HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 18 1972 ` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott "and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited !+v saicl Council. : September 18,, ; - The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Office ., of the Village Clerk, Monday evening, September 18th., 1972, at 8:00 P.M. ` } ' Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Cokmcilmen'Watkins, Oakes, i Patchin and severa f' da pr evi ou s ro the m eetin g. T he month were given to each member of the council I l " y pro g. following corrections were noted: September { 5th.,` 1972, page 9, the motion regarding the expansion of the ,hockey rink (correction) I Busse voted, nave. Also, motion regarding five requests made by the Prior Lake Police Doparhn90t,.same date and page. (correction) motion -was made by. Wb instead of b , �akei. Also minutes of August 21st. 1972 1 motion re "rdi y ' Y . W . . Page . sia ng arience � .: requested by M,ckstrom (correction) should read 2'.7" Instead of 2X. Also page 11 2 first �� . porogral regarding .petition from �Lakiside Manor property owners (correction) m tr ctiplas ihouid be changed .b preliminary designs. With those corrections „ i e, a, motion wa made by %Patchin, seconded:by Watkins to approve`ths minutes.; 4` Upon a vote taken, .it was duly passed �, , ,IkMado &j,Oakei to approve payment of all bills approved by the Finance s cs w CQ tttee, seconde by Busse and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed. Earl Haformari 144 rpse the ".liquor establ Ishment5 `in Prior Lake requested an amend- nl, f to Ordinance No.,7l -20, to allow the liquor establishments to : be open &i . V06 and - t' elections. The item was referred to Attorney Sullivan for comparison with State Law requirements. A kpsibilityj4poit was presented by Vl/illiam Sc concerning Eastwood Road, li Fairlawn Shoes, and Town Rcw4,' All figures presented were estimated in April, 1970, and if the work was cone today, the costs should be increased from 20 to 2296. The cosh •were reported as follows: Fairlawn Shores Road 24 foot bituminous surface, 2410 feet, cost to Include grading, graveling, blacktopping; and drainage - $24,600.00. This excluding right-of-way costs. Town Roods 24 foot bituminous suriace,.l 8 feet, cost .to include grading, graveling, blacktopping, and drainage - $16,500.00. This excluding right-of-way costs. Town ° Road has a 33 foot dedicated "rightrof - way:- 3 Eaiiwood -Rood: 24.. fckot .bituminous.surface feet, n �,_r ' cost to Include i gi gro ve ' li i ; `61'ackto�pi'rig, and drallnr go, s14,00t?.00. ; This excluding right-of-way costs., Eastwood Road has a 66 foot dedicated rightrof-way,. . Mr. Brazil and may other pro�paerty owners ware present regarding inquiry. a to upgrading } the above roads'; acquiring additional rtghtrof -way, and'.,maintenance of some. After eonslderAble discussion, ,Majror Stock suggestad that the, property owners acquire a petition from benefiting property owners for improving the various roads and present the g g petition, to the Village Count :il�equest the improvement to, be made. Mr*' Brazil,' readit►y on Down Roan re'que ted that :hIs .comments regarding Town Rood be noted,, in the mirwtef: (I) `His request for the cour:cil ro .determine'the. rnatntonace on Town Road. O it olve the, additional rlplt-gf- wa�!'ntg ding,hIs bu (ding permit.: Action will be taken at a later d 'to,Nafler /i►ttorney;.tu tivan determines the logo ltty of road maintenance on certain roads. (� i ,Jack Packer requested,.cooperatlon In ordinating'village ronstructlon Projects with the various "utilitte :..Haroh± lsraelwn edvl:edahot.he co will con lnue. his policy of working with vitous