HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 06 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by said Council:
November 6, 1972
The, Common Council 6f`the Villages;of "Prior, Lake met in wWW session in the Office of
Mayor Stock
" F
the V111age Clark, Kadday evening, November, 6h., 1972 at 8:00, P.M.
called the meettnuq to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Genii, and
Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Patchin and Busse.
Hubert Goracke was: ;present to request a 6 month`extensiow40a "conditional use permit"
for. the placement of omodel home on the Kopp`*boerty now Ninth Avenue and Highway
13 Motion wa made by Oakes to grant an extension of 6 months for some, with a permit
fie of $15.00 per month, seconded 'by Patchin and -upon a 4otr, Mken, If *a: duly passed.
Milton Grey, representing Lakeside' froperties,°requested atvartence,.ona side setback
from 15 ;het to; 10 fiot and 12 het, respectively, on t akes!de Manors Lot 2, block 1,
which lot to 100 feet wide. The varience was denied by. thi`Planninq =Commission, Nov.
2 . 1972. Councilman Oakes advised. that whewiiemley`s Lakeside Manor was platted;
(Judy 16, 1964) Ordinance d4,,ap0lte&" Ore tnanci 0 4 requlr64 a 10'footksetback and
should apply to this it and all future
y perm permits to the Lakeside Manor Addition. The
new ardinana, adoptsd In. 1971' should riotapply which rtrires a t5" 6oisf setback.'
aaek4Andrews, who owns a ,lot abutting Lot, 2,, was present and opposed 'the varlence.
Motion was made by Oakes to grant a building permit to MFG Homes to' construct a
dwelling on, Lot 2, Rlock,l, Lakeside"I Manor Addition, and that the dwelling be placed
as outlined on the lot plan, seconded by Watkins and I upon, a votetaiao, the following
<.v,6 d- in favor thereof: Counctlmin-Oakes patbKin a livae,`. Thu, following abstolnedr
a .
Mayors Stock and Councilman Wid Ira. The motion carried.:
The Police Commiallon:advised that 04nnis Leff is now ready to bpin'work as a patrol-
1W starting January 1, 1973, andi they ar+ recbmmer,ding that lie be gilt on the force
asta fill time man. They requested f.tha eoundifomploys hin, as full'tin,e, they give
him sufficient notice, so he may give his lxvsent employer a 30 day notice:.
The Police Commission advised that the. Ford .Police Car isan w sha and again
tT tom' Po
needs major repair:_ Motionwas made by Patchin that arrangement be made to present
so"Iftoathm, fora nawipolice ae 4iNt6e nextiegular cone nctl.a,wtingy'oeconded by "
.w ,
&MWW Iupon`a voh'tdon; the following!voted' in f6vw tliireafr. Mayor Stock and
Q undlrmn htehin °dud lusbw. Councilmen Oakes`cnd Watkins , wire_a,eent during this
ve3e,, •¢l aming!vprlerm request `. F wnsotion canted
tFloceld xlsaselson :gow a wport ,on Prior Lake Weser apply, bead :on current and future
Joiw Fit pentd» °advised, that nothing has be¢n done-to upgrade Tow , Road. He "stated „
that since he .lost�attended t1w weeting, thore, has:: been se\, ral aecidenh on the road,
'dust to,the fact ;that the road h i note been upp�aded., He was advised that there will be.
o Gravel: basis put a641* road 46 text several days.
J oti'on w is \ ,cadet bytwatkins= b ac pf Ordidanca X2- dA Ordlrancoir gulating the
use of s,tow,ttobilas in`t6,Vit-Istg6 af,Prtoelake : (Ordinal ca'fll d in Villagr Ordinance
socwWod .by Patchin and upon a vote taken, the following voted in favor thereof:
Watkins, Patehtn "$,genet
arrid'Gotuncllrisairw and W::e Voting sold motion
0iourrcilrnpn maV..r��Mr ied. '
' ¢ • r..A a , a.. .r w l• ,t w .. •r.t •
M401on,vk made by Pbteh ?into adopt Ordinar+ea in-40; Ordir,anciik for the repilation
Flicensing of »hers ►kersk, vendors, wpaddi er sottci of orders of items to
pr at* re idance within `the aVtltage of Penton t aka;; (Ordinance 'R idA tli 1` 'ge
Ordinance took), ioconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly paned.
