HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 08 1972 3 , i t i "S" - Wi uC to J .•f:: "r ? ,r z F >• Ki c� 4 .
gati olage �'l.fdl'rateY'ter:r,t a
a tP;y#�ao and'
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,� „`» ,�.,ta�te of'Aili�nesoi!o, mclridlna ll`,cic by sbi� Cun - r^ ":
D ec emberik 1972
The' Common Council of the Village of Prior.. Lake met in regular session in the Villagra
Council Chamber:'Morday evening, December 18th., 1972. Mayor Stock ,col led the
meeting to order. RolI Cal I: Present were Mayor Stock, Clark Gentz, grid Councilmen
Watkins, Oakes, Patchin and Busse. 1
Sealed bids were received to drill a new 1,000 96116n per ;minute'well with the bids to
' close at 8:00 P.M:, December 18th., 1972. Morelos was made iby Oakes to close'=bids #
for same at 8:01 P.M., seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
` The followingbids were opened and tabulated: j
McCarthy Well Co.
2700 E.. 801h St.
Bloomington, Minnesota — 5% Sid. Bond 424,335.00
„Hydro- Engineering, Inc:'
: Young America, 'Minnesota 596 Bid; Weld (8 +00
Larne - , Innesota Co.
' 31,47 tilifornia St. NA."
: Minneapol s, M'i`nnesota" 596 Bid Bond 17,8e5.00
Bar n _Co'Well Inca
13120 Warza
Minnetonka; Minnesotd 596 Bid 21 925,00'r�
Ka 'J'911 brilling,Co.
4t3`No: Lextnoon Pkwy.
St. '�P�il, MInnisota' 5%,B1d 8ond`. ,
21 460.00
.. , .i.
E.H. Renner B.Sore Inc. e
e T?, d- 018 YIl •.
' S545 Igo: Co ;,
' M innea its ' Minnesota, 396 B id' laird 18, 37>
pa 5.00
Trt -State Drilling, & Equip. Co
P.O`. bola $!18
waysaii Mirinr�bta 5% Bid land ;' °° 00r
Harold braelson was requested to verify,the °tabulation, of the bids and gW� his recom-
. . ..
mendatton "for awarding' the •bids ,
The w ainl
owtngAportto:u ere Me`frorn` the minutes of'N`
ovemltit 204 ., i972, ngar±tatng
the raolutiori',as' to ordely'anrreiiatibn of pardons of SprGp Laki�`Tabmships Pager 4R
item: 13 undue (a) Property Taxes. The town agrees to forward the'1044ititid awaunt of w
tax revenue due to the village. within 15 days of the annexation order. The town wou.W
"{ own stein: all rights b recetue these'tax funds'as the y,'be "cbMi�'ydble kaa the caunly
Keaturat, thereby reUnburstn`tself fbr any payments to the vtliage
` Aisoj papa , Itrin 13 under'(b)` Per C apita Aids hr Capita Ail isdolved by the town
in'thd` r'of a66eA016n, prior to�it e'data of �annexatlon, waulid be shared, by the saga,'
t : modified ratio, as u alcove. The above `items am to' be added to the minutes of
Nowmbei 1977'. `Upon said additions to the minutes, a motion was made by
Patchiri to approi►a the minute* of previous meetings, seconded by 111kiklrrs and upon a
,. iio't ° taken, tt was duly pass
Motion�was'made'by Oakes to gpprove'patrmant of all bills approved by the.11nance
Coennitttoe,`secbnded'by au::e and upon'a voM fakes, ,it was duly�por'Y"�id
r ,
r Harold lsr 'alson verified t he tabulation of` the bids 'for''the`will 4W, recoinmdnded that
the bid be awdMOd to the low Qdir, `Laytii- linnalioto Co. `Tri'tM`afnus hl of X17,845.00 :
Motion swan made: by "Oakes to award this bid 'far tlyd'dri11 tnQ of,the we11' to I ne-M jnn
Biota Co: for :17,:855`.00, seconded by Ws"'ond upon q'voti` taken, It vat duly po sNd.
.: Motlon wad mode`br PatehIn to'hove�N.S.I•. install` a stmt light`at`tiid` corner of North
' OTttkwood'RotirF Bed North -Prior seconded'by'Waitkins acid upfoii`o.`Voh'faken, it wv:
a MINUTE of r aeed;ngi.
.the P o of,thq ;pillage founihokt Y'
he: iNagr�fPrior,laket3n,�ihe��E
ouri�r =oE Scott and' '
- "' ; ' "St'afe "of- titinrie
solo; 5rittuding° eSIi bccburitt audited'ts'y
said Council. —i '
Seoied bids were received to 4 �k
R•M., ,December 18th. ,Purchasq,a-new police car with the bids to close at 8:30
1972. Motion was made b'y Oakes to close` ;bids for same at
8:30 PM., 'seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly Paced •
The following bid: were opened and tabulated
Apple Valley Ckrysler Plymouth
Rosemount, Minnesota
3 _ 5% Bid Bond $3, 674.03
C. Lind Ford
� r i
� - ,
New Prague, Minnesota
t'. 5%. Bid Bond
.� 3,693.35
fiWolf Motor Co.
` `'Jordan, M innesota
' Certified -Check 3,589,00
Mchowald Motors 1
New Prague, Minnesota 596 did Bond
1 , A
Shakopee Motors, inc.
