HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 16 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: ,
October 16, 1972
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met' in m ".session in the office
of the Village Clerk, Monday evening, October 16th., 1972 at 8300 P.M. Maya.
Stock called the;:cieoting to order:: Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz,
and. Counctlmssn Watklru, ,Patchin and Busse.' Absent was Councilman
' Pak e
The following bid for snow removal al was reed and tabulated for removin
o pened , « g snow on
village treets for the 1972- se
bhnmck, & Mennen Excavating, Inc. - Pr>tia Lake, IyAinnesota
Four Whs.el Drive Truck with a ore -way plow and, wi�n0 $22;50
,Four4heeI Drive 'Truck with a 5 to 6 Per e
i%and gravel boe,� S 16.00 parer.
and ful!'.hydraulic sander.
Motion was made by Patchin to accept the bid. and 1i r the axial and sandi
contract to Sohnsack and Hennen, as described above;l�sseonded by Wa't�c a: and upon g
t!e taken, it was duly passed. i.
Copies` of alt prorious minutes for the month were twn' „
` iveral da g to memberiof the council
ys previous'to the meeting. The following correction was noted: The
October 2nd., 1972 moitiiig,• last Page, motion re n0 pa on South Oakwood
Road should road "Motion was made by Patchin to prohibit rkl
k parking on the south tide of
South Oakwood: Road
'from North Oakw+Hod: Road to Town` Road; :• `b Watkins
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed."- Motion was; made by fuss. ` seconded by
q { * :} Watkins to approve the "minutia and upon a vote taken, It! was duly .uassod.
Motion was made b
Conimlthe Y ttasw to ppro fro iriant�of'vllYKtf11 "r`!,*DV c� 6j V6 Finance
seconded by Watkins arid"`upowd vote, taken, 'i 1?was duly pasard
A petition was ted b
Promp y William Kohihof, Financial
Chursh'to w wa S'Y. of Faith Lutheran
tor4 and m*or ices extended
uiMdlt 1iv serti o their now church ate. The ad-
111 bi a mints ' m red
ne essary to spind`'a -, of S4, 000.V0; fo'rr PH - 0r water a
r� ;ystim, unless p��trlic faivilitiei are 'soon mane avotlable: Motion"
FateKimio accept the petition," seconded b was made b
P� y' Busse and�upon a yeti tokin� it was duly;
Moiton `
was math Patehin° b autliorlxe Harold "Iscaoisonl "Vtiloge Bighwer, to make
016016111ty study to extend the water and sewor:mrvice;.to Faith'Lutheran Churck "and
4 new school °sifts, and eNot Iw d telin
*R ;�ltei ; - she' most economfecd of
tU . 61Wod'b* Vilatklrbi and'upon a wife` "taken, t '" two apparent i`outes tic =1,
�.. t'wai duly po„ed
R�ehord'Walsh' that tti vlifa` ,~ � �* .
�'ProPe %i Ij►Ing. npprox . mam y•30o.feet north of
agi Halt. ght'lsie planned grid cleared as park idnd;, tbcou stfforls of the
by `S�caiti'ond °asrbtonee from thelvillagi " He 1
• advised t•,th�``Scouti -are having
praltieras :!wring 'spacefor `tirlr fiinctlons and suggested that m� permanent t ji , dructurr bouid be built on'th e Y�'mme
oowunih►' Counieilmans property,whteh'wovld.''sfrw both;the Scouts and
y ,Patching appointed to study the propowl.
` + oliati�ras mod.¢by tWs�ia'to accept Chrirtge Ordsir irtng'the o`onhact of
tltfit" Co. Inc. to $10136.00 1
of `the waNr main from Coun Road 44 •to H work extension extension df'd portlaY stofnr shwa siw r ' cord ' 1 Y i3 Worth and 01 'tire construction
i ; . ed by Watkins and upon a vote taken; lt, was duly
Motion was mode b Watkins I •council' a
De e y W to 1"ob a ction'ro�ardinp the'requ`est b fire Fire
Pew � persounei and rmisslon to s y
" 000.00 on Pe _ pend apprm-
Y prbtectivs` elothin for fi» ftremin who have- ebmpleted their 6
(� month'trial training; until' Firi Ch1ef lasso , is present and makes the re quest, 'seconded
b PafrMn and u pon a'vote token; it woo duly poised,
Moti'on'was math by Wa a Y thgt "the Coi:ny'�on d� •^ • ' • F . ••
to Issue permits and t sp'dire ` Mkinning•Adminlsteetor continue ;
reect aN private water and "siwer systems se 6ndid b Patchin
and upon a vote token.;. It -was duly passed."
Wy ,
�t� c,i5 �1Vi17_...
