HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 30 1973.e: MINUTES of. the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and 'State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Afr ",- 1973 he Com mon Council of the Village of Prior Lake Mt in special. session in the Prior Lake Council"Chomber Monday evening, April 30th.; 103 at 7:30 P M. Mayor Lock called the meeting to order. Roll Call: Present wore Moyar'Siodc, Clerk Gent:, ,. n Councilmen Oakes, Patchin and Busse. Absent was Caunclimci.,' ►off k ins t purpose of the"m"ting war to discuss and review asseowdl valuati as presented by Scott County Assossm Office with Way Arnoldi who is handling the prior Lake! nt•roll. , Several char "ges rcen made which will ring, Maj► (4th:, a pres ntid'at`tlre;tqualization 4, L o further business, the meeting was adjourned. W:W. Gentz,' Clerk ` 4 Maj 7, `1973 The Common Cou ncil of the Village of Prior Lake met in s3"clpl »session. in. the prig. F ' L06 rGW"li Chambers Monday evening, M 7th. May , IV73 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting to ardor, 'Rol.! Coll: Present were Councilmen Watkins, Oakes, Patchin d Buss. Stock,zClck Gant:, and The an i .' l purlswe of °the' meettng was to hold public hearing t cons the fr L of nanelr Pie. 68-32 am'Ordinbneo'setring ,fokth Urban wd °R th ural S+irvice District: in ii en Villa s of. Ptlac'Lake. The only residents present w ., ; and they had no objectiora to iN ordinonass '• 'Mnz. Bab Prwrssler % Motion was. by Patchin.to 73-6, an:Ordinance setting forth adopt No. , Urban,oid'fura) Service Districts in the Village of Prior Lake, t Chrspter 712, of the Laws of 1965 as amended. (For complete detetls a W,, ordtnonce see :Village Ordinance Book), seconded by Watkins and u .f passed. pen a veto tlen, it was duly Them being no fu rther business, regarding the hearing, the meeting was ad c four reed. �. W.W. Gentz, May 7, 1973 The Common Council of the�Vtll`� Lake Council Chambers Monday evening, May 7thtii�3g 0 en' tit lha briar ;. g to . Mayor Stock cause! the metin order. Roll Call: Present wire Maya.° Stock; Clerk Gent: and Councilmen, Watkins, Oakes, Patchln'and Busse. Mr. D.G. Farnum Was leesetit upon est of -the w fi r + council ifa to tr received - rogae�ding. nk cars �` Fad plain ✓� r debris scattered about his property. ; requested 60 days t* elien 4 his " shore tlw ffolding inside, t.rtd a "f u OW mow h Junk am e Motion was misde� feet back to comp with the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance �� atklirs to ailow'Mr. t=a 60 days to clan",uP`his property 'of dunk and debris and that on applleotion fat a building permit be applied for to.,mow the sib in the 60 "days, If not compiled with, Attorney Sullivan to begin l y; Paitchin and upoh `ai vote Taken, Y it was du ( ` tea action, MOtion was s tOC&es ` o close steeled btils 'for Sj,vwr and Wat rm`atn Project 72 and 72-9 at 8 :00 P.M. seconded by .Busse and upon c vote taken; 'it Was duly passed. the "following °tskt'areiW OP*hQ aid tirbii1a a G' , �: hd for Prior Main Project 72 -7 and 72-9: ° Lake Sanitary Sew�r,and''Water " a� 0 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. � BIDDER SECL)Rln .BID Section Section "8" 3c s w� , Barbarmo & Sons,- Inc. 5% 8 I Bond W7,372.50 $899, 885.00 11e. '03,..93rd. A No. (Part Ductile iron. pipe) ssio, Minnesota 1 tioffinan Brothers` '5% Bid Bond '$733,602.14 $931,904.21 Atwater Minnesota ` 4 (Ductile iron pips both section .LeMtsonBros Highrway b 596 Bid Bond X27,522.60 =A60,551.50 Heavy Equipment Go. (Prestressed concrete cy pl pe,, 16 b 20") Litchfield, Minnesota Austin P. Keller Construction .Bid Bond` :637,938.70 =1,09l,668.40 7600 #a **awn Ave.: ?t:dtno, N1lrtiirr�oto Richard Knutson, Inc. ` S%,Bld Bond =580,632.00.. 