utilities vithen making, his enpineering designs'. � ? Doyle Krahling presented a proliminary'plat of Lakwoad` Hills 2nd �.ddltion. Motion ` was mad,eby Watkins that they :: plot.be refs` med. yback.to�the'f'lanntng,Comr�is: on,-and that Mr. Ksnhli llcate `on tiie,.p� i awe�r and stubs will be (stated to l serve the lots, and must also be approved by tile. Vi,Ilage�Engjnegr,, seconded by Busse f I and u fors a vote Token, it was dulpos�ed. A _ o,' MINUTES ofthe Proceedings of the Village Council = of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and ' State. of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ,t is Harold Ism eIsm a�ised that the water.storage grant was submitted August to 31st, 1972, ' and it is estimated to take 90 days process the preliminary application and another 60 days for the final application;. r Mr. Israelson advised that both William Schmokel and A.J. Schunk want the water main extended on 9th. Avenue from County Road 44 to Minnesota Trunk Highway X13, but indicate they do not want the sewer at this time. Mr. Israelson:advtsed that Mr, Schunk. i agreeable toaigntno a waiver of Improvement hearing, and advised he will sfcure the waivers frorn both Mr. Schunk and Ms. Schmokel in the wry nea r future, Motion" was made by Watkins to " adopt the following monthly pay schedule &* , the Prior t ales Police Department, which will` apply to all'' now member% O' fterjfih datei Patrolman: Reeiv(t - =700.006 months)(; 6 month probationary poriod: # Na Police"Science-School roeotbsd. Sdt(sfisetc�rji ° ,ork. Technician: _ $725.00 (6 $700.00 months - I )4C6' , After the 6 month probationary period. �) No "Polies Science School roeordod Satit "' , Regular:- 2 i7 5.00 $80o.00 (I year 2 year) After the 6 � month probationary pine ~ :' w x t taste Poltco. Selene' School `eaJitpleted. 'Sotinactory work. Senior: $800.00 $05.00 (2 year: - 3 ' After the 6 month probe rind /` ' Various Police Science Scary Pe. pools and Manaemenf ` completed and recorded. Poli { ce:(Sargeant) $87500 $950.00 3 years to 5 years in the Prior Lake Polies; Deparfinent May supervise poltee� and detective work Police :(Captain) $950.00 - $i 025.00 r . 5 years and up In the Prior Lake Police Deparhn Administrctive' r ` > and deteeti. Polite :(Chief) $1,025'.00 I' S Yeas ,experlonce In the Prier Lake` Police Department �rankin ' above` that` of- "patrolmlan elau fTeatton. g Chief ' Inistratf resfpor�st61t1ty to direct and Jcobrdindte all oetivittiel of the" Pollee Q ` Department, etc. taineii in this schide,l+e 'shalt tlelte,/ aliogat. or lis;eii the : dutie , ; . " , or van on or impos id by the Civil .Service System. k Th aiotfon was secoitdad by fatchin and t pan "a vole taken,. it was duly passed. } Dale Melhok )a4tv4ed `that he liar hod" /1 solTetfars and`su rid that an otidinance °, p�inh regarding xjlof`tochniques used by' obtotnsd'be bY'adoptid whereby a` perilstt vrould have t b tlors'N�ry eauld sell' in 'Prior Lake. `Motion was made e Watkins that Attarne SullManidraft en' Y Siine and'u O�inO^co` »gardtng'soiicitbii to tae Vill*" of'Prior' Lake, seconded by t ai Vote taken; It was duty paged f rn 81ohm r 1 Mrs j Fe requested a variance ro build a P three (3)'feet inside her easterl , property Inc , totter w n reeeivecl� tirom'Mr. Keith Schr t , he tong y roede jj owner to the' fait, granting piimission to Mold' 3 feet Property was made by Wd&I`s to a fraei hiss westerly f ine. Motion r Pprave the �airience fo'Mr FemrK ohm, seconded k by Nue and up on, It sues duly p r o�tad / - ,r . 