HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 16 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings of the 'Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.' i ' April 16, 1973 a , The Com'mon'Council of the,Villoge of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Prior ` Lake Councti Chambers Monday, April 16th., 1973 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Roil Call: Present were Mayor Sto #k, Clerk;Gentz and Council- f men Watkins, Oakes, Patchin and. Busse. The fdllowinp sealed bids were opened for seal coating various streets in the Village of Prior Lake: Blacktop Construction of Shakopee, Minn. - 54,183 Sq,. Yards seal canting of street with R.C. 800 with buckshot cover aggregate for a total price of t $.18 cents per Sq. Yd.; Superior Sealcoot Service, Inc. of 3724 Colfax Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn; 55409 - Blacktop patching and sealeooting apprao"ternate 54 Sq. Yards, apply a untfontn,applicatton of liquid cut-back asphaltRC250, cover Immediately with red llmerock. The ,bid is based only on 54,183' Sq Yards at $.16 cents prt Sq. Yard. Alternate, rental of sweeper with man @ S2 - per hour.' Cost of'patching and sealcoatingsaid Sq. Yards of street is $8,940,38. Motion was made by Patchin to award the bid to the low bidder, Super Sealcoot Service, Inc. of Minneapolis for ;:1'6.54 per square yard, on an approxIm aft square yardage of 54,183 and the red 11merock ii to be applied, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken,' It was ` dul pasted. r . Copts of all previous meetings for the month were circulated: to each member'of the council rowral days provious to the meeting. " It was noted In the April. 2nd., 1973 meeting, the motion regarding the request made by Lawrence Schweich to improve his property for Playground purposes should rebel: Motion, -was made. by Watkins to grant approval to Lawrence Schweich to improve his property on Fish Point Road for play- ground purposes and automobile parking only, seconded by Patchin and.upon a vote taken, itw6as duly passed. Motion was made by Busse to approve the minutes o: cireinlated upon cgection. of the above motion,, ,seconded by Watkins ar4 upon a `vote , tiblesin It was duly passed. Nl tion was. nn'tde by 'Busse to approvp 'py qI� l l$ approved b the Finance `seconded Cpmmlttie, by" Watkins and"uj n a vote en,' iCW6s duly paged. Mr. Simon, rePrQ0*htIrjjL the' Prior Lake Baseball Team was present and'requested>the } village, pay for`rnaterTats to repair the grand stand, concession stand, and dugouts at Memorial Park which WC011 damaged by vandals during the. winter months. 'Motion was made by`Patchin'to authorize tlne 8asebalf "Club to purchase materlai needed to repair the damage, at Memorial Park and' t village shall pay' for sold materials, seconded by `lt Busse and upon d vote taken, was duly passed. Howdrd Buss ' 4resident.;of the Softbal l Assn. requested that'the Village of Prior Lake pay the light bill at Kl•hr Field for 1973. 'He'advised that the bill for' 1972 was $388.69. The gr+ournds are presently being leased by the Association from St. Michael': Catholic ' Church. Attorney Sullivan'af to research the Ieaality of paying the light bill, once the sounds are not owned by the,village Gene N•warom was present, as Per r by Mayor Stock, to discuss the appointment of a butlding`n:pector,due to iha'r�ignatton of John Mueller May 1 1973. ' ` f N•wstrom Ti presently building inspector in the Village of Savage on a part time bast: and b'doina insOcti9ft for Scott County. He advised that he is not c•rtifted by examinatlon, L& has talked with the State of M nnewta'coneerMing inspections with ,_ lne Ytlage of Prior Lake. The State has advised they will permit him to serve as insp•elnor until the time he take: the tests, if he fails the test,: he will be unable to antinw as irnpector for'tha VTliap of Prior Lake. Councitman Watkins and Busse voluntand to :it down'wttlt M�. Newstronn and review building permit fees and also discuss building inspector_ fees for the inspections. Emmett. Knox and' Fronk Wick•r the extension of sewer and water mains to the Mitchell Pond area. The eiteMlon was, requested for 1973. The area Is proposed for Townhoas• div lopmeint, 89'units `and 'the constriction "is to be sprebd over a foer year period. Councilmon -Oakes advised that with the addition of approximateli 75,000 ' gal long of sewerage being added 'to the present plant in Phase I and I lmprovm•nts, the plant will be operating appraxirnahly 15,000 gallons under maximum capacity by the end of 1974. He advised the council Is concerned` of the problem of not being able k to handle to s o flow and suggested the council and Mr.