201 Trawlers Trail �j � .r �uts�►ille j .Mirtnepta . hter,'I auwetN Censtnuctton Co -; S% Bid Bond s9i48 OB3.65 613 DM6 St. M „a St. 'Foal, Minnesota I � € L0111O Canshuction - 1 596-BW -'Bpd. ; ;t; 025, 362.00 .324 Ser . St 'Ease” iii ): ; - (Due a iron -pipe 4 101 Bond MO B ° ' :693 (15.80 ;t. ttr 9 1 j W , Miwioseta. C.S.. McGresson, btc, 5% Bid Bond :844,135.00 + * I `M '825.00 Base 336, 8ht Ave. No. b (Ductile Iron pipe) !8 �oal MIMI$* ' 1 }}} ` T 800 lesretitdrla, IIMINOta M L (Ductile ,P1po, . sections) d w hweotl�4!Khuetion Vie. i« 5% Bid Bond R717, OA6.00 Oril 3 son, °Inc. A Bid Bond $49i,513 . 77 =905,572.85 t. St. r ¢ Sit F lru�, 1.1a seta Deduet 13 mod" """to pipe • Z fi±oMt unit bid if ti ,830.28 `�' gwerded befh bids t� ua �5 °¢- . was rnid!' by' C�alaR accept the abew bid:, spco�` "' by V►aliclrr and upon a k` wti � tt wos du1► posed.' r: McNen "was irr Oalgis `io tabli the. awcwing — of the bidi unto Harold hereben can irvliw and tabvlote seId` bids • The. awotMitg of bids will be made at tho Zl�at , er!{tuler eteat Z , inch secondod by Watkins and. upon a, v4M t, it was duly �,, Tho thiwrinp aPP1tc4tans weercoaivedon Off'sale Ligoer Llwnei ' Gerald l. Hafiimans - 'Motion was Made by Busse to iiinant Gould E. Hafirman an off+ SisN 'Llqu or LieNw or;the period beginning July 1, 1973 through June 30,` 1976, seceded, M�► kin and Upon a vote token, it was approved unantmousiy < N MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior leke in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including ,all accounts audited by said Council. 3 Francis SneIL• Mo #ion was mode B Pat chin to License for the Y pant Francis Snell an Off Sale Liquor y pertod'beginning July 1,, .1973 through June 30Th,, 1974, seconded b t Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was cpprovedurwnimouslY , " W'ILLAR, GRAVES; Motion was made by Oakes to nt'Wiliord Graves an Off Sale i } ,•A Liquor Licari for the period beginning July 1, 1973 the bh• June 30 1974, seconded by Watkins and span a vote taken, It was approved unanimously. John Norbiairi:; Hatton was made b I sse ito grant John Norblom an,'Off Sale Liquor License for the period beginning July't; '1973 through'4pne 30 (974, aconddd by 'P6tchin'and upon a vott'rtakan, it was approved unanimously: Alin Brook: Hauser: Motion'was made b `Watkins to Y grunt Jdhn` Brooia Hauser an Off Sale Liquor License for the Period beginning July 1, '1973 through Junu 30, 1974, Oakisi" and ' bY, upon a vote taken; it was oppi:owd' onan mote ly ... The following applicatiotu were received %r an On Sale Liquor L446: ` Gerold E. Hafennan: Motion was made by Busse to grant an On Salle .L License . the pu'tod beginning , my 1, 1973 through June 30, 1974, seconded by Watkins and ' upon a vote 'take'n, it ,<y rad imou Aiinik'Snelli Motion vkm mode't y Watkins to grant Francis Sn li*tin , Salo Liquor License for the period beginning July' !, '1973 through June 30, "1974, - seconded by Buse and u y eon a vote akin it approved unanimously Wilms Groves;; Mot *ft, made by to grant an - On 'Saj* 11*or Liceme for the iod be' inn * "�, , through June 30, '1974, secerded by'Patchn and, upon a vote taken, it was approved unanimously:.' Friar of Prior Inc.: dba. Anchor Inn: Motion was made b Wittkins'to