71 - - t ` a vote taken, nee far the ) ^ . An ordina regulation; possession, and`diichorpe of firearms and licensin of rifliri; sket.,'tt3ap; and plstol' within the age g ge" of Prior;lake wan considered' as 'written b Attorney Sullivan". It was noted that to, ordinance did' riot havd a penalty 3 clause. The council alvlsed�A tto ne . Sullivan td litelude .d penalty clause ii ce and return for passage r, earliest R In the ord at th pomible -date. - J (2) '+ MINUTES of the Proceedings. of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Countyr of Scott on State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. M otion was made by Patchin to adopt Ordinance„ No. 72 - 15, an Ordfnnce establishing the salaries of tIW Mayor and 'm6M60s of the Village Council.. >S'he V I;lage Council of t ' • the Village of Prior Lab, Minnesota do ordain w follows: SECTION : - 'The salary of k - r `Mayor,of the Village of,Prioe Lake shall Se $30.00 for -each viltaged;council meeting • `1 thnded,. not to exceed Rthree (3Ymeeting per month. -SECTION 2. Th ,salary of each ember of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake shall'be•S20a70 for each eating a not• to exceed three (3) meetings per month: ` SECTION I. ° Ordnance No. bo-2T entitled "An Ordinance fbring the salaries of the Mayor�a6d Truk fees" + is r.% . hereby repealed. SECTION 4.,'- This Ordinance shall be in full 'force° amid effect m fro nd,after its passage and publication according to law. Passed 5y; Village Counct this.i8th. day of-September, 1972, seconded' by Watkins and uponc•vots! 'taken "the following voted for said motion: Mayor Stock and Councilmen Wi*Ins;`Patchln, and h ~ Busse. Voting against said motloniwas Councilman 0akes.��Jhe motion °Married :. ` 12, Petition was received from' freeholders in Section 3, Spring Lake,Township property 1, lying east of th public access road who wish to be includeii ini Phase No be annexed "= . to'thu Village of Prior'Lake. Motidn`wa: made by Patehin 't6racceptthe•,petition� for ation by the freeholders- In Section 3, Spring Lake Township, se , conded by Watkins upon o 'vote'tnken, it was duly passed, x , The council was advised that Prior Lake Aggregates is ,interested .in leasing purchasing„ the village dump owned by the "village. The council, sugge>�ted #6w Pr t Lake -A tes W61 plat:: for. this; oro`perfY. or greget HOr'old Israelson advised that the initallotion of sanitary so'' -water Fm ns, and storm ss+vwrs in�'Phase 1 of and South has-been completed and rocominends.thet� council ae4ept �mmte Motion4was made by Pafchin to acce�t the sanitary eewers vrater mmmains and storm sewers,in Phase t, of Prior South Addition, seconded by Oakes arel.,u�Qorm .a vote 3 = low, it was,, duly passed. tiA } q lion was ;made by Poichin to approve the 1973 budget for the yea , as fol low:: General mal ice Deparimrmentc,, FW Department St►ept Department 46,250 Pt Detsartnent 6 Nr C'eporfinent SpMiir Department • 18 +'g ! Levy LimiMtion = I34s� otion wae�se gnde by, T �:n �d, Watkins and upon a vote taken, was duly passed, followins. bi+►i we. paid: Steven Schmidt . Part time patrol � � � . :38.86 r Dale'Me1hak + Pat thne patrol /office ;;,`� , ,• ;, 110:79 rmis Leff eart'time patrol 485 41aek1ap "�onsbruc , Seal coat . : 2.50 Phr(ar Lake dorek Fadarai(• D it f pale Mei �' 90.25 Salary • ., A.,.� 01 20 . Oven Schmidt Ssiil s�eil Lawrence 5aIWY , 256.80 N «S.P. �titities t4600 Rice Tlephona Utilifiai -' garter: Lifs Go. r �aspiialization 12"e. ► i�ndoedz Oil T��ank fill ' 290:00 State Treowrer P�.ER.A. � 400.30 k6altsville imp" Film etc._ 16 87 1, • -, • 111666ck i t ennen Grading, etc.; 354.50 Scott County Mapping Naps, etc. 32.00 / - Marj► ' Pe Eiec. Mudge 26.50 (3) I 1i �/ MINUTES,of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in t the County of Scott and State of, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND continued AI, Morcott, Sr-. , Prhn Elec. Judge 26.50 ' AIIw Mueller Clare Prlmery Elea judge, ; ' 26.50•° l .Mueiken , Primary Elec. Judge , ,. 