° I:raelson study what ° effect the extenstom to'this development will have on the present sewer pint MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and ? 1 State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Eugene Simpkins and Douglas Farrell presented the flnal plat of the North S 006 ` Addition for approval. There was a discussion regarding a proposed covenog e the addition, that until water lines and sanitary sowers have been extended, al platted ' 4 within utility transition districts shall have a:lof area not lass than 30;000 Sq. Ft Each lot shall have a private water sup and sewn di: tsP y N Posal ysh ro m'cohueted in.£ accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Public Health. ; F.oll'owing the construction of public";water and sewer Imes, the 'owner -of each lot of -`r G 30,000 square fief Homy divide it Into two, lot:, each having a minimum of 100 fief of street frontage. Motion was made by Oakes to authorize the M a r Mayor and Clerk ro sign the final plat of the North Shan Oaks additon when an a addition is ercecuted, approved and si groome i by Owners of said v agree ro sled by the Village Council that the owners will upon every other lot (Ise. building permits to be granted ' upon one equ iv - f ol hullo u ant araa 30 square fiat until such time that�eentral fewer becomes available seconded by Watkins.and upon ,a vote taken, it was duly peered ,, t There was a discussion with Frank Wicker, Developor of the Vale Addition, regarding the blacktopping of`Kent Drtw in the Vale Addition: Ths bond for blaektopping streets In the Vale Addition expi* in November, 1973. '< Sewer and water dry,ltre exhmiora will` be installed in the addition so may canpleted before November, 1973. ti The Planning, Commission, the Council and Charles Tooker, Planner it to most April 26th., (973 at 7i30 P.M. to discuss and approve' the proposed Village Zoning and Subdivf :Ion Regulation Ordin�ee. Harold braeison is also to be prevent to present eos.h ro exte nd water and sewer mains. to t6 Wicker Knox and Condone area, 'also Giendaie­Savage, North of Highway 13. ' ;r There was a discussion Pertaining to the rryuest made by Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jams and ihe.k attorney, Fronk Muelken, at the A011 12th., 1973 Planning Commission JW milting for the rezoning of the Jame: Salvage and the Norbert Barka property. on Highway 13 a6ut►Ing #item Village of rennin B-�2 zoni all f �pe�• Motion was made by Watkins. thdit the pro : a0l the'business operation as descr �, ln. At l W Eagle Creek on this property, and that them zoning be subct to r+eview offer one year from this date, in the event that''tM business `operation has not eommeneed. Iti Is, the Intent of the council to have the Zoning. if the'business acttvi of a Tamil°' ~ on R -I � y htif errant does not - commence within l . item time or review time SOPulafo& The owner.. style of corefivctlon capaci and pa chip nflicted in the 2 - 22.:7.1 and 4-5-71 meetings of Eagle Creek Towrohip be centotnrid.and that before a. butiding permit be granted; a s' 31 use permit and variance be applied for, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly Passed. t The .Council declared the week of April lath,. to May 6th ., 1973. as "Clean'Up Week" for the Village of Prior- Lola, s i The name: of Pahick Walker and Robert'Pintozzi have bNn wbmithd for the appointment for the One position open on the Prior Lake''P(anning Commission. Mayor Stock is to call ; both men to no if they will accept the appointment.' Councilman, Oakes `advbed that he met with;:Dr. Lukk Vill age, Health Officer, Bob Peterson, Chairman of Wo irsied;District, and Karl kjiekus . President of the Lake Assn, and they will' support whafever ordinances, etc. the council decided to 'odopt regarding independent sower sjatim:. T �. Robert Ma411tster , D Catcher for the villa " reque an increase for a monthly tray.` l�lokion was mode by Watkins to approve. 'a monthly salary of 135.00`efhctivr April, 1 Robe McA llis ter, se conded by Bush and upon a vote taken, it was duly pawed. The council discussed the court order regmdina t1+, location of the center line of the e road in the Hidden Oaks Ftrst Addition. The council , rend = Lete�n fo parties involved in legal wit n rsquestso that Councilman Oakes, ga gardiiV this Item, an extract of minutes �3 of Eagle Crick Township =dated April IS, 1971. 