HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 02 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota„ including all�,aaounts audited by said Council.
s.c. Oc�r 2nd , 1972 .
The Common Council, . of the 'WIla`be of Prior;�ake met in regular session in the office of
Village Clerk, Monday'eventno, October 2nd., 197 at 8 :00 P.M. Mayor Stock;
celled the meeting to order. Roll Cg)l• Present
were Ma
Councilmen Watkini, Oakei ;Patchin andA8usse. yon Stock „•Clerk Gentz and
4e i , ,.•-eft• ;.••l.id c:. .
S 3 q $
A; number of residents abuffing S s Road were a
present. A- legal opinion was
received from Atforney`Suriwan. No, 'l: Whether
or, net Fairlawn Shares Road is, or
was, at the, time of annexation, a township r
rood, which can be
maintained by the municipality of Prior Lake
' . He advises "wile n Y an road or portion
thereof, shall have been t used and kept -. ”` "' " ' "'
repa it worked
p t i k and for ati lea :t six ,year
} t :. r xe.. ,
continuously as a public highway` the
, same shall be dedicct t sd to the public to the.
width of tw rods:on,e side of. the centex'line` thereof a
lawfully'vaco '�find, reM in ' until
ted o public hi`� way, "whe •
same has
public hi rira ` °r ever been a t�obl ished as a
Pv y or, t riot, Conclusion; ft ii, there are, our conkclWon that there has
a common law dedication of Fairlawn Share Rood Ito the'public and..that it is a public
roodwar'and t6t` pub) ic nds may 6 lose t
fu o maintain or i we thi i
. "tPro, s Yrood wa .,
No. 2 Whoa "i : the ��yhtrof` -way fcr Fairlawn Shores Rood? He "ixcept
a=,othirw�fse vtded `all ~ advises:;.
Pro .. roads hereafte established, except cartway shall be, at
least foo, i-6, 3 wide: AA40,4iorial �ightrof -way{ and "easement, i` 4 lud
includi` 1 Ing easement,
t.l n,eosement= rieeded'#or dra.irage, ,'nay be acquired by purchasa, fift or eminent
domain proceeding,, then necessary f('w cpnttruction, maintenance, s spfe ## ty or convert-
=once of 1 is trove) . "The rte h
i,>y f�'suc additional agh# -of- way =,and easements;
:l=oll be di tenriiaed by ths.rood authoritie�s' laavinp, iurisdiction the,.particular road
involved. It t :., further i ion
p,iDp, n that Statute, 160.04, �relatiw to roadway width, is
not dpplicable and ttiat`tlie road y
yya t e
t utonl�r
c' la
1 30 .feet,. _the me al ,Ii indicated
on the plat of Fairlawn Shores Ro'" The "council advised the residents in at:e'ridance
that FatrIgwq Shmes Road be
will mgintairnd.;ald will be,
so, and next firing the'road will be oil'ad ` "" grove In the next week or
, as in the post.
Jim Olson of Juran and Moody advised the followi
�tlmdi� street im ng• re0ording °estimRW requirements
provements [nor the 9th. Ave" bond.
. Construction Cost ! , $202,358.55
2. Add 596 Contingencli 10 117.
3. Sub Total 2 2476 4$`
4. Add 1096 Enginoenri�`' a a 21 24764 1G
5: Sub Total 233,724.2 , , ` ov
Legal, .Fiscal, Misc. 10 117.
`' �
7 =3ub Tdibl.. r �. ....
" �, " ; ,: ,; , 4
8. Interest during Construction
15 .000
' /
`rToloi 1t iwd 258,.842.05
10. 'Add 2%- for*6c:ount$id 5;'176:00
Grand Total' 64 8 �5
X12,,; Rounded Bond: <hwei, - gip..
k , 13. rou�ny; Participefflau .. ,. s.. _,, ; •�r. �' "�,, i'
°Rounded Y6onif A 45 ..