26:50 Arid Bluedorn Primary Eleic Judge, 126.54 Margaret Sue) Primary Eloc., Judge 26.50 D e n nis Westland Sewr Prinwry Elec. Counter ... ?rimary Elec. Counter ..; .. 4.50 4.50 i "co- `Pavek Pram wy Et", Counter " 4.50 1Naily,;Stock PrtmaryIlec. Counter d.75 dill Lentz Primary f lqc , Countor 6� 75 Gullf fli) Corporation_ , Service Call,, - • 8.00 Febt Blanehard,C6.. , PoliceiCar Supplies. Civil Service Center Tests - _4;22 61:00 S C.M. -Co.., Copy machine repair 24.50 Liague of Cities Subscription 25.00 Cepbat.Tractor Co. 11�onrer, i 664.00 DA .&.0 Insuraince .ProMium ?72.00 ;, , C.N. & Sullivan Leggl, Feel ":(Soptmnber) - ?06.25 C.N., 8< Sullivan Legal Fees (/hugest) t s► 2,!!6.22 . r �►u!o Central Supply, . Not., "Los Co. ; Rpoirs , . Utilltie: ' .86 ri Treasurer of Scott Co. Tax Asses:ment/1gr�ement ;; 't•, x,730.00 Dala Melhak Salary 3'10.20 E Yom.. SN n flat- Lpwtin t s. <;, Sal a ry ; , , �:.... ' WADER Pt1tVQ. t f 6,735.53 Yrtor L ola R ank Federal. Deposif ` 122.10 . , . 'Salary 0 .• 2512 ; r Patmaster, , Salnty Postage ' `148:,16 48.00' Harald Isroelson Engi Fee 266.34 Bankers Life Co. FlospiQIzation . ,�;� `, r :fSirndard'ail Co., Tank ftlnl .67 Stpte Treasurer 1 E,*R, ,3 gp 78 ' Wabr Ptoduefs.Co. A4 M, 649.76 " ! PNor Lake* Electric Pump i�ipair: r, ` 15:00' y Dion Ciwaica Co. c Ne & 'Sulliva„ ChNniool: Le0al Fee: M78 Minn. NNtural,,Gas Co. UtlFttla so.00 3.69 C.N.. 3- Sulityan z ie i Fees 400,00 + , , • ° RWrbeteYMas ±ller =' ' . .. ' Me1Fer Reaiiinp' �' . " . 50:88 � lern[w Pavek Salary 35:14 ` Eliaer .Beata Salary `. '. 251.21" ; 2 ` SEWER FUND of Lsiu, lank. Feeksral ;Deposit 72:20 n J `�'Haiirold' q _Sai ary laeeelson Engineering Fee ° .364.34 Life 1:. `Hcis NG1,1zat on '' r' , f 5 :93 Sk�ndord.•011 Co T" - fill 23.67 il gleie. Treasurer R,�:R.A- 129 49 Miztio Sewer Board, Confi,644 „payment 44. 1 6 4 & Sullivan. Lego Fees .. 400 , 00 iCk`'Cata Reading 73.92 Rayond Jolwiron W.W. Gratz SolteY Sa lary (58.00 � n $'i 1;787441 4 , �t MINUTES of the Proceedings,of the Village Council of the Village of Lake ,in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. FIRE FUND Utilities =. ` Scott Rtee,Telepkdna. t Utilities, 66.75 Standard Oil Co. Tank fill Boulevard. Launders Cleaning blankets _ 3.59` C.F. #nderion�Co.` - :Si�np#iei._ k _.� 35.79- CoYer & Akins. .t Supplies 244.55 Minn Natural-Gas C*..; - Utllities� 10.00 M $408.18 STREET FUND P,lacktep Construction Seal coat 1500;.00 Standard Oil Co. Tank 61, 1 23.66 Win. Mueller & Sons B.T.U. Mix 42.00 Joe Graham Use of Blade , 24.00 y Kermit Gruber Welding 5.00 W.G.; Gravel 7.15 $'160 s1 .BUILDING FUND. £° L g(L'Har'dware =Ltbi" repairs, eta. "89047 ' .Pinion Lake Nursery Sehrubs ' 519:00 � ; Schroeder:Blcek ParkirigCurbe- 42:.50 #Iiower Shops Libray flowers 154,00 Morin * oars Lumber, � Fitht� door 50.00 Graf' Industrial Supply Front door mat , '4:00 Borka:`t Ornaments Outdoor decorative flowers .:.. , y 25.00 First Minneapolis Bank Int!ere'st b Bank Charges " 88.00 Gain vieve Fohrenkamp Cleaning Hall 66.00 PARK FCJND ° Lt L;Hardwaree MISC.- 25.94 Utilities 2.08 Donli Repair Blade Sharpening 9.00 o Ki9Mt's Welding : ^: Eq:itpment repair ° '19.05 56.07 I 71-1 STREET. GRADING WATER & SEWER FUND *wki 8 Glbion Apprai'al c 7 350.00; kior Lake Ameirican Legal Publication (bids), t , 19.50 Paul Wermersktrohen Register • 20.00� Legol Fees 35.00 Motion was made by.Busse, seconded by Patchin to adiournt _ .. W.W. Gentz, Clerks x September. 