HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 20 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
N ovember 20th. ,1972
The Common Council of theL Village of Prior Lake met.in regular session In the Office
of the Village Cltek,Monday evening November 20th,, 1972 at 8 :00 P.M.. Mayor
Stock called the mooting to order. Roll Calls Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz,
and Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Patchln and Buue :'
Coplei of all previous minutes; for the month were given to each member of the council :
several days previous to the meeting. The ..following corrections were noted: The minutes
of November 6th., 1972 - motion regwdina the' '
bu l ding permit being granted to MFG z
Homo: was seconded by Councilman'.Patchin instead of Councilman Watkins. The
minutes of October 17th., . 1972 - :roll, should .read Councilman Pa tch in present.
l pon those corrections being made, a motion was made. by Oakes, seconded by Watkins
to th ',; minutes and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motiat was made by,tiusse to :approve payment of all bills approved by the Finance
Committee, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was du
Motion was. made,by Patc , to advertise for sealed bids up tb 8:30 P.M. on the loth; f
d of pecem6er, J972, at which time said bids wil .be opens for the
purchase of a
new pgike 9Rr, .seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken� it was.duly passed,
Motion was made by Watkins that Dennis Leff be hired as 64 611 time patrolman for the ;
„Prior,Loke: Poitee begfr0i,ing January 1, 1973, seconded by Patchin and
upon. vote taken, It was duly passed.
fkl4ttlon was rrnade;by YYpikins to at the foilowing Resolution: The. Village of Prior
4gke, tl gh J.tr Villas Council, ah•reby resolves: WHEARAS, the Minnesota Levis-
lice, pursuant to lam -,Pf 197-1, .Ciwphr 695, erwehd an_aid program to loasol
�Auaktpal P91lco''DepoNmetfts� r and WHEREAS, thi �Vil lag of Prior' Lake Police Dept.
is duly qualified to receive afd as a_result of enactment of this law, and WHEREAS,
the Vill age of Prior Lake ha,no Police Relief Association to, which these aWs might
A fo�th�rwise� ,
id' raid -W .
. • .�! . ��y be paid. to a,Specfal. Police fund of
,;Villa" for use i MY valid polity expenditure. IT. IS HEI&BY RESOLVED that
there, be "Spe4Ffal Police Fund" of the. Villa
RESOL g iA'�rlor:Lakn.. IT IS FURTHER
YED,thot. :the Treasurer and Clerk,of t6 Vill of _Prior., Lake take such steps a
am necessary to set-up such fund, seconded 6y Stock and upon a:woti =taken, if was
duly passed.
M4tlio�a `was rnad!� lay Walkins idopt.the,folJowfnq o ttesolutioru The trier lake Vtllaq
C! I� ! Ix c±4w
l; fis local. legislation, basi d upon he kilos og -oohs
�. *, lalaa,- and a';,
:l• of !' for / iis predecessors, esters haw :to several
parcels of 'land that law been dedicated to tbe.. :
P lc farP purposes In
Yom. Most of these�dndications were the vault of platting wb- divisions where
; k — * #Yolow wroE,rWired' towtake suck.* dedication.,
Thy "W1 situ of tl+. "Aediasstcad land parceIt Iwve never beer developed w a:, or used
f+!!rl�� = Mast of•!e ohs are to small' for it ta,be.eaeawomieally feasible
t!� devllop them to sKve live publia:. The�Nubllc use of;wch small ales Imm
x ±sP n =ldentiQiwproprtfes zwrould.00use eonfllab whlab
would riwke,rthetr
" lopt.even rrsote unf asible. In at least one case, o dedicated parcel is
/ Joeohd : react to o4r high. sdrogl .athletic fields and its intended developme nt aa " ,O� W, Id would reduodarlt _
3. As a vault of the ctrcumstancos described In poroar'aph #2 above, almost all of
daaikghd sba;awe IytRg ,idle.. As. in the, eas of many vacant
a.fhese sib prnaent hazards tgk l i properties,
A � ,fFwa,pub c - .for which the yillage.a: liable: j
4 in order to avoid an R further liferation o
Y, pro these small unusable park sites, the
vtllppe sadinsatpF raw require a cash payment to the "Park Capital Fund ", rather
r,e ,than Qolalnd A*jcatlon.
ob ex*.a.:.aw: w.�ps5aaai
• � "+.r�ua..+�nww.a:. r ? ..,, . .4, ..> . w aamm.. .._„ _ t
} MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council,
5. While the village passesies.s10plus,pack, lands in the form of many small parcels, a
critical 'need exists for the acquisition of 'a large, usable parcel of land fronting on
the Lake of Prior Lake. At the present time, the Village is unable -to acquire such
a sitww h ile one °is yet available, because It doet not have sufficient park capital
outlay funds.
