HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 27 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of th, villa a Council of the Village „ ' g g of Prior Lake in the County of.,Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. November 27, 1972 _ The Common Council of the Village of. Prior Lake met in special session in the Office g of the< Clerk, Monday evening, , .November 27th., 1972 at 8s00,P.M Stock called the meetin Mayor g to order. Roll Calls Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and .Cuvnctlmen Watkins, Oakes,..Patchin and Busse. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing regarding the proposed water and :ewer exMsuion improvement in the North Prior First Addition.' prisented plans to serve the aea aloe r with; costs, . etc Harold hroel:on g,. The, estimated cost of sold improvement is $62, 950,00 and, has an assessable front footage of 1,831 feet. The front • footage assessment Is estimated to ,be 522.00 -per foot. , The. following, prope owners were presents B Mohowald, Terry Muelken, rty, James E. Simon, Ron Ferber, Bob Kohler, Paul Russo, Jr., and Bob Corwine. i%viment. Then were no objection: for said mp Motion was mode :by Oakes too proceed plan. uno of sold Improvement, seconded by Watkins asd upon;;a vote ;taken, it was duly polled, k Motion was made by Watkins, seconded by Oakes to adjourn. r W.W. Gentz, Clerk Decombe 1972` The C � -- aroston. Council of the Village of Prior Lake met In regular son[ in the Office a ,of. the 4�tiAGO lPrk Monday a Decembo 1972 a .. ewntnQ, x r 4th Stock rolled •_. t 8 :.00 P.M. Mayor l th. meeting.,to order. Rol Present wen Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Counet nert;Wa}kiru, Oakes, Patchist and4usse ' l JoM Mueller, Bulid lrsg 4rspector, advised that he wou ld Ilke to atbnd,.the Seventeenth Annual lesstitub For build na officials which will be 17th,, 1973 at;the RadissonSauth,in BID=I presented co on January. 15, 16 and naton, with the cooperation of the Minnesota { i Chapter of, lc p �E�nn44 ;onf'Q : Qf#Iclals. Y 4t The f4o �fof the I nstitute 1:' :35.00. Holton was made by Patchin to authorize John Mueller to attend a the conference -` ad alsopaseht of the $35..00 fee, rna tJuly tad secoonded-by Watkins and,upon a vote taken it There was a discussion pertaining -to adding more men to the = 'Prior t ake"Fire Department. At .ths present time; _ thera, ape 30 men tn_� the de Motion was made by .flakes t thy. faro tent. �P,x r � atom �wlth thp, {Jaw amount af, rx re aced ` stin!P irat t4wt rfa,e:t fs>t�sss n ' b ra p!•�.that,c an workday on,' 3 hied ., of :ammo, it �l.be wbiect ig n l , Afhr *accomplishment was du piped. E. , r ?S ° ,s e�eongle� by. Suss r and a ; , .. ate' taken,. it :, wart made'x�!r to .P'+ tze; �tlgrne M i w Y ark Sullivgn,toMpa an esloblt hirig a Fin Nventton tlureau; �y ` a u a ordinance i was duly pasted., f! t vote taken, It' w�s AEI x ��7 » . /MoNa�nr mods► O Oakes to a a t pt and a c ro by cce D inane and Utility Easement between the VNIape of Pr1or Lake and Lehr, Inc., which included the right to enter A .. dratta u lt r0 tq+ ting, "PlAtPt1��. , ckl !ring,, l;�pq�r1[t& roFol�slnicttng a :. �. . inu ., V Kt and over the.following.desertbed re County`of`Scolt and State of Mi esotq - a twee" ° p ° 'situated Village of Prior Lake, Scott Coun IVI'tnne:ota in Hi d, foot egssment within the �'' E1fea ; Fira Addition the Cenlertine, Oescribed as..41low$: Commencing at the Centerline intase South otton of Oakwood'Roodasxl Town Rood, ,thence, Southeasterly, apprasc6 ily feet along ` a. Ilne, to a point 7,4 fwt East of Town Road Rl � trof-W south Iine of "Hidden' Oaks ", thence, Northeasterly to a pain on the Jot ne se i Lot 13, and..Lot l4 { :!lock J, "Hidden Oaks" .92.05 feet Southeast Wong lot line fivm% g Town Road, thence South�terly to a point on Cot I the s. 174.42 Northeast along the Lot line to Hidden Oaks Drive, there to Lob inn ingAND ALSO a.. hwentx A, foot i�asom R!!tj the snter]Ina dasyribed a: �11owa, i p4�ths. South. t" lire P, lot.2, Block I iiti Be�8nni.p at a point E t Righhgf -AMa 1: 3� en Qala<.Fint on_ , I feet t fast of the Y i'W of Nidden Oaks Dr1Yo,, measured alon (ot Dine, thence, NortheasMrly n a straight Itne to the #gdtus Point of Oak: Circle, and then partial cul -sae, on Hidden terminating- -seconded by Watkins and upon e a vote taken, it was duly pawed. { (9) MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake,in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said Council. rr v v Motion was made by Buss* to adopt Ordinance-72 -22, an Ordinance Vacating an Ease- ment In Hidden Oaks first Addition and ratifying new: easements, (Ordinance filed in Official Otddinance Book seconded :by Oakes" and` upon'a vote- taken, It was duly passed. `` Motion was made by. Oaken thai a pubilc. hearing' be held, January l8th;, 1973, at 8n00 P.M. to consider the construction of a new water tower, seconded, by Patchin and upon ` a vote taken, it was duly passed. '­Mrs. Menden inqu red.as to placing a'n obile home, on her farm. Motion was made by z ' Watkins. to grant Mandan a <-conditional use - rmIt fora pe period of 3, years and that no fee, be,chorged fora operator: resident, seconded by Buss and upon a vote taken, it was.duly paved q o _ 4 Motion Was made by Oakes that the Villoge notify`Sprieng 4e aand Credit River . -Clerk Townsahips,,ttat the ;contracts with :thai Prior, lake Fire Department be J a. Will signed January 9th., 1973 at 8t00 P.M. The, contract for Spring Lake Township shall be $5,250.00 and the contract for Credit River Township shod L be :$3,500.00 for.the rear 1973,; seconded a by Watkins and.,upon a vote taken, It was duf y paned. Motion was made- by Watkins that- the •Vlilagrrecolve-bids -for legal printing for the year 1973, seconded by Oakes and upon a voh tak*n, it was duly passed. , Motion was, geode by Watkins,io'set the, por4`411mi labor for the year 197.14 $2.75 per hour from &W ABM: to 6s00 P.M., `and 53.00 r hour L am. P :M. -- h400 A.M., 0 seconded by Busie and` up�on'b ;�roh 'taken, 'it was duly passed. , Motion was made by Busse to set Raymond Johnson's salary 'for 197imt $74400 psi month; seccndeil by Watkiru and upon a vote take" , "ifwai ehrly paned. " Mottos was made by Oakas to set E mer4usse's salary for 1973 �Ot °STht :00 per month, seeondod'by Stock and upon a'vote'taken; it wasAtily► o ` 'itAoNon'Wass made' by Watkins tb sf the per hourly hate for Bernice ravjk at $3.30, and ., to receive nine paid holidays and ten days vacation for the year 1973, seconded by Stock mad upon "a vote taken, It was duly passed Motion wage anode`' by Oakes ro '11ow each v HO& 4mployia two davit °sick leave pe r` month te be'acwaaulgted to a'�atsnitmum ofMnel (90)'dayi; which are not convertible. The viileip urIIUfterw 'thr rlaht'to - , iii a doefor% **Ilflcaft" to verify , illrim or Injury aVIA" by'tiusaw and" upon''a • vote tald'llc `sit Vas duly passed.