HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 28 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council ncil of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited b said
Y Council...
F+bruar�r 28. 1973
The Common Council of the Nil lag! of prior Lake met in special session In th
Lake, Village Council Chambers Wedrie February *,.i�rior
sday evening.. 28th
t30 P.M.
Mahror Stock called he meeting M order. Present were M and Councilmen
• '1973 ar 7.
Watkins, Oakes, and Patchln. A
%a' Stock :
The Brent were Councilman Busse and Clock Gertz.
Purpose of the meeting was to meet jointly with the Planning Commission `\
the now zoning ordinance and zoning map. on to discuss
It was agreed to hold a .. 197
ix+ bl is hearing Tuesday, March 20th
Prior Lake Junior High,School re •. 3 at 8 :0o; P.M. at -the
regarding the now zoning ordinance.
There being no further business, the, meeting wa= adjourned
, W W
. Gen
C la r k
March 5. 1973 �
The CaRar+on Council of the Village of Prior Lake' met Oakes' reyiiiar�sfon to
V11160 :Council Chambers March 5` 1973 at 8 :00 P.M M the Prier Lake ,^
to ar4r '' 1 Pr*nnt were Mayor Stock aYM' Stock polled the meeting
;end• Bum". "Absentwa�- Councflnian' , Clerk Gertz, and' Counc Watkins, Patchin,
Lawrence Sc present ieaording an application
� tlrav�ol. Mr. Schwekh f ' a cendtttohol use permit far
of how the land` Ps'es•nted o'map of`the Project and i'
is to be used. �+lotiort was made b Watkins to to layout
ii rtr►It to Lawrence Schweith,,termtne grant a "candltlonal use
and that the time of the gt+awl on the properh, for+neriy owned by Ray gong
J�f7, hilt. Schweich r p omit shall; no years,:: if project is not cempbted a
t exceed 2
.Petcldn and u aPPe � 'i the council for renewal ••of
a M
Pon veto ken, tt.was duly passed • seconded by
4h advised
thor h
�'k rest Mp the hiring of a�ftft*ttftl �a4n to; ��fi�oin ? Downtown
ad 'ised that flee 9ustne h e will be In a Pr aii�-Uk*1FWI Force. He
Mientregard \ �.rame. �� «,,. ,,;. * �,• ��" t � emuneit on whatever action
ant w i t h
Al Stethat presen�tnd ties
X Comn+fseton recommended pretfnjj*WyRpt� of -the Ogk� ;Rld0,�tA
a dditibn. The Planning
Paris dedtamNen vies d PPr'a►al of the plat :Inca all loft meet lot
incensed Oencirntng the plat.' Metier was t^monts, etc:
' NMnprs,IGni made b Walk Ins to a
of, f1NVl - `� °y Plot if O—W Oak�"Ridb f Ikt'AddiN ; but bb#arei �
islet f: made, potent to the f $2 ,amount o,S0 1 400`461 of the har4hell
pork dedication, secor�d'by Fatchin and u f= to ma `fn advance for
ti; SIZ St: at = ,, hen a vote taken it duly pasad.
, .
r was
Mr. Famell, fe4l}
• r *rel a ,
_ Pro 11mbita ►plat of the Nerth.S
'The Ndnnt� Canntfutonssi here "Oakes FNtMh Addition.
ggosted.ie*Ml alternatives far c hange
sho uld , iW be ttraeted`. 1�ttey are to Increq n, the lot size to 20 °pproval
bvtld �a in ,000-feet minimum, or to
ternote� lot ;- hilr'fn the •
g r+reiatrit loti un `
mods° �► =WaNtt6 to o ^g isle ale Prevtdid Motion was
PProw :>protis6hilk LPtej of *6 t
wtth:jthe': a Shei�e t?cft Fourth Addn.
lht nest rlwtbutldbp :bi Wit ed tit 1 lltrtnate*trlh un
O° h nand upon a �pob t�awR it'wsii del Nl :never b provided,, {
y 'r i'
Tile O' I
L�ugh u+: "Batt C Peaadure
aunty CWfI °Defohsi Director' dlscussed:the
fieferal tau+ae • {o,.
�fO� i, bits r. prrehastng aAd' afChriE �
A stfeesitd the moortws of'a Dillirwe and Fk&Warnin
t n!t i ppeinting r? civil Detienw'p
irrc if M g
� ^g to a as such. He °w ailiiiwd titer ff,Mtr =liiA � r• Mb( }
slow, err 0* atment will bas fx =is not oefing to continue
for thereto. 1
madelace�htin at the Minch 9th. °meeting or
, Pt' He advised that it will be peulble to �. '
ahproxinwtily sbc months. open bids far the warning systim in
Motion was made by Busse that R R.