6. Village :officials have investigated the possibility of a sole of these surplus land
parcels in order°to fund the acquisition of au much need6d park, but
haw found thrat -such o procedure 1i presently
In view of•the foregoing facts•ard circumstances,, the Prior Lake•Vlllage Council proposes
that the foilowing"legislation be endeW by the Minnesota Leglslaturil
That Village oFPrtor Lake -be allowed to conduct a public or,prlvote sale of it:
surplus parklands that are dedicated to the public. That all net prorweds: derived
from Wch' idles be dedicated to the "Park Capital Fund" of the Village of Prior Lake.
The above proposed legislation would allow the Village of Prior Lake to convert surplus;
lands into'o usable farm• for the highest public�pood and for the�same dedicated purpose.
This legislation
would; iwoffect, give the sametitreatmint to -the older dedicated and
.parcels, °os•ls, -now Ming•given,k- vIa payments; to`newhy platted'sub- divisions,
seconded by Patchin
and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motlon'was made by Patchin to adapt Ordinance ft-21,-Jan Ordinance repealing
Ordinances regulating the use of•snowrrrobiles in 16 Village of ?icier Lake and in
Eagle Creek Township.' The Village Counetl of the Village of Prior lake. ;hereby ordains
as follows °SECTION 1i 11it'the Vlllepe of Prior Lake repeals Ordinance P70-1,
entitlid "An Ordinance °rep atiriv thi'usi of Snowmobiles in the Village of Prior Lake ".
'SECTION il. The Village of Poor Lake ;re ,peals Eagle =Creik?Ordi�ianci 017, regulating
the use "of Snoeinrobtle: wEagle� Creek Tow
ow hip, ns seconded by Dose and upon a vot
taken; It &A passed.
" Motion was made by Watkins that, t6 continue ithe poltay, whereby, the Scott
County Engineer will taue "alt "perm on' County State':A' Id- Streeh•in the,Vlllage of
" Prior Chi; such as, for driveways; curb and yutter,' burying telephone cable, and any 'other
per If that vmay be n cessa y j seex nded by twsa =and upon a vote taken, It was
duly passed.' :
Ruiben Mueller advised that he Is resigning as a water meter reader for the Village of
Prior Loki,° ?el'fectivr becember 31 (972. Moritz Timmer advised that lie was interested'
job,: Motion was made by Patehin to hli*- Mbtltz Timm r�= water meter reader
kites Loki;
t Village of:,Prior eftectiw I r't973 seconded byNatkins and upon
a'vote`, it was duly passed.
e , •: '
Motion suet made bj►`'Wafklnrto'adopt a resolotibn as to "orderly annexation N of pdrttons
of Spring Lake Township to Prtar and Itl as follows: WHEREAS, the Municipal ,
Cosrwrttslon of flip Staite °of "Minnesota " presently has befite it for Iwaring and consid-
erwtion thi mall* of annexing certaintpa Mons ofS in Leke Townshl ` '
a: .a 6. g p' to the Villag
of Prior Laker ores! WHEREAS; the 'Township. of Spring Lii4 and;' the 1 Villa& of Prior Lake
are part ie ies to -fl said hearings and WHEREAS, ` there' is aba:is ter agreement between
fire patties to, thls `action u _pair which the natters; presently before the Municipal Comm-
isslon can h» ssf id, and thi nwniclpal ~ parties hereto desire -to set forth such terns of
settlement by means of this resolution, Now **F by the
Township of Spring Lake, and the Village of !!riot Lake :'as follows: ,
`1. ' That the foliawing de=erabed area in Spring Like Township is properly .subject to
orderly`annexati` h,uuhder and `pursuant to M°inrresota Statutes 414.032, and the parties'
hereto do hereby designate this area, as in need of orderly annexation ;a: provided by
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4;'9, 10, 'il; 12,a aril the East l/2 of
Sections 5 and 8 ( Township 114, Range `22 West) al l in
S in Lake Township, County, Minnesota.
