HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 30 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Janoury 30, 1973 The Prior 16ko Village CounclI *met in special session Tuesday evening; January 30th., 1973 at 8:00 P.M. in the Villa ` Council' Ch6ubers 9e � Mayor Stock Dolled the meeting to order. Roll Calls Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and' Councilmen Watkins, Patchin and Busse.- Absent was Councilman Oakes.: Lonnie D e and. Carl deralt of Y the Metro Board were presint in discuss the ` reque :f m6de by the Village of Prior Lake -on January '8th:, 1973 to c'o"Ider,the con stivction.of "part of Phase 11'6fthe'Prior Lake interceptor, preferable to the early summer months of 4 1973, so t4i'sewer line'will be avatla6le to'provide ser�vic _tp new elementary schooi... The requsited' Im = provemant cor>:isK of 3,'800 llnisiii of various size :ewer lines and a temporary I!R std }ton to service this'I In* .' ' The `estimated cost of t* projsct`will b6' In !the range of'$220,000.00 depending on the size`of the sewer dines proposed; The Prior Lake Interceptor Sewer has been approved "In concepil' by the Council and the '1972 `arid 1973 budgets have included fund ; limlx� y g ` en tneertn gr l � pn, ,pats ands pe i^8 specifications and cosutructton costs 4%r' thii'1r;; rVvement under the normal pollciee',of sewer prolict funding as follows: a.' That new monk uetton be'undertaken only if'dwxinium federal "and =tats funding isavallable. b 'lf irrevocabji Barrage to natural" resource or health ha:- drd`ts caused the project atay proceed i`fr i e I. The local government <agrees to pay a significant portion o i, f ,the proposal project.. 2. The „local government agrees ,to. use the new facility whin It to comp o to There via. disc inion regadirg As presentation to be made to the Referrial Committee i Thursdery'-affirrnoon Fe Ist. 97 3a t2 :30 P.M. ° �a`Y . .M. by af�ttte, Prior Lake Village Council and Engineer, Harold Israilson, regading the request for Phan 11 of ., the Project.. There being .no .furtbec buitueu,, the meeting was adjourned x. W Gentz,. Clerk January' 18 The Prior. Lake Yillegr Counetl met 3n special session. in .the �Pri `+ .y Junior H = or Lahr g School Auditorium, in the V,Illagsl of Prior. Lake .Minnesota, .at.8 :901 M.,on° Thursday evening, 'January 18th:, 1973. Mayor Stock called the meetin to order. Stack C lark g h�estent were 1. Mayor: , rk Genii, :and Councilman W e atkine,. Oaks:,, Patclttn-.and lugs:: The PuTOM;of•t6 m *ting•,waa to'hold a�.public homing,to comider.thi comtructionof 0:750 :vpllon eleYOW, wate stoma* .tank and appurtenances. ;The! total estimated coot dfW id E improvement Js to be $245, 000.00. ,Courtcilmam Jack,Qadres chaired the heari V. explained •various phases of the lmprowsmsnt. It was atirrtand` the "per Con neetIon charge for prose”' use will m,.$150.00 and the aaesMnsnt may be paid M full or in five annual Installments with interest on on* "' Id installmepts..Assuming awes m" would b°s •levied. on October , 1973;. and anumIng interest at 8%, the annual reW iroment would be as follows:._ 1st -.1974 = Principal. lntarost @ 8%, Total ` Year 30.00 5:00. 45 00 year -.1975 30.00 9.60 39.60 3rd. year -1976 30.00 7.20 37.20 0 4;80r / , 34.80 ;5th. year 19/ V' S 30.00 2z40 % ° Ri" 32.40 (Totals) $ $ 39.00 $189.00 • First payment would Include interest fivm :date of aeeessmetit levy to De zember 31i 1 974. ' They were after 5 year: the advised per connection charge wil be reviewed and if at 4 titatyttnrr z,ttte; council fire, the charge :halt; be ,inawassd alts future connections shall Pay the higher charge. , There were 56 people the hearing, and no objections,w�ore made to said Improvement. There being no further business,, the meetin0 was adjourned. W.W. Gentz, Clerk 0"'UTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of .Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. 