made by Patchin -to authorize permission twNorthwestom Bell Telephone Co.
r r
to bury cable on the Pike Lake Road, 'seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was
duly paned. Councilman Oakes abstotned'
Appl ns icatio were received: fer a °garboge and refuse hauling license from Cris Lee
Anderson (Garvey Sanitatid4and Elmer tarvey (Garvey Sanitation).' Mottos was
° iAade by Busse to'gront ilconses to Crass Lee Anderson and Elmer Garvey for garbage
ret,r,e hauling for the petlad' ear of.ane .y ending June 30th., 1973, seconded by
Patchir; and upon a vote token, 10 was duly passed.
P A, \thxney, Mark 'Std l Ivan , outlined statutes dealing with general powers and duties
:ofsofth. council member.
M0110A was made' by Oak *: to'adop'f Ordinance.72 7, an Ordinance a tablishing and
dwng A0 Village, Council meetings. That there will be two regular village council
ni"tingt \tai that village'hatl of the V1116ge of Prior Lake, and said meetings well ~be
hake' on AS fiat and th .third Monday: of each month, - commencing at 8:00 P.M.
That the council mee to be held on the first Monday of each month shall be the
regular businea-session of the village council. The council meeting to be held on
the third Monday of each month she be the council muting at which the agenda for
tt�e meeting steel be established. This will be the meeting at which presentations by
the blie to tlw:,counctl m be made.
iz Pu ay All said meetings shall be "opened'tothe public,
seconded by Busse and upon vote taken, it duly
a was passed.
Motion was made by Busse to appoint Henry Schroeder to serve on the Prior Lake Polic
Commission which term expires December 31st., 1972, seconded by Patchin and upon a
vote taken, it was duly passed.
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