HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 21 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings, of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County, of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
May 21,e 1973
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Prior
Lake Council Chambers Monday evening, May 21st.,, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Stock
'called the meeting` to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz and
Councilmen Watkins, Patchn and Busse. Absent was Councilman Oakes.
C k: Of ,
op previous me for the month, were circulated, to each member of the
council 'several days previous to` the meeting. The following error, wee nom: A portion
of the motion ing the zoning of the
mad that the Barry James Party made April 16th. should
property remain B zoning, ,allowing only the businm operation as
described in the Eagle Creek' Township minutes on this properly. Upon changing of
saict"Hen, 0 *010n was made by Watkins, sec000t by Busse to approve the minutes
and upon a vote taken, it wQjL duly passed.
Motion was made by -Busse to approv _bills. a
pproved by the ;Finance "Committe*
seconded by Watkins and upon ctvote token, it was duly passed,
Patrick Walker coat present in cegord to the parking problem o'a Kent Drive In the Vale
Addition. He tuggeit6 that them be no
7:00 P.M. Motion
was made Parking ;between the hours of:7:00A.M. and
by Butte. to permit no parking on' Kent t Vale
Drive In he
Addition between the hours of 7 :00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. and that signs bi tnthe Vale e
mgutats: ante, seconded.by Wdtkins'and u °
Pon a `voh" taken, it was duly pieced.
Robert Singiwald repreaenting,the Laker's Snowmobile` Club, ` Inc.,. Ptr>trtled' an
application. for a 3.2 On-Sale Beer License to sell boor for tha anmiml held
Ju IY I:t., 1 er is :. The be to be sold on the Viking Li
quor Stop property, on Dakota
St ° Motion i made .by Watkins✓ to:grant on Oni-Ss1e Bier Licenieto the Laker's
Snoynoebile• Club, 'for July 1st., 1973 on` the Vilch Liquor Stbre ,properly located
on Dakota St with "the fie at S10
.00, seconded by Buses :and upon q iWoto taken it
was duly,pase d, r .. ,
"'J t9
Harold, advised that the low bidders on SectionA and Se 'tier B to install water
: and sewer moms m !ot follows MWIrecommends that'Ae b ds:b awNded to sane:
S etion d► - Rkher!d Knutson; .are. foctSSW 662.00 with work to begin4n about two
weelar.. Saetion�b
Barborota b- Son `for 5899.385.00 with work, *tb begin in about
thitty days in braalC dry -lines I n , the- Vale A
ddition. � ...
Metbn° ir�ot insides by Vlfatkins. to aweird the' bid in Section. Aaf the 1tn irnent to
Richard Knutson, Inc.. in1he amount'of S580,,662,:00, seconded by P.atchin and upon a
vote taken, it was du passed
Motien.lrvae anode by Patchin,_to °award, the bid in Section B ".of intprowment to
NMI-go! & •Sons in the amount of 5899, 385:00, seconded by Watki' and upon a vote
talon, it was'duly passed.
Horajd Isruelson advised that the water tower center ier footi ngs coon pound, edgy.
Footitpt to: be completed in about two (2) weeks" with steel .arriving on nor about' June' 1..
Metro Sewer status: Behind schedule, Iavon't.begun with; (an: and
p specifications.
Metro Sewer Board indicated that the Metro Council is holding up progress: Mayor_
Stock and Attorney Sullivan are;, to contact the Sewer Board and indicate the Importance ., Y
of rushing the project boobs✓» of the, new school site:
a The Planning Comm hston ovInd thaf they niecled the Wicker K "na Townhouse plans
at the May 17th., 1973 meeting because of density, design, and lack of spectfVc
The Planning, Commistton "mque:ted that the village purchase a complete set ofr plat maps
Of the enfiee Village of Prior Lake. Motion was made, byPatckln that the village pur
chase three (3) sets of plat maps of the `village, seconded by Watkins and upon a
„vote taken, it was duly passed.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was mach by Watkins M approve the appointment of Verdon Monnens as Deputy Fire
Marshall and Merle Meyer as Ass t. Fin Marshall, seconded by Patchin and
fakers, it was duly passed. upon a vote
Willard tundstrom presented the
Pfe>" preliminary.platof the Maple
W Hill Addition,
ing Commission recommended a _ &th
pprowal of mid plat, subject to Loh I, 2, g
and 3 being made
bee made
Into two 'lots. Motion was made by Patchin to approve the preliminary plat of the Maple,
Hill Addition subject to Lots`i 2, and 3 being made Into two loft, thr* o c: wck in the
; µ,
amount of $700.00 be submitted at the time of approval of the final: plat, and that the
village accept a, 30 foot easement for roadway because of the to pographicul layout of
same, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote'takenp it was duly passed.