Prior Inc, an On sale Liquor License for the Y 1 9 73 t' h r o h Friar of " _ period beginning July I, 1973 throe June °30, 1974 atehin g Y ; C, t �; s k cond d by P and upon a vote tak n,�ti was apprewd unanimou : Tlte' I`oiliw � >t tAg a plicatibns wine recaivid f* a Sunda t y L`'tquor L`toeissit'` Willard 'Grows: Motion was made b Oakes to License for Y grout Willard ts`rave� 3urdoy Liquoe th! period beginning July 1, 1973 tirbugh ,k, Pat chin ail! b v s i . T , „ i . t , takirn it ;wda oppitiwd union twiva`� , � 4, seconded by -:qr of Prior, Inc. (dba Anchor Inn) M606W eras made br *' Watkins- the Friar of Prior,. Inc a Su L period beginning July 1,. 1973 through - !�Y �quor Lia�rw for the ' yun 30; 1974, "seconded Patelitn and L ` eon a "vote tdien, it WW approved unanimously V.F,.W. Post 6208: r ' Motion tkinss "to gran 'P ost 6208 a "Sunday Liquor Lierae °for'ttie made by Wa t the V.'F W 'P peritod'begirwting Julj 1, `1973 "throit�h�;kine 30th. 1974. seconded ,by Patchin and upon a vets' token,. twos aggro" vivid "unii n oWy, Patt'6Y08 I:r+pir sld.an'a�lication for a Club Liquor License: Motion, Watkit+s to + V. wa s 1u ( 19through 3 • ' `620 a� Club Liquor Liana. for the' period June 30, 4, seconded usse`ard sy. l97 by 8 r upon a vote Ben dower registered a oomRlaint agatrut a Prior Lake Police Officer regarding a traffic violation tiekat which h i iuedto M ` r BaerR Mayor Stock odvisedsMr. ' 'hiu� three Baer that he � Phu* channels Wragilter this complaint and that Ii through the Prior Lake.lblico Commission. i Ftubirt Gorecki re"lled twomerulon of`hieConditional ile Peririif~'for placement of i his modular horhe on the j6�erfy'noaJ'NjnfhL Avenue %and Highway 13. He, requested an additional four (4) months. Notion was made b Oakes to. grant an extension of four ' ji ma+t 'Yo "#Ki Cor Mont `Uts'P It fdr v Mr. Garacke' 1 We i�ak , seconded Bust* Buse and :upon a v n ,' it was �W IY �i�� < 1i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and w . State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. I Rol.lte Thieling presented a revised plat of the.Hidden Oak: First Addition. He advised only`ehan�a was that he'movad: the sheet to coincide with he ioci�ttnp coincide i� 1Motiaii was me by Oakes a" Town Road.: plat of the Hidden :Oaks First Addn. whin all° parties agre to a foot ri q . '^oy, 'center line !» el'W+ad as agreed b parties „and ea*rrrenh be pro and, stoned when dentedIn* of read is determined, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote,takih; � it was duly passed. Modem was made' a �' ° y Watkins to adopt thi following agrdement in read to the North Shore Oaks Fourth Addition:: WHEREAS, `Th. Villa ge'of Prior :kl ha: ' p . . adopted regulations ralcttng to the SubdiYf :ibn of land anio l01:, and vfllay* has adopted :. R #s and WHEREAS, the tandards i'or lot size for sewered 'and unsewewd ^ lots and WHEREAS, fh: subdivl: ion proposed by `the.devalopiri is in an area .not new _ ,, In- `orl area which will have st tn, t1►*, tun... ��Y sewer d► but BY ANb `9ETWjEN` JNDE S O'NED: OWNERS AND PROPRiTtAi AND AGREED THE, VILLAGE pid.owneri app to butl� u X14 to pon'very otlu lot (Le. building Pon omit qulvalent area of 30,000 Sq.: Ft untli such time that control power become='arailable, motion sues seconded by &r:so a and�u wai duly pass d, t� vote taken, 'trAotton was ma!