HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 20 1973MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and }
State of Minnesota, including all accounts. audited by said Council: 4
J une 20 1973
^ T1te Common Council "of `the Village of Prlor Lake met in special session `in the Prior Lake '
Council Chambers Wednesday evening, June 20th., 1973 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order. Roll Calls Present were Mayor Stack, Clerk McGuire,
° and Caineilmen'Watkins , cakes and Busse. ' Absent was'Couneilman Pbtchin.
Merle Meyoer was sworn In as Assistant Fire Marshall.,
The following sealed bids were received for the $2,199,000 General Obligation Bond
Issue for water and sewer (project 0 72- 7 & 72-9), Water Storage Tank Tower (Project
0 72 -8), and , the - Pump, Pump house, and Well (Project 0 72 -10).
'First National "Bank of St. Paul of interest rotei'of'$5.10 to $5.60 a total of
2, S6, 4 to be paid, wit " a - net interest rate of 5.5059.
+ Nart!% st Bank of C hicago - at interest rates of $5.20 to $5.50 with ' a total of
56;. 3.' 7�io'6e'paid with a net interest rote of 5.5010.,
Plp•r_ , J,of6!& b HoPvr In - 0t interest rates of $5.00 to $5'.50' with o total, of
$2, 156,120.00 to be "paid, with a net interest rate of 5.4714'.'
After the bids wero`vrifiied, a motion was made by Oakes to award 'the bid to Piper,
Jaffray b Hopwood inc. lit the amount of $2,156;120.00; seconded`by,We and upon
a vote taken, `it was duly passed.
} - Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Ordinance 0 73 -12, a "Noise" :ordirwnce rotating
to"ofFthe-rood vehicles; as amended, secandedDby Watkins and upon a irate taker., it
L was duly pumd. (For complete details of this ordinance, see ordirmce filed In Village
Ord,inaiici look) `.
: salary
Aitofton was r`aad� by �0akes ta ner•aae -�taym l Johnson' to 5805.00 per month,,
effective July lit:, 1973 and filet he is to receive 1 1/2 time pay for the hours over 40
we based upon the ttme cord to be, turned in monthly to.+lhe Village CI•rk,
by a tk ini acid upon a'voto� Lakin, it was duly popid.
7 `
Motion was made by Ooket 1.6-Increase Elmer Buss's sala y $740•.00 per month,
effictlw .fuly Isf., 1973 and thpt he is to. rice w 1 0 two pay for the hours over 40
hours` per based" .pon the tuns card '1nU turned. I' monthly too 16 Village Clerk,
s!cor:d•d by Watkir and upon.a vote,idken, �t'was duly paswd.
K Motion was made by Oakes for, tlie'village contribute $50l'1.00'ta'hiCp the Villa go
rnsvllle casts incurred by their chaliengs of the Fiscal, Disp Bill, seconded
`by VhaticTra ar►d uponb. vote token, It was duly 'paoed`.
The meeting was odournel at 8 :00 P.M.'
u' Michg' A. McGuire, Clerk
r V� Julx.2, 1973 .^ ,
The Common Council of
th! Village of h, for Lake met an regular session In ^the Prior Lake '
f Council Chambers Monday, July 2nd., 1973 at 7:30 P.M., Mayor Stock called the-
meeting to order; .ItoL1, ,ol1: Present wet! Mayor Stock, Clerk McGufro and Council
non Oakes, Patchin and Buss.. Absent was Councilman Watkins.
Sealed bids, were opened Well P3, alma ;and Motor Project 0 72 -10. The following
bids were recOvodx
Minni:ota Drillers $5,579.13 j
Northland Supply Co $5,698.58`
Thlin Well Cez.,, Inc: I
Tonko Equipment Ca. $6,575.,00, f
Layne Minns otef-Co , ,
$5,795.00 i
Hydro Engining $7,509.00'
n �
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, riincluding all accounts audited by said Council
Motion was evade by Oakes to accept the bids for the pump and motor and have Harold
Israelson revigw their,;gnformcnce,to specifications,. seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken, it was duly posse
Sealed bids wero opened for Wel( #3, Pumphouse Project 0 72 -10.' The bids
were received;
Bergland Johnson Inc. + $a4,619.00
Lysne Construction Inc.. $50,340.00
Earl Weikle. As.Son3,. lnc 547,666.00
} 'Shank Plumbing b Heating :45;299.00 '
Motion was made ,by Oakes, to accept the .bids for the Pam
: Isr+o.i:o I review°"�their coofonnance ro phouse and have Haro
speeificaitions,-, seconded by Patchin and upon
f a vote taken, t was duly passed,"
Motion was made by'Patchin au i e t
3 he'planning °cam ulon to, °coataet Charles
Tooker to have hime research the setbacks for areas platted with less than the
setback standards' and proper r an amendment to our, present
bus" '04 "a present zoning ordinance seconded
by pan, watt ialren, [twos du �! passed`,
Motion was, made b Busse to a
Y pprove, the following police billy Dolt, for
S•Mf Di'nnls Leff ;for =231.00; Russ Lawrence for $156.25; and Steve Schmidt for
566.00; ' The vote wa::lcondad by Oakes and upon a vote token, it was duly passed : .
Motion was made by Patchin to approve a bill to Bohr>:ack Hennes, 'Inc. for the
t amount of ;298:50, seconded sse and upon a'vote taken, It was duly �
F' W Ion was made by Patchin
to have Nli Meihak
fnspect the Doug Farnum property
end present a written report, documented with photos, and to "the' clerk write a letter
toMark "Sullivan Instructing him. ro mart proceedings agpinst Mr. Fpm, seconded by
Wasi and 4pon;a von token, 'it "was duly "passed.