That the Township of Spring Lake does, upon the paesagr of this realution and Its
adoption by the Council of the , V11logo of Prior Lake, confer jurtsdiction upon the
xe' fn+ t4ith"+" wN. kufiX5ivex
., nn .w... sups ax .nt+u+•w a .-.:.r W ,,..1th • ..wi wv �y.My,°ytc
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of 'Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by'soid ,Council.
Minn sota'Munieipol'Comin'ission, so a `to accompilh sold ordirlyannexation In
itli the termi of thii "" ` ° _
accordance, w resolution,
2. No gnnii ition:'wi'II take place anywiicre within tlie`area' designated as in need of
orderly �jnnexotton, unless the area involved is, or is °about, to become urban or
subu character, and, unless
the city has available and is capable of I ng
munici Pa 1,iervices water, sanitary sewers, and's'torm sewers.
3. Any person's annexed to the village puraant to fh4 agreement shall receive a Tax
8reok "`ciin :ittl of a sta
ng ged Vinci ase In mill rates from :the town rate to
tlu villa�eji'rata over a tlpee to five
your period' depend ing on the Iength of tone
neceina M vide full munici I"
r F ri , pa :lrvicei to Yhsi area annexed
,Pro M w f
1' •
. G Thi town will 'ob�ect to`the annexof�on'dur`ing,`the next y e of those remaining
portions of Sections 1 and 2 which ari eurrintl a
` y part of the village and of
that portion''of Seetlon 3 whl'ch` I,te3 soutfi of tli*l ike of Prior Lake and east of the
public access road, "'also ji o *a: First`Street, „including the lake atd Islands
5. , to number 8 >and 9' below, the 'village agree: not at ahem tan annexe
P Y lions
of onYhPrOMcfY,t t remainder'ol Section,3 or Sections 10 and II fora
a period
of at' iai� four y .. , .., .... .,
6. Subject to number 9 below, the village agrees not to attempt any annexations of
of within
S�ettons .4 and , 9 nr'the east I%2 of Sections 5 and 8 for a
p of 'at WW
sit Y 4 aati'of thi a ement "
rt tare
7. lea, of ilia un I I
,..,., j ,
rtohi over
.� t w_. then �r when development might occur within
F,et artte:
agree to �eaw thi'qutslor% of annexations within this area
deigetion of the Mlineiota'Nlunicpal CaEiietuton.
8. 1f sanliarjr fewer collection ;ysteini' must be eantlructad w h
,;, it in the above described
ondeily annexe 66 because a
aria ,order 616i'04 Pollution Control! Agency or
requisti from land "�, ners or othecrvise; both pprrta agree to leave the extension of
vtlfgni'bouni7e�ries to lneluil tiff `rvir areor<, to the discretion of the Minnesota
E Nlunleipa! Cop, This ex6iolon is gionted :only in order that the village
Vnould,bi'asmiled to %l ay any neeestory water pi` __ or l�Y� ��y�
bt ha t k 1lOfl# } P-. stornn sewers at i�Al�e time
t r E < Il a
ewer, co coon r is 4 cted
system onutru
9. When, and if, construction begins' 1Netropolitan Sewer Board Prior Lake
Interceptor, the village may apply to the commission for the extension of it
boundaries to include fife s"tirn of the lakraf Spring Lake ! u t to 300 feet
l the surroun�Ina road:• } The.purpae oFfhk exception is to
allow construction
W6 t j,< ; 1*leofton sj which ;v be connected to the. interce
tw V6 Wlfijj
} tsytheav111ope • � a greu;`to defer any ass e ssments for this
trunk r sy
n and'oth r munletpo ! tei`provements against any agricultural land
rlvotved`fior as, tt
longai rinwlns o`prfwluraf;`'T1+e village fijrtlter agree: to construct
a sonlfvry sewse eogectton''sptem a'rotind'.ttiat port of the lake of Prior Lake that is
within its boundaries' which system wtll'allow `to be connected to the interceptor 3
when it reach�►s the vt!lage
10:' Soli' ... 6 3
parties agree to`work jointly to secure fiedam graph In aid and Metropolitan