�a y watk,n: to apprrove th .fina : - plat of N orth Oaks Fourth Addition, r*condid by,Stock ti note .aud u o take t n, , i was dui passed• ” �b hatchw:a M ade 6�► Watkins io:approve the final plat ofiThe Oaks Addition, seconded ,. F a Vote taken, .it sure: du possess. y Walker w ., r inquind`a: fie whin the bl ac: ktoppinp of stiv*fi in till Volt Addition will be �can�pteAed. was He advised. that dry lines will bA Instal led In the ' stnwt M the addition a or about Ju 3i 1973. Blaeleting should be eomplohd"b4foa' yovem ber 1 19130 `Th ,parki problem at 0i* Public access on First Street in thi Val' A � n, iwd ddttion has not K41 Micky s`and Liwrenea Sehw >leh. rajxerint ng 'the Dovggown i. `aide _ That thA e, JIM + , yare wry bnpiessed with what the ' Mlannor an& Council !: n�srd b, Phase IV Pmllminagr Qeston Plannt "o,'..�t es Too ser, Ylllage Prann*r, will b Present at Ante 4` th., mieAli to dt:cvs: ar present wh Phase 1V , Mr:nlea► „a vhed the we is new cam` Ltkand i i in` proems of preparing plans and speetf)oations to ncsiiia bids for the m and f ,tM..next mwting Z# P pump "s which will be ready .1973,• t ,' lc 1s; fhi writ i,Pro�eet vrp�s scheduled `M IV i► A be, slar"td twovw�ik but due • ho: been''tayed : , , Yh*' led q i►atN'.a suer t; sc td be stgl maxi week. F albout`tii�'ftr:t,oT.june�` ootingi k►'be "lied with, !he EMs.i°R1t� DIY complete.. There a b °. i be no ., prob Se _ P� coon A Irn but tMn�. prol%1«ns are an x. .. �'. PC B., hat T6 Planntap Commti�ion�advtsid t to the h ear i ng , tit* tct+ell theX dill matt t�arke act `ngaed on ; M Pad Townhouse sits',becaus* the density is to r nas,e' 3. C..t il f iii by Welk in:, to tnt`palck 1N kK te`th* { f A ten � al Prior �Epke Planning Comm- +,!!cond!!16y tMtchon a token, Y ,. ?rW, -upon vote it was duly pawed, Motion was made by Busse to approve payment'of th';followin� bills for part time palter ti du tLoff, $2 j Ste”, Schmidt @ 78 C 6.00 S s .QOj Ryas Lawrence 04140.00 Da ' {141pitie . and { k' @ = *epdild by WatkW ad upon a'vote taken; it was duly posao , i Met on'wpi made br,0ok 'ta�ado�t.0 dinari ' * 7 A ' r , an Ordinance amending CMiinance 72-x. (For compll±,te details,, no � x: Ordinance fitod in Village Ordinance Book), seconded by Patchin and upon a vote token, it was duly passd. ' (4) U w MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Viilage Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made by Watkins' to adopt Ordinance X73 -1�j an Ordinance amending €� Zoning Ordinances (For` complete •details, see Ordinance filed in' Village• Ordinance Book), seconded by Patchin and upon c vote taken, Wwas du lyj pawed. . ,. Motion 'was made by Watkins to appoint Gone Newstrom as Buil ing *inspector for a thwi - month basis, iffrlctive. May I, 1973 cnd is to be pai4'$l0 <.00' for`!each of the =Or cttona and' $10.00 for plan reading "for each permit issued,: ':•conded b y Patch upsna,vote iakin, fYvva:dulypaa; Motions vres made by Oakes to accept t6 , a A grewmertt "between Jtm and Mary Cates and the Village of Prior Lake: Mr. James -and Mary Cates will pant an easement without restriction, for the pwrpoae of construction a sewer line across their property as described in that VII logo Enginiir's attached document dated April 13 1 1973. A copy of this agreement and attached document will be transmitted by letter from the Mayor to l Frank Muelken, Mr. jehos Cates and Mary Cates. One copy of the a and Engineers each will be placed with the Minutia of May, 7th Vi loge 'fc"c1Y meeting. This a eminent i:?sub�ect t ' following further' provi 197 aom»ctien foe front foots c et t No , W charge, or acreage charge will ter assessed t them until the plat. This provision