1 (2j ,v MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villa a of Prior Lake in the .Count -of Scott" and g y 5 State of,'Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ' Councilman Oakes, advised that, he has' had numerous requests for the extension of sewer F and water. mains fo the Northeast, portion .of Prior •Lake, nxtinel the Driw -Inn, Lake:idi Marw" , :a_x)d Condone Addition, Motion was made of C lem - 1 ,; ° , authorize the on tease tY Oakes 9 Prepare projeettori sash for the inatol lotion .of sewer and watw,mains to the Northeast portion of the. Village and.to; include the casts for the ovenistng of maim ,ro service the t so ' IA *Savage, abutting,the of Prior { Lake, .seconded by P.atchin and , upon a vote- taken, .1t was dul " y gamed , .. Mr. Gordon Hackborn did not accept the appointment to,, ;t >ianning Commission• Mayor Stock requests the council to coratder the .appoirifineet of a maw member to the Planning Commission at the nenttn i " - gu armeeftng, 16th:, 1973. Motion was made by Busse to a pprove payment of the following bills Russell Lawrence =562'. 0 fgr•meals arKl,mtloape while.•attendIng. pal ice, school; .Dale Mithak; for fiiteage for attending Civil Deform meettngst , Da1e Metbrk f,or 1 Pro offtae C9 4104.24; Stye Schmidt, for P�'► tie. patrol part 'time Once patrol '@ $ Russell i awronc! for part tune pol ice .patrol @ =20.28; Dennis Leff' for part ft psi lee, patrol @ ='➢!L.riO,.and;Bahniackd� •Hannan @�i49S:00 for.'.bloding.areets and,boekhoei. c mm by, �Nalkl1wr nd upon ,a votie,iaken, it.was duly. passed.,�, . • Mayor Stock advised he, thought the addition of a fifth man is needed'ta`the Police Force. Motion w6s made by Watkins `to authorize the Poltce'Conmisded to hold- Civil' Service 6aminations and that a roster be Preto of men avattabl .after thil tests hew been given, seconded °by Patchin and.upon a vote - taken, it passed;; Motion was made by Patchtn to authorize the clerk to prepare a "Notice of Publ c° Hearing to consider repeal of Ordinance No. 68-32, An Ordinance Setting I" Urkvn and Rusral Service,'Districts in the Village of Prior Loki, Minnesota, Pursuant r to Chapter 712, of the laws of 1%5, as Amended" and adopting. Ordinance No.. 73-6 whiieh is to be published with this notice, sold hearing will be held in tho,.Vitlape Hail at 7130 P.M. on" the 7th. `day of May, 1973, seconded by Watkira and 'it was duly passed., upon a vote taken, • It wa the feeling of ,the Council and Attorney Sullivan that he Vill with other munlei Iittes - age not join ;sult Pa ogalrat,the Metro Sewer Board Sewer Avallabili Charge. harge. Motion was made b Wa ins - to ado Ordinance. No. - Y Pt 73 7, an Ordinance "ending • ,Ordinance No. 73-2 an Otdinoncq requirin Paym f or g cash paym pa purposer. (For full detail:, see ordinance filed in.the Village Ordinance Rook), soc9nded by1,611uhin and upon a vote taken, It, we dul passod _ ' Mayor Stock advised that the spring tooth which was authorized for purchase - at last mctinp was- is large for the ford tractor. The council decided to watt to - purchase same until next fall. Motion was made by stree Patchin,to authorize: Northern States Power'Co. install eight (8) new` t I ights to tl Prior Acres and Green "Heights area aid also to mow one light filom the area of Kortsch Drive to,-,the corner of West Street, seconded by Watkiru and 1 , ,;upon .a'vote taken, it was duly passed I ,, Councilman Bus* and Mayor Stock recommondesJ that the fiollowing ERee be seal t coated fit the Village during 19731 Frost Point Road - 3205 Y' " Sq • ergs; Fish Point Road - 9600 Sq - Yards; Oakwood Hills' - 12, 666 Sq. Yards'- Prior Acres - 9, 672 S . Yaw$; The Willows - ,;17,60 Sq. Yards; East Main fro'; Central Ave. to Highway 13 -1,440 Sq. Yank, or a total of 54,183 Sq Yards. Motion was made by Buss is adwrttse for sealed bids for furnishing oil, equipment, and labor ' hi 0e401'fn i ng ai 1 tiN eerie for re- sealing. approo tety 54,183 Sq. Yards of streets in the Village of Prior Lake, bids are „ e fig be received in the Office of the Village Clerk until 8 P M.,' Monday, April e 1973, seconded b Wptkins and upon a vote taken, R was duly passed. i An estimate for street sweeping was obtained by' Wssi at a cost of =22.50 hour„ when C equipment is In the Village for seal coating of streets.. The council verbally thorized ° Councllman„Bus* to hire the sweeping, of the streets to tli0 Village at a cost of $22:50 per , flour. a a U �$ o a a °.ww rww:y IMUaNMy ♦raN�yli7ttl. ♦ +'�f� �/ ( � a ._� .� ♦ 41W "lwa i % lR Y4 �� �•: '� C1 f fi ? 1 c = ; . .} S G. ta+ vwt O ; t W466 to t .bv ed�oww: r..r w . - r ' - Q + SJ a �• 1� �Y Lp ��t bid StLx.3i t }� � % -�1% ' ik � .1 a '�E T d pal O ...tl, k{ ' "! } - q -,'YQ .1a`" ow ^`, �, �" �.. J, ..z + ' o m i �yl � "`ID" 1 ` (� ♦xxS. �, �< w'1`. !% 4e p i? - k .) .!}a n, cr�ieµ - 1 �y ° 1 Ain 4v ,iL(, 'Sh *''u t i''T ; 'is j �9 i.y%•i ii „ . - ., Now �' i $ %,, 'a3 '"' d`- } }$ t� c .�.., Yt °� ♦ rx;• 4 SI S $ T d �'e. �s $ C'a , °y a �, t' % 4 �,. 3 $ ,i t z ,ti $ , z t � # rid r i1 6 . iy z: ��F #`r}� w y+.te 1 a t,$ ��. .'tJ � k r P$ !1.! '.•i -!. � ru , 3.r �� � .r. {{