• : 14.. Villaoe�Co�t,:•I:Cioet • . ,rE —"—' -
Bond Iwo B $ 109;000.00 0
. ,,,IS.•> Aslditibnal Vtlloige .Cost, , F a
� ��
Jnfehst•@ 5 I/296r ' 42,625.W
16. Adjusted' Village Cost
t 'Asseuable . ;.191;625.00
t k _
MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Village Council, of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
1973 ,
1974 '
1975 -
1976 $4:000.06,
1 977 S5, 000.00 Gated: 11111
1978 .. s5oo0.00
197,9 55,000.00 Mature: 11/I, as scheduled.
k,S180 .
1981. $15,000.00. S5 000.00 • `,:Interest: ° I I/IM and sam i - -
1,982 10,1)00.00
`E15,000.00 10,000.00 .;annually, ther�eafter.-
1983 . 10, 000•
1984 $15, "000.00 , 10 Der ��m.` "S,I, 000 or $5, 000
,000.04 .
20,000.00. 10,000
1986 20,000.00 10'000 00 Da
10 000. e, Time of tale:��
1967 20, 000.00 '�, Oc tober�l7; 1972 at 7:30 P.M. .
1988 20 000.00 10,000.00
3 55�` 000.00
000 7 . 00
Min. Bid 5151;917.50 $106,87.50
otian was mane ad t t
by Patchin ro op � the following „resolution and moved Its adoption:
RESt�Wt10N' providing, for Iic $ale of =155,000 General Obllpation Street
prowmeet Bonds of 1 972, Serk A. and :109,,000 General Obligation Street lei
ant Bads of 1972,'Ser es B• '8E IT RESOLVED by the Village Counci
or Lake M lof the Village of
. rtnesoro,_:as follows: �(I) Jt,is:hereby found, determined °sand declared
that this Villcge Id ism 5155 000 bli Lion
X , .. General O ga Street not
Sid. .Improwmant Bonds,.of
1972, IK and :109,000 General ;Obligation, Stteat lire
riot B,' to d. fra � `exp4nfe of street im VIII provemant Bonds of 1972, G
provwnents. in the `
Boll meet at the,time pod place. (Z) This council
isRecifkd in; the form of. contained for Ilse. pu Pare
f openin0 and cau "daring sealed bid:, for o notice con r
ii lion n
. red awarding the sale;, of $ 15,5 ;000 ;General
1�° ; , . t _ wm"t 8 red: of, 19772 Series A and $109.00 0 "General Obl i ion
fn�t i l:u prowmenfs ondi Of 1972 Serie "B of `said Vill gat
h!riby aufhor iz�d and dime _. °�° • . (3) The Vll logo` clerk fs
eta 'a, le d'`"! ' , each .bond notice of the
' issue
t1he�Vi1 °.ix+rpase of said meeting robe published in the o dial new: of
in iaf West
irrmerc, „Igsi "than 1n PPa'
provided'.6 law ti ten.day _ , z oOvance of date of sale
Y (4): Each ail .of the terns and. provision of each of the fore
irlp forms =of notice are hereb `'
lteues,and the l Y ad °plod as the terms and conditions for the respective
sa•�.thsteof (5), Fo( 1�jrp"_Of camraying with tthe maturity
inmen o`f � MSA : Soctian 475 t
of l9 1Nahnnai •', ;Sanitary Sewer hn vemen
of 1963 ,Sorrel r In a n: Ba1dsR.of 1961. �oraolidot=ed Improvement
'' �"° prove t Bonds of.19�69
I?rowment 8ond=.pf�S�!0 � prowmentBonck of 19 0
f the "Vila a if Provanont Bonds '*f 1971
y manber, Tam Watkins, and u 1D 1 a4 Pf t11e poly resolution was duly seconded
vo, thereof: M. p°" °"Ole being taken thereon, the "following voted in
- °Y �a , dnd 'Coune &. , n w Ms, Oakes,. Patchin, and Busse,
Iisiwupon, said resolution - ai declared dui a
Y P and adopted .