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Co�jnty of and
; Scott
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was modR by Busse to adopt Ordinance No. 9, an Ordinance rogulatinp the
opirattoe of and eonrreetlon to the Municipal ,Sanitary Sewer °System, ,requiring
connections to soi , system, estabiishinp_regulattoru as to the type and• kind of waste
te=at may be disposed of'through the system, prohibiting the discharge of any type_ or
kind surface watan, proscribing rates and charges for d1sposaUservices, adopting
the Minnesota Plumbing, Code and penalties for vlolation of the same, (Ordinance
ftled Village Ordindnce hook), seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it
was duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse to adopt Ordinance No 72-10, , an Ordta once regulating
the Municipal water system and drilling of private wells and providth6 •penalties for
the vlolati thereof, and establishing votes far water service, (Ordinance filed" In
Village Ordinance tioold secwded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly
'Representatives from the Priorlake Snowmobile An'n. and the Laken Snowmobile
Club discussed the proposed new VII lase' Snowmobile Ordtnance.' The - Ordinance will
be based an the exlatfiv yi County Ordinances, with various changes to be
made.,f The cu in platted arm on weekdays, Is. to be 11 :00 P.M.. The Ordinance
has l:eert gear n toA orney Sullivan for llnal draft,
e d
i 4
-Hasid braelwn, Village Engineer, advised that he hits fintihed inspection and testing
of alhsewer ard,watar „Minas In the proleet known as Hldrlen Oaks, mid all.lines hove.
pst�sd :,Mspsctton mneHttg specifications for matwrtals and workmar:ship and recommend '
=riot the Villag *'of Peter Lake these main= as part of the village system, Aotioa
w ,
rlOa'mosli �Y ` flalal�in�t6al�ha ,;ldvtormoo;water line: in the Hidden Addition be
ee , a. R , Vtllaga S>Veto, aslconded by Watkins” and upon a voM taken,
�, Plf!d
it was duly paced
AAotion suet made onto Into the following agnameot with Charles Tooker
1l�lla 01anrer: "T. his A greemant, entored into on the 16th.: day of October, 1972, by
YtLIagP of Pttor Lake,. Mtnner, ta,,a R, unic pal Corpgrafion he »iriafter called the
"Ytllog!" andChm�lps Tooker, City a�d'Town Planning, whose office booted at 316
4 is
Third St., For+e�,an, Minnesota ,.5024, `hereinafter designated a: he "planner''.
1NITNESSETH: In consideration of the promises and agreement: of each other, the
pities h+nto aqm ,as follows: S he Planner hereby to provide all
fry =ro?4 (,�,updating the CorMrol Development Plan ;apd,Zoning, Ord inonce
L ter; �x.a(IP s# FS,tor in Sam County, Min set forth
as our letter of
- 0 l9?1 to th�e�,Villago Cquaellyand: Planning Comm scion,, attached hereto and
iipW part of Agreement. All plans, outlines, drawings, maps, reports, and data
Pf rtwcx as j sort! corn o General Diva nt Plan a nd
o a> l ,ti!o, f'tlre Village` for its own use ardAbeneftt,
r !�i,.i i!1 (•x @ ,� q,' tg furnO all materiah and
r . services noeeaa for the
a�tl:orized wok aid :10 assume all cats, ;r+aluding. travel expenses, salaries p
of employ-
angoged afie Pier, `'and; artie=r, incidental expenses relatt thereto. The. Plan -
"not Pat .to information and inn, connection
«aoisjb 4ch assistance as k maY b! rf *a!ssaeY
,with loon of the extsting subdivision ordinance, plus,o adoption
r fficial
the�rrfYisad C,mmpr+itbemlw P an. the Planner wel l visit the, VII la0 fi-am time
, to time
ioi 'oolloct,data alnd ;wank on.siad plans and, at such time, . will alto be - available for
41r►ce, h,e Village Council PlannnQ._Conwnission, and. ntrrnted Citizen's Groups.
SkCTlON 1ll ..,,It is hereby agreed and understood thot the Pl auMr w111 have the rea-
sonablo cooperation of various Villa 6#lclals. The Village shall furnish the Pla nner
with all available information` scion of its agents and" wployees relative, to
!! lbloat' 1"ftuofrthi f.AgrNnrint. i
SECTIONiV. The wort4 »; �formad,by :t»clfted herein, 1
P! the Planner as I be
canpl�hd,within six (6)�months forwtFwi,date of this agreement.' Pripe to roleas
paysnsnt to the Plane er, the ViI logo :hail reeeiye notice from the;�riq,'Lake Planning
Commission that the completed work has begin found satisfactory.. Tile tota=l compensation
° arall
fio be paid to he Planner by, the`Yiliag be Four Thasand,'Fi Hundred Dollars
P,. nfs =hall be_rnade inaecordance with the following schedule:
October, 1972 ::. 1;1,500.00'=
. _
Phase II December, 1972 ,: 1,500.00.
