HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 21 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
August 2 1972
The Common Council of tha. Village of Prior Lake met in regular, session in the office ;
of the Village Clerk, Monday evening, August 21st., 1972 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order,: Ro11 Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and
Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Patchin and f Busse., =
a ,
Copies of all previous minutes for the month were gi`v'en to each member of the council
several days previous, to the meeting. ` Cauncliman .Oakes noted one correction on Page
6 o the August 7th. meeting regarding the ,paving project. He' advised that It should
be. the Pixie Point Road and F.airlown Shore; Road, not Fish Point Road'. With that
correction made., a motion was made by
Watkins, seconded by Oakes ti approve the
minutes. Upon 9 vote taken, it wasduly "passed.
Motion was mad by Busse to approve payment of all bills a
,E � pproved by the Finance
.. Committee, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Robert. Corwin r0presenting the Pclor .Lake Athletics for .youth requested permission
arse t
., eque
to'enl' hoc cey c ;nk by "lengthening, it`by 50: feet on the west side. This would
mcke the -rink, leng, official
size -fie stated it Is estimated that two to four additional', ..
t lights will be needeid`and the,entire'coat wiil'be absorbed'�by the P.L.A.Y Program.
Motlon.was made by Patchin to grant the P.L.A.Y'. Program permission to lengthen the
hockey rink 50 fiaetf! "seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
A' letter was receiver) from W. `B. 'Thomas (Bill) requesting that,some action be taken to
;impose some, type of restriction or, control on ha�seback.,rieltng within the Villa of
Pr-116i Lake, � With minimum `consideration ,to sanitaflon the more'lmportant aspect of safety,
both bi c and `'Nate nipst'notbe,overlooked. He hated that an effort must be made
W . min imize 'tlte ; n1lbi1lty of a rider be Ing= thrown in front of, or a skittish horse movin
Into the tine :o,. motorized`.vehicles.. Mi concluded, this ha g
, .. ready sxl :t: and need: ;
attention know..Motiojj was made b Oakes that the letter be racesaved and accepted and
that action betaken on it at a later date, seconded by Butte and uppn.a rote taken, it
wa s dul)►.pos~sed.�
A IetMr'o petition received korn Almeic, .Inc. -10800 Lyndale Aver So. - Bloomin
Minnesota - 1,ennis. E. ,McWilliams President ro estir 'the - II!a
ge of
,3 _ • . qp .g. Prior.,Loke
extend water; and sewer,mai�= to the North "Shore Cre :t Load: between,County Road 42 and
P ; 33 feet north of Lot19,, :81601,2 of North.S�ham,. rest Ad' 6n a
Imp ove e t be ^Oli #e cost cf so
' nt n as�essed'againtt abutktrtg property, as.e�trthoriied by Cha
plet 398, Laws
0 f Mln`ne:iota, 19Swi, Motion was and that siad F impravamenis.be assessed,on a,.firont,fi otoge and
Co nee #ion be>sii mode by, Oakes.;a accept the, petition, 4"onde&by 4
Welkin aitd upon a vote taken It was duly passed.
Mrs. Karl M�:kii: qnd Mrs. Wallace'Langharst wererepreseer�ttng she Prior. Lake Business
li d Club in roeerd: fig beautifying the, lake.downtown,buinsfs greet. They su that various, i vem6n6 be made » io.,:
� i ti the Village hall landscaping
Instal ling stew doors,
rePairing.ahe li t ros; painttn�q
. The . andr ins rng anew
tall si gn
1. y eteivi:ed the`co`t a# that :
Mott ld be.9ppcaxtmatteJy the Village.
`on wa •,madeI Oakes to:'
Y, prov .. p'ant the,PrIor.lvke l4uslnon Club permission to arrange
to make tl e`above imements to''the Village .Hall: property with'a cost to the Villago
of approximately Zt,000. !J, "seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly " 1 q
Tom Beckstrom ue
reef steel a varience to conativct d garage` within 2' 7' fram his property I'
line, in the, Prior Acres Se Addition. Permlsslon` has been received, to writing "
autlioriz>ng him to build' .'7 firom the property line from, the neighbor abutting' his
�as made by` Watkins to grant Tom Beckstrom the varience to
property ( ;ne . Notion w
build a gaiesge 2,7 hii l ne secconded' b Guise dnd u " n, T
Props- F Y, , Q,vote taken,
�.+ it was �,l pos=psl, p :
' Motion was made'b
y Oakes to grant abullding permit,'to "L'eo,Vieri ng to construct a'grain
storage bin on his property, the ;cost to approximately'$900.00. The property is located
on County Road, 21 and County Road 42, see n ' ti =b Watkins and upon a vote taken, `itk .,
was duly passed
(1) �.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
A petition was received from property owners in the Lakeside Manor Addition, dated
August 10th,, 1972, objecting to any earlier water and sewer o I lane or cons-
Pr P� , plans,
I traction in the Lakeside Manor Addition and that this petition supersede any earlier
petition or petitions regarding this matter. Property owners present were advised that
the next action rests upon 'recommend
o p
�� tY st which is
1! Y
now being made, and also that they
were being reviewed by Juran
Moody, so that several methods of financing can be proposed.