otion was mode by Busse ro I .fol lawj
" - oduce
Irq ' resolution and moved* its adoption
N receiving bids and awarding con rac o� and storm sewer
irnprovririenh of 197 BE: IT
RESOLVED, the Villape,Caunoil, of, the Allage of Prior
etke, Minneoro. `as follows: (1) All bid:
on. Street and S
n tornn Sewer
Improvemets of 197.2 are hereby received .and robuland 2
ampae►y,,ln the_anounf a ,5193,858.55 far the canshuction of said mprovements�n
u '
ccorslance 4 wifh the plats. a4 specifications and.adwrtisiment for;bld_- is the lowest
:portable bid and shall be and hereb is acre �._
Y • pted (3) The Mayor and the Clerk are a"
y authorized and directed to enter into,,a contract with sold bidder, :for'the carts
of sa truc�
tan d ImPro end ar and on be
half of the Village. (4) The .Vfll
y thorlied and `,directed to f:lark is
it bids,. except that the deposit , forthwith to ,all ;bidden the: deposits made with
posit of the,successfu!•bidder and,
the rwxt loweit bidder x
Boll be ret°ined until a contract lies been executed.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villdge Council of the Village of Pr ior '' '..� Lake in the Cou of Scott and U
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Cou!,t-;I,
The motion for the adr+ption of the foregoiog resolution was duty seconded by Patchin and
upon a vote be taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof• Ma or Stock
and Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, `Patchin Busse, whereupon
duly passed and `adopted. P� said resolution was der x _
Motion was made by Oakes to accept the following a
Roger L. Rovick, Presidnt4of P 9 �eement which acknowledges that
Pr ogress Valley Properties, Inc., and William Schmokel
have waived all l egal rightx insofar as any proceedings are concerned"iri'bonnection with the
assessment`against their property for watermain improvements of 9th. Avenue: WHEREAS
of , Pr Lake, Minnesota,, at the present time, has controoted for certain
paving on'the streets of said City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, WHEREAS, - certain citizens
of 9th. Avenue from Highway No. 13 to County.Roa l 44 (Wisconsin Stly, in said Village
are desirous ° of making cortpimwatermain improvements.to this '
WHEREAS, the said citizen; are hereinafter enumerated to wit (1) p o Progress Val e�e y
Prop., Inc, (2) Williarrr,J,. °Schmokel, NOTE:, Waive right of hearinp'notice only: retain
right of objection in regard,to "cunt of assessment in relation to other "
WHEREAS,. said citizens are desirous of havin said iPeMY• AND
+cutely, and therefione, ce gatennainprowm•itt done immed- g
rtQin',notices required by law in order to assess sa improvemei
not beinrduly t
have complied with and, WHEREAS, said citizens hereby desire to waive
any and all legal rights insofar as said notices,°and.leqol
have sled Improvements assitiiid proceedings an' concerned and
agolnst their property, as if said notices had been legally given; THE UNDERSIGNED THEREFORE AGREE that they hereby waive all legal rights
Insofar as any proceedings are Concerned for assessment of water main an'
j their property as ,mode b Harold G. provm•nfs hereby
Y Israelson of Bloomington, Minnesota, °,and they hereby
consent that said wetternlcrin 'imptnvementibe'asses ad ct "wch time and'' ' ' as an de-
signoted by ;thi laws .arid Ae'stdti tis of thi l
t+ate of Minnesota. The motion was seconded
1 by'Watkm": and upon' a •vote taken "'it wcs duly 'passed.