25th, 1972 Y The Caantton Council of the Villag. of Prior Lake met' in specldl lesion Inthe office of the.V,ItIgg%.clark evening, September.25th., 1972;, pt 7:30 P.M. Mayor Stock. oailad the meeting. to order. Roll' Cali: Present were Mayor Sfoek, Clerk Gentz,. ail Caunctlmen Watkini, Oakes atchin and 'Busse. A The Prior Lake Sporhme i `« n Club and a applicatton a Non ^Intoxicattnq,�.2 Beer License (On Sale) to be, used,, to coniunctton with a horse show held `Septrnber 29th., 30th., f Oetobpr IFt., 1972,. op�tbe ir4.wWlar shaped property, across from the Brook=vil a S oppin Garr. The propgrty 4 owned. by Clarence Gross.of Minneapolis, <. Minn. Motion was made by Busse to grartt Prior, Lake Sportimin Club an 0 Sale ' Non- intaoiiuittng3.2 Bee �r'Liceriii on the property owned C1ar+eeee Gross, across s' ken .the Brooksville Shop Center for the pp ng prt3d'Sep6mber19tn. through October hit,, ,t'2, .figca fquf ;LOOO,.slgQndd by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly; MINUTES of th - e Proceedings of the Village Council' of the Village of Prior 'lake nthe County, of "Scott and 8 ,State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Jim Olson of Juran & Moody, Inca and Harold Israelson presented•a` r'v'iad prellminat`y Analysis of the ys proposed sewer and` vbist6i improvements to the Lakeside •Manor, Condon Addition and to other area: abutting thi Savage Viilage-L'im.1h. The `gate submitted were as follows: A. ENGINEER'S'ESTIMATED COSYs SEWER LATERALS X " h TRUNK TOTAL Eng. `Est. - 25% - Sewer., r f $343,691 l ,=932,328 2. Eng. Ea. - 2596 - Water, k} „ 130 025 i3I8'2 269 3. Grand Total 7 I 18:662. 66; i, 935 1.380.597 d. ESTIMATED AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIRED: .1. Principal & 2. Add: 596 Stab, rayon }�-. y t I (7,852 � � 5892 C ESTIMATED AVERAGE ANNUALAECEIPTS: I. 'Assessments: € �! (a) 26,055' Amenable - Sewer °Lateral @ �- °I3z;19 = =t 343j665 I; (b) 12:550' Assessable - Sewer Lateral on trunk @ 13.19. =. 165,534 (c) 33,405' Assessable - Watir Lateral . @ 9.,'�3,- .418,349 e? (d) 5.200 ANSSP ble. - Wahr La eral on trunk @" 9.53 =. 49 556 (a) 549A Amenable -S r- .Tr ' @, 4.00.00 A 'w3 (f1 ?4l9, 600 549A (g) TOTAL ASSE ss•k�le - W!'W Trunk @ "a 10.00 - 6 � 4 t 390 *4 " (h) Average An m'ial iptrr:v 4h lnierest @ 796 100,376 2 C �' C ,• R (a) 212 b � V rt odlat�.fonrNCli (b) 26 aps.(averagsd over 20'years),, 5 300 i : C '=SOO.00E 2 , 13,000 3. Indicated Ad Valorem - Appr=cimately 7.6 trills (66 OM) .. , : { S,Obg .._. 4. Total, 4,123 744 s Lateral Cost - S•Wer _ 363 691 i a Amenable .feet a $13.19 ft. R 2. Latwt l Cost - Water - _ ✓ = m ,. Amenable f"t 405 5 ft. •.-3. Total Sewer Trunk `Colt ` _588' Lestr Assessable for lateral - 165r534 Balance •ooerablr - Future areas :'4. `TotoCjNar Trunk Cast " ° 13, 025 n it Len: Asssssabl• lss ..._ — 49' 556 ;Llllterable 4 Pot•ntlal Aerss = T 51 10.00 per aces Motion war mods b ►fPd` "llivthat H*oAi* sreelson'atid "' Jim'Ol:on- 'inelude'any areas being ber»fttted by , hr abavn e d in servic . be include ` Improvement al, seconded Watkirr and upon ei:•irotsi n;, 'It' a,duly poised .' this Propos d b y Motion :by of - wafer on 9th A te:d °tl:e s wait " Oaip �oc awsin' venue fram,Scott County Rood X44 ttt Minn. H`i ' Trtinl �!3`co itiny►nt ° are li#!*ay r upon if slgrpd waivers severed from+' the" aliitting ;awnirs't�v Naive' the iassisatnint hearing, second by lliaa and upon a t vole tokejs k veal dulys'passrcl n . �... ' .. _ � r Motiori was made by Buis• "tie advert$ for sealed bids to plow snow t: shee L with a ones way plow with wing, and also for sanding Village steals, •bothfbids am to be bid on au: hourly basis, said bid: are to be received until P.M., -October 16th,, 1972; seconded bylWatk ns and upon q voM tok`66, if # was duly paved. A ij MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village. Council of the Village of Prior lake in