Harold- Is el
ra son reported that' he met with Commissioner Marvin Oldenburg and Engineer
Iry P,renevost, regarding the grading and paving of 9th. Avenue. 'He advised that every-
thing is in order with Scott Coun
t concerning the pro a nd the plans, and specs are
now at the State Office , for approval.
Motion was made Fig Busse to adopt the following resolution, and moved Its adoption:
Village Council deems it necessary and expedient that the V ilage Prior
of Lake, Minn.
conshvct certain im prgtlerriaht to it. the" construction of street and storm - sewer
Improvements art 9th' Ave nue from State Trunk Highway 0 13 in. Section 2, Range 22
West; 'Township I14j I'thenee in -
generally N&theasterhr dlreetlon to the junction of
State HI ' 13 and 9th. Avenue In Section 36 Ron ' 22' West` Township
'the' N P IIS
In Villa 9111 as described in and'irrac cordance with the preliminary plans and report
prepared b Harald'Israelion Consultin En meet; &.`.
Y I g` 9 The Council has been advised
by the consulting engineer that sold Street and storm Sewer Improvements of 1972 are
"ficuible and shoo °1d best be made'as propb`ed, and the ronwiting engineer: report to
this leffect has herotofcro been received' by° "thee Counch,'and filed with '.the Village
Clerk; C.The statufie 'oprvdes that`no'sueh tm pro�reinant: shall be made until the
Council sF.II 6r io' held cr public: "hearing `on wch improvements following mailed :notice
ard °two pubfication 'thereof In the official,,riews ' , 'r stattn times and placa of the
f�i?P,, 8
hearing, *4 general° nature` of the Im provetnent, and fhe estimated coast= thereof,; and
",. _.
the arsa'Ps'oposed to be assessed, In accordance with`t aw) NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED by the Village Council' of the Village` of PH 'Lake Mlrin sofa,,. as follows: '
(I) A public hearing will be held at the time and set forth in'thO' Notice
place, of
Hearing hereto attached to consider said proposed "Improvernennis. (2) The nature! of
fire irnprovemenh, the estiM aced cast =of each nsaior portlafrs thereof, `and erode ,
inwosed'fa bit, asseiiecI 6rdl64 are described in the fonrr'of Notice of H hrereto
attached.' (3) Tho said` publid hearing shall' tie in i ib:tantially the form con -
!' tamed l r'the notice hereto attached. (4j` `The Village Clerk i hereby au'thcwIzed and
r directed to i�se notice of said `hearing to bbe given two publPcationtn tlreoffictal
newspaper. Said p taltCatta rm shah,'be'one`' week `aptsi and dt least 'three, days shall
elapse" befr.,een the last, publlcatlon and the hearing. Not
lest than ton day: before the
h�artngl the eh, - ,haFl moll notice of the hearing to $0 'owner' of aaach,'paueel of land
4 within the area praposed�to be assessed, as" described In the notice For the purpose f
Qlvtn9 asFrcl nr:arled rr>tice, owners hall be.thoft shown to be such�on'the records the
-itaF, ,or; 'if °tbo tax stistementt =in the'County are rr►ailard'hy the County Treas., on the records of ihs Coun ' Ttiawri
ti► �' °As to "` °`
s . proiiCrties no the records of
c the CountyAutlitar'or the QWnty'Treavtter, the in rich ownership
Clerk'shall asr,�erto
` tiY anY practicable means and notfco to such owne The Motion for the
<< adoption of tka fgrJstgoin9 resolution waY dui`y seconded by Watkins and upon a ate`
„ v
taken y ire n a
r on it was & Passed and ;ado pied.
am "hr Ison reported that coretruction of water and sewer:matru in the Hldtlen Oaks
tton It',noar coenple tsd
" Dale M ihak
4 ,•J reported that h6- received a climonstration of a t+odar unit firm in
,from a
"St. Paul and advi:td the'cot`of same: T moving radar :et cost :2,185.00; the
stationary radar unit cost $1,785.00. He advised that;if a
' grant was received, the
Village would °be telmbur'sed. 50% the ;total within 30 days. Mayor Stock suggested
the Item be
tabled, because the funds-di re n" avaiiablai at the present time. Motion
r was made by Potchin to'table .the purchase of A radar unit, seconded by Watkins and
upon a vote taken, It w '`dill
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Pillage of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ;
The pros and. cons of a'shooting.ordinance wavcllscussed,: � - Motiori made by Busse f
to authorize Attorney Su to draft a shooting ordinance and•to haoe It'ready for r
the next regular meeting, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly
Motion was made by Watkins to enter into Mutual Agreement between the Village of
Prior Lake and the City of Shakopee, that said municipalities desire'to4tode available
to each other their rasp. +itive fire- fighting equipment and'pers6ri4l, to 'the case of
emergencies, and each of said municipalities has lead) authority to send its fire-
fight-ing equipment and personnel Into other communities, seconded by °Stout and upon a
vote taken, 'it was duly passed.
