HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 19 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and r� State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. March 1 197 The Common Council'of the Viliage of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Prior - Lake Councll Chambers Monday evening, Marc l9th., 1973 at - itoo P,M. Mayor i Stock called the meeting to order. g Present Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, amd Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Patchin and Busse. Copies of all previous meetings for the month were circulated'to'each somber of the council several days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by h3usse, seoondsd by Watkins to approve the minutes and upon a vote taken, it . was duly passed.. Motion was modo by Oakes to approve payment of all bills approved }by de Finance Committee, seconded by Watkins and uponv taken, it vote was duly- passed. Gary Millard, who resides on West Street Sunfish rted permission b hook u on, a fem ( hloy Addn.) , eques p te m p orary t the sewer line in West Street. Harold; isro Olson was "esNd to Pr0par`e,specificdtl0n`ts for temporary sump pump installation in at .eft pool, the Millard home using plastic pipe discharge. Motion wasmade by'C�akesxto approve Nmper+ss'y connection by Gary Millard'on the basis of speeif oltiow 00parrd by Engineier, Hof ld beaelson, which are follows: as (1) Contractor sheik protect the existing manhole In Wist Streit to the, a tMnt that dirt, cencreti, or°o solid material is firms , ptvontod entering Nie.;fewir. (2) Piping shall -16 placed sevish�feet deep.,in traveled ion , of an Y r�adway'or driviway'and five feet °•deep in boulevard: °and other non- lraveld portion ortions of tM roadway: Suitable insulation for piping•may be substituted for depth`2" by`4" wide styrofaom will allow: plao19ment at five foot depth to roadway. (3) fin aewnatn' 6 manhole shall discharge In the direction of gravity i six 'inches of manhole* bottom. (4) Contractor shall` comp a - ' h , 11 irenehes in roa to at ad y least 95% standard proctor densit t (5) . Gavel surface disturbed in roadway shall b repliaed Ith'four IFk of Class S gmvei base topped with two inches of 3/4" minus zt ciushed Jbnestone (6)' intentof these'specifieatidem is to provide restoration of beulev rd and - surfacing to equal* bitter "condition cis the comp) "tion of the forcemain lhstahatio n. ' � SUMP K INSTALLAT ION: ` The sunip' pump ihall`U instal led In the Go* 061 ibbnerslhtie and motor pump with sealed mercury , float'switch or Isolated - oil seal diaphrahm switch control. M irdinum, pumping` capacity fie' eacK` discharge is Indicated below: pipe pe "size M inimum M' m ca c y� i girl• .w 3. 3 q , M' V +1 221/2 20 om 1 6 e R �' t f/2 The dischargitsWe`of thr`piimp fiav�e o•check valve and shall ri:o have, a gate.valve tooand outitde the eas gaol. All electrical ONJe, connectors, both motor and control ihtrl be ftttokh wiNf water proof pludi'di l stud= for the motor provided, of 'least equal to # the hetrioetl'codi requirements °iuttable fWunderid inslolWon 'TJ* connecti on rdrou charge far fief eonnedtibn tb i6 shall bo' wa Ivied until' the ' x ilrmaneirit connection 1s mli;F'sconeled bar Wotkiia`and Upon a. "vote taken; it was du ly`peaiid!, Gordan Hennen inquired if he could Install sewer laterals from the 4 s house to the sewer "Ie'diseds ! AIMrt; riratri►'• aerisiderab sire hetwa: advlssid° nsedreh would br to, we if this type oUproctice would bs odvlsoblj ":lneo•he dove } s r not hold a Ileerse .