4, The Prior Lake Village Council met to regular session In the Prior Lake °Village Council Chambers Monday evening, February'5th., 1973 at ieting 8100 P.M. Ma yor,Stock called the in 'to order. 'Present were Mayor Stack,` Clerk Gentz, and Gouna(Imen. Watkiru, Oakes, Patchin and Bus". Mr. b.Mn. LaRoy Olson, who I(ve on Cambrldgo Road In Prior Acres were sent. Olson advised hom the council that he plans to refinish his basement in his "o after which o his-: wife will operate k a one -chair beau ty se, on to t buildin hese basement.: He was advised that a g pennif would be needed,, along" with a � "conditional use" ' beauty baton. Motion was by Watkins to perm �`to Qperate the grant a and�Mrs. Lena ,Olson too �° 'conditional use permit M Mr. Y Perate a one -chair beauty salon in their Boise f : one y�',,t�cont[ngent .upon obtaining :a.bu`ild(n period of Home, seeonded'by P6tehtn and, u g pirmif to romodil" the basement.of their Pon vohfaken, It was duly passed Doyle was prosont to nlscuss the orga(nzation of the. private sewer n: cttan: a and wa ter Pe - to r .also: x, advised N'At all i ' discussed the Lee tlusse private tewsr' age system. He nepection "had'bikm'made this date and a d noted , that Mr. W:a l+as thisre was no" ivldence of seepage ; k e�goperAfed and is conttnuing correct same. Mottos was made by Pathin ss io aPProva Iplaru and specifications for the calehvction V � of n 750,000 ool lori elevatid water storage tank aril a And upon a vote taken;` it was duly posted; PPu�nances, seronded`by Watkin V ; i " Motion was:made_by Watkins to advertise for 'sealed bids for the cons flon eltruction of, a 750,000 tpt �iv�stsid water stoi+age tank ani . a .. Pnances bids to be received at, the Village f Hall, 2191. Dakota St, Prior Lake, Minn' ola' unt118r00 P.M. } ofwlitch ttMnn btds.wtlf_ bi P ublicly ,February.26A 1973 - pubi e ' open* and , ,,, •. t � ��. �- � rote aaken,, It Was: dul gaped, Y read aloud,- seconded byi Busse and upon,a JI` ng of b0ndIA9 of various Improvements Provements was, Harold brael � 41606 he talked, son .te .lhn advi Olson and Ikr. Ohal indicated a better rote on a 1 will be�reeetve,d,� instead bonding sale of sevrol tmallor ales. arge water Mr. Olson wgle :tad corltolidattng the #" 99. the well, the water and sewer exteniions toNa"th Prior', and the school' site, ala no N+I*the eictension of the water main to the - waste' steSt+age site. Motion was made by Watkins •to authorise Harold Isroeison to An. th e,xterOfon of water and'sewer to the school sits and al to the Ska 4th. Addition pl wtth of'the r mAln to:the now Ovate wafertoro stti'" i Gt * upon. a Ovate taken it was duly passed , seconded by • t Cou�ethnal. patehinre �t a adv Pfd .on the orderly annexation of a P•. trod that the Spring 'Lake, a Town Board nd the Vi of rrio theO r, Lake have n iohltly` a jinee,d i�het =r�ilu, < la results.tn ,a Perce nt age to be i Ii rivem 4 of �AFM The PP to 1973 per capita 1, n Sprinal Lake, ToWyehiP Treasurer shall use this percentage in 1 :` Al�oeeti P rot °ttewnue Shoring, Stato Municipal "Aid, andaStato Etganette, Tax funds to the Vtllag of •bier Lake ;and >r that the Scott Auditor.shouid apply the 25.47796 T 1 ollooatl b tktor Lake, Its part of the 1973 Slate Liquor Tax Funds due Spring Lake" _ `\ • i T1ar° , a w as , , or oath baasIon regarding an ordlnanee requiring the dedieati s I PaY"1*�in liew thereof. Motion`was :nade,,by Watkiro.to :adopt Ordinance No. 73 -g an adinanoe requiring cash payment kw nark filed tn; the`V ila purposes (for full details,' see Ord. was duly poss.d. se Ordilrai c0 [look), seconded by Patchin and a. vote taken, It . Motion . was made b y Patchin to have Tom Watkins represent the the t Village, of Prior Lake on h+a"*san ;planninq.commiss(on - Spring Lake Township 'Village of Prior Lake, and x Scott Ccurity, and that ililf�Bttsonitt act as an alternate. The motion was seconded by Busse and upon c' vote taken; It , was. du passed. The Ed Gerold troller house d'racommendatton pro has been turned over to Attorney' Mark Sullivan for on how to handle: _ (6) r r