Sower goad approval'for'sewer *ixtinifani to ti l "ire '
re " exelude'tis area' deft ted:os y in hied '
of orderly anrnxation ;
from 1ts'zoninip gnd?iubdtvisYOn orolinances if the'county'will :come to 'exclude the
area Wom Its zoning reoinlafons. ,this would *n"' I the ilido to extend the
N s k
application of z
PP � is Doing and iulid(vision'reaulaftoni pursuant to Minnewts Statues
462.358 and 359. The village a }
N greet that if It, this planning
�xtratettti�rial k
pbwer'tt wlU ts`elici!`two ng comm
iowi><hip r`e :iderifis :to scyrve; on` if planniission from
among four residents nominated by`thi'tawribo - if the county doe: not agree to
the above atran ent both rtie a e to establ a
..,. Po taro tannin zonin `
. j oint and
i p �
committee for "thi ordi�Ij►*a - iiatioi: ai ,' and to aibi& "its-decisiors.{ This g
committee $611 consist of one appointed representative of the gown board, one
representative appointed by, the village council and a neutral member4o be
appointed by the Scott County
board of Commissioners,
MINUTES of =the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Luke in the County of Scott and
State of Minn s*Soto, including all accounts audited 'by said Council,
The effect of annexgtIons on population shall be resolved` wherwvir
T aareenaht of the pdrtte:.' If thiti it failure to roach such an "a possible by
greemerat, the question
shall be resolved by'th Minn sbtc Municipal!' C ain nis:ion 6t "the hearing and the
determination shall be. In in the commissioner; order.
13. In all annatatton: within tbi orderly anhimatton`araa, tM portiet agree to the
ktlowitp; °dNtton of Ananctai'x�siit=rand obiigb }tofu:'
a . r#W T, aaw&
ft d - Mote teoi'incamo
for the year in which
bhnixati66 takes ptac�'aali b d[Aded on'sthi'e bait:
of the decline! %ctlon "of :th aiiiiiid vaiu ' "of the
area to`b one xad`ai of poied'wspol" U &I Town-
's opemed Valuation as a whole, . This ratio would
r atolilftad.by the'proporttoi7 of thi�,ysar rmain-
' t in WhIch tiw `anriiicafton take place. For'exampie,
if ` o bx1 dnneiced coiul w of 3trii"of tie` town-
il►i halal asiaii�ad valuation aNd 5'n"ttu wire remain -
ing In the year at the date of the annaxatixin `tKi `onau t
of pro" I= revere: forwarded to the village would be
3t)!fi tf�aii`/t2'or 0 f Sprtna`Laka' i total real -rti
x ' taic'raVeipitt fear tile` durtn ' ` `� Y
p M?hic the
1� annexation �
e¢ axe, �r
Ttd Aids`'
h �ipa - Cam ie.i;` on will: da
ternitne the ratio of the
populiattah`arweeo 4Q 11�o'ftta tdtai populatio n of ttte'town
the daN of its, or. This rati
ti o' wilt
ne be further arallfloal�.by
at aihp In" W ' I ii `tlw oiuie3cifton
`_` pj take ploao (at explgtiatd abovi rgp�rxt'to`lh-oporty Tax
>' TheCaunty_Auditor'will apply this modiflo d ratio to all
gi►girt�rly or'other subsequent paym•nis of Stnh per Cq eta
y aick tbihi town,and dtvidi the pbynlent'accard 1 p
Unlep axf unto "the "in itlareeh of tKe > " to federal
. latto�u %tp ?tna bouhr ` �3t+lec 51'.23);
1�owr► aeries to a�plX'the alipveohnateid' ieodtfed
poul '
atl'onroNo to a�ygftideral "rswiwi'shorinpchicla ri-
p - oilvad and r Ibrwaed "th`villaa portion wtthii'15
e!1{Pt days of
,K Funds
r � tail w K'
t lone
� . a entiytl dedicated `� s
rasrd =or R sd4i;.tlxese and'fh* tr adI111A Usrptian will
Tl fter ho te
. etKe`�oel order. `If r
,� � . ,,, , 3 • , � ". � any anuocatloru involve ioaatlons
„ r', h +whteh l accou is i tvrtbli to im'catticf d In the Wiure
' / as roes! suK fueixti w111 be forworraed by the
vlilap� �'i r4 J� �
'f,Tw Via' si' i
d. T o" General. Fund and 006 Mimi ,
; ' aor�es,�ot to app y. any d vision ;of the ;town's
(4. Unless nd a until in further order! y
% ne
fur annexation the