NbNon. was made, by Watkin:.''to adopt , the fol lowing. resoiut!on : That inasmuch as. agree-
cent» has•h sled :•lni.eonnectton.wWthe.problem of relocationofa roadway in Hidden Oaks,
Filet Addition between the various property owner:, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the
Resolutlon •passed by the Village Council- afahe� Village of Prior. °Lake,, Monday, October
:, 5
2; `1972; is hereby revoked-'and withdrawn, seconded. by Bus" and upon a vote taken, It
was du passed.
c MINUTES of the Ptoceedin' s of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and ¢
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
A lefts
„•r has been received from the Prior lake School District X719, ,requeaing the
'vtllog0 for water'and sewer of their new :ite and Rivet a feaabili
same 4 be made of
<� . R ,
Motion was made b Patchin to G }
y purchase the radar unit that °Is.
pretently being rented by .�
f �thp Prior lake Police Department, and: that Rn.,aipplicatton for "federal Brant" be made. '
for same, seconded by Watkins and upon vote taken, Jt,,"a duly paved.
g i
Ttr final plat of Del elohm`s First Addition was presented. Motion was made by Watkins
to accept the Del d{ohm FirstAddition final, plant, as presented sj 404 Patchin
aitid up",* votetgken, p'if wai'dulY,Pd�
Y �Aotton' was made to .authorize lac
b Watkins p ement of street lights fit; Rik fo {lowing
plaebs, _or adiustmcnt aipci,e to samii'
. Wisconsin Ave. r
d. Highway 13 -Turn light toward Highway, 93.'
Lemley's Lakeside Manor & Highway ,13'- T owa
urn IIghr,trd Highwa i
Pty �l�o Ili yam.
„ 10hway 13' -lace Iipt both sides of Hihway'13.'
Town`Roard - I'tace ltghb atAiach entrance or ex ;f of the Prior lairs Senior High School.
> Three (3) lights...
�3 J
' Witcorain St: 3 Town Road -One 1.1ght South' std* of road
t' WMoi4In'St,`4i . Ave = One` light au'h lids of rrs6d.
wry thtnl „pole along Wisconsin St'. fro r own Road �0 9fk Ave The
One light on a
motions, »CWW04 by,dusse and upon a vote taken, it was duly gaped.' i
S + . A ..n r, t . • _ e rf
Motion was erode by Busse to O.K Rile Part time Po li cA . pay vouchers for October, 197 ,
seconded by Watkins and upon a votetaken, ,tt was duly pasted.
MW,en we math b ' , the Resol q i
y C►akes,to ad t {owing �
utioha WHEREAS 4�1 1
1 �.: of this .ruidents.of.,thatY.illape.of lat.Lake.irowl
_ � to and.from their pia o =
a� f employ
went oy caning the Mlnnesotst; River; aFetfi�ertNonnandale :Road,or�ioiwNy;Road X25;
WHEREAS the traffic volume on the two above' mentioned croping has been, reachtng
a.point of se�ere..congestion 1n ,theLLpost year; WHEREAS the N l+r�
ormanda” crassin
4,:elMduled- ta: be elosed -,far Rwt. of the , coming .winter, thro*14r an even Woater traffic
losid:on County Recd h5t ;RE .IT RESOLVED OW VII logo Council .of h 411lop of Prior, '
' s t
,< its the inerest of •ths..welforw of many. oUt6jr= resider
' Y isy:respect!ully Rite.
Scott County Board of Coaiwrtis�aloners to snake, the followhi Im
' Road X25 q�aade� g prevents to the County`
offie�ii» immediaMly: '1. Plaeern a
between C of adequate Guardrail
? County Rta'ad. #25 Gad the bank of the � AlnetlroM: River.
2 Implueentaition of
some means of traffic control at rush hours, such a: traffic direction at the'Intersection
of Cctunty Read 025 gnd.State Highway 0101. The motion was seconded by Watkins and
' upon vote taken, it was du passed.