Motion. was made by'Watkins' to authorize tiib' tlildyor and Clerk to sign the following i
bgriement batwee� thei Vf the `of Prior ta1Za' dnd° s'
County of, Scott for the construction
of County Stars Aid Hi` No ti�Y 39'(9th - Avenue). `'THIS AGREEMENT, made this
second'- day�'af October; 1912, by ° the Villa of Prior Lak
o e, Minnesota, ,
° municipb) corporbttdn; party of the first *f; here in* fter known'a
s the' Villa and
i the County tf Scott 'Mtntiesdta; a munici ` i cur `, pd ty of `the second
inafi•r kndwn as the C n 0 pbratian r, part, he
ou ty. WITN,ESSl:Ti1,' #that the parties'to this agreement; pursuant
Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subdivision 5 and 7, each in .consideration of the agree
C, m•nts;'on'tlte;port oNthe other herein `c6n!tdir;*d do hereby agree
irt•nt slioii apply only to "County State Aid Highway 39 ted
between Tr as fdlloWs The agree I
g , y (9th. Avenue); which is loca ynk'Highwo y'No t3 in. Section 2 Tw .
p "114N`; Range 22 W and Trunk High
way No. 13 in Section 36; Twp,' IISN, Range` 22 W.
The duly selected 'tonsultiYig for°
Isrbelson, B16omi iwdlect shall b% Harold G, '
ngi+on, Minnesota; who shail'be the Project Er�ginee'= harge, and
the Valy'
of•hior Lakd sliaii; ail respecWhereaNer, act'as the 4iit of the County
of Sooft' ik "-
4 JFaProMebertt'of Gounty S' t4id Highway No. 39. ` Hoviwever, said j
ProvaFirCssidloitilrertf�r;df lfgl �(illagrar+e wbject to the approvdl'of the Scott '
I County Highwaay' in neet ias fdllows:
I No adverfliomint far bids'Aall be undettcken until the la
County.;HIjhwoy'EnginNr. P, ns are approxed by the
2. The County Highway Engler shall be
of the Coun tY Hi ' ng present at the opening of the bids and approval
sl y E irteer in writing
$hall be''obtained'b•f re the
contrdct ii'made. award of the
3 No mane "will b , " —
Count Y eased by the County until constriction work ;s approved b the
ty Higlwvay` Engineer. Y
4. All determinations by tli• County Highway Engirwer shall be based. on the plans and
specificat6111 as _ 1
prepared by Harold G. hira•I:or, and heretofore a ved by the
County Highway Engineer: ,,: PPro
The cost bf'the following construction
C in filll: items 4
isholl be reimbursed to the Village by the
ounty Coin I I '
(� man Excavation ' (2) Sub -grade preparation (3) Aggregate
Bane (4) ' Plant nixed blluFnirtous base aed'svrkce'
Bituminous Tack Coat (5) Bituminous Seal Coat (6)
ring castings. ,
( of manholes, adjustment of water valves and
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scot��, and
State of Minnesota, including ll accounts a
g audited by said Co Council. P
The Village agrees to finance, with i1its awn,fun�d :, any and all of the following constructions ` g ty' : of
(I) Construction or reconstruction of concrete curb and goiter.
(2) Construction or rocon
'huction of any concrete walks or driveways. �
(3) Any required construction or reconstruction of sanitary sewers or water mains
(4): Any other items not specificaily agreed to be paid by the County.
The County and the Village, a`aree to. participate in`the. cost of tarns
s sewer co n,
Lion as per recoinmendatiors of the' Hydraulics Engineer,of, the Minnesota High way I
The County and the village further agree to participate in the Preliminary Engir� ringi
which includes all costs of'planning, design and preparation of plan and specifications,
A ark amount not to, five percent (596) of the, of constiucfioti;. they fiurther ;! 4
}. agree to participate in the construction engineering,, which ncludes,'thecpnpleb.