appl Iss as long q as James and, Mary Cates or the , owners In fee simple. . The' fvrtf sr recQnsmemidastion of the 4'I la, Council is that no fie or assessments will' r acqui fo : ?he �ubaegwnt,gwner of the propi�ty "01,1t isplatted. Further encroach- ment caused by other sewer and .,water improvenpnta an o, separate is>tro and will be &termimNd based on condition: pertinent at that time. Should the 180 foot shown in the Engines attached document dated April 13,_ 1973, be •jw a pub) c righf�ef -way 0 aw�aed 90 and the ' degree angle d"lanatirmy the new dhvctton, be the front of.o fu platted lot, thenlahat lot. will be subject to-the acreage charge.. the ,front . footage charge, and Ale sewer connection charge, as then decribod, and no more than 10 fait of the 180 feet will be aaessqd,ao that lot. The motion was seconded. by Patchin andtupsn a vote taken, it was duly passed. 4 Coumsicii:►wn Patchin received the feliowimw bids: for the, purchase of a 1+h.p. lawn mower: J L - Herd�r�rsre,- $1y328.00, John, Deere] "ro,Sports, lnc., - l,460 Cu b Cade$ and Man ,a: Pep Shop =1,! 240 Allis Chalmers. Motion ..wad made by Patehin to award- the low bsid for <tine.ptrrclwse of said mower to L & L.Ham+dwam, in the amouat of : S1,325 00, second �.. k ed br WO&I" and u a4voh tolamt i P t4wcs•duly,poswd > Fire Chief, Delbert Burse, ,requoatrd per+nisaon to send a 'letter to order Guy,Bosor, owp ofd 19 .repNenoe,90hh Point_Road, whore fires were: set'. Jana ary,.-23rd., 73 and Ma to lock adsmall shut gli, rs and windowt.until properlt► eieanstd`up., Morton was mado by Watkins, tQ' apprgw seconded by Busse ;and upon a vote taken, i� W-m- dulX •pa'sosd• , Motion was made by Watkins to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, members of that Prier. U**. Vtilav-,Counctt haw, observed the- fell t :of oqualbtatbn.tvone of local,- O `ciccu"'sf°nQeas (i) Lack p°vemment'a largest problems, in tioffrW of constituents ..f;, almplaimstts time twkenan; hewing thooe confii.low in local N Government. (2) .There is a considerable lack of equalization between the various local � ' 'a assessor's p+arlat values. ' Within a partioulair 1cheol d gdgt salKi ., vorii es. of xovw 1.00 -Whave • bcun obuwvod with ,dis tprb ' of.tho.tQtai rni L l , 7 ts,usNaliy :foruhoel. tgsces, this im+.grtaltty•werks M>rdshi on mrcy mast `p�r�opsdi!thj►'.q!s7 •' �0) �►ttprtsidmateiy the mill: le ax sn pr'eP!rb {tmsea,,tl+tt abes►wmnentioped,, inegnfclity•then worksA further hardship an pro li , 'wie . :basis.•.' (4) Many locatiO4t •are empl 1 who are oyr urmquas , y standa 4s, As of December, 1973, al l local abessarsti must be`stah ostrNfied withahe »milt fhat to xtl Gon+esrwsetmts.wili have difficulties in obtaining qualiftod iooet ago&n*rsy portteularly =extPst114ring•the prevoiling.pcgr,sodes. (S) Some losxt haw. not: been able t4` compietr-their, i* rolls, lately with the result that i ftwt- friwoddoad .bo"n dum ,o pod "'o.!+ the: "county ristaff, without `nsstiw, shertty , before equalization deatdl mne:... sister presently 6) The County A (:doesi not.haw the power to change the local assesse market values on specific propsrMa wren he observes em.. inmWlty, takingtiplace... Ins easd, the aseesser only, reaMmunend a sated ratio sturdy, •to the •tale: tax •depgrlReint. • If ffne= equ4ly th�r;oohh;order,an aaaross -t4» . t ' tart tmc. ".q n *nt-abWrve: an in- { boad.PNxentoge Maxeaae «for :that locaility which ohlr tends to aggregate inequitiaa between ePecific rties. , ... .. M S ;a ' MINUTES of the Ptoceedings of the Village Councit of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. (?) 