° , apnement Ts aotlitad ' village
o t fio aft pt an rtKir arwMation Wlthtn Spline Lake Township for a
pe1'l 15'yeais'tj+pri lour air this opreese nt`uril ie tlNre 1= a unanimous
petttton of flea 7777
1 •te: Pirtiei apreo to dtsiaii the ppndl� aaiuiation °pfltion (Mtnneata. Munich
Cornmiasiai File No A -21 p
_1JU ' above * was aeonehid by•'PatChin and "upoil`a vote taken,' it was duly p `
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of .Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
' Motion 'wasmade by Busse that Attorney Sullivan be authorized to expldite any x
documentation necessary lor Immediate annexation of the following'described property:
That part of Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Township, 114, Range 22, Scott County, bounded by
the following described line:
Beginning at the Northeast .corner of said Section; thence
Southerly along the Easterly line of said Section: l to the
Southeast corner thereof] thence Westerly along the South-
ly.,iIns. of Section. 1, 2,, and .3, to the Westerly right-of-way
line of First Street per the plot of Spring Lake Townsitef
theng ;Northerly along said right — fF_ I ine to the shoe -
Iine of Prior,Lake; • fhence,IVorthwesterly across.the`lake.,of ,
Prior Lake and Northerly of the islands within Section 3
411.e. such,as to Include all Islands within this description)
to the intersection of the Northerly, line of said Section 2
with the Mina of Prior Lake; then* easterly along said
No llne of Section 2 the Northerly line.of Section
I Jo the point of beginningi �
excepting therefrom, all land within the boundary of the Village of Prior Lake, as of
I`lovmnber` 20th. • 1472. The motion was seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken,
was d<iy paced.
Manion was :riade Watki toad
opt the lollowins Re' lutlon: ' WHERE I►S, a ;portion, of
tie`T ownsh'i0 "of Exile Creek was ordered to be consQl "a with the Village of Prior
Lake by `the Minnesota Municipal Commission, and WHEREAS the"Tdwnshipr of Springy
Lake and' the Village! of Prior Lake have entered 1pintly,inro an "�rderly Annexation"
proceeding, and WHEREAS, Ole above procead[ngs have altered ail of the original
bwndary lines of the Village, and WHEREAS', the County of Scott,can no longer provide
a current nap to Its citizenry of,the Village,, and THEREFORE 'Wrr.'RESOLVED that the
Village Council of`Pr'tor'Lake ° 1n thr Interest of its citizeta :and`o
th future planning and,
development, eat a: well as ` ` t
Pm • curr+�nt,lnhrest to Scott County, respietfuily submit the follow- '
" ing requesh: (1) That the Sco County Board of Commissioners a` iu'i oi�tz the County
Surveyor to prepare a Ie�af and" official map of the Village of Prior'Laka, as per the
described boundaries, as s.t forth by the Minnesota Municipal Commission. (2) That
the Village of Prior Lake be'fitrnished with a reproducible copy of Nil official map when
camp and •
P . tha.cast ofpthw reproducible be billed: ro the, YJllasje of Prior Lake.
The motion was seconded br,Oahet and upon a vote taken, it was duly'pasted;
Hairold hrwison advid that thie existing wager rower has no value to anyone else and,
thenfore. rk e+ends;rainoval when a new one Is constructed' o d thgt the removal of
the old tower to tnet`Wed�In the' bid :. He also syggead than action be
postponed con-
corning the tower "until `tile coinpletJori of the ,Spring ,Lake A "nnexation Proceedings
ri Motion was made bY, , i es to advertise for sealed bids ro drill anew 1,000 gallon per
•. minute well ancl.tll _ ids - ro b. December 18th., 1
� opened 472 at 8 :00 P.M., seconded `
by Watkins and uppn a vote talon,, it was duly passed.