Preece Ill February, 1973 1, 500.00
(2) "
`v 0
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council'of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council..
SECTION V. This agreement maybe term inated b the Villa r`
Y Vil for �nsotisfactory `
performance or progress by written notice to the Planner. Compt.;to the Planner
by the Village In, such event shall• on the basis of P
Ifia work element is partiallycornpltte, on tla, ba:i: of usable a osNpieted, or
plans and.d* available.
N motion was seconded by Patchi� and upon a vote taken,
It w" d+:Ir peed.
Mayor Stock advised that
from school functions, walking;
thin i . - concern regarding the * fi g .r for student: going to or
Wisconsin Avenue or County Road �44;fi'o!ir
mfor Lake Senior High School
to the area of the Schunk Aportmen4 an.9th, Averw
due to insufficiint lighting. dt;wcpe<,ttge :fed thot,Couracilrinan.3u bo ".deleaofied to
swdY 16 problem and :rrporf hls, findings at the noel n Ian
w...ttu. .c��i1 A�eti!tg•
Theoilovving bill were paid:
404 L FUND
. Me lhok
Part time /Office
1 19.11
Part time
ti 62 2Z
` �Lawrenoo
Qe le Miihak
{�• P� time
5a i ° rY
. A
; ;even Sc6klt
,Russel Lsnrrenci
256:80 °
. *#a%
ler Lalto Rank
. P., .R.A.
Fi�liral D.po i#
487 �
+ ;�F•
i 3s9tt
, Contract payment
9 "
Rive Telephone
4 4.lio
Rankin Life Ins Co.
C.N.. & Sullivan
a ' Attorney" Fees
R 2 5.$0"
Robert 7M A "Ider
Dog Pound Poo:
Kism McGeq. ,
les Tooker
Auto Supplies
—I "
I (partial payment)
Andr+ow Dru
hrlasr 14o American
`Office S upp
+ � Pi blicatt �
4 0 3 =1`
" " ' � • � u
Tan's Mobil
� row Clie+�pe
'N .,. •'i�miurn due
Council: pay
R °grand ,Jehraon;
Gulf Qii Carpor!goon
Dump Feet
Auto Repairs
C�aaOe Skimmer
Carnslt Graben
"Weed. Cutting
80140' "
1 Al'�.7lutar body
TRuck Repair
Car Re it
*hwu Nat. Gas Co.
:IPotp1W1*401ding. ^384.04
Qi�le Melhok
� 'SOVens. Scheidt , x
S*I ary ,
,, ..310;
Sur Clark
Pr1ac Wit Aggregates
o Eslhnsaelc i Hw1111e
!i�'avel hau r
r ..6r 00t1_
Frio r .Lssiloe !ionic
Federal Deposit
i 6.80
�� ��
Y =; ', luo.tton ,'
• ^�!
12 I.OD
"2.99• �
VK"W a ts C,a
• Nat. �Qas Co.
tJtil .�
';, ,�9,.�r�,."
Sala Tax
1�6 6 00
Commissioner of Taxation
$1112114 Withholding
129 N
State. Treasuer
+, Pavek
Social Security
324..y9 Total
231.2`1 51,995.40
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village
Council of the Village of ;Prior Lake in the County of` Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
RaYjjond sJohnson =
#. '%lm'Y
M. t i
- 120. 49
:Pkle�r Lola r
°' Ferrol Deposit
x X2.20
It6+ltii+s Life gins. F '
Haspitol ization
{ Metro Sewer 1116ard,
)Nili* Akp Co
'Urvice Parts
i► arie36n NdtioaaI bank
Isis f/bank iW�s•
4,W90 17
Cemmist Taxeitton
WMhtioldtnp .=t . r.
Raymond Johnson
W.W. Gntz
White Construction
Hidden Oaks Work ...
r. ,. 3
White Construction
Hidden Oaks Work
i .
. = {
$44,' 27;18
Mi 1p Communications
^ i!ayment
29 70
Rt4e Tel
54 riinbursement �
30 00
Mais►ns: Lwnaber Co °
Mtn ", Nit. Gad, Co: t, b lttl'itie:
x b 239:92
Citlssrr TroctorCo. ",
X0Ripair: ..92 t:
` ii+tM�iG FUND'
: �a� rr��1
"n1nq Su
it wlwiR
wl E '119or, Mat
= c.ICinp Hall
fi 0"Icity
r2, pp
~ NT OF 1
' /fir
4 '0 0
lMri�na LOW", de R4 ljr =M* .$awe - W4 l t
6►� �, °
01erm Sewer - 11,6nphont.