� . masters plumbing Harold braeison was unable to attend this meeting. Mr. Woolson;, left the plans and specifications for wateir`and "ilon se+w•r` tisstdll for'Phisis 1i and'also street paving. plans and specifications for Ph* [of he Prior South'Add tlon.• Cou, - Wiman had several.t i,l questions regOding the plans and specifications. (1) ` Does the job require any use of sumppumps (2)= qHi hotel °sleveral tie potnti wire m sitng := Motion was made by Pate hln was to approve final plans and speeificatlons for water and sewer of Phase 11 of of the Prior South Addition based upon the satisfaction regarding" the above questions by C ou Ac IimM Oakii` :''elided tk rir c } i by'Wi i and upon 'vote `fakes, ft ryas duly passed. J The'itro pdving pl ane : for Phase I of thin Prior South °Ackhtlan w(sro revlewed and it was l notod thaat this plans call fiat' an` iittrnidid airs ° Motion war made by Oakes to approve final plans alai fiaeaRcatiofu for ►hoe• i ofthr"PriorSouthAdditiort upon changing the curb and that * curb be a continuous pdtt'of=Ow Uhl minus , 'mat: 'seconded ',by patchhn and upon a vote talon, it was &- I. .. d. .; MINUTES of the Proceedings of thi• 9 Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County, of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Harold braelson stated that he'ha ~reviewed three separate sewer routes to serve the, new elementary school and adjacent areas. Route I art Ina Stepka Highview 3rd. Addis.) with a length of 2215 feerand,a constructi of 2515' fret and a construction cost of $26, 547.00. Route 2 proposal) with a length ( � . westerly line of ! o =23,6.10.00 Route 3 (alone north sid n cost of e of'State Highway 013) with a length of 2580 feet' and a construction cost of $27,233,00 He advised that the critical point to be considered is the cost and availability of easements. The back lot line has many, Nees, fence: building to contend with, making construction on the line Im line entirely unto Practical'. Moving the sewer k William Sim its �� westerly of thf ; line :I e. (Fglth Ev. Lutheran Church and Pk property) would undoubtedly result In the cheapest construction cost. An P tempt to acquire these easement would be met with a counter offices of frontage assesannnent relief, resulting In higher cat for the other assessed tlNthen casidsro ro tio: (i) It is ma ro to place utilities in free publ public rip t. -wa fibm the, stand point'of maintenance. and accessobili fi'• (2) In thts Y It ce spool, drainfleld, and Instancy, the septic the connection cost to the individua 1 more expensive I lan a rear Iine �conne e' making Water lines will be placed in the street., coon. (3j We use o common trench for water and sewer in s!rvtee= ,using, oast iron soil pipe for sewer service. , This results In .0, lover unit cost for combined services. A roar line sewer would era :f tranehas, incest Wn "I � + Pr±rate sewer and water service ' g.cat both to act.and owner. # alterna Proj He advised consMertrrp the three ; te ` rout•: with :botkocononics and enginee g j Bement tear- ln ud raeoaim Route ended [l tM.prefenvd,route. Route,2 f f would de#inately be distast to the church. They are not sure of how much- rea h- the deed oe uture buildin . This Haar their building. Motion w b as mad to a Route / Prevents a crossing_ Y se 1 for the ro new elementary to serve the Lary scho with sewer and water, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, 1 k it was duly passed. 