Dick Walsh inquired as to when the Breezy Point Road "will be oiled. He was informed it
would be oiled in appraatmately two
The Police Conuniaion advised, that tech were given for patrolmen on Saturday. 33
' applications wero received and 24 men took the tes t. The Cam miaion`recanmended that
Dale Meihak be promoted to Sergeant, as outlined in an agreement between the Police
Cominisston and flee' Council. Motion. was made b ` Patchin to
Y Deli
promoti Methak t o
. Sergeant, `effeetive'July F, '1973, with his sclary being increased to'�S7S.00 per month,
seconded by Watkins and upon, o "vote takeng.' �'t was duly`passed.
Motion was made ° b Busse to a
Y pprove the pipe line, agreement between the CMSTP&P
Railroad Co. and the Village of Prior Lake Ninth
regarding Avenue and 'authorizt the
' mayar,and the clerk `to slgn a01W""t, -
ieeonded b Patehin and upon.
Y a vote jokers,
it was' duly
3 The''feliow'ing legal optnten:wcwneelved regarding 4he
payment of light bill at the Prior
Lake Softbalf Field:° "Thin is no'doubt that under Mlnnesoto Srotute 412.221 and
: Ifie9olly' under. the general welfare section of that statute, the village has authority to
Provide funding for recreational facilities for its `It
citizens. - ls ppinion that the pay-
meet by the village of a private base ball club's light bill would be constitution)
aNy4hallinge to payment wiild'.b unwccasfull in court. The use ofyfunds in this
areraper� obViouai
y praxis at eeurass of enteMainrnent and recreation , for thsl citizens and
` `this would to be.
rppeari the darninant
purpose of the expenditure.•: While there may be
' 'yens' iw kW t6l benefitite =the private organization, this would not pnwM the use of
public funds in.thb
rnaurrrer." Motion was made by Patehln to.authorizsf =ppymeM for a
., $400.00 caplial improvement at the softball field, instead of paying sald',light bill
(Caoneilnian Patchtn tw isobttati with the, Softball A
WM woeaation.for Tome) seconded' by
. kins It
artd upon a vote taken,' Was! possid ,
x Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance No. 73-9, an Ordinance requiring
smite is ii cleaned following censtruetiaa, : "(free fuilr details aordtnanee,
of this gee
�," aitflnir9ie filed` tn' \/tl °
C4dinanee Book) by Busse and upon a vote taken,
It was duly passed.
' " za
Mo'tkn we�made by�Watklns to dope rdinance No. 73-10, an ordinance regulating '
wate�.. tthin� the Vi(
Y• lage'dUPrto0' Lae,;
(for full, data "Oil's ordinance,
see Ordinance flied to Village Ordinance look), seconded by �h upon a vote
" � taken,. it •wa du ly pfd• j " .
t Niaitien was made by P,atchin te ad,* ^ Qrdinaneaee No. 73 - 13 an ordinance: amending Ordinance
77-10 and 77-12 p nititting eonerectlon of village mains with residence :building under
cerivin circumstances, ,leer full' details of this ordinance, no ordinance filed in Village
Ordiriamce Book), seconded by
Busie;and upon a vote tOlan,' it was dui°
`There g,.. Y P�
was considerable discussion regardinaL the roadway in S.15, Section I, Spring
Lake - Township to the Priac Lake Machine Shop.. Harold
braobon was niquKted to pro-
PM Opeetfteotions for work "which is to be completed' and be submitted to Mr. Ray
Bang.. Sates work is to br completed in regards to
specifications on, or before July 1, 1973.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, incuding all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion wa made by Patchin to contract Greet work - -
shaping- ar"odina and install -
ation of inch bituminou =mat on a portion of,'Pleasant Streit (24 fret) for-.