'T41s talc aqua tisatton preblon,app�ars. to bevstatrwide. S•w hMi ray nn•sota > !` ° .. counties howsolvl tl,problom by takinp;advantape of a 1 Mnnsosta: Statute which place: asshsing r• :ponslbllily at the. county Iswl and olirginates local9ssessom., Sena of these counties am Dakota, Bluu Earth, itaska, Carlton, and Nicollet. (8 }. The two yaa " k "frNZ•, }ab;property- values, eentatnpd in tiw naw omnibus tax bill �' ,_*wild ptvb the ` � apt!»sr' :• �aff Nm• to cem oaunty pl•tre a n- as:•swmnt of ,Nis *nlim c : .Thus opportuntfy ai F P90 3 to - be at hand t•,aohiiw a ceun -wide fi' +9�+a u4atial.hsntefors thou ht im „ i poulble.-BE IT RESOLVED flyt ,the. Prior Laic• VIIIgOs Gourtoil, , hereby requea that the Scott County Boa "M of Commtutonsr: enact cou „ MY -wide aatmse lyston under the t s. of Minnesota Statute : -A5. , Thk motion was seconded by Bush and upon a vote talau� "it was dolt► poaod• s Motion rrga mods by stad*CIO by } Oakes, : Bvsse to adjourn W.W.. i Clerk May 14 1973 ` Commost Gomteil of, the of Frfox Llo! alit in y v riarioa •P�1 is the hiot lift Coi” d6va"rs ,httioela�rnnit�'hl'yir.14; `at; 7f30 F; hfaTor Stock ,' ths`maatiiit fiai =asdsis ito11 ]Calls � "Fresitnt? wets Irtayor Stock, ' C1•rh secant, � a " �, us631irsttti ��►'tltilu, O' alde /, )Esi�'ICbt$�IIQ Auara: '� _, k ° ,4 " ' ♦ # a •� t zl., v.,- � .�. 1.. ; 4.� 'l it tft�b/ ms tlAt wa/ to I'r- '.UW:and •gaill" all heal- ortaob p�gpnrty in 'Villa 'al4. �f htr. Iwtl Araoldi" ant! QuiaEoa itaddtta il�s+R r•prerent- ` � 1p tla tltt Odus0 OA in retard to ft-'6t arl x 4. ° � 3'Ya , �fo1]sh1t� oaspLitfar were rstiitosx+sd aad aaor+d upon; r a L�urrtr tkuwa Did not complain of Aiassaor'a �►algatloa of bee propt+rty but of 1 " !� �'t a :�lt�awi ho AWiesii !a d&le�tlfo t aei - Y'ths iitlmiatod ll74 tairea in th/ tj900.00. ivfr. ` I!7[OMm advised that ibi irIaoly± an •etimatsd Eliot•. fitat�e aanaot °until tli�an is ` aleisdre • ` �riffiad to the C omm y . , aadtttrn r Il k ��"`7 . YS.St J t F v af<bia hdmr .r/•na a► bb `ia •rr0 Wd on war mad* by latsldn "toa��a tbsaasraiorichsct t6s scluaa�i footati itd made correct- loosf accordtgtlyr, aoeoadid by Dwos and upoa a rote oao�n, it war dull 3 aid < Fa fr ° & } `fit :+evil *if�l A /J /�iarasd° �!aluation'bf iii, OQ9• 0 .' on. lo and 'ift advilld that dir•Cabiit v as Taluadaii aAtottoa was x , 3 # 1• It 4 f`4Fs�ita to �i ralaatlain ar:i/;,k/ab�sct tO.,an inosrior nirpisotioa to be made t�► ft .' 48M �attYios, /sciudad by *idde/ and upon a rote` ta>k "it was s ��� >Y". laroal" M7�t y Yaletttioaot fb37, aSS. �0. ` Com 3 aid e[ lame increaie " "iBQ. altrogoti df 360.00.} lllttoeia►n eras "mods 3biradtlor =to leave valnation _the a±�cat+i.at =37 iB.S.Op, >/at tidsd:bp ticuisi itisd upoti`a'raa taUra: <� t traa paarsd d * °i `IU�oa1 "9* Val! "ols bf $A' 00• 100°�3N at 1Wmsbo tm rf,, � /Lr1iC - f � st t ". ' t�'aa' 6Ba Ii•t, with a `l.0 X 19 baittmeat° *x6mion on laloeaidt�. `t-' A l0 X �Z ' ; y ���!z � x• W tatr ,' boat t>onser 10l' 6 aM l0 X 20. The lit was �nilurd at`=116.000.00`aa�t tit �� at rae 00 a� �s' 4 .00� _ htoetira`wa.' made„ by '� •O�iiro b'Liwe' �`'ralnatttiti ttr ^aa>M` allbfect to in Litsriorkitiogi tD be made by', f the apt /stiwra aDios, oecoeiiid is by oKadds�s a t lrooe taloia; it`+fra6 daly, paeasd• . k a4' reba�Sittepss, ` Fairosti` 36bf Yalltatdofii' of `' 972 t 1Si paroal; S60A r gi 600. The 1 rrhaation os �'�Irrsl wxsiy.493.00raot! - $ 9 89"'00 