staking, inspection and supervision of the} constriction, in cA amouett rot;exoeeding five : percent ('596) of the final` coniractamount .'. Participation • of • engl ' " i costs by
County will be the same percentage as the total construction participation.; I{
` The cost of the items in which the`'C'ounty "will "portici" "pate will be hood ion the u �
prices In "46 contract and the final consiru, tsar it
k Engineer -In- Charge. �� quanfities,, ass detained by Project
lt`is further agreed that the Village will sell bonds ta finance the niitiri, project kind the
County will .reimburse the Village fior the C'' share of'the project vrithitr. Rw�;(5j.
years,after tiwt date of fond sale. The niotio pool
n was seconded by Patciiin a vow
ta ken,` it vow duly `pissed:'
made by Oakes . to iniroduce adopt the following reKO H A REAS
It would be`beneficial for the Vilf ,
a ape of "Prior Lake to adopt and def ", cent Fine
for' Candy Cava Road'ta an •extent that said road ,borders the subdivifon of Hi Oaks
First Addition; w
and iNHER S The plat of Hiddon'Oaks First -now on,file�`and
)f record in,th$ O#tC6,of.the.Restster,of Deeds in and for Scots C ic
tiep3cts a centerline far said road which confornivto t1e coordinates and . road b the =Village; and :WHEREAS it`hos been'deteriniriKi' that a ` (6D)'f
easement for road purposes would lie sufficient for public need: ors thisp'ortion of
said Candy Cove Road; and - that it is in the best interests` of the Village of bier Laka
that the public road designoted..as "Town Road on the said, plot -of Hidden Oaks Fint
Addition.be.ngftmore that► siety feet In width'od t c
t4can to qnd abutting sold Hidden
;G1?� *;Ron.. NOW, ` k*EFOREX'! l`1rE[i,That `''�
public road known as G ceMw =line of the
C andyC64Road,`and,desi*wtid "Town Road ,on'the plat'of
., Hidden ,Oaks First Addition on file and of record in the. Office;of�the. :Register of Deeds in
and` far Scott Coun be and the same or hreb " "i='
+ y estalil fished, adopt d, and conihAW
at theacentec.linf . of said road, and RESOLVED FURTHER,, That the Villa of Pri Lake
doe: hereby eel n�uish "ond.tirmiriah i
all of its rig ht tjtl _ *''
. a ,,ao,'' inte in t
t Bio .
` on of the publ
i'c signaled hood
doe: hereby vacate that ports road de • F
as.,fallows to�wtit; as "Town ",described
The Northerly Six (6). feet of `the North6il' ` 'Thi t ' .
y sty- three (33) fet of the
Town Road depicted on the plat of Hidden Oaks First Addition on ft le,
and of .rscord irk the Office of the Register'of Deeds in and for Scott°
Count', Minnesota; ;
c� h� and that said Village does hereby adopt, confirm and ratify the following described
portion of said Town Road", to wit:
i The Southerly Twenty-seven (27) feet lying North - of the centerline of
the Town Road and all of the Thirty -three (33) feet lying South of the
�i centerline of said Town Road, all as depicted on the said pint of Hidden
Oaks First Addition,
to be subject to a public easement for road purposes. The motion was seconded by
Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to appoint the following election judges for the
Election, November 7th., 1972: Mary Lannon, Clare Muelken, Al Sr., Marlis
Bluedorn, Mrs. George Lambert and Mrs. Wallin; with Julie Stock and Margaret Suel
as alternaMs, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Vill a go Council of the Village of Prior La k* ,in the County of Scott and `
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
y ,
Motion was made by' Oakes`thot`the foilowing`be c+�einMrs�ot the Gbneral Election
November 7th., 1972: Bernice Pavek, W.,W. G6ntz, Wah.Y'Stock "B v Soars, Dennis
Westl Ind, .Pith Oa in' and` Tom' Watkins` - ��
it duly d" ,seconded by a upon'a vote taken,
n0. .3
Doyl! "Krohling was present'rt�quitlnQ , "� !xptance of a' prei�rnt lat`dtthe Oakwood
Hills Second Addition. ,The - to be p#aO*d is Outlot A oF' the that his. Tans ar• kw4od' Hills Addn.