'Jans pka= I:t�S Addtf at ns fa'- project #72-7 were presented ,for se on to the Ste and , sever and water to veer Installation T , the Stepka. and 4th, Addition, Lakeside :4i lakeside GorderElementary chool site, Faith S Ev, Lutheran Church site, :and water rr . 1n tistollotion to the new wate r tower site. Motion was; made by Pokes, to glaua specifications of Project 1 72 -7, as � outlined above, seconded ate h l�n andflno " ; upon a.vote taken, it was duly Pa, e d. Motion waq P, atchin ta° by ad w ruse fo be r sealed :bid: for Project E72 -7 with bads to °po ? MO^�yi APr41 '16th.. 1973 at 7s3O P.M. Potted . 'in the Prior Lake Council Chambers, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly . . A letter was received 6om Duane David Anderson, Architect for Faith Ev. Lutheran requesting a occupancy. roe Chur pa cy (sewer) permit to install, a 500 gallon holding tank until the sews Imes hairs, been, installed, which will be advised that ?he.�hur�h has sew semetMe in September or October, 1973. He permission M by into Francis Muellers water supply ,. =IMe to sew *i hurch on a tem porary basis.: Motion was made by Oaks to grant a ""r,pormIt to Falth Mr. MuellEv,. Lutheran Church ,on a tom in4toll�d and that tMy insta d is granted to 500 gallon sealed tam k orryidi: untie the sewer mains are obtain, or hpok, into er: water su, 1 Iine on a temporary art permission �uaa upon a vote taken, It was duly passed, pO1arY,basin, seconded by i Councilman Watkins, advised of the roe 101" Planet ' Co piston. gnation of Mr Harriet GzcxJson i� the Prior :. Motion was made by Busse to:.accept the i"009nation of Mrs. Harriet Carbon from the-Plarntng taken, it was duly t�d Commission, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote . � - _; The .following manes wore presented who­cre interested In bin Lake Lako Manning CO", .tsstont Gordan �_ackborn and Patrick, Walk r g Opp Motton was by Watkins to appoint. Gordgn=Haekbarn to the Planning Commission and that Patrick Walker be placod oa, the. rem lbt, seconded by Patchtn and upon a vote: taken, it was duly passed. � A requ to send three men to the Anrwel Minnesota State Fin School held at the Pte- Nlcollet Hotel in Minn apolI May 8 - Ilth , 1973 was made by Firs. Chief Delbert W µ Busse. The replNratlon file for.sane is $30.00 per reran :, Motion was made by Busse to authorize three fireme Fi n to attend the Minp. State ro School M" $ - to authorize the clerk. tosend 90: ar 11th., 1973 and _ _ 00 regiNratlon fee for sane, upon a seconded by Patahin and ,vote taken, tf wai duly- ,paned, (2) MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of - Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council. Fire,Cl►ief,bus, a advisd that Fireman Rayaohraon would attend the school if permission is granted. The councilfdecldod• to table until slater date to see how much, work there Is for him at that time. : P,h+e•010 al so advised that there,may be a meeting called.; by the;�United Fighters forr, *first part of,;April, .1973,, and. thAy,would like the mayor or clerk to attend if i An •,opplk9otlon for an On -sale Liquor Lb"nse was received hum Glen tobirison, b NsWOnt -the Bowl ing.Lane Brooksville, Center. Action watidelayed.because more information is. fielded. " *Oion ww made by Patchtn to adopt Ordinance 073-5, an Ordinance amending unit In various ge+t prdlrionces,_(for, full dotails, see.Ordinance, filed