od Potosi 360X. °1lT1-values lots " at >jss, 000i,Q� x �titir strucd�ro at';19; 41b.00s' C _ y 6ftlaleed dt�►al tbK too bi8b. °lwa/ f i asadi'by F tctil p a a4ft balm �re��Yl the ow`t on vaiyation �, asd rt aonoxd ly►, a t+cbatlsd > yrVaddaar and upon a arets`,talet 11 . ii waa duly 3 FatVlrtr 4k 4"i A�►alaattotic of 4 OQ W e • k ice/` "670.mplainid e►i raluadon ncrsased Dso lie aoc'laid y+ waa °"moos M uation-a a is. ato iftft tbi4al a ij/at to is ctioa of tti! iatirior by+ hi Sr ofllos i"idud by* Hursie ' 1 upon a TO& iift ,, t" was die z MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and t State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. t r David wotai, Parvs1780Q Valuation of lot ® $75000: 1972 was $225.00. Large ancrsase wag tba�ob1 coon - Motion Made by Oakes to bave ft assessor s+eView the entire Tract A with ft indent that the parcels be: equalised rand the possibility of a reduction, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote tabM it bras duly passed, ,. David Wa"l:,, Parcel -580: Valuation $17. 970, 00 -150 feet laleeshore iraluatlon of 51 .000.00; 770, uare foot, valuation being too q ' of ' value, ®5, 970:,00., Complained qs Kish on cabin, Motion was made by Patchin to bane assessor view tie structure and maloe. a limited raductiou, seconded by` Watkins and upon a vote 1 %k e14 it, was duly passs& Stanl Modem;_ Parcel Z58s: Valuation of $39,69& , Zbe 197.3 valuation was 20,1611 00. 25 acres o! Lq4 ,1656 ,square. feet;. splot le9el bsus., donAle tack under • 20 X 20 block total atrncture $29, 946 'lard 0; $!, 750.00. Obj.cosd to larje increase. Motion was made by Patcbin to lsave the valuation as is.segonded by Watkins aid upon a tote ta ken, .. +iC was; inky passed° Charts, jorpnron:, Frpl a 444 , Valuation of ,$8,3.14..00. qt _ . d''t• Lip isarase. ldotion was made by Pabcbinto tame valuation a s is, awmnded 1Wsss, and upon a voDe _ kqu, ,it !tae duly passed.. "t ldarion xellyt Paroel��¢3k Yaluatlon of $13, 259.00: 1973 z . Valuatisiw�as 00 x24 ±c'` ' # ottap, .lahashos+. of 100 footl ..Lad valved at $8; 0110 s Id itrtrnuW at =5 20* 00 Motion was made by Oats to have to asniisor.r . ft=tKV*# seconded by Watkins and Won' Vote tabu, It was duly*Wftd k*a AWIKx Pa_roel 5: Yalw►tton. of;$12, 800.00 ow Tacres of lanai island at $7 and structure VaLMd at ;,5, 800. oo. Objected to increase. Increase due �„ anc{►gen fmm A& • to .X.dde,rtlak.: Motion ma. mf.4ft WaVd= to rei. 1 ! •. age a ;Od;•ctten b..�tpsde- acaonollgIy,� seconded "by Oa rs and '' r � � ; •.� tabn it waa> duly.passsd. .3s;? � _ . _ , � Carsees I1TeLoa:' Pastel 180E , Valuation of $2. 000.00.. q Parcel 633 Aalwd at $1,. "2. cbjaaoed m increase. )"On was made by Oalwa to have the assessors offte re-* aPPrel!! ,bolo L X1801! ;apdjW%. �ssoondsd, by " aWhin:aad upNs won. tabs, M" dbls passed., f AL V c t�^ -.1 SOt. t7algatbirof'$1_2 Q..Qawres8ieaoe 5k 1!t.) $4 4901 Lad jo $3. 000.. (7! >: (20 X 20 boat house, 20 X 22 abed, Passel and a 7 X 9 shed. ' y.4,uad*a 4$ $11,470,, s J0. 9, 780 and undo 9,:750..00. notion J LOaba4 is ha>n the u set's, oiflce check the laW& 'ValiOOet► Parcel 42% oheak t1r .iWeiiorst cal betp;p�ucstle, s.00edsdi'by Watkli wasOl upo : :r vote tabn It was 41010"ped. r it john Aadtrtnt ~Paroe14192: Valuation 1 • of $5, 001. �Oyon a 10 a�� t=w fa>`s yalned at $500.00 per year. 1972 valued at (.175.00. per acre. Motion was made by lhnchin that N 'Pei ,bl; wv4�1to previous years Value at $$73.00 per nor. or $3, 700.00 a�onded,b� Watkins and`npon,a vow taken, it was duly passed. " ' Pin Andrea: Parcel i jo SOl:, Valuation of $37.653.00, 350 feet of Lbehors �alud at $ls.0oo: 00 and the (1859 squat. Let) Valued at $2s. 653: oo. ' 06iecbd t tars ; ierrsase and bash valuation. 