<Cenor M
Lar�horsf' `9$2.80
r iterrr. Sewer - Ijor4j rst" °IS1.13
W/k tMntoy_ EMENTA tND
a �
, be tnp no " business, agitpon was rmadr by Watietni,opndid;by Patchtn
W:W. Gentz,.
Oc r 072 s
} ,Clem.
Cenrnon Council af. the
,, YttfaBe'of Prtoit Lake met in special
soision - tn;the office of
t Y as IM'k, Pwntt�� Octc" e , 1972 Maycir - S tackal led the
to ad!r� itoli
Mont` were Mayor Static, Cl*rk Gertz,< Councilmen
Oakis. and dupe.
enet was Councilman Pafehin.
a r
ri A Y �K
"` ' a •.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the, Village of Prior Lake in the County of Sc o» and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.;,
The purpose o tlhs meeting was" to ,receiive sealed bids for the sale. of $155,000.00
-, Generol�C,1Ir'1:10atton Street Improvement Bonds =of 1972`,. »Serles A, and $IQ9,000.00
General Obligation Stitet m provement bonds of 1972;: Series B. fallowing bids
were opened and tabulated: :.
Pi per, Jaffery b Hopewoo
5 09 0 side: • Int crest @ 5.9027. $68;'
3155j 000'siries
Anterest @. 5:9978 11
Fltet National4ank of St.. Paul
$109,000 series Interest @ 5.438 63,196,00
$155i0011 series : Interest-4 5$484
104 50
. 1lost•Nattonal Bank-of Min' ea Its:
MAW • arles +. - int o
�' r est 5.3498 P=
$155,000seri0s Interait@ 5.424 x.165.50
F. ,. 10;,,612•.50
L RrescQtt CQ. Qf, Minnea
- Interest 5.379
$165000 a-
series °Interest @, 5.444 x103; 990; 00
Ra 14 ullyd,of MMnea' b° o
. series; • Intienrt@ S
$155y 000 series, .3459 19:
interest@ 5,448:1
° �, 103
RRW,KAlersn•. QUIZ »of :MIrrnedpolls
$15 °1000,. • IMenst 5cS11, 4 "5 00
` . , .» Interest 6
Motion wos made by Oakes to ace 6 the
� above bid:, seconded by Watkins and upon
takerr,,titnra dul
a veM= r papa rr . r ., Y •. » Pz P 0
M4lkir:ers rirsele.bys1111atktr� fa aw d3tire bid,.to the IQw :bidder .The BobPtr! W:'tiatrd Co.
of MinneapsNe- - $109,,000• series: bonds, awrepe Interest of 5.3,459
.laal :Interest of
$62,119:7Q: »$ISS, 000erls bond:, :awroge tnNrett:
of 54181.- wtoisl cinhnst of
$tQ6 ,�6d00@;aeeatded 6y:�nte:�awd;vpo�h a;wotw talon, It wae�du y pawed:
F Thore' being •no further bush; motion was Made: b Oakes,, Seconded Wat kins-to �
' . by' `
ad ourn.. � ,Y
W.W. Gentz, Clerk
N ovember ( 1972
The�'Common Counc of +tSe l .t }l r..
ays o #ktar Luke ingt, In special sessiprr-'te flee, Office
the V100,9e Clark, Wednesday evening, November Ist., 1972 at 8:00 �.M. Mayor c
a> Sitoei4eg41j!d *e moottng 1!Q aver.. Ro ll , Co il: y'Pr+eront *w
w ere Mayo '$ Coune11
Wa 4K t'Qfahlnt• ,Abeam was CI* rk. n#zand•Gounc�Imon dusa.
P3 •
J , P*pwlsaN of the Meei�jng wgRto mLartth ,tiowerd L '
� Kalbel,- $x0►ti 10 Secretary
the Minnesota Municipal Canmisslon ;and embea.,?of the $prlrn� Board, to
dtsows' order) annexation of various sections, of Spring Lake TownshiP to the Village of
Rrigrr�t� y'eoasisler!a1rledisFualetrr, -q tantetive, agreement < :wyrt•rwched. It was
aer�PdAM Mr!. Katbla It.b►ffrl�ParV,q fingI• draft of t1. apreenMnt Ond errbmit `it to
y Sp0I*w Lie '.TowrAI ;
P.al+d V Ilage of Baer for•
•Lake pprovgl..3
Motion .Was by Oakov the village furnish
water! for the flooding of *
einlis io�ootad ion the Prior 4Ake.sch6dl. prope#iy that then be
- no chorge f6 same,
�,, seconded.bl►` latchin andi upon, a- vote:aoken j , Wwas dul #
y. passed. �
fibrAer twess, -,, �� ttort was, made Oakes, seearded.,by. WaHdn: to
jWJM- "Mutton passed.#
W.W. Gentz, Clerk
iJ e r