in,V111ap Ordinance •Ieokj, �sepandoO by Wsse WA upon a votw taker, it was duly pa.ed t� t , x Patchin , Caun 4 . '. ' v7 a •.5 • i �/� c neon *v 1sed Asst. Ordinance No. 7i -2, on Ordinance regarding Park . Qadioat>on needs madtftcation. ;Meyer Stock. delegated. Councilman, P61chin to do nf�h oa7pree "!utd :pidt►he :hts flndlt�s:.k . , ,. =MWOWNa f,madn by,Watktn * - 9dopt Ordinance No. 7.3^4, an Ord p rldtog for the pormdnient regifttion of qualtfied,voters in the, Village, of Prlar for full details see Ordinance filed in the Villa Ordinance N Rook), seceded by Iuese and' upon a .: are#rs liken, it wqs: du ly posted.; . ;_ : Motion was made by Watkins to adopt the following resolution regarding, 18-169 Corridor: WH AM. Our NSiah of, Minrie�iotp ices the kigl ► pr!ob m of "tea. mauls,• poa:pie haw Dome tae IIasR,. -acid <MIHERM, • oonstruc* on .progtoms have not.kept, up with the growing needs, and WHEREAS obsolescence has occured in many existing road aid brldp fpsi1 t11is� Mdi=WM6R AScoeutnuatton storaidards Mw: iaMeosM the oast of i lfttwction projects, and WHEREAS Inflation has increased the cost of constiuetiaa, ects and WHEREAS, t6 Minnesota Highway Department hat been unable to fund. en the highest .. - c priorities, and WHEREAS levels of taxation to p; , atr.ady at 'pearl y tom hporltiw louts, and WHERF.�►Siadd #tta:al funding from f«leral soursur6 forthcoming, not 111►I REAS many eonstroottdm.prioritie need -the eadiptyrossibie-oorapletion, then : ,,T . .. STORE BE IT RESOLVEp that the Stott of MGaasota`b,horeby nmued ed.te *i"lish : , ati. interjia,aowmission, to. inyesttgab, =hilly and report;ba�ck tis;r000annendatioe�s regard- i4p.#ice a bject of 4Inanci0g anipfoonstructlon projects:*wpugh 1#01 , "wise fee concept µ" ° for l�tghw ys and bridges, s�eoorided' "by Patchin and upon o- vfolle l okon, ; die following void a hi "fever thereofs Major Stoek and 'Councilmen Watkins, Patchin and Busse. N'otirig, 4801ist sold motion was Councilman Oakes. Motion carried. ✓r rwh ., t T {� •'w tf. �• _ The rat proklw,on. the Milwoukee; preoporty, hes :,6"n ,taken. >osve of by Engin*er•W.,C. WW1wm of the Milwaukee Railroad. Ordinance No, ?314, an Ordinance setting forth Urban,and.Ruwj irvGoe :Districts ? in the Village sof Prior Lake was discussed for adoption. M Actian�=ww rrtng adoption was tab led., 07f x A,rpishratiea of`Allart Mix ep.Civil Defence Difreehor w received. Motionwas made by Busse to accept the r�sianation of All en Mix as Civil' Defense Director, ;seconded by w { Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly posped. The 4 follawirtq names we presented who are betnq appointed as Civil y interated)irt D find Coordinotori heb Pintaisi and' Dlek ens. Motion was math by Oakes to ; appslnt Dick keens as?•Civit Defier» Coordinator,; effective at once, and put bob r'intoui y on the reserve list for th Plannir* Comunl:ilon,' se�candid by Watkins and upon a vote taken, It was duly Pfd• Motion was made by Watkins to appoint the; CleriS/i'r+asur+t as Chief Clerk under the Civil Defence Annexes and Ordinance, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duty passed'. .. .... Motlowwas mode by Patchin to appoint Bernice Pavek as Deputy Chief Clerk under the w Civil Defirw ° AMMM and Ordinance, seconded by Watkik and upon 'a vote token, ,4 It was duly possed.. s (3), ; MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake, in the County of State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, Scott