Wadowole iced tars S to be held a) 4tiritvtr far a
pesters and the Waterworks O at tho p.1c
Nicoll Hotel - in Minneapolis April 9th, throe h 13th
du l y 5 ' 7 . :paid by the village.' seconded by Watkin:�and upon a vote Mtfo�t �_
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
The following bids were reeetved r6�pUrchase of a steam thower: Itasca Equipment Co:
of. Savage,
L f
.Minn. - Aeroll Model TH -SP-4 LP Strom Thower or Hauck Modal STP -230»
Steen • Thawer at a price of 395.00 FOB
Prior Lake., ,
Haden hAgr0W nt,Co� of Minn. -Aerotl Steam"Tlgwor Model
TH -SP-11 equipped with LP Gas, 10 feet steam hose at a price of $550.00 FOB Prior
Lake. Motion was made by patchin •to award the` 61d to the low bidder, ,Hayden Murphy :{
Equipment Co., of Minneapolis,in the gmount 5550.00. 40, fiat of:additional hue is
to be ordered at the expense of the village, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken,
I t was du pored.
Harold broolson advised that then seems to be no problems in securing the sower and ,
water eonstructlonApsoments fir, the various improvements to. br,;mdde daring 1973. He
also advised pop ss on drilling Well 0 3 - they now have drilled to a depth of 180 feet.
Manitii "`Olde`niwra;'Scott t ounty GommiiWkii r, was pedant 6 get the" fee IIng of the
council regarding the closinglof - the,- Sdvdge Railroad Bridge from 10 :00 P.M. to 6 :00 A.M. #
dally., He. pdvlred that the opmrotino awt'share ;for Scott county ;k ,il lghtiy more than t
;iZl, 00000; if thl; bridge yore closed from 10 P
M to 6tA�.M , rthe�.clrim
ba ,000.,00: A po r nd, tip► :view in agreement
Pol of the council was taken""
that the county should clog the bridge. fnsm IWO &M., to &M A.M. dolly. :
": 1lkm ehmike�I, represrttting tlte,prior, Lake Scho�sl District, advised thot.the dishlct
is ebjeetlrpp,tho haolwp ahogis te ihi new :school of $57,225..00;
' Several sewer and
wa1K,e n roulw and 0 0"O "'Pt proiadure,wa diswssod. M r Schmekel requested p
prop oggtlentcwmputattan :be.use for dntermlRtng •,the heolwp cha
hininp ; �f atfifth flt�l limo patro,Imon was dtstnt
. x • seat with Police.�Cmnnrisetenas Harris,
SchrMdir, andt)aleMelhak. !t was the fooling of the councllthot >fh+anea are not i
available aij.the present,, time, so a fifth man can be added. Comm issloaer'Schroedor
re" W4 thJkp ,ftff14 n�an is net 00 14e0,!1ow ho W; oddest bovhwlrq
pttlte, later lNpttea,+xas mode by Pdtohin . the
January I, 4,
( tk,toble tire.•ltmn�uatil, Aprtl2 meeting.
Motion was made by fatchin to advertise to recelve.applicatlons fora fu -time Clork-
Treawre' in the next publication of the League of Minnesota Municipalities, seconded
t by Busse ; dad upon o vote tin, It waks.duiy
Pad•' • <` , �`
., ; `t Mkt * ^; !N'Q` 1It4d4yaPglc ,�aoncr otstanding sad; unoelloctabie water
9 btil . aob f«' :� �•221k <Mr Ronald Roof far•31:6;.04 and - James Scott _
: , 5 •t�! by Watkins aad,upon a, vote token, it was duly,poesed.
Molten was made by Busse to ( approve ' payment of the fellow)
ng pay.voucherst
�u!i11 ipwr'iagR „fiC �4.40jValo MoihAkFfur :.31�6;30t ,and <peimis Leff,. for $78".00 and '
'31�ow ,SOlit $!30,00,. soebnded,f ay Wlatkirts.and open a viNa..hikerr,`4'It was duly passed.}
AB foot.was;m4dttbY 4osse.to enter irate the %11a' I a �
ng m utual; old agreiirteat with the City
Neat.'hag4e :..M�tgrerota4 It k,mutivally agreed by awl,botweon the Fire Department of ;
; thp: Ylllge of t ooter Lake dnd tlw {Fire
Departm of titsi City of New Ptvgw through its
Deparhnent ChMf, thot,lt 4'osRenttal for adoquate,,flw: praftotlon of all mWents that
fire deportment be allowed, permitted, and empowered to call upon the services
and asswtonc. of;oveh�other In wee of art entirginct;, or If; ,.in :}he'opinion of the Chief
,.�1. :»king assishNtco,, !het air� natterces w"r” t such aail,for aatstarrco.. "it is fusilier
tKtutuglly agreed ea�lt of=thi firs de hne
.Parnh;aattag underiti>, circumstances Identified
9be va will rally ark pdoquately. blow
e a(nd.ethwwlse protect memberi:bf their own deport ,
Mont ,fpr ;injuries or dq�wged eyt wch.activittos ,seco Wod,by Patchin and upon
,4 Veto irhon,; tit ,.
Motion was mode by Buse, seconded by Watkias to ad journ..
W,.W.,'Gentz Clerk
r ,