Motion wKass,MG& by Oakes to rescind Ordinance X73 -12 a: approved at the
a .. council u meetinp seconded by Busse and upon a'vote.'taken, It was duly pcwed� previous
Motion wet made by Oaken ro `adopt Ordinance �"l3 -12
f ,. as amended; an ordinance"
f rtwlatira off Nye TOadwhiel.`ei, isconded by due`and upon a vote taken, the followtnp
voted to favor tl»reof: `Oake , luW c* Stock, Patchin opposed ioid`motion. Motion
carried.. ,
(For canplett` details of this imdinance,'se0 a'dtnance filed In V1llape Ordtnan.
�` .00k d In. Clerk's, Office.) o
y ,
Motion was made by_ Butte to adopt.oidinance 0 " 3 -17, an ordinance am Ordinance
0 72 -19, concerning the'regulation and'use of snowmobiles, seconded by Stock, and
upon a vole token, the fol lowing voted in favor thereof: Oakes, Busse. anid Stock
Patchin opposed said motion. Motion carried 06 f th
complete details ois.o�irance,
see ordinan�u filed in Village Ordinance Book in Clerk's Office.)
Motfori was "made by Busse ro adopt Ordinance 0 73 =14, amending Ordinance h1 -
concern ing the sale, of intaxicati ftoilequor,'seconded by Patchin and upon.a vote taken,
It was duly paned. ( For complete detail: of this ordinance, see ordinance filed in
Village'O+dinanee Book'li Clerk's Office.),
Tlie fire re
+ port w6i received grid accepted for the month of May.
Motion was made by Oakes to rescind the June 4th., 1973 motion pertaining to charges
° applicable to property aiiutttnp ex fisting water and sewer Fines, seconded by Patchin and
upon a vote taken, It was duly pasted'. ;
Motion was made hi r pe =a one time avail I
$700.00 for water' by �0akes for the villar)e to c ��, abi ity charge of
and $900.00 for sewer, plus�tt► 4$ ?,65.00 hookup, c for wetter and
sewer for prop" abuts existing water and sewer I inet. and whom, there were no f
deferred charges, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it -was duly passed.
IAiP. G ,(2)
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of `Prior Lake in the County of scoff' and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
C ouncilman Oakes made a recommendation that .tits nra or and.
y council. join. the Ch amber
f Commerce. i
otion was made by Oakes that July 18 t h , 8:00 P.M, be sat as the. date for t� public
hearing for water and sewer' in Lakeside Manor, seconded by `Suge and'upon a vote taken,
It was duly passed. The project has 39 lots with; ; an estimated' cost of'$130, w 00
otion was made by Pbtch n to approve the purchase of two 4- drawee and one F?
used typewriter, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was, duly isiod, This Is to
be used by the'CIA1 Defbnse Director. t
Motion was made'by, Busse to appiove payment of $20.00 to McC a�Y ' Well - Co. for their' '
° 18 point po perfa�ni cd `check on turbine pump #2, by
seconded Patchin *i',W upon ovate
taken,' it wat duly` palsied. `
' Motion was made by Oakes to have an appraiser appraise the'James Cook--
= seconded b ' ,
y Patchin and upon a vote taken, it -was due y�p a,bd.
- s
' Motion 'was made 'by Oakes to have the clerk . =ign the l '
(and surveyors certificate of
cormction fci' Hidden' Ooks. lst. Addition;, seconded by Patchin and vpea►'a vote taken,
It was duly passed ..
Motion was made' by`Ookes' to award the corrected base bid of ° x,194:00 to Ear1.1
Welkle. and Sons, Inc. for the m house
p r ol e Pu P , ct i72 10, seconded by;Patchi and, ;
upon a, vote taken, It was`duly passed.
Motion, was made by Oakes to award the bid of $2, 400`.00 ice; the rink fence to '
Earl Welkie and Sons, Inc. seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken�'it`wes'duly
, passed,
Y " Motion - was made by Odds to table the "transmitter control cable bid award, seconded
by Pafchin and upon taken,'
a vote it was duly passed.
Motion wa - made by CWkes to award the bid of 1i5, 400. 00 for s : k
'ths Putnp motor,
proj #72 to ThoM Well Co., Inc. seconded by Busse• and upor"T: a'vott taken, It
was duly pau44
The following June dhbun#ments'were paldz
'! k
Ct Ptlor Lake American. I pub) i shin 8
C.N. Sullivan
4 9. 0
.t. + i.
Layne Minn. Co. Well 0 3 (fol» reinbursed) �1�016.00'
Clarene:e Schmidt 'Plumbing inspections,, 206.00
`Dale Melhak
?:. Part time: patrol: F� 13.1.93
Sn Schmidt. , Part time patrol
� � �
Dennis, Part time patrol `.. �, �., x • .01
Ruell Lawrence
Part time patrol
Dennis Leff', School• t
Richard - Klugharz Parade patrol
Joek Ocu Y ., 6.50
C ouncil?
pay �°Y. 'ected)' 60.00
Dole Melhak Salary 1
R Tt Y
State T r 28.55
rwur± P E R.A' '
� , r, ' ,, i 6+5�.04�
Steven 'Schmidt`
` ,
Russell Lawrence Salary %4 ?t
27Q .40
Dennis Leff Sa
Mike WGutlrr! .> �
Salary �A
Prior Lake Stank Bank `
o .
i:ederol Deposit `525. 00
Utilities 8.39
Motorola' Inc. Contract payment 5.
NrS.P. Utilities 481 95
Raymond Jo
Johnson Garbage
,, . houl i g 1L2
Scott Rice Telephone utilities
Bankers Life Hospitalization
Standard Oil Tank fll,l b'501z'i1;
Gene Newstrom , {' 1611dins. Iropscttorn '280 00 ,n