- 4C "Motion was mad* by Oakes to grant 'longevity pay" of $5.00 per month kr employees ` #or �siseh flve''y of employment in this V R a Prior Lake, by Buss* and upon a seeonded a vdti.a 1n, 'tt vra � duly paced . s J a Cork Gertz requested delaying the setting of salary for the Clerk's position because he U wa not s+eaeiy te cbimnit 14104 1f the'pesition iiipli for 1973, at thts'ttn** Motion wa aracade by' Oakes to` set `tke' per meter reading rate, fig( Jho water meter readers (Moritz I , WAiw Richard Cates) dt 35 cints'permihr,,�se`mnrl by Wat�dns and upon "a vain It was duly paved :; T4 z f Motion° vs►at`niode by Wsa thi f coaled bids be received' to purchase 4a 50-50 mixture of regular and pr"emiuirn gasoline on a'bulk, rati lis*fs Sidi" to be received; unt11 P.M January 2nd; . 103,' seconded' by WcAtrw ad upon a vote taken, it was duly pan ed. a s Motion was made by, .Patehin to haw the firm of Mull ter Co. audit the Vlllags records - for 1972 seconded b y Oakes and upon a•woti taken, it was duly paved. tn+totlon wa'made. by Watkins to. have anew "dog Catcher Contract" drawn for 1973 and u ' tqu rost Robert AitcAliliter to be present at Ate January 2nd., 1973 meeting to execute o U sconded by'Patchin and - upon a vote'fiaken, it was duu passed. (10) tJ MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Pillage of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. . MotionF;was made by Patchin that the following changes or additions be Made to street lighting, as suligested by N.S.P.: (1) rish Point Road - one pole with a 18 foot arm andra °250 watt lanp. The Village is;to secure a permit from the Minnesota Highway Department for the placement of a pole in the rightrof -way. (2) Lemley!s Lakeside Manor - add arse and lam to the exist ng pole and turn so ;that the inhnection s:, properly lighted. (3) Prior Lake.:Seniair High' Schooi - erect new pole with, an arm , light on the north entrance - seconded by Bu sse and upon a vote taken, it was duly Motion was made by Patchin that- since the vii lags Is unable to make the final payment to Rwigger Roadways for the amount due on the Fish Pain Road project In the amount of $5,272.03,11tetgger ioodways be paid 5%.Interest per annum; of the remaining balance, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. �9 Motion was made by Patchin to approve payment,of the following billsr Part time police; Russ Lawrence - $148.9¢; Steve Schmidt - $181.28; Dale Meihak - $381.76; Gunnar Electric Co. for parts - $48.23; Mayor': salary - $175.00; Civil Service, Officer, Allan Mix (per agreement - '$100.00 ;Fin`Marshail, Delbert Busse (per agreement) - $100.00 Councilmen's salary Jack Oakes 540:00; Don Busse - =120.00; Peter Patchtn - =120.00; and Tan Watkins - X120.00.... se`eonded by Oakes and upon a "'vote taken, it was duly Counellman Patehin that Joe Whitne the Bevel Ps y, open of Prior Acres, had o caMocted him and' advised the remaining 17 acres, plus of the Prtoir Acres Addition, i could be purchased for pack purposes "at a cost of $90,000.00. The Item Is to be 1 ` studied at a later doh. d Councilman Oakes advised that he and Delbert Busse have contacted the Valle St y gn . Co. regarding the operattan'of the Sign 'Co. on.the Ronan Kopp property. He and Delbert Busse advised the owner to appear before the next Planning Commision meeting. Doce�ber 14tH., 1972, to' apply for a "non - conforming. use permit . a Harole,broehon advised that estimated casts for the new well, pump, and motor,, treatment clorination and fluoridation and automatic controls Is as follows: $ c. $41, 500.00 ' 25% contingencies 10,;x;00 �* Temp orary r � , -�; pa+ory buildtng :for wator`treatment 10,000.00 TOTAL COST Estimated casts for a 75D,000 gal Ion water tower $200,000. , 9.0. Contingencies 596 10,000.00 " Leg I and fiscal - 596 # 10 500.00 Engineering 9,450.W I nterest - 5.596 16550.00 3 k . TOTAL COST $ 241,500000 I Motion was made by Oakes, seconded by Watkins to adjourn. y; � ore ti W.W. Gentz, Clark JL i r y � n { l