and. f W4W Stock appointed Camerint�n Don Mi "of i s Man power- God .4 sunder the- T ' . Gtvt #�Defina Anrwce:aantJ Orditwneo. •," !'a�pa'tatlon Chief .k , The Ilquoc license fees were tviewed to deetdr'if the °Iicena fie should a ado be the am* e tali year;, pted' by- Ordina m #7ii -20 rf'a ehaing shouldubo 018 evade b y� ^otehin 'that'the- liquor I lceroe -foes shall " Motion was #71 -20, •eemndodgby Watkins and u remoln thi dine ddephd by Ordinance i Pon a vote taken, It w= dulypgo j Motion war marls by' Ooksi to oppdiat n emd tintsiw' be�aam few gawk ae CoinmiiwWwr ef•Voter Registration j prnatid.�fer sb�� tn�►; Roche, , by Watkins and u hours'at tl+r+�Whw rem of °PrY. seconded pon a vote token, it was duly passed. , b , ; . wM!yorStbak advlNd� °trwlctiN'vrilapi =nsW� :how acn <, � ti this 0row1 to dry u by >u :hp1 kind of He =adv4ad � Q11 4 not "dping� , "` HA Niat thi:road poftl Iw" t'fhft eug tw Pu I some Of A rag and advised of prtou seouiad Avm several fin". The type rYdr wb r °en tf» �'o�d• 3 could be °wAoun on % ltacter' •Aere��eunh � $Geo0.'r k Trsctor4 'haet°r Drawbri►Q+ .00 yeach ectton Q Cer. ti�wbsr @•i12000) seiol�n� Traetcr Co. advised Q` Roetanount veil to the Vfli � hewe•a 3isosMon�pxrng,ft"',f* 47Si00'whrch they will oge of Nor Lake for {300.00. Motion *A4 section. 1pft to was meda th Rareii oil by Watkins to purel ese z ia= t ;'�ttwier;dg `for =300 eop"eeew"iby Mtchrn and �A pessad .YkY It war decided that a policy should be 4la411shed *m iOf per mile for any meetings, hearings, etc. nded 1 r�burse'membei�s Of the council atte outside the V1 tt�� . � r P1 wiliieys mewl foi► of , . resid� : e�oadtl rstriictrasf�was dtscs�ssiil. �tttiwae dec � � P�dr are e�eslrtcted �a•ftw�i�on Wed that all �dlltic t�htit eut�tned tIN followt * Perk' aW b tl*t devolopmen Its x Z Aogtrls ttnn�# Size" .: t �, a Fanl► r., ' .. �, i , cNorMV °t% of RA S. dZ? - x " =150,000 00 s_ X92 �►ee!a ` 000 00 `' 2 A5 ;arp Goq ., F, 'teat "�3.1AIhit�ey'�;j'' , {; t 2 �.00 t . �A�,�. ` t °7 000200 $ �� 00A 1t.£tMul�i_f ►Ier ithak Slid "; , • 5�SflAcr s 128..56�Asaos tu�p (ai" to be undeveloped) , left mostly . ti00 Mou • i`1n. fief Q ;2,'f 00 ��20, a t�h 000.00. nente Shed ,..,lS;oo© � ,r„ � 1 Boo "Dowtopmrnt - 0" 000.00 ' titrll�ltlelabs.x.,. �f, .. •f. ,r7 ,.. •r5,00pa00r ;' Oitsite #ood=' ) ; 5; 000.'06; t . Other 10, 000 :00 1 we ofd - GraniJ'7ota 5441.,.00000 0 I .,.. 1oti plus 5 �!+A' back 1611 V li f°r {r d!!d c l .trine # of 6 , Y i{ xbi E Y I !d:i SoTa of ' �,.. 1. `i,tlaihp P t.t. Rb: �S2o,aoo.00 123 untk per year @ $100.00 = t7, °_ op �� 5 P1 � �t #�ens . b " io yew Ca? t; X00.00 } land valve X 5%'' �� StO G0 - if $ 20,000.00` „ (4) MINUTES of the procetd9ngs of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in `the Count ..; of M $ca» .ond State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said `Count ;i. jftT' FUND 'iP• Servioa 6e 24 �' t bohnack 3 Mermen €,llodinp In 1 0 ; Fdor Lela Union 76 E Service } Art Johnson /h4u ng Qmvel 411:00 Car�tll Inc. Salt ALL 12 ' BUILDIN0 FUND .....,ND $1 Utilities ^ Oirss 'indud'al MrtCieanino SWIdeed Oil Fumace Fwl i i6 Mit[ery Ctwdrq SuppOft 41 Jen Fv*enlore ia*- 00 First NetWul Mnn Int. Choy; P AK ND ° C.N. °i Sullivan � Utilities Leal FM � `Isiweison 8llase. Et+Dtneerino, t � Mains 4iwber Minn. -Ors Co. Wwml Haute UttlNes 1,11000 i 3 , y TlrMre beds no further business, the motion vras made by OWm, ° :by Frlehin a i� odioiavi. s W.W. `tent=, C lok � r 1. �t .,r 4T 1 s' Y E elf