HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 21 1974a _r MINUTES of the Prece"ings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of E # Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council'. January 21, 1974 The Common Council of the} City of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Ci Council Chambers January 21, 1974 @ 8,00 P.M. Mayor Stock called the me etin g to order. . Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Deputy Clerk Pavok, and Councilmen Oakes, Busse and Patchin. Absent were Councilman Watkins and,Clerk E McGuire. Minutes of the previous meetings for the month had been circulated to each member of the council several Boys to the j prior meeting, The following yorrections were made; December 17th:, page 2, third paragraph from bottom should read: Motion was made by Watkins to- approve Dale Meihak's,salary ,z request of $1050.00 per month and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign the contract for 1974, seconded by Oakes vote taken, it was duly passed a January y "ithd page 2 8th - paragraph should read.� Motion was made by Oakes to appoint William S'chmokel as the City Resident Enai mer, (Not President Engineer) seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, itrwas duly passed;; With, the above corrections, a motion was made by Oakes, seconded'by. Busse to approve the minutes of the month. previous Upon a vote token, motion carried, t € x Motion was made by Busse to approve the bills previously approved by the Finance Commi ttee, seconded by Oakes and u pan a vote taken, it was duly passed, , Earl Pe r of Pep pper's,Pizza. was,present and stated that he was also representing Wally Langhorst, Gene Muelken and Bob Busse in regard _tothe V.F.W. parking. He stated` that the V.F.W. should not b4 allowed to continuwremodelin p until hey ' acquire property for parking purpose. He was informed by the coune11 that should a b building permit e taken out b the. ., F.W. for y expansion or remodel, Ing over :300.00, the parkin situation would then be considered. Gene Berry of Green Heights was g present with a request for a li license contingent upon selling of,the business „,Also present w .th.a request for a II license, . q uor uor was Don` Woodward 'pnd ^Mr. Bad in „for the „future,bow,ling alley and cocktall,lounge'at Brooksville Center. Mr. Woodward presented plan: and specifications for the above which Included 16 lanes,, restaurant liquor Lounge, concourse and a snack bar with approximately 400 seating capaclty. Construction will',begcn shot�tjy ^ Both parties were informed that the. village ,attorney wouhf c ck , counts and , report his finding to h4 . - particular on both P th! council,at the next Both ` meeting. liquor license applications 'were tq.be.neviewed.by the council., The matter,was tabled until more specifics were made available. Marks Bluedom .reported that a.stop sign was removed at South Oakwood Road '14"n ting wtth.;the township road, ` coming,from the KrahlIng Add ition. The main tenance.deportment will be replacing `that sign, ,. ; j ` Delbert Busse, Fire Chief reported that 4 men have been added •M the: Fin Deportment, pros ntly serving on..a 6 month ,probation and training a Period • . They are Glenn S , Tang, Lawrence a.,36hnson, Everette Peterson Jr., and_Gero1d,E. Muelken. Mr. Busse also r6Ported, that he has been ` checking various city -fire trucks,and will be drawing up specifications, -for the,new Prior,Lake fire truck to be ready for presentation at the regular council meeting. next A discunlon'Was held regarding fire. signs with - numbers., Mr.. Busse feels,that a good oddre ::.system would be of more benefit,, ' as fire numbers torn down and to ;t<- or destroyed, He was informed that the council would check with Tom Watkins and `the 'Planning, Cmmission_to.see haw the house ` numberin g. arW re oddrossing�aystem is coming, The maiior,was. led until more infoneation,is available. Motion was made by Don,Busse, to accept the Decembe '73 report and the year and report of the fire department, as submitted, seconded' by Stock and upon a e taken, it was duly Vote �' ,passed . i ,> ri MINUTES of the Pme"dinos of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of r Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ale Meihak reported that the,Prior-Lake Police Department plans to work more closely w ith the young people of this area in division and a drug program with an attem 1974 regarding drugs. Uy'h" to form a juvenille t to help pe department is P P blem rsons without procecution. The de Pa presently spf.oking at law and government classes at the Jr. High. . [ay otion was made by Patchin to accept the -December '73 and the year end report of the lice Deportment, as submitted, seconded by -bon Busse and u pon a vote taken it was my Po&Wd _ - . Johnson and Larry Kerkow of the City Maintenance Department presented the council with a corriplete.Anventory of tools and equipment presently on hand in this department.' The alsoapresented a Ilst of supplies and equipment needed,at�this time totaling approx Imately $550,00, This includes a blower for man holes. `''The council noted that this list did net nclude.