Motion was made by Watkins "'to hold's public heart ng Moneloy evening, Noanmbar 2Tih..,
E 1972, at 8t00 P.M. ,for the conshuction of sanitar 'sower and waferraains u tendon on
Oakwood Road, Oakwood, Circle; North Frior Lane, and North Prior Clrc:6, all In the
North Prior First- AddiNon by dupe and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed.
Motion was made. by Patchin to direct Harold Isroelson to prepare Pla!!s and ipeatAaaattotu
' far wneWwater tower seconded b Watkins-and u
�? � Y pan a vote taken, it was duly paved.
Jack Oakes made the following report regarding funds received from the remaining 4 1/2
U of Eagle Creek Township. They are as follows:
portion to Prim Lake Gene
ral c"! ral Fund $43 570.63 4
Less transfer to Maple Park V..1.P Road '
I ` 1'15.25
Kopp': tiny Fund �� '
Farrell Addn. Fund l� 2$4.41
4, �I68.16
Fish Point Roads . 15, 765.12
Municipal State Aid 3;473.70
Cigarette: tax;Ubate {,248.30
Mapl Park V.I.P. Road Fund = 5.305.35
$63, Yev �2
Str**tL Im Pro vemont tlonds.paid Maple Park l f 1,15.25
ji _
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. and
The Vtll �
aoi'Of Prior iU6 received iths ellottid firm: i6 thu followlrrg manner from the
rMi+ atni i% 2 `�ecttora�ofEaOliCrwk�Towrohip
4 Certificates of Deposits in the amounts of 110 000 each. °
x`169. 52. 30, and 53. fi
C*"'IR of =of D*posit i .
S L .t
Iirttftooh of`De t L000
L Grfif? wit« j l .00
cafe of Deposit a i, ' 00.00
1 Creek X131 1,716.76
5 1511, 05.17
C-6 Oakes diso i ved µ bonds, a
reee N»' following Will A ars',to be of the
VII lose of Prior Lakev One ter `
Ta+eance ord from Alb I' John Strtner'in tie amount
of 12, 5W..00, (Development of Oak. R
Curt Ono l
W 1.1isrN F& Horrilnq, wVamn O. Larson
` " i ontraet,llo d fross' Tito:, Inc. ok for road blackbpping within thi'r ' ''�roogrdinQ contract
First Addition. r n' ( ratdesstlel lot an iltuated' in 6 Titus
„e%ar tlri area
Of D S AlOr hewer` to t6i i Prior Ago* Fkst Addt ion,
duly �` ¢ Korheh Driw iteconddd`�!y:Oaitp and Pan a votr
There brim no lure*' , i
busiaep, motba was made ' atki
as)jounr. N1oNon earrtid, K�: ,� by iN i"s by Oakes to
n ♦ 3 R i .. 3
W.W. �.nts,. ,Clerk h
N ovember B. 1972
The Ca MW Council of the ViI IOV of Prior Lake met to ;i
r ' t1 a�Yltl tje'C1o�k, °W.d special Hesston 1 the Office of
�y,I tttoves�er path. 1971
�� 'Stslek mailed
, of 4 A
=Calif «' Pris�nt were x,.•.
bent wair+e`Caurttil *- Stealer CCI*k Gen
�. ocpiF NN �: A dhtn W*n Oakes and Ruw` �' Councilmien.
_� i �;Tlrtpttre of fire teiot' *Wa to oat ►vaa'tin.eleotlo�h.relunrnt'of tiM.G:erwrstl Election
k` +x h t i Mowwber 7(tir.� 1972,x,;There .were
1421 Vwei Os1f3t Councilmen.
x ,, 1264 €�wtos tgr ilN aoualeil.` mat ."f1ri' 1 received
; ioMw Peiol� ti Q K.; ' "° epposItton. ilia» 1 electod�, Awl' was
,. !d �Kskins:rad upper• tak a �d as
le mild . lh ms
o. «a
Thaw bye ,
A" inp eN�` rtiwr ^ bv4lnat, th. moons was adjaurrn.d
W.W. GentZ Cle
Fj =x x •,
a y
w .