HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 20 1973MINUTW of the P►eeNdin�js of Nee. Village Council of the village of Prior Lake in the County of Scoff and State
f Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by said Cooneil:
q ..
.. , A_uwst 20, 1973 :
"The,,Common Couricil''of the, V
.illage of P.i
Council Chambers Monday evening. Augusst 20th. mot
1973 @ 8.00.P M. on m the Prior Lake
thb meeting -.to order.; Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk McGGre, and Council-
men Watkins, Oakes,and. Busse: Absent was Councilman Patchin.
Copies of ail,
previous meetin � for the month were circulated to each'ember of the council
several days previous to the meeting. The .following error was note& in-the July 16 minutes:
Page 1, last "Paragraph, should include the name Charles Tooker, Village Planner. Upon 1'
changing of said minutes�,o,motion was made by Watkins, seconded by Busse to approve the
minutes,. Upon a vote aken it was duly passed..
Motion was made by Oakes ordering the =
73-3,. September 17 sole of. bonds for water and sewer: projects 172-6 and
, 1973 @ ' :30 P.M. , Ma
it was duly passed. trom was- by Watkins and upon a vote taken,
Stock that
rya suggested the Watershed District, Village of Savage, Vill t'<
a"'16 Metropolitan Sewer Board establitk a mesh � of Prior Lake,`
portion of Prior Lake n Savage. meeting pertaining to the severing of that G
J8n Peterson, was L
Prese"t''andAiscussed, the possibility of vacatin Fifth 1
- Oali�S€ree E , r check but of
t. Councilman Oakes recommended that the Villa
`the'.high'watMr 1ew1'i: and w ge gtaer check out. where
hero the, buildin r
g could its Se 4th.. meeting., aad b roPortack to the council '
Per acting ,
Wili10h Scrrriokel appeared before _
,the. council for prelimi a pproval
Plat: Motion was mado'by-Watkins, seconde&by. Buse that the bond tali he sheets be set
at 150% of the estimated cost and u
' pon, a vote token, It was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to set the
pork fee for Mr. Is
:3,50 land'.View Plat of
' 40:00 cash in lieu of land, =seconded"
by sse and upon a yore taken
"paaedy' , it was duly'
rb .
,. Morton
w= made
by Buse to haul the mayor'sign tha,agraement with the Chic
Waukee; St. Paul`and Pacifice*Railron se
d Co., b Oakes a °g°� Mil
It w pp"
as duly'pvd'. y nd upon a` vote taken,
iti: Tlt.:yuly'
F" 'Department report was received and: accepted by the Council 4,
Y k
Motionwas� mode.by Oakes to- street
further in
visttgcfs the recommendation =kr'a now 4
into>.Condon's Woodale First Addition seconded by
w Watkins and, u
osduly passed. Pon a vote token, it
AasticikW s made by Waktins to have Councilman f'atchin' ; J
'materiait proceed with printing of
P "formational meeting, 'seconded °b
Y Busse a
wall dul nd'upon q vote taken, it
" 1
y passed.
Motion was make by Waktins that the Village of Prior Lake
X475"Wd a4drkrDeriel under Minnesota Statute
opment-Refer ridum October 2, - 1973`@ 7:00A.M. - 8:00'P
Srcortdid. by B4 and upon •a vote taken, it was duiy' passed
Motion was - .. - ..
made by Watkins to have the polls open fi-om to 8:00 P.M. ,
Tuesday, September 11 1973 for the Scott County Court House Bond Issue,, seconded by ?
.� `Bossier and upon a vote= taken,. it
� was du passQdi 4 ^_
Motion was made by Waktins to have
the Village Clerk's Office:
As:M :, ' , ,, � ,�_ ,. remain open ` from 9:00
. to 9:00 P.M Se
"-Salo Se ptember 4, 5, 6, and 7 and from O:OO A, .' to I :00 P.M, on
t'Y. ptemiber Ott. for voter registration, `seconded by Oakes and upon a vote`taket.�,`
it was duff► passed.
Motion was made by Watkins, aecorided b Busse to appoint the fo)(owa`ng'judgesand 7
counters for the Se
ptember Ilth. Count r
ty Gourtlxwso Bond lssue: _
MiNUTEt.•of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of tKetf ond;StaN of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by *aid Council. y.