`safety equipment such as a ass detector, Bard hots and gas masks. : otion• was made by Oakes to approve the purchase of the needed equ ipment l fisted ith the added stipulation that a gas detector, hard hats and gas masks for each man be purchased at the same nine. The motion was seconded b Patchin end u it was "duly passed. Y pen a vote ,taken, G regg Halling representing Harold Israelson,, mmorted, that three of the lift stations are read and y pad locks should �ssecured for each: Also, red -bulbs should be'replaced in the stations, where needed. He reported on the following projects: 72-6 & 73 -3 (Nodland y " finished until spring clean up. 73 -7 (Knutson) not workin now 1 problems or corrections. 4drbarosa is itartin tomorrow 1 g t checking for any t I 9 (/22%l4) behind the new school Spring Lake area) on the 17" sewer Iine,. Regarding easements in °the various project i areas$ Mr.'Halling reported that all have not beer - secured. Mr. Sullivan city °attoniey, was instructed to start condemnation proceedings on the one that definatel _ y refused. �s P" Coungi,ttnan flake: slated that a me ti being held 'February 7th. at city hall . with t the residents of Inauadona, Beach °regarding• the sewer and water project in that area and ` securing,of easements for sane, 5 w{ Motion was made by Jack Oakes •approvinq Change Order 0 3 for the repair of the waNir main by the in�a Jr.` Hlah S tch chool in the amount of $769.56 by Nodland b Associates, seconded by Pand upon vote taken, ft was duly passed, , ° Jack Oakes spoke on future area:,water'and sewer ects. He ,,Proj presen nal led o,map showing 8 a` new Sava area annexed not included) indka,'ting pipe sizes, general ,iFft stag: va-v - M , r. ` Oakes stressed the attempt to put sewer where .,It will, dolts prime purpose of providino satisfactory residential; business, and commercial sery ice; to pahic'r of the'Lake of Prlor Lake, and to minimize the 'impact on; as,yet, * lj doiToPed Tentatltte plans 'for 1974 projects include° sections i 3; and part of I On tke mentiorwd ma i g Lakeside Manor, Maves,2nd. Addn., Frost Point the o . �. P (Startin afir .f Fair')awn'Shores and' rt�of Oakrid I) ge CourtA'•ddn :)' Also., - section, 6 (Red Oaks pnd th tireery Point area) ` It it bopedr-a feesibil It stud mt g ht° be k of'Februa ' io the: `" Y g roady by the,:eeand r . ! 7 puol lc hearing•dates may be , set'at thls time'. Mark ,Sullivan, City Attorney, re porhd that he has met with official: from Spring Lake regardin Township g th'e• payments of fire protection contracts. =Our, c indicate the should have paid Prior take $48i259'.00. y 00, They claim the: amount of'44; 697.00, which poid, "isthe correct °amount - a differenceof $3,562'.00,';The discreponcy appears to be before the years :1956. or 1957. An answer will be hie'ard at the February 4th council meeting. ; Ordinance 74-4, an Ordinance esfabl the office of A'' g „ dministrator, was tabled for p :oval until the next meeting; so that the council may examine some otion m was ade by Patchin to aiipoint John Kalton to t6-'n6 w Park `Board seconded by ek Oakes. In discussion, It decided that 6' length; of term was necessary. Patchin V i a* n ed rnwq ivtthdravvn by "three year form" secorWed by Oakes. Amendment Yea Patchin, approved by Gakes ;Motion. carried. otion was made b Patchin to appoint ppoint Patrick Devitt to the new Park Board, seconded Y duce a - 'upon a vote taken, It "s duly passed. ottan males by_ tp�appoint Don 1liiams to the new Park Board, ,seconded l ,"Stock and upon a vote taken, it was du passed. i MINNTiFf of the Proceed a of the Village aye Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Counter of Scoff and State ` of Minnesota, including Oil accounts audited by said Council. r �' Lotion was made by Oakes to appoint John Kalton to a three' year term, Don Williams to a two year term, and Pat .Devitt 'to a one year term on the new Pd seconded b Patchin and u Park Board, Y upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made ,by Oakes to make payable to Scott County Treasurer a check in the j