HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 11 1973i MINUTES of 1M Mco"i of the Village Council of the Village nos Y h�a of Prior Lake in the County: of Scoff and `State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by; said Council: , ` October 11, 1973; ; !J The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in special session Oct. 11, 1973 @ 6:45 P.M. in the Village Council Chambers.. ,Mayor, Stock called the- meeting to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor. Stock, Clerk McGuire, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins and Patchin. k,, The purpose of the meeting was to negotiate salaries' the Police Department. Motion was made by Watkins to leave` the "Step proposal" until it can be studied � furthur, lseconded by Oakes and upon a vote 'taken, it was duly passed. Motion was, mode by Watkins to take the latest police proposal under advisement, seconded; by Busse -:and upon a vote. taken, it was duly passed.. Motion was made by Watkins, seconded by Busse to adjourn and, upon a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned. ; - Michael A. McGuire, Clerk ° w -mow--- -- -- ----- -- - -- -- ------ -- - - -w- -- ---� -� October, 14, 1973 The Common Council of f6 Village of Prior Lake met in regular-, 'session Oct. 14, 1973 @ 7:30 P.M. in. the Village Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the ` meeting to order. Roll Cali: Present were Mayor Stock,. Cle* -McGuire, Councilmen Patchin, Busse,, Watkins and Oakes. ;Tbe following sealed bids were received 'for the:'Civi, Defense Warning System, a., Project { Sou�ttxJmastnr Sionals, inc: Si3,t00 �. Ejlc ; , rA a 512,793.82 1: Motion was made by Oakes to accept the bids for Project #73-5 and 4o, have the EnAirtnnr ;0*k ° over, seconded by Watkins and upon as vota, taken it was i- dull!. passed. ; Motion was made by Watkins authorizing the sale, of Park bonds issue #1 t Novi 19, 1973 @r 7 :30, P.M., seconded. by Oakes and _upon a vote taken, t' It wa 9du y Pound �`� ' Niotlon :was made °by Walk!!* qutlarizing ta llatlon 46 ;floss .Streit Lights + in Hidden. Oakos, seconded by. Wye and;vpon a_ vah' aken, h woo duly :passed. Motlpa . algid• by�Wa#kinit, ta► approve tha wlewtr s for the previous ,month as subiaittad r : > seconded by. sun* *W upon a vote, talan, . 'it . wa duly., ,- Mallon was made by Oakes to approve the 'bills previously approved fs)► the Fbwlw Comm i y .s!cotded bys+ , 4! , uP a Yatl, tsifcan, it w duly passed. {r ion urns . mach .by DU no t4 approve, the Fire Report as submitted, `"Go Id. by .. Mlt lktns awd�.upenA a..�vot�.i »talon, .,ita..wa duly Motti was asod ..1Z' fttchin, to ap prove the Police Report at submitted, seconded ` by WallCl upon .a Voteaknn,: it was duly passed. tt ared n� Mlalwet , -: JlcGulre� -Inforowd' lia! Cou�atl t1wt. t1>.; P,oltce °Dept 1taz. joined hi TbrR "ntMl '3Z0. , Thorn ww .a di=wW"'on the 'Preliminary. T"ph'fare Phut. Counc Wan Watkins sl�stad tltr f 'litre "of l�l�rn ! <and easy; acwes to and from r M bustn«s aolal dstirics of prior, lake.. �A eiwnlinp ewas, sahnduied .fir ss p• J �D. 1'7` il73 . ` . ,te furliwr dtscu the 6 MINUTES of the proceedinp of Niu Vilkoe Coaneil of the Villa90 of Prior Lake in the County of ;Scott and Stab of MINK_ to, including all accounts audited by said Council. Harold kaslSOn recommended that the awarding of the bid for the Civil De fense be tabled until the next »gualr Council ateetinp Sy:ten, Motion" was madai .b G Oake: to iswe cha aide . a, � _ r to deduct 500 ft. of Cable from photrsr+ .Pro(eea. 72 -10,. seconded by „ousse and upon a vote .taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes to accept the Assessment Role as to form for Water b Sewer Project In-6 & #73 - +3, seconded ,by :Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion wow made, by Patehin to install a• ;sheet light on 9th Ave., b; Hwy. 33 also to »loeah the street light on the , corner.. of 9th Aw. and County Road 12, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly pasted. 