HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 15 1973MINUTES of- the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake `in the County" of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. January 15, 1973 The Common Council 31' the Village of Prior Lake met in'regular sesslen in the Village Council. Clkiinbers, Monday„ evening, January'15th., 1973. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Roll Calir Present were'Mayor Stock, Clerk Gerit , and Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Busse, and Patchin. r, Copies of all previous minutes ;for the month were given to each member oFthe, council ' several days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by Oakes, seconded by Watkins ' to'approw .the minutes. 'U a vo pars to taken it was'dul " m Y Passed. Motion was made by Oakes to approve poyment of all bills approved by `the Finance 'Committee, seconded' by Busse, and upon' a vote "taken, it was dul posed. a Engineer Harold Israelson was present and reported that: new infom+eteon concerning the Metro Sewer Interceptor School site had not yet been received from Mr. Dougherty's offle" the' contractor for fire village we construction is sti{I wiit��i;b to obtain approsc iritatily 200 fief of appropriate. piping before work is begun. In referenco to the publle hearing prisentationi for fire water,storoge tank on January 18th., 1973, Mr. Israelwn suggested that the loader of the discussion present some history of the project and its relatton:hip to the village. Jim the firm of bran 3 Moody is de signated to deal with the prownta�tlon of costs for the project. Fire Chief, Dolb•rt Busse advised the council that he has had difficult' with people wanting to know facts, statistics, extent of damage, and amount of insurance courage for `flies. `The c'`ounci) suso +fed thot'Ordlnance No. 72-23, dialing with the establish- ment of o Bureau of Fire Prevention could be amended "`k read" ".;that such'in%r nation would be aeon only ro, authorized municipal officials and the insurance carrier. This solution was acceptable, to Mr:. Busse. r. Dale Methak, with the caicurrenli of the'Poli'ce Commission, discussed the work schedule ofjtN village's fouF'*160,o#116 i, 44111no that with 24 hour service, "the policemen would three only be allowsid; off • be � pie r ay�F "5rock tabtee! month M • requo=tid that the matter ` for 'hirther 6ticutive diseia i ti In dialing with off -ifnet parking ` pa ng provided. by the usfd ear dealership on Pleasant At, G , Council*" Busse moved to post ",no- parking" signs fibm the corner of Control Avenue M the' flirt hydrant towafid the eiest on the north side of the only.. Motion was socondod;by Patchid and upon a votr'taken, it was duly passed , a The Planning Conmrlsiion presented infisrmatlon on village and township glare, the report ft ing that the Eaplo 'Creek'Otdinbnce handled five cat6 levof land use in eight districts and the Prior Lake Ordinance was concerned with' three lad use catep- arses In tin distttet: (see ttlannlna Commission report). The C onimissiort :feted that goad w and: objicf vet° "for tM vlilago should be`rivi4**d carefully and discussed with i flu' wallzotion that the canisiii:d Comm unity may 64 different °goats and perhaps monk pe 1 ones which could aid. In the development of a revised plan and in future sliseuulon of zoning dlitrlch. 3 . for 5500.00 w a rece{visd' from Ch*los Tooker, with payment approved by l flu' flnorie• eadrnittee. . Mayor took riporftd that °Dan Stack of the Prior Loki Planning Comrnlulon has been appolntidao the `Scott Corinty 'Planning Commission by Commissionior Olderiberg. Mr. Stock wi l"continue to's.rve both "am lesion:. Motion wit made b Oaks to y grant a "coriditional'us• permit* for one yea to the g Valley Sign Co.; `seconded b Watkins, and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. w� Aftornili Mark Su IIvan reported that'no reply ho:' bo•n're.Ceivli - as yet'!rom Dan ' O "Gannett about the Eopi•'Ciaek�Ordlnanftn, bepinntnp with number 16 and thorn toilowing ' Wdtkirismoved ttaf the Council accept a thre•-+nan planning commission proposed for' ' ° the pnnicsd *rsi ; of Spring "hake Township. N* matter will be •dlecussid filrthor eta later Bete; with additional infprrnsitlon.obtained by Oakes. a tr_ • MINUTES of the Proceedings of the 'Village Council of the Villogo of Prior lake in the County of Scott and t State of Minnesota, including all accounts- audited by said Council. Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance No. 72 23, an ordinance establishing a bureau of fire prevention, providing officers therefore, and defining their powers and dutles (see Ordina No. 72 23 in village ordinance e ' fil . With to row All ) th Section X II such records shall be apen to authorized municipal officials and t6:) insur - once earlier, k the motion was seconded by Oakes, and upon a vote 1ak•n, it was duly Posted. ' _ Y In accordance with � � } "�� precedent _ t was decided that Ordinance No. - atablishl 72 25 an ordinance ngsewer service avollabill cats of ilia Ms n' aitd connection charges' to pay the reserve capacity:' tropoliton Sewer Board should actually be titled Ordinance No. 73 -i (see- Ordinance,.,No., 73/1 No. 72 -25). Motion was made by Oakes, -to aprsrove tits ' ordinance as requested by, the Metropolitan Council., seconded by` idtkins, and upon a vote taken, 'it wa duly.` A 3 A ttorney Mark Sullivan will determine 'the consthu tlonalJty of the ordinance. Don Sahommer` and Lyl•`Xnd•t ,re � ntin Pie the I WnitiSquad, iequuted help In purchas o ing a used car f� fi dery .D•porhnent and Rescue a� mve a i>arlmint ,use as a t ^g n , vehicle. ,Since the "hior Lake V' i Intentions Q F.W. • Post announced it tnisenttng the` village wifh a new squad oar,' Mayor St suggested that Tiro Deparh�tent mlaht'use the old squad ear forsuch a trading the eai for a stgtlon wa Purpose, .with the option of will make arrrart t� of a later date. Mr. Schw6nir and Mr. Anderson gem•nh and notify the Council of action taken. Mayor Stock,r•od the letter dated ,Jana f 1973 of V.,F,W !� d208 cry 15. , received from Commander borchaidt the 1973 aqu d {� tti vnq that the Past and i i.Auxiitary are off iring to purchase w r Motion was mods by Oaks to accept bid for bulk Stdar and Oil +dealer of Prior Lake, gasoline for IM frost Spike Muelken, A r Oil in , to GaoCe is ° to be`d•iivered 6y torikw son from th F S lion. with a gua�teed volume, of 40,1>Ot) Ii Garohne'at �S. pa ors of America Super at�IF, Per gallon, and 30,000 gallons ofni•rean Gasoline PK Fallen, to be in a Sd . mbcturo. The quoted prim:, did not include, Rederaj'Manufaeluwm Tax's sa was made by. Mr. Muelken ' via M or Stock x that o wprlce, 14tlnp be re- eul ;Wttsd tri "June fora ' a y ,vpPco�d•dbX Watklns:and u Partible reclassification. Motion Pon q vote taken, it. was duly Pas!ed Mottor► � atad• by QakT c6d ,sanded by iiuw to , a n Upon a } It,was duly pa int ►1 t'aott as weed # iron M►a offar� melacement of doors on the village halt, In Council- tP check. furthef inlo'cbtaintiy sans stool' 6iwi motion wa{ ^ad! 6y,0ak*s tIw* Councilmen Peter d p Spry Laki/prlor;Lake r(y Ahnxat oh Atjreenn• pw appointed x uRon a.voti taken; w dulyFpaesed' f Fatehin reported on ihe Lake Attrwc the ilnanelal split 1 4* anNelpated revenue for tl e.'fi # stage of the ' ,h lion (see report). Patchli stated ihat since' S° i`n has. never submitted, a flnonctal statement durin -a11 of the Pr Q Lake. Township u not known _tf such fu g _annexation, negotiations, it an reds exist, Ptnrwant 10 the executing Seeftii 13 (4, the orderly aanrwcatlon agreement, Patchir recommended that thi`Vllage Clerk s a formes requerequest h! Mp fora coPt!.04', I i mos #,recent ftnoncloi re a: Mn ll as a s eccour Nln of c+ny,d•dlaatsd {a w:, Pat. pecific �. rdsahot may exist`_for, fine annexed Motion was made by Potchtn for authorizinq the a!lior to check tea make sun that the a recor* -Of. Spring Lake to annexed area -is on an equal basis with flee °villa 114M upon; a, taken, , tt ways duly paacd.. gee 'seconded - by Busse ilia tchln s<fatrd tier ` t publication of " ,mod valuation to 'be shoe ed u wi th , _ fh rider tha.nsw fbzcal dlspaeities law '",apparently the Metro, Area Pparently inaccurate and challenged. - (a• memo.) .The villa a wa= charged with are `$ 96,000 mosshould be