HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 07 1972F MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Count of S _y Scott and , State =of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. n Au st 7, 1972 The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office i ' of the Village, Clerk Monday evening, ' August 7th., 1972, at 7 :3,0 P,IN. Mayor Stock.. I = c611ed_.the meeting to order." Roll" Callr Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz and, � Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, and,Buae. Absent was .Counetl an Patchin An assessment hearing was held at 7x30 P.M. for sewer and street gue Lumber and R Mix Co. "grading improvement: on Ninth Avenue for the Novi, Pro Direr 15 an with one °°', assessments were spread Ye years Interest on the first year payment. The total principal for the New Prague Lumber and Ready Mix Co. is $2,160.00 based on =11.90 per foot for sewer and $2.50 per foot for street grading against a frontage of 150 feet. Mr. Kratovll of the New Prague Lumber and Ready Mix Co. is objecting to the asesai,ent for the sower and street grading improvements for the r@am that the property is•StilI to coidemnation proceedin ` "o ,'Matlon' „� ' s� , was made by Buse to authorize the Village Clerk f , 16i file the assessment roll sea complefod by t he village engineer with the Scott County < Auditor, Scott County, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote aken,'It was duly passed. Hubert Goraeke requested an' extetislon..for his conditional .uwpormitfor displaying his f model home on the Roman K opp property on Highway 13 and 9th. Avenue.. The request j was for 9C- day:or longer,, if possible. Motion was °made by Watkins to grant a 90 da y axhntion b tk+l^ert Gorac ke: foe a conditia;rral use permit for displaying his modular I 'frame of a $15..J per inanth fee, seconded b Oakes and upon passed. Y pan n vote falcon, it was duly '7 Brooks Haw a Iimt All loh met viii nary p lan for Platting the Sroolavilte 4th. Addr,. age requirements and necessary land is being donated for parrk areaL or Flakirtbe ueedfor;uttlity puR ores, Motion made atkins to approve the by{W , pnt of tfns irooksvifle "�Aills 4tl. Addition, seconded by SMek and upon a it was duly ,gassed. Councilman Susie voted' aqainst sold motion, � Harald lelsoa reported his "findings on the preliminary for exti sl�itng water and sewer anatrs to tM Loki, Additton,'Car* Cow Park, Condoms Vllolji� aIs Addition, and also Portia» trunk r of, the'li6okei Addition. The im prowment w;tll be � ted 72-5„ S! Water, Pro ject. f le, advised It .is difficult to do advised at th time, what norm I lateral sewer or waterma water Is hi In .would cat: Tlte,'coit for hv'k yr and to the gh.r�lhon usual, a fact-that thesti�t: oppawantl u q able ; and Fwahr routs. The Y property °l am both the Y seMrer 2„ ... coat of thha, enN►+e pro ct is estimated vro be ;717,349:00. Motion was made by,. Oakes to table 'the preliminary plans,'seconded r , and upon a vote taken R •it {was du ly posed'., l • ,� � i� it �(' � x �ountX E.�trner�,Ery Pn�,rerroct and � - iI �, �� � i ,. C Commissioner, Mprvtn Oldlel rg, were P,",Pt ,tai discuu placing of 9th. Avenue on. toun}y Siwfe Aid Sy: em 1i aiji'o the trans. Mg of ft Ald an Matn Streit to..Neasont Street. Mr. Nne;vost enlisted at�aM veil ,fia�a�ryilaltlo to tKf {nth Avenue. durin the �, Yea 1.977. Mr Pokette was pre Writ regarding; itme "of the vin • to. the Savo V He itmik. , nc ` Pa g'proi ct'o the Fish Point Road !- tt! >r Cou ilmar� "Oakes, odvlsed� that planet ifor the improvement s of,iame is available firom.Wltljam Schmokel ; Tire council refiried��tNe i b Street Cnnissi Don Susie, and asked that he'give a report at Site next eating. Elmer Game' - was present regaading complaints. leavi '' . P g garbage cogs at f • the. curb for pickup and also other phase: of the refuse ordinance. It waS wggeiled'Zt the council Insert a new: item explaining certain sections of the ordinance, wclh a s - no garbage or i refuse cattainer ,shall exceed 32 gallons in capacity and no contain irsi hol l be of a kind wttalbe °far collection purposes, and small be of such. size anM1't that they'oan be handled by one man,and kept tightly covered when there is refers. tfhegein. Roger Flarris,e Prior' Lake Police Commission advised that,two m4n are eligible to 3 of the '. become patrolmen for the village. They are Russell Lawrence and Dennis Leff. He r advised that Russell Lawrence will accept the patrolmons job beginreing Augr'St 15th, and Dennis Leff would accept a paitrolmans job beginning January 1, 1973. Mt' was made by Watkins to hire Russell Lawrence beginning August 15th., 1972 and $700;00` per month salary, seconded by Suss and upon a,voM Taken, it was duly passed.