'Motion was made' by' Watkins M arthorize the pwrchese of two - snowttres for the !ol ice seconded by Ouse and upon a vote taken t was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes to exSerrd,;a vote of (hanks to Wally Lar4omnt of L L Hardware. lle for, for the use of a snowmob patrol, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly:`ptssssd Metier - was ,'made "by Watkins , to 8luadorn as judges for the appoint AI Hergott, Nellie Lannan and Marla November 6, 1973 election, seconded by';Ookes and upon a vote taken, it was dui was# i"dde by Watkins to e ppolnt Alice Mueller, ;Millie K1ittgberg, and Vy. x "+ 1Mf wa rr for the Nowmber, 6, 19T3 selection, Crakes and' upon p a s. duly passed. seconded by e Yu. a Motion made b Pe;hcWm to �+ Sic notice of sale for the Yilla' owned �tk ;Oak,siea Rd, set adsid � >Stoek geed u a �' lots- lying Pa► veto Saken, ;tt W" duly passed. was' , by Watkini to” Increas , t th R � , 1<kntce Pavek s salary ' to' =3.80 per,hiom Eimer • aY i ta<<'$90500 � * !roi imd MIAMI McOuim , n per molt rilth a revlew with n six tttetttk J dll inerietaae effe *V. 1 s�aonded ! iume and upon,.a vote taken, ft war duly pawed. '~`i' r 1974, s �' was IM�fi' t WYtlCini t0 ncreaae y. bar 1 Sh>flerte Griskatit' hour, Pftwd t "amber 1. 19,7i`,� secotdad` by Pat grid upon a � tai�en�i! was duly Mobfisti weir made iy, b app -' `kni and, to be "Ifk the levies as wkrmltt�, s• d iy W�gtkbw mid upon a vote Wken,, ,it was `dull► passed.; x ' ''Stecicr< Cauaeahitmr "W.atkini tiitd lillige AttoRte ; no�tiitln0# Pol,toi §sielewies Y Sullivan wi11 serve on the t bt► >;Wsse foi► the' Village #o ';tace ark paymeril °'of tM street 1 11, = atarsnNy "being paid 'br °Rid Dittman ieaonded + by Cake: and upon t in t a rote .taken,. it was duly passed. 1 " >f►t`W et, sebended by`'Natchin wo adieurn: _ 1 Michael A Mi4om " Click _ The Carman Council 1413., 7s30 P 1111: 1n till ' Lroise " �M 0"► 'Oct. 10 ` j �' P, iv 604* Roll; Calla ? M neil Viers: Mayor 'Stink.` f64 the meeNng`�'' him, owl h ayar Stec," .Clerk McGuire, Ceraelim ' : +tic in. ' sslltt Ge>Uft 4rnrart Watkins. " TIM .purpm 4f r r ? !lT2�i► . / e WW 40..F, Mold an y h an:Water and' S• , C i r MINUTIt at the, P inp of the Village Council of the Village of PrlW Lek i C oun t y o f Sce" and State of Man Wo, including oil accounts audited by mW Council. Councilman Oakes moii i t that the area awssment had to be computed 1y tl,* Enqlnee�r becou so Of Arrock fpunO in *,County Auditors Records. 'dwu W. looser and Mr.% R,onpld E 19p a release fiom' - be asked tik s Public Am' j . - MctrU RUG- Motion was . made by � Oakes that Puane,C., q , q , . _ f* Ftont ft. now and the balance of the front footaga 60 :-- fbotap 4.) def9ried, 'Until a plot for; his js, apppoved. The, entire acrep - be, now, and AM fimt de%n%,*nt-�js,,cq"In upon A Inge Sewer & Mr, Olson 0 W", easement In the Y of , Mr! Poter NtOIR so, pe I cR,70*d by PWchIn 'vidAspon a vote taken, It.was duly pamd. Each owner In Lakeside Aqnq�r Interest In Outlpt� v!lll apal Lawrence G. Werman's am chwv was deferred and, if 46 m � , ;"P, part of his 1 10 not built up It will iliwadn deferred. 36,VIckerArim assomment, 111111111111111P�l 4s defertedjor WWYOW', Or until the gopre "fw vhuh ev'or- " it $ON MOtlan was made by Oak4s, that Leml firont footage far Lot slack 1, -'ft. to,12$ *.# f 48, )1e p-IN -pi by. kn*� vota-lakon,,'It was, 11:6 1 y paned. 0� M liNG" by Oakes to own Larry Nickelson fo IV 25 J�nt j ."49vhow V 4 dwAsiimint until the, -poreet'lIr IsAlvliled. JW-ontim. or" � cheir b tow pow-G.Va" at k-, to be aeveind naw se ca n d a d y , jk W* u taken, Wwas d Y Mead.- Mofloh-iwas andw,by "Odkes 46 �W*r 00 on, Lot 1 Lot 1st Addition" Sft';V*)ibecauselt� apinotbe!W11t, upeh,*W contingent Upon *dqQmantj Wofaf. %W..% jottensigh thMvh_ seconded by 11 and upon, a vow taklb�,��2 It vim duly pmed 4 Wft­Na&,' 4Y 0 " , to,601V the A01101160"t irole as 0 I for F73-3,veicanded by�PvfthI*MW vaft Mks*,. it-, �,m was, A stateme was made by'Counclimen Oakes that the Villa w ill rep �,Cherles�� Hoff's 20 '14. treps-�"vof funds Project#72-6., Al 61d, was recelvecl fi�m Bohnsock. & Mention 1CW the road going 110" the Water ~A* '-suhlred"W" awshad zock and -gredlngi,, A- MWO b &J T Y so to MGM thIR A .00 for the South Anna Lane F;W"an Of the, 0 "" b Id of $,3,, U 46"d 001"t ft,,Bohrmck� & Nennen seconw:led by, Peft 10 ivid I'm a Wt* , 01 tkowak 111W Did �of 33� OWW fiw-lhe pW lan of the row 4 WWW. Tower,, tw Somth,Anao, prolipct to t �Obcbndsd - bY,P11LfthIW:Qnd upon a vote-mkon �jt w ed. a duly pan v f made Oakes Wadjaum, seconded by Fafthin and, upon- a vote lakeni the meeting was adjourned @ 10:35 P.M t J" I t I '47�, r ,