the�County, *F &ott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council; Motion was made by Wotkins`tb adopt .Ordinance No. 72 - 16, an Ordinance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code, (for details of ordinance, see Ordinance Book) seconded- by.0okes and upon a vote taken it wa3`d(si'y passed: ;Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Ordinance No. 72 - 17, an Ordinance for the, regulation, possession and discharge of'firearms, and IicensihS of i1fles skeet, trap,, and pistol ranges within the`Village of Prior Lake, Minnesota, (for details of ordinance, see Ordinance Book) seconded by Watkins and upon a''vote taken, `if 'was duly passed'. °Moyer' Stock abstained. The request`by'Eorl Hafermbn to`amiihd Oidinance'No 71-20, to al'low,.the li quor "establishments to remain li quor ' Village and County elections was,,deriied. ` 'Motion was made by'Patchin to buthorize the Mayor-And the Clerk. to sign`an assess mint agreement to have'its property assessed" by Countyi4ssessor of Scott County, for the assessment of the year: 1973 artd 1974, In con:iderati&n "for said'assessment service s, the Villag of Prior Lake `shall "`pay the County of Scott th�;iunn`of $1, 500.00 °and such payment to be made to the County Treasurer on or before duty ,, 15th., 1973, and '$1, 500.00 °such payment to be 'made to the .County Treasurer on orbefbre July 15th.,' ' 1974c The apreemient is to be accepted continynt upon two factors: �No.Y I - That °u Councilman, 'Peter J. Patchin 1146 11alson for the Village of hi' Loki and that the A'sasso lo..Office' work with him irii iIi No 2 - That the'council receive: a ..report firm thii Assessors Officce `of- market values and other, data to be presented at 0111tht Equalization Meetings,r 4ach,ye6r, at least faurteen'do YS previau= =ta the meeting, $econded by Wa#liins and upon a'voris'taken the 61lowing voted in, fairer thereof: *o)kwStack,�and Councilmen Wa11�J %tc:KIri, and'Bu"..' WVi4 d bist said madam ~was counciknan Oakes. 'Tlie� notion carr'ied`. Motion was made by Patch' to' bppeti 'd revised budget for the'yea - 1973, which is „ as Wows-;, Cyenerol $44,'100. Police Departme nt 57 07tT Fire Department $23,125 - Street Department 555,250 ,Pork Department 6,300 Water,,Departnent $36,195 ' „ Sewer De at .. . P� 5 18,925 $240,865 Total 1973 Tax`Lisvy` 80,795600 The motion was seconded by Watkins and upon o vote taken, it was duly passed. 1 Motion was malcla' 'as, seconded by :Busse to adiourn Motion carried`' W.W. Gontz, ,Clerk September 27th. 172 I The Common C iu cli of the V ii aged of Prior Lake met in specia'1 session in tho, Office of the Village Clerk; Wetlr day evening, September 27th.. 1972. at 7:30 P;�iM..Mayor Stock eolied the meitnga o enter. Roll Cai1:..Ptesent were Mayor Stock Clark Gentz, an¢ ns Counclhpen WaltiI", Oakes, and Busse.:: Absent was Cou ilman Patehin. ° The purpose of the meeting was to receivewand cornidir bids for grod`ing, /storm sewer, base, Curb, and gutter, and paving on 9th. Avenue.. The followingUb'ids were opened and tabulated:. . Minnesota Valley 5% Bid Bond $ 194,971 '115 2. Riegger Roadways, Inca ` :5% Bid Bond 209,879;30 3. Fischer Construction Co. 5%1id Bond 193,858.55 4. Northwest Bituminous Co. 596 Bid ,Bond 209,875.30 ' 5. AlexandercConstruction Co. 5% Bid Bond 207,336,95 ° Motion was made by Oakes to accept the bids Iisted above and table the awarding of.. r ' some until Consulling'Engineer, Harold Israelson; has tabulated and analized said bids and has given his recommendation to whom the bid shall be awarded to, seconded by t Watkins and` upon a vote taken, it was-duly pussed. 'Motion P� by Oakes to adiQurn seconded by Watkins and upcq o vole taken, it �, ( W.W. Gentz, Clerk