$1400.00, seconded by Bode and upon a vote taken, it was duly poi
Motion was made by Busse to contract street work forApping and bdadtry and install-
ation of a 2 inch bituminous` mat on a portion of `South Oakwood Read 1n the Oakwood
Hills Addition (36' X Yat a cost of 51500.00, seconded by Work tr s and upon a vote,
taken, It was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to appoint Michael McGuire as Clerk-Treasurer for the
Village of Prior Lake beginning June i:t., 1973 at a month) sal
all benefits received b the'Police De Y ary.of; Bum, and
Y Department chill apply, seceded by Bum , and upon
a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse ' that the loge secure an option 'to purchow the John Kop
property for park purposes In the amount of $250,000.00; ` seconded' by`Watkin: and
upon a vote taken, lt'was duly poised.
Motion was made by WatkinS,that the village secure an "option to pu , .Jk a the Joe
Whitney property to the North of Prior Ac. et 2nd. and 3rd: Additton:`jnd that the option,
Shall be dated acne 15tk:, IW3; and the village shall pay Mt. Whitnpy�s75 000.00j1n
oath one year after the bond issue is basted, seconded by Bums and upon a vote taken,
It was duly passed._
Councilman Patch advised that the growl washer site (Prior L'ako Agpregole)" property
asked, to, exchange 4 acres or ,the, old Prior Lake Dump site for'the gigot washer site:
and an additional $ 10,006-.' , The council requested that Wte keg Knsx be contocW
to value be* sines.
Motion was made by Watkins ;that Councilman Busse be authortzrd`to °Ott: growl reeds
' and SwNp a I paved rood;: pricy t be negotiated by Buse, Seconded by Patehin and
upon a dote token, it iiu'!y passed. °
It wit
reeryested that the clerk sent a letter to the B.&J. Dairy Stare 'in regard fto
complaints received concerning the debrh `on this property.
Mrs ..,ElIon Moves has made'tF* following proposal to the Village Ceuiie:pit She is, the
fee Owner of the lot adjaoent'ro and 4i
Lot 1, Moves First Lake Addition alm tare owner of
• Lot 7 of Maws Second Lake Addittion. Both are subject to non4OCefuslinr easem ents, to
various properly owners in flee' area covered by .t1+e two loti'for - the pierpose of repress to
and egreu from the lake: Siie proposes to donwy the fern tltiv tha'Village of Prior
°Lake subject to the•edsement `6nd the villa in to
h village rn can grout b the public and
other:, slmtlar easement:` kr ing" and egrets: to WWr from the lake, but not to permit
the erection of any dru thereon This conveyance y�ld 'be a ' [fr to the public
cadittened only on the vill`a6p assuming the unptrid tetces ;and• assetitn rtitt owrean.
The Special � awsrn+errt 196res an Lot 7 Block 1 Maws 2nd. Addition Widen ,the
access to Govt.;, Lair 1, Section• 36, Township 115, Range i2 are at fella 4ws: " Lot 7, Block
' I, $789.88 and on the'adcass1097.97. Attorney, Mark SUJltv�enreoom Winded that he
village reject the offer if Mrs`: Ellen Mayes because the *ntk** " "'would assume, the
cook and also said assesrneMiOW all residents will not be able to` fllbw said property•
A poll was token of the co in611 6 See what their views were. INotion was, made by
' Watkins to reject the offer of Mrs. Elden Mayes to the fie tale <ef Lot I, Moves
First Lake Addition and Lot 7 *'Maws Second Lake'Addition to.the. — "iii of Price Lake, '
seconded' by Busse and u " d
_ .... .pen , vote taken,.. t was duly posted. „ .
. The following disbursemants paid In May:
•_ n N
h Da a Melhok
P.T. b Office 124..47
Steven Schmidt - Part time 51.74
Russ Lawrence Part time
• 85.10 =
Dennis Leff Part time 20.28
Dale Methak ��(�,� t Salary 328055
Steven Schmidt Salary 278.42
Ruu' LaM►renad x Salary
*lNUTES of Ow PrpcNdin
1K of the Village Council: of th0 Village of Prior lake, in, tha County of Slott and a� "
Sroh of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by'said Council.
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MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Village Council .of the Village o
of Prior' Lake i
State of Minnesota, including all "aecoants audited by said Coundi.
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