Judges to be Mr. A7 Her g ott s Mrs.
Mark s Bluadorn, ,. Mrs . Lannon,
t Mrs Margaret Suel.and.Mrs. Clare Muelken-, Counter °
Walter Stock, Mr. Donald Busse, Mr. Tom Watkins$ Mr- .bJack
Oakes, and Mr. Mike McGuire.
Mrs, Alternate ,judges 'too be `
Alice Muiller, Mrs. Julie Stock and Mrs. Maragaret O'Keefe..,
Upon a vote taken, the motion was•dult passed.
Motion was made by ns to give a $50•.00
in pay to,Michael.MeGuire ember per month increase
,, l
seconded by Bu .1973,
.,,.., and upon a votes taken,, it wes,duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to
increase-in a give Bernice Pavek a 104 per hour
inc pa effective 'Sep'tember 1,' 1973; 'seconded by,
Watkins and upon a vote'taken, it was - "duly ps 'sod. -
Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Oakes to adjourn and
UPen a vote ,taken, xhe meet;in
g , was ,ad,l ourned at -11:00 P. M
Michael A. McGuire Clerk
o E- s
September 4, 1973 - -- - -- - - - - -- - --
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in special session in`'the council
-dh mbers'Septembtfr " '4; 1973 @ 7
Roll Present i30'P�M '^ Mayor Stock called the molting to .
Call. were'Mayor Stock, 'Clerk McGuire and'Councilnien Patching
Watkins, Oakes and Busse. n
The purpose of'the•meeting' for an'ossessroent hearin
g °for 'the 9th. - Avenue Paving '
Project 0 72-4. Mayor Stock turned the* meeting =over to Harold Israelson; Village -Eng.
Mr: `Senftner, , Q citizen ,
present stated that the areo should be backfilled"and that
radbr should be set upooccCsionally. " also requested that 6 strait` light be put
up where Highway 13 and' 9th: Avenue junction` (by the 6rive 'In ),
The°fol 'owing'people objected to'the'
Pr I o'e ct for a rodiohs
Ralph Blokeborough Water doesn't drain 'into storm sewer,.
. w
" Lbwrence• Wild = ame
. New.Prague`Lumber'`(Kratochvil) -Same'
G . Melvin Geister Same'
Bernard: - doesn't front on Ninth Avenue. r
The assessment - hearing wca, adjourned at 8:30 P:M.
fa Michael A. McGuire,. Clork
�,. `Se�ie 4,' 1 973
The Common. Council the Villa ge of Prior Lake
Chambers. Se . a met in regular sesif$n in the Council C.'l
ptember. 4, 1973: at 8.30° P.M. M
c . ay took galled the meeti to order
Roll all." Present were Mayer Stock, Cferk "Mcio iI cilnien`C+akes Bu
ate in and'Wotkiris: drid' Coun � s
Mr.. Roman Kopp appeared before the council and ra
Avenue. IOW91' . Ha was informed that° "the "\Villaso Eng neertwould check into this
m a tte.
' Motion was made by Patchin to a' e
Y , ins a' ,. �'O v , part `time• poi'ice pay for'dugust, seconded
Y nd upon a `vote 'token,. - it' was duly pQ�.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the bi of$333.00 for "street excavating by
Bohnsack & Hennen, seconded by Patchin and upon c vofe taken; `it was duly passed
Motion was made by Watkin: to approve the bill of •1,140°.98 submitted`by Mr. Mark'
Sullivan, Village Attorney, or services rendered seconded Busse and upon a vote
taken, it was duly passed Y� byr �� ,e
'� .. (3)
o e
a D o
• a
>sr .elson & Assoc. Inc.
AooM X 22 EERS
BUS, PHONE: 88,•5371
HOME PHONE: 1184 -*4931
June 2 -973
Mr-' Richard Menke
attorney at Law
Prior Lake, Minnesota"
William J. ,Simpkins Property
Mr. Menke ,.