Motion.was made by Oakes to pay, the registration feet to tend'ftve' f1ftmen to the
Fire Fighters Annual School at-Mound, -Minnesota, Satui+ddy, September 9th., 1972,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. i
Thera was a discussion regard ing the . firs At the modular home on Coanty Road 23. ,
Motion was made b Oakes that all
y pennffs of this type of construction be fumed `over
to the Planning Commission and Building Inspector -for consideration'of approval,
seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to appoint Harold Mitier to the Prior Lake Planning
Commission, seconded by Watkins'.and`,upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Alan M1x, Local Civil Defense Dlrector, and Tim O'Loughlin, County Director;
were present and presented the County Civil Defense Commn <Orgonlzational Plan,
Prior Lake Division. The acceptance of the plan was tabled until the plan has been
Mr. Pokette was present agoin.regarding the trn vement,.of the Pixle,Potnt Road and
Fairlawn Shores`Rood... Mr. Pokette , advised that the ° roads- In question are .the Fairlawn
" Shores Rood,and the Eastwood Road; not the Pixie Point Road.- Motion µ was made by
Watkins to table the item 'until' the` September 5th. meeting so the feasibility report Is
ready, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken, it was, duly passed..,'
Dan Dues advised he has a C , pe to�purchase v home now=-in the Savage area and place
It on Lot M to the Eastwood First Addition in Prior Loki. Motion was made by Watkins
that Building lnspector,,,John Mueller, inspect the home and make his 'recommendations of same, if a permit shall be groped, seconded b Patchin and upon a vote taken, it
wasAuly passed.
F Motion was made by Patchin to,'oppointAI Hergott Sr., Mrs Marlys.tfuedorn, Mrs,.
Alice Aueiler, Mrs. Clare MuelkeK Mrs. Nellie Lannon and Mrse;dev{ Somas j
Election and Mrs. Marggret Suel as an alternate for the Septim6r i2th.
,Primary Election, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was.duly pas:e`d.
There was a discusston,of ,abollfhing t'he Office of the Justice of the Peace, but it
was suggested that the Office of thd:Juitice of the -Peace could bs a' convenience to
the people. Attorney,. Mark Sullivan, will research the use of parking tickets and
fees In this regard
Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance No,.! 72-8, an Ordinance; repealing
certain existing ordinances In the old Village of Prior Lake, and ark;Ordinance adopting
certain ordinances_ existing in the _Village of, Prior Lake. nnd, ext�ertdtr ihetr application
' to the entire new Vtllagi at Prior;Laka. (For complete de`tails,, Ordinaoce4s; filed In
the Village Ordinance Book). The motion was seconded by Patchin and upon a vote
taken, it was duly passed,. r
Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance No. 72 -13,- an Oidir;m co providing
for the 'Iicenang and regulation of,dogs, seconded by Oakes,and upon avote taken, all
members voted' against inotton. Motion failed'. t
Motion was made by Oakes toadopt ° Ordinance No. 72 -II, an Ordinance relating'to
the Municipal Water and Sanitary "Sewer Systems charges, and establishing regulations
and rates for service and providing perbities for violation thereof. (For complete detatis,
5 K,, M.
c ,
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the f Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State" of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by`said Council. a
Ordinance I s filed in the Village, Ord:1 nce Book). The,motion was seconded by Watkins
and upon a,vote taken, it was , duly, passed.,.
Other ordinances, to be considered for paaago were tabled for a later�meeting.
Vince Hencler prenntedl the „flnal,pl for the, Bluff Heights Addition for approval.
Motion was made,by Oakes to accept - the -finaj plat of the Bluff Heighti =Addition and =
authorize the clerk an&mpyor to.:�acecute.necossary•copieirso If- bwAled with the
Scott County Register of Deeds, ;seconded by. Watkirwand upon :a vote taken it was
ti duly passed.
Motion wa:,ma& by Patchin to purchase a sickle type mower for the ford tractor from` the
Carlson Tractor Co. of Rosemount,. Minnesota' for the sum of ;664.00;: seconded by Watkins"
and upon a vote token it paved:
The clerk was advise_ d to write the,.B & J Dairy Store a letter informing them of the violation
of 4an;.*Jnance for littering the downtown area.