1�totion was made by PatcMn to bave the value stay Ai the same subject to an iaspectien of the interior of structm by the as office, sec"" by Watkins and upon "a vow tabu, it was dniy passed, x '! Parcel 10381 , Now bome (1496 Sq. Ft. with a 22"X,24 prase) valued at I WO, ;Lot valued at $6, OW. 00, structure @ ' $34, 340.00 . war mad. by .. Oalots,tb have one Councilman (Patch in designatso to Vlrw a similar boas In 69, ad"en- and set in contact with the assessor's o!>tio. ** by 1lwse and ' upon a talon. it eras duly p�as� � opinion . of same, r jobs Andrea: Parcel 314 3/4 acre Value $750.00; 9972 0 $690.00. )iotion was made by Patichin to Lave the Valuation as is, seconded by Basee and upon a vow taken., it eras sod. d41y (! MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and U Stab of Mi a nnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Nerd Cartsoa; Parcel 534t Asseasor bad _ . = nude an error a waa. made mputation. Motion by 0abra to have -tbr aareasor reviRw said parcel, aacouded upon a , e' taloen, It was dui by Duane and y P+u'aed. a A s jobs ;eclair= 4Farad 0=2: Valuation of $16,930. 00. 120 feet of labeiEbor+e valued ice, 00..40. Serirctnre 54 S Siq. Ft. 10 X.16 -,, abed valued ® =8, 950.00 b . y Patabia to ba*, as Mottos waa made adjust valuation r according to tha r luapucd n of the interior °t structure.. 'seconded by Waddhi sad upon s Grote taloe n It wau, duly Passed. Dor.w john abetPareeL_ ` s'a662 - bare -1ot valued O ZO1.00' is, Paroel 1663 - Land glued i9� 004: 00 *eu5,135.00 a ` Par 0864 .- Land Yalu" 0 36,000.00 Ob�eatad „valaatloa; him" �; r 4 as UaPoatloli std' j tw aoaesaor'a office _made by PatoNa to bave^ ' valuei of o 3 abotr�e parbelo," ieoanded by Watkins aced Jukton a;�� %,Jt *a ddy�pisihM 505t u�aMoa of X17,: 8Z5 00.' c ' 150 i `et libsMaro, Mr. 1lirch Llss Only 50 bet of LbaQore. l►fetloa waa made by Wadd w that the ate! MMIUM ; aoioadrd by.ktnaso aw¢ Pared be reviewed n j �` i waa duly puaNd. .Iii. ar!>Zltbt Parcel 61851 $Valuation st'f34, 500:00, pno x. irNn acres mss. aroel, #.lOSs "3ZZ nett at ���' law l x, I&IMsbo�ne valued at $15, 000 00 74:91b� OQ' # .IiNfitk QLN111 �9Q0 M valued at a to bad ` IMd of valuedoa'teo P ^P, , afar zoade !r was wdaly pas ad, Paroe! it30S, a�oondod by yaachia aai *pmnr, a vote hbdk d 158 and 158s . lrtottoa was made Mc by Patcbin to bs, asor review Wiiddln�r aid upda a veil tabs. '!t was dulj:p; a' 1'areel l660s ^i►in at �,l00.00. ' at 1317 'D4 of dR..f�9Q�Qti ➢sad; � Y, _ • fit•' laced valved 098 Wre ac 33Z, 921.00. Irtr. Peterson advis6d'tbai Nit = home; bas 12.30 . lrt., sot 151'78 1"on waa = by Ma&Ua to have aseenu oz due 8p tM error In + gna=w o� srrvlew the , We ailed ORIO by aced uplta'a Grote .. r>Zwsof parcel: #sylty . Vaiwdloa Of \ Z75, . t:vctnre ' -, >: =Z6, . 00,; a a M2 275 iM label � $4, 000• 04• 9q. Ft. !"" 1122111110 ,by.Patchia that the aN �l OrM -'land @',* 'Oa: � as adluatmaat on Lind valves on, u '�'���rartiiQ'�k�)1� aced _ rixi a , : a t � ^ i 41 � O A60t •�Y oaef >ao, 077 '06.. _ i k OwOQ.e a �a,Q77 * �ottalt tMaa a" 'by 0". t6ait tba.a�� a k ., �� lip►1*aoi?hta,rnt �ea'�aaretoataioaa; i wao` ��prtr�eii. � a1>Yrt io It a esii t r COatlOiled a = !K NedNSday "nhN, Iday MIL , 1973 x Clerk::. Fh R � �s *�� rtv t3 + ' X „... 6y - � `FS , � • r 3� , , n