This letter wall' "Plain more cons leteY
• I nterest relating t0 the requested of
, easementsy,�certair,items
Property. over the 'Simpkins
1) A &'essment;of1�undeveloped areas will be deferred until s
r: R time as the property he uch
"_ abutting
unlit :,4.
developed,. " .' .,�aements are
2) Services
to ad'Jacent property will be in
wt wtth the o' caner s wiahr��s _l�. to conform
3) Ttir t *wi cmer�t: 7e� rii c;�1 .tior ail or Lhe (711111. sh, !�►`�, � �t•!
'Fttuigl ',i,ti a t�rit't�rui 4�ure� w.l I;l L r y is
.. � 1 Ilk uwrt��ar';;
4 ) Tho
ca l yh
eiisemerrt lacei:l'�1 wc�.t ai' Jutnes M;irCirl C t!t?es
'is 'along the
east edge of the Simpkins property
5) The easement i Section Of theSiproper
gen e ra lly proceeds along the
edges of swamp and was placed to cause the least inter"
ference`Nith future
development, -
The tvesterl y part of this
A `
easement is an extension;of an
ex atinga oad (Willow Beach Road) in the' "Willowe
6) A1'1 these Basemen s have been discussed With .
Simpkins andhe has discussed
the easements
i+rilllam;Schmokel his, surveyor. Mn..
that the easements `
as shown. could be
qui.e easily`. worked a plat
1Te will,' be' pleased t.o provide. you with an
�n8t2on that you maY. geed. Y auditional infor-
?ours 'truly,' �
Harold f3 .:IsraelSon P,E.
Aulkwif of, IM hoco"I" ". of tho v111eoo council of the vial eqo of hior Lek* In tho County of seen end ft6te of ,
NUNeolete, ioeludino 611 eeceuats audited by wW Council.
Ch icago Mi wau ee t. P RR.
First National Bark of St. Paul Agreement•
Prior Lake State Bank,, Bonds redeemed
Treasurer Bills
14 450 .00
Prior lake State Bank Investment 4,800.00
' °,
for Loki State: Bank Investment 11;000.00;
Prior Lake State k Ivestment
72- C.H. S.A. FUNDS
7 hm sob & Assoc fotes Engineer fees
Prior La 'State Bank ��
k° investment 2,.600.00
Prior Lake. State .Bank n�
Prior lake State Bank Savings Certificate 10,000.00
Treasury Bills.9
72 -7 8 4 , & IO W b S FUND
Wi K Knox, Appraisal... 125.00
Harold I:roelson •
Engineer Fees
'Richard Knutson Co. f �� 94,782.30
C ontract payment
Pithkoirg,be of C�o. Contract payment
1 v" i tt e 5
General Fund x.50
Layne Mi Co ntee ( Layne) 'S665.�10
Harold isroebon 7,:055.60
Chopin Publishing;, Etpineer Fees` 7,560.00
w .
Bohnsock & Mennen Ad for, B cis 52.70
Richard Knutson Co. 720.50
John b" Arlene Cates, Contract payment,' 118,067.;
t, P °yment' 300.00
d �I
Pflor! Lake Stale Bank -Investment 1 421..2'
$ I, 999, 792.87:
_ 9
Motion was .;made b" Patchin fin
Y ad journ� the meeting,
seconded b Oakes and upon a
vote: taken, the meeting, was adjourned, at 12:15A.M.
- -
t Michael A. McGuire, Clerk
- -- NMN- N---- N -eNN� r o
------- N MN
- -NN-
r, Ser�hmber 11,
The Common Council of the Villa ge of Prior Lake met in special session September 11,:
1L C 8x30 P.M. in the Village Council liambsn.
,'Mayor Stock called the meeting
o o order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk McGuire, Councilmen Busse
-:and Patchin. - Absent wen Councilmen
Oakes, and Watkins.
The purpose of the meeting was to approve the votes cast for the Spicial Electi
tke Couri h °Court H on for
ouse Bond Issue•.
Motion, o was made by, Patchin to '
pprove the votes, as t for the Scott County Court
House Special`Election,
seconded,by Busse and upon ; ;vote token, it was duly paw, ,
The meeting was adiaurned at 8:40 P.M.
n Michdel A. McGufro, Clerk