P r tb�build dupliuces Wtho Seeo l Addition °and requested an'
R 2 zorii H4`also vi' "° a "'
Qd sed hjvd: car Qarapes wil� liil cSrutru MdAr ' 0 :unit. Motion
,. i vra<`made° b VNotkins "ro a `the "�ilct the'
y r PproYe pMfi`minar�r of C +�okW�d Hills 'Second Addn�:
t atxl:ihot Mr. K 6 Ong be grotitt+daa condi canal used` `R
- &1 z i . ,, 0OrmIt to Wilts is an' 2 zon ^,
In ba t ng Pak:. u'P to drain¢a Ilvil' 4i�i "l�iiting catc
%ra'buildi petmih will b! isw d, se Oakes vote ta ken ,
flti k fl` rl ' vat i in favor the candid by and u a
nt) , reof !
and Bugs. ' V_o ti ai MaYa Stock, ! aind Caineir" on Watkitu, Potchin .11
! t , npoinst wid`niotlon wa: Councilman` Oakes, 'TiwF motion carild.
Buai, representing St. Paul's Lutheran Church, advised that the church, requata
apraiiinihindle:atld' m the munutes ob ecti'ng to t6t 2'roniti , sine! the purchasers
Motion mode by Patch
`wo: ln io restrict "king parollll ro the `
a Rand { s ' s, ! e south $14 of South Oak,
+ly oath C+akwood Roesd to T6*6 Rood, sieondid 'by'Watki� s and '`
a, voN taken;. ih!' Q i voed; in" n ,l6 ` � ' upon
!'o�chin CouitciI t
, Ia_' 'Ctake db toi heroof. 1Nayt4 StocR; and MuWlmen Watkins
nd Bush. : nod. the matioh cgrri�l.
t Councllmam Pot h' ted No 68 -32` be am
h a z �n >v that Ordinan ended In various areas,
Onii wail` bj► strilainp Sic "' IV► 6eccusi� Ph :ores' '
Diitriat : �Aoyor Stock ieati±ot A' ,f Ito holtiper qudlifiis'�is a Rurol Service
a ��'t „ reques tro 4 Soil"' draft o,�t.r �
;x ict`tor! tV and mak�E any ii4iw is; o diicussed Onlhionce deleting
M ma !' by'Ookis thatAttoon.y illivcn be in3lnictetl to aomplite tlt! order
�0 MNtC them ' f
advise Cttlk `T ownshlp
; o tfis spit of`amlts of the former l*x
t in Ftror
LAW ioe'tse 560` 265.'76, cdndrrd b Wiilki
T1, r = . rr .r $ . ; ! y' ns aitd uposY a n, t
►ote :take i
w� alury'pass�al .. ..
,. F s
lishti� of F obile
! r -"� ,Snbwm k OrdinPnce"has diseutte d at it! �' Ilnpth.
N�uncilan :p t` #.wero "d�pppined fo'b cohrmittii '�ivitb Louis Sta::n
'' x as.,"k "� Prattllnt of �: no;P mobile Cjub ` otid Jib F
a t . , S . aitheE, Prr :T" lO of the Prior
Lok! SrtpW, bil4 CIybF io draft and subedit a onlinaric for' ialae
tdkG l'h.t�S�'I2 me�ltirlR,. t x^ r �l' !.La2 the
wins b Duise to at I lot
Of1,! b y ! ,# ! the fi�na p of tiw �lrb6ksvilli'Hills�4th. Addn.,
y ptchin and upon °a vote taken; { if duly'po:iid` ;'
Motion '' ....
was moth Bu �,;
k ,> bY _*!, } sPcondld by Potchin to ad 'n: ` Motidn'erilet`
V`t .
W:VH: Gertz; Clerk
s i
x e