The fioll 4 ; .
o�ring:biils were paid:
Odla �Meihek SalarX 310.20
° Sfrvr`n Schmidt Salary' 262.30
Gulf Oil Corporotion Auto,Repair j
scett/kice �Tiliphone U tt11i!ie: 53.77
'' '' Msiior`oler Communtedtiora' Contract payment 5.50
rtajnnarrd JoMison Dunip Fees 4 7.00 F
Mobil Oil Oil Drum ".70
L*@We of Minn. Municipalities Membership (Handbooks) 40.50
Prior °Take Ansikos + Publiwtton " �'' 1 1.70
M111ifbavG° Offtee 3upptlii 9.05
y Saysri folios `' dtiotkaltsir Tssf + ` 15.00
B.C. Office Supplies (copy paper) ; 261.48
Malk rsa+ Motets Auiole'pairs 35.90
Robert McAllister Dog,Pound Fee 150.00
` Sest Coin Sheriff 7.50
t idol McEt;
'it ms+"d� .Office " <, 101.06
" Q ' . hlairF` krl tlerik Fed161 Deposit ' ' 205:00
Steven` Schuiiidt x r tf Part' tlehe ` ' ' ' ` 44.58
Roper: Hark Civil Service Tests,,, 9.70
Bankers Life Hospitalization, 122.76
SiVi1 of State Ri�fprotion' Fee
Utilttta 853
# `
�' f'' ` ` otlNhm►. MunitI` IItIes Members Ip' 152.00 o
fjntos 7e`Stallon Aufio ttepolrs 9.
State =1n Treasurer P:.E.R.A. 323.96
6116i61ac. 3 z � . ,
Confroct `payment 5.50
a isr`Gas. Co. Utilities 467
cr,. S 'tarrdard Oil .-0 Tank Ptll ` 290.00
Court fee Mueller ,,
L & L Hardware M.isc
• 7$.30
i " G6 If Oil Cton Gar;/Oil''' 15.25
N.Sa. Utilities, 424.75
Unttiiims Unl mifiid Usiiforins 391.85
Protest Alre �, Uniforms 36.85
Po11es+'Res rves ` Pc ftme 65.00
Apple Valley Chrysler Police Car 3,570.00 a
Gravel 2153.1 Y
W Ro "6iick Hannon, Excavating; etc. 314.00
r� "Rte s Roadways 15qu.lp"t Repoin $ 300 00 `'
Dale Meihak Salary _� 310.20
Steven- Schmidt. Salary 262.30
;. Russeh' Lowr`ence ` Salary 263.59
$ 8,772.89
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
} State,; of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
Motion was made by Watkins to hire Dennis Leff as a Part tim - Patrolman, seconded:
by Busse and upon a vote taken, It was duly possed.
:Mayor Stock swore in Russell Lawrence and Dennis Leff as new-police- patrolmen.
Motion was made by Busse to approve payment for the part time police salaries for
July and also payment of statement fora new visi`=bar for $120.00, speaker for
$50.00, and a new siren for $170.00, seconded by Watkins and'upon a vote taken,
shwas duly passed. I
Letters of resignation' were received from the following me, bars of the Prior Lake:
Planning Commission: Louis Tercero Richard Rai Ge orge Borgerding;" ,Willam -
Bissonnett. Motion was made by Watkins to accept the resignations of tl4above,
seconded by Oakes and upon a •vote taken, it was duly passed.
- Councilman Watkins recommended that the following be appointed to tha Prior Lake
Planning Commission: Mrs. Harriet (Gunner) Carlson, Daniel Stack; Lauii Tercero,
William Bimonett, and =Walter Jobst. He also recommended that the comm duion meet
- -^
two times monthly, one for commission members only and the other to be public
ma,,eting Thp,meetings are to be on the Thursdays; following the council meetings
at 8:00 P.M. He also suggested that the commission draw lots to dNrrtnirns the
of term> for their.offiees. Motionn was made b y Oakes to accept the. abovo members
1a the Planning Commission and other recommendations as outlined above,,� seconded,
by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly paved.
Mayor Stock received a bid for a new 8 HP 30" Lawn Mower from Valley Rental of
Savage. The cost of the mower is $509.95. A 20% discount would be given for a
total cost of $410.00. The item was tabled until a later date.
An application was received from Walter Borchardt for a gmbage and refuse Ilcense
for the period ending June 30th., 1973. Motion was made by dune to grant a garbage
and refuse license for the period ending June 30th., 1973 to Walter Borchardt, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
TMre being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
W.W. Gentz, Clerk.
(7) {