Harold Waelson ° ' rp *"nted F ' P "`cincl specifications for wati'r' and
the North Prior Ac vier construction in
ftton :' p . . , ;
N' 4 advised that the eonstruetion costs'J: to'be as toiiows and :G
Is to consist of pro�idisio'labor,' wpervi ;lore of equipment and tmtetllinp lift�rrpp,
OFF tactmataly 1260,1640'" f r, dkry sewer and 1350 feet of wotieneain,: The construction
costs is estimated to be $ 462 :50 for watermatru and $18, 052..00 for ia:irory. :saver
nieint. Total cons 64t ':38,514.50 plus 25% coati
ngenclw .oa I <tfilt, gf
approximately u9 000.00.' 'The" 6ont footage' assessment is estimated robe $0.00 per
foot for water and =12.00 `per foot for :ewer. The asseisment procedure was discus,ed. {
° Motion was made by bakes ro.-Wablish an assessment on a 6ntao setback In the
North Prior Addition, seconded ' Buns and u pon, pan a vote taken, ,tt was duly Pawed.
Motion was made t
.by Oakes o approve the final plans and' ipecifieati","for the `install
anon of :ewer and .water niairo in the North Prior Addh ;on; as y
braelson seconded
prisentid`by Harold
by Patchtn nd upon a vote taken, it was duly .poised
G ,r ,at -`51)
4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
voot chief'! Delbert :dutse; advis thOt 0*6 wtlLbe wUnitad, Fire Fighhn Meeting at
Carwr,. Minnesota, December 12th.., 1972 and invites+one councilman. to amend the
0"N.ng: Mayor Stock volunteered to attend
Motion was made by Watkins to authorize expenditure of =500 00 to the Fin De i
• Depa
for purehaa of protective clothinp•for firemen who how completed their 6 month trial `
training, seeoided b` .Bust and
xy s upon a vote taken,y7t ways duly paszd:
IF Fire Chief,'Delbert Susie requeihdeauthorisoH
He • on to` 060 the Prior Lake Fire Dept.
has 30
., men ord ,: .. p
41 _ requests odditlonol non to'be put on the department. Motion
was made by Busse to table authdrization `for ei 0*116n`61` the department, seconded by
Watkins and upon :a'v64'taken, it vn idul
}; '" 6'f! `bakes `tliat`the Vil of Prior, take and the City of Shako
plawtag bf�lts laki load arnd Muils3nhordt Rood ti�om CSAH 42 to CSA�H
due to the
pnoblean of turning 4064nd at•ctt*, liimits,'and tint the Village of Prior
Lake plow 00 Pike Lake Road ftam GSAH 42 to CSJ4H °!6'and the City of'Steak
Nlullenhardt Road from CSAH 42it* 16, seca y ded'b tiusa and u � °� plow
it was, duly Fen a vote taken,
Motion, r
de wbakes to adopt the''followtn p r C
RESOLUTION,, tdi for issuance of 5155,000 Geniral Obl Nation St mt M
was mode twine
1opA#s. of i992, aeries A a d Z 000 00 sal Pro nt
p[ 1972, _S rio:' #� and lavjr „g 109, 4 enn tjbli8atioq Sitwt IMersVement fonds
a .taix: payment .tl»reof seeonnd�d Mfotkt
upon vat'
it ro�s �Y Watki and
1 _
� r (eA � It
following �l�nbui::n;enis'�wn, pateli
' � • 61�iERil► r�UND ,: , �
e ql '.;Part t,hn Office 1".62 u 3Nvon S`Chmlidt A , h
�� sE Pa t time' .9.79
n !ranee. � d `art ttRio,
Dale A"" , ° . time
• y` ; .' Al gSalary ,2 62 .30
Or Sti Salary '236.80
i o a h
►:!`� ~'# .4 - !r �- 4 { „"1:° i I x n ,Federal Po t
J7 fi t
�M A 44.75
.° ,. , =r .r< i El,etio .krdye8 25
$10c ' , Y 'Election tyd `' ': y •
4 � {fix a f i Eli�ettanr Judi
T .F
LalY10n1 Judge
31 4 Election.Judge• x'28.25
Election = ournter. -SO
• eitl ind n °18.00
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Soott�Rt�°elephone l�titttu 25.30
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. ndon+d Oil '. Gal Tank Pill -
Standard Oil OR 386.61
P.L. V. Storey .. 30.13
Wolf Motor Go. Polka Supplies x3.46 s
Auto tte' in 19.55