s a value re present In aboufi $0,6W 5 .of,new Industrial - commercial market value 'in t. u t he terms of the new law. Motion was made by Patchin to send a`rsolufion from the council' to The :the county GWIll r the assessed value and requesting motion was aeakled qu . no a complete accounting. by Oakes and upon a vote, taken, it vva:'dut _ r 7 Pas:.d (2 J MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stall of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , .. z Councilman Oakes stated that additional publicity about his poNr,tial gppctntanent to the Metropolitan: Council could facilitate Prior Lake in havirp a man significant,voi'ce I on the Metro Council. Watkins .w ggested that the Metropolitan Couneti would also I �� •bonsfit;by havira an active representative who is typical of the Fl District. The following bills were, pad;in Januarys NERAL FUND Da a M'ol �. Part time Patrol �i30.09 Steven Schmidt Part time Patrol 87.71' Rueall Lawrence Part time Patroi 79.46 Denn>: 'Leff Part time Patrol 35.91 State Treoiurer P.E.R.A 49.50 Dale Mnthak Salary" .SS Steven Schmidt Salary V8-V = RvsM11 Lawrenee :.„ Salary Denrrb Leff Salary a Stop Ronk Federal Deposit addnks Life Co. Hospitalization y Scott Rice Tele phone ! A Union.74 Stettin Auto Repairs 1.35 t1•S.p� 'Motorola Camnudicatioro Utilities °Contract payment I i Lola A W mKloan Legal Publication 84.20 L i L Hardware Misc. Oil Co. Scott Co. Sheriff Auto Repairs. Prisoner Board . . 5:00 ° -� Owl" Toole �- > �C Planner Spp A '1s4i11er Da is > "Co. Office Supplies. ` 14 An" Dru g ,. Donna' Communication O ffi Supp li ei`' Police Radio Rope r =r, T.,604 ( t Da.S. Co. .�. -. 4C.M. Co. Iniwronce 32:00 " L L Hardware; Copy Paper 223.97" a utilities' �} G.N. a selilven LA ao1 Fee 90 ° V�,O *A#ll .. . Misc. Auto .75, w E rwnbg*W of Tanation State Withiioldin �5f�8:7`I x Mna. Nrrturel, Gas Co. ... Utilities .,Tnownr Dale Mratiielc Sur Choroe ° ; Strwn 3d�idt o Salary. Salary jj • ft RYmell Lawrence, Sal ., 4 IMA, DE, rAR1 MENT i s�r � .roeiwrir- Elr - P;.E.R.A. Salary. - 76.38 26T:6� , ienioa i'wek ° Salary 4.33 Sidlrt Rae is Federo! Deposit 121.00 ors Li fe ,, resigge, X15:00 Hospitalization - r lkier American' Publication 2.00 4 ch ►ublblri Co. Pfe no Bid publication .,w ?6.10 S�ie TreaNrr�r So cia l Security - 32 I: OS Utiiittes� 13slf6, litrrolit I Ion Engineering 2, 240.00 , Cdaru. of Teocation Stan Withholding 133.30 " arife °° r Motor Readin¢ t Mrnioe Pavek Salary 17441 =. cd YEIrt;Riisie.. Salary .I fi,1, . 2 61 Minn. ,Gas Co. ° Utilities s: Cam• of':TaKetion - Sales :Tax MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake 'in the County-6f o Scott and . g ty -� ; State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, s.. & .FUND 31eM ;Ti�eosurir. end Johnan P.E.R.A.. AV 32 Mar Lake Rank - - danker: life ,Salary' Federal' Deposit ; 303.65 77;20 M.S.P. Hospital ization 52 r ii;;ld braelson Catmissiotter Uil tla Engineer Fee: 766 83 . ' of Taxation == Dick Cato State Withholdin g i.i ... 138.24 u $> Haoold braeisQn Meter Reading Engineer Fw 82.60 >2,1 I7 50 Rftmond Johann Salary x w 303.65 it AN- FUND _ #' �� • _ Lake Union 76 Tilephoi>i, MGc. a, 65.30 .5.!!. ! ia.CamMunleation U0111,i1tv Controet Payment 4.00 ' ± 27 72 Atkins i06 Rescue Supplies 20.70 x. ,19,95 Atbn. State Fire' Dapto Membership Mem 15,00 UiNien 76 � ' Ges Co ._ ber:hip,. MGe. Repairs � �. .20, 00 i. !w. Utilities 143.40 'S. § Relmbu rsement; '110 t "FUND .02 Solt x ` Oboe 81 r. Lam Repairs: w 185.63 12.00 `' hir Co' c K Lele� ABp+ge k Growl t . 7,10 - Rush E �= " °1�i(di' :Mobil. Gmvel of i .R i n q�_P . 60.00 . 30.00 Equip. R� rs Pa 1 , ,.. v v , s C t <. ;I Cis Met Cleani : 8.00 hfllace Fuel Ce M . 268.25 aP _ , Library Sign Cleans ng Hel -� § E 1 ..00 �r UNUti .t"60.02 Utilities z 2x ON R a;, FUND k t!le#ljonol Rank So* redeemed` 10erest dw ;r 3;450:00 &Mi Li OF 1 0= FUND 25000 ` I Bank Bads ilk interest '7 525;03 x r . u r- �tan�c Interest due _ ALA 40 rt e i Mgcgor► {. ? Sol of Rends 3,300' 00 . Sane of Bonds hOp p,� L. K Fund $ 4,0,00 ,.. Nat�iitnl Interest due bei M r�her business, `,a motion was made by Oakes, . seconded' "liyabNatkIns to �YLW. `Csents, dark r,