HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 16 1973'.. 1. MINUTES of the Pioceedirga of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scots and' -' State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ki ly 16 The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular sesslon in the Prior Lake Council Chambers Monday evening, July (6th., 1973' at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Stock called the' meeting to order. Rolf. Call: `Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk McGuire, and Councllmen Patchin, Watkins, Oakes, and Busse.' x Copie of all previous meetings for the month were circulated to each member of the council. The Following Qrrors were noted in the June 18th, minutes: Per 1, paragraph 2 should include $12.00 per hour for blading and shaping of Oakwood Road. Pape 1, paragraph 5 - Name of Mr.. Lamley correctly spelled and the date far the public hearing sihouid be 1973, instead of 1974. Upon changing of said mirwte =, a motion was mode by Oakes, seconded by Busse to `approve tf�e min as changed, and: +pan o vote token, It was -duly passed.. a Motion was made by Oakes to approve payment of all bills approved by the Finance `seconded Committee, by Bu sse and upon a vote taken, it was du pas"d, Motion was made by Watkins to accept the, hard :he of Maple Hill: seconded by Patchin and, upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Jan Gans of Wicker'Knok Asm. "appeared before the council iii rfgatcls to a 20 foot a road easement in Red Oaks. Counciim6n= 47akes recommended that this matter be referred ta.the Village Attorney and RriOt�er for their review and aptnion. Motion was made by Patchin to approve the plans for Project' -6, Condon's Wood - s dale b Mitchell Pond :ewer and water Pro'ject., seconded by�Ookes and upon a vote taker, tt was: -duly gaped. ;� Malian rues Made by O&os to set itw doh for August 66 ., .IY73 at 7. P.M. for 'ihe opening iof bids for hoject d"72-6 Cordon's Woodale 3 Mitchel Pond Sewer d. Water project; seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was d ly possed.r Motto r im mode by 'Oakes to approve 4he :F ive Hawks Elementary School .Agreement, an tea,` aicondod .by Watkins and upbwa :vote taken, ..tt'was dul y poled . Motion was mode Watkins to a k b y a p prove the Fire Report, seconded 'by Patehin and upon a : I 1*4 4 A was;.duly gonad.. z Metlaa.wos made by Watkins ,b apprevi a =30.00 eeurlosy almde ie'Ra1pA `l+slabw�ough acrd tr6RabertKltrgberti.:firlhouitp water to w:te,the; fire depsolmMtaf,>rtio time of tho Poll ul ution. Camr6t ,fb J �Ith ,seceded Patchin and ap Y . by errbaV.ite taken, it s,. was Oily pained. R 1 1Aotian was wewi by `Petch t ;awdrsl Patrelmcn t?ennl>ti L.ff c =25.00 per t nth pot► raeroaN, effiWive July 1,. 1973, ncwAod by Watkins and upon a von taken, It was r Tho.pottaso dMarlm nt report for Jw+o:w►o:.recolved and accepted. Motion was made by Watkins to him LeRoy F. Rabenart at a starting saloryr of moo esoMh, o" "1'.x19'!3 oft an. eoNaa starNng.s a Aa and p@64%j h Is psinp of 'a. the ptgntoal e9cantnation, ae'a Patrolman for the''Vij'i�go of Prier Lela, =oc iosl by Qatar. and ypa a wh <fdooe, tt W!as, du paaetl - 7 Matiln wet iiwda by W*in i to adapt the Shunk. riielutten retaNp, la 0 rezantng of l his P�PM'h to `B-3, secindod by Oakes and upon a vote taken, It was duly gonad. Motion was made by Oakes to authorise CeuncUaron, Watkins have:" Tlanai Commission silent individuals necessary to de a shady of Highway 0 13, by by 1=W and' upin a '"ft taken, it was duly. poa»d Motion was mare by Oakp• to approve rho tax ferNtod land sale of 'Lot 4` Rleck 1. of t the origina vtlkgo, eo«Mled b Wd&bn and upon 41 V! r toikon, it Woes o u1 papa i.