Shakopee, Minnesota (Ply) aP• . ��. .. 3,774.00
y No Bld'Bond or 3,739.00
Certified Che -k
Lonnie DYe, Chief Engineer for the Metropolitan. Sewer board
concerni sewer extensions to the new element° r 'school and, o er as pre Information
timing and ftnoncing of the Prior Laike Intereeptor. • and also the
,. ,
Richard Rau, Village Insurance Representative Was
prosent,per a request from the council
since there k some interest, in obhrtning flood insurance kr
advised tho the community. _Mr. Rau
u the:, proees� of
i gaining wch an lnwronce Program is rathercanplia�ted. There
was no action' taken due to the 1 ac
' tc of interest
Mutton was made by Watkins to accept the bid of Apple Valle ' C
• new custom poltoe, ear in the amount of Y. r ler Plymouth for the
S3; 674.03, less ;31.60 for a. 360 V8 Engine, and
tc19, rotund' on FI & p u nil ,
app)icgtton for rotund to Chrysler Motors Co. (which we
hsnre to apply �) fora alai bid price of 13,623.43 T he
lowest bide is be (. ,reason .for accepting, the second
cause -of the elesstronic Ignition` and also due re tlti !naintensnice Problem:
r: 4 fi t vtllse experienced with' oths►r autos in the
!!eilehUt and upon a vote taken post.) p The, motion was seconded b
It was duly passed. _ Y
k 4 an"' made kri lakes to ra `
the elec officers for file
!Y are us follows: Chief, Delbert "Buss i 'Firsi Ass" Prior Lake. Fire Deg!
' Aw Chi Mark Au t• Chief, Donald Borchardt; Second,,
Smithi�Reswe Cappain, William SHOW; RescueAssjt.Je ti
and, Traininp� officer, Lylender:on.• Tlie motion w,as.s! nY afarman;
[t ely`Potsed. � :d'by Busse an
t, vote
sec a
nri In n bnjathalizr tpttllg is now available S Sho
+cry,« If was wyp�nted,that se vsr6 l to w p a n d kopee some
men, attend fhese`cloags. Motion w
bYi WatWctn� n delay fendlrig th briatlaltzer'course, and made
c the troffiee man°
oAurse untilDennis Lawrence can leis thir:ciwoltn
and upon a vole Mk vas:
,duly it wasduly passed. P Q seconded by Stock,'
Motion was made by Oakes 'to adopt the k:
Village of hlor,Lake'does heroby nso14: Il That withtnlantarea Yt.IlaQe Council of the
being annexed to the Villa
,of Prior Lake, which annexation will be effective within the nizt th
dam. 00 ,Prior. Luke School District t: iris' (�) to sixty (60) � � #,
@ to presently engaged to the construction of a new ,
y school butidl '. It' is further, resolved at said Pr
x ved thior Lake School Di
ipeeh to.hg ve sold elementary sclaol constructed and eompleted b Se
and will, open Ms doors to stud +nth; In the fall of.19731,. urhe Y ptember of 197"
In which.th !t t: ft
is school is bet r resolved that the a•}
a�e of prior g coratruchd is not riow'present, y siry d'by sower within .
Brspincer , ` that ,'the rvi l am' ro of said ba:.al upon Information •of the Village 4
flow from drain fields and ce school intercepts sevoiQ points of sewage
:spool: pro:.ntly flowin
rthe g directly Into the lake of Prior Lake.
It is fur resolved that the section of sewer pipe necessary ry to serve the new elementary
school facility will 6 an Inti ` i'
Scheduled for construction by th Gar to o f tho Sewer dosed for Interce Sjstem, which is
Villa of Prior Lake.
4 4 �
MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior ; lake
in the County of °Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
nnota aturo ;�aas.Go,, ;
`Water Product ��o.
L Chemical Co.
E�er ,Russe
I.Z 1
Nrniee Pavek
R ymondorinan
�Prieriuke dank, r
Federal DepkKlt`.
N.S.P. ,
Sonkgrs.Lifie Insurance Co.
Stair = TrMa+re r , R
-P E.R:A
.49 '
aoymond Johnson ,'
Sal ary
11 ,Ssa±he
11, *16
Da F UN,
w 1
Fin Marshall pay
Gunner Electric
*1ne.!!i�ilitsa [Gas, Co.
,Utilities ;
1. .00
Task Mobil
Gas, b Oil
S. P
Utlitisus ..
+s ,rtl.�'i0
al ' .
Coupctl ceettrg:poy
x �
,Rsl tali-
iteiti retnbtrreiaenf
:U., i 8 '6 O.yB
� }I
f4�i Cki�.f!s
.�M�arbership ties,
.. :�ZT.'.i0
Total O- xypen Co.
Cwtw a►tkus
a; tlndpll
Cleaning, blanket:
k.E'i z�t.34
S p•a.Auba r r, t ., Truck repairs
At.” w
;Relief Amociattan ,
x f
RIM eporblont,
. Rrimb Pivemint
E K.
QuIll O il too
. TW Artlll It
Truck. repairs
Zzf ."
W001* + 41,46A sari
�..u. Mix
Plrl `` /�
, ix i� S i`titt tt� ! : ,
x 7 s
- .. A • . <� 1
A von
W'. G..,. Pearson'
Ro[ler rsutfial
E 4pme *repairs
bi 00
6�acktop Construction
Seal coat (payment)
z�; •
.-Sop. �,
L,'� rFr
Gir'otital�+strial .;
'�, ;, Mat cteening . `r.
iller s Fairway `�
Supplies (cleaning)
k l r =.1#s lwwre
Now Prague Lumber
t.; ; rl .
.i r7.4
Scott Rice Telephone
Poles (Ska ting Rink) .
133.55 "
K ' l . a .... 4
27 ,'� •: S,q iFf 2Y
< 9 +. 2 •
71 -2 C.S , .A.H. -ti39 FUND
GiwyAta.NbiWnq Co. k,
Fischer, Sand & Grover
Engl6iwing F,"!.'.
Ad. ; for bids
31 7 .67
Harrold braelson
Engineering Fee;
Fischer Sand & Grawi
Contract paymient