amount of $215.66 from the General Fund for payment in full on back taxes on Parcel` x oPL2 -493, 'seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, Itwais'duly Passed . Motion was made by Oakes authorizing the issuance of a check in ,the amount of ;65..87 from the Fish Point Road fund to�Paul - Hotzler) that check to be given 16 Mr., Oakes to,, z deliver to the Scott County Treasurer, who in turn will return the approximate amount to the city. The _motion was seconded by Don Busse and upon, a vote taken, it was duly passed. (This was to satisfy. assessment o6 PL 2 -529). • There being no further business, a motion was made ,by Patchin, seconded by Oakes r to adjourn. x Bernice Pdvek, m - - -- ------ --- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - --- --- - - - - -- Fe bruary 4, ,1974 The Common Council of the City, of Prl r Lpke met in regular session in the rt 'City Couricil h Chamber February 4, 1974 at 8:00 P.M. BAgyor Stock cal led the meeting. to orde y Roil Call: Pnsent'were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Patchin, Watkins l,Oakes and Jusse and Clerk` McGuire . ;; Mr. Peter Brown presented a petition requesting that a portion of Willows Beach Road be vacated by the city. Motion was made �yl Oakes to accept thi petition s seconded b' VI!atkins and. u I' presented, upon a; vote taken, it was duly passed. !Mayor Sock turned � �.. the tittan over to Councilman Oake' � for his review. Coutcilman Oakes ;inquired of Sgt. Meihak if there had been any arres'�S for violations 3 of'the snovrmobile ordinance. Ne informed the council that ?here had not been any. C iyAtto ney, Mark Sullivan, advised the council that the Green � `1•Ight: Tavern would; hav to be rezoned before the council'could consider' issuin ` aliquor license to them . �f / After couiderable discussion ow the (i uor license q for t1te. bawling a ll ey , , a motion was made by" Patchin to sign the <letter of intent with "The Place ",�contin ge nt u pon corn pletion „of the building by October 30, 1974, and subject to'a� examination of the articles of Ivor , poration and a list of stockholders, seconded -by Stock and upon a vote tafien, the following voted in favor thereof Patch and Watkins, . The, { following voted against sold motion Stock; Busse and Oakes. The'motion failed': Motion was made by Buser to trade the 1973 squad car in place of the' 4972; for the s ame price and to;witch' the new` tiros off of the 73, seconded by Oaken and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. ” % Motion was made by Watkins Wouthoriz4 Water and Sewer "Commissioner, Jack Oakes, to reitiew and `approve Chong'e'Order 02 for Project 0 72 -7 (Richard Knutson Inc.)_ seconded by ttusse and upon vote taken, it was, duly passed; Motion was made by Oakes to have the water and sewer hookup charges remain at (Y =tea ! for the year 1974, seconder! by Watkins and upon a Dote taken, it was duly Motion Watkins •' was made by authorizing the City Administrator, and the-City Engineer nee . to study new heating g r , at" Y red g cooling plant for the City Fall, and to make recommend- ations to the' council, seconded b Bus:. and upon pon a vote taken, It duly passed. Charles Tooker was present and discussed the status of the upgrading of Highway 0 13, Motion was made by Watklniisfor Mr. Tooker to convey the following three points: � r o i 1' MINUTES of the Proceedings of -the Village Council o ' •� • 9 � f the v,lla a of nor lake in 1 p , County of Scott and State of .: Minnesota, including all acco u7,�ts audited" by said Council. (1) Access to Brooksville Apartmenh'Ashould be left open. (2)' Same upgrading of County Road 44 is needed. (3) A traffic control, igna) be installed at the intersection of'C; ' Road 44 and Hwy x`13'. The motion was seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, mty y € was duly 'passed,. {' Motion was m;�de by Oakes instructing thr 'administrator to c0; tact the contractor for the x �� Civil Defense Warning System to start work' as soon as the State of Minnesota approves the grant, seconded b Busse and up on pore a vote taken, it was duly 'passed. Motion wat made by Busse to increase the employee room coverage from =40:00 to r da on h pa y ospitalization, seconded by Watkins, a nd upon a - taken, it was duly posed. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt the new water and sewer bl ling procedure which includes the purchase of a postage machines, the use of'self reader cards, and computerized billing, econded b Patchin and u y pa g, y pore a vats taken it was dul ssed , i Motion was made by Oakes to extend Sprig' g Lake Township's Fire Protection Contract until the next regular council meeting, February 18, 1974, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Ord =nonce174 -4 'an ordinance creating the Office •ax of City Administrator (a complete copy of this ordinance is on file in the City Administrators Office). The motion was seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed'. Mayor Stock appointed Councilman�Jack Oakes, Attorney Mark Sullivan; Administrator •', _ M16 McGuire and Sgt. Dole Meihak to serve on a liquor license commission. The purpose Q will be to review all liquor license applications. McGuire was appointed d o nnaw. Motion was made by Oakes -to pay $574.98 to Jerry K iesner for water and - -'sewer damage, a and that the on ineer,;should contact the contractor and have them reimburse the city seccinded by,Watkins`and peon a vote taken, it was duly passed. n Motion was made by Patchin.to establish the Park. Capitol Fund, seconded.by Watkins and, urjon,a vote taken, it fly passed. Ma+tion was made by Patchin to appoint Mr. Norm Barsness to the Shakopee 'By -Posy Task rorce,.seconded',by Busse and upon o vate 'taken , 4t.was duly passed. f Motion, was made by Oakes• to grant Mayor Stock authority to 611 ow overtime to the Police Department for snowmobile patrol, seconded.by Patchin and upon a vote taken. Tl+3, following bills for January wire approved and paid: �. . r .7 GENERAL FUND - State Treasurer 1,029.17 5I Petty Cash Petty Cash 50.00, State Treasurer Sur Chg. (4th. Qtr.) 217.70 / State Treasurer Social Security (4th. Qtr.) 37.52 Commissioner of Revenue State _.Withholding . 716.90 c Dale Meihak Salary 398.20 Steven Schmidt Salary 281.30 Russel I .Lawrence J , Salary 272.70 Dennis Leff Salary . 281.60 LeRoy Rabenort Salary y ' 258.80 Ray Jo(tetson Salary ; 354.60 Elmer Busse Salary « ` 303.28" Mike McGuire „ Salary 325.51 Bernice Pavek Salary 179.55 Sh)�Iwne Grisham�: , Sala ry 62.00 Prlor Lake Bank Federal Deposit 741.70' Dole Meihak Clothing allowance 75.00 Steven Schmidt Clothing A llowar(ge 75.00 Russ Lawrence Clothing Allowance 75.00 Dennis-Leff Clothing A l lowance 75.00` Russ Lowrance Clothing Allowance 62.50 wti. (4), s, MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott: and State of Mionesoto, including all aecounh audited by said Council. Mike McGuire Mileage 35.00 } Walter Stock z " Mayors pay 4 90.00 ' A I Hergott Sr. Weed Meeting 21:70,. Union 76 Station Auto repairs ' ` 9.93 Midwest "Yet. Supply' L X 74 D Togs �, ... 14.75 i' Mi nn. Valle Electric' ° Co. Utilit e i JAK Supply M' Office Supplys 128.60 ° uto Central Su`PPIy A6to;ropairs 4.50 ,> Shakopee Motors J Auto repairs „ t t80. M otorola Inc: Contract payment 5.50 J Prior Lake American i Publication 87.20 . Jordon Independant Office Supplies 23.45 Echi. Newstrom Building inspections 90.00 uel "Business Co. Typewriter & Stand 365.35 Gulf Oil Corporation Auto repairs (fires) 407.` "II S cott Co. Sheriff Prisoner Board 7,pp harles Tooker Planner 500.00 ,N. & Sullivan Attorney 838.75 rooksvill'e Imports Film, etc. ` ' 7.41 ndrows Rexall. Drug Office Supplies 1.53 r rakers Life, , Hospitalization 474.14 Inn Natural Gas Utilities 'x'78.48 cott Rice Telephone Utilities 81.85 F . S. P. N .S.P. _ Utilities Utilities 559.OS "' 13.04 tandard O.TI Division Tank Fil k9; 00 Gene's Gulf Gas Keen McGee Gas 199.00 Scott Co. Treasurer Back taxes (Menke) ` ' '215.66 0 F Dale Melhak Salary ; 398.20 Steven Schmidt' Russ Lawrence ` '.Sala ry Salary • � 28) 30 - ' Dennis toff Sala 72.70 LeRoy Raiber�w Salary. 258.80 Ray Johnson Salary M4.,& Elmer Busse .;, ,> Salary ... . - 30.2i Larry Kerkow Mike McGuiro Salary 286. tb' 4ernice Pavik Salary Salary _ 1 ' 313. ' Sirline�t3risham Sala �, °' 42.56 w Raymond Johntion " Overtime 77.04, i Elmer Busse Molane Johnson Overtire Sala rY l2 40, C.S:.A. Fund Transfer '3l X77.75 Prior Lake dank Blank checks II.82 WATER FUND - 545;09 ` :3�' state ~r PE.R.A. 203.09' - Posoffic State Treasurer Postags State *(Qtr:). 48 ".00;: 766.73 ' t6mmissioner of Revenue Social Security (4th, Qtr:) 320.70., CHor Lake . Fedteral Deposit` 290.40 No r Mind Ntitural Ga: Utilities ,, Utilities 473; ., Lyon Chemical Co. Chemicals • gp 24;, `} • :3i�.05 Cemmis:ioner of Taxation Sales Tax (4th.'Qtr.) r 236 10` fi Merritz Timmer Stand6rd Oil Dviision Meter Reader 68.78 " N.S.P. Tank Fill Utilities ,�' Postoffice Postage 48.00 s 2,..297.. n A, +4 .0 _ _� av r r. :rt:,n.. o MINtJTEt of the Proceedings of the Vil Ceuoeil of the Villa eo of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stahef° (e Mianoseto, todudina all accounts audited by sold council. 72-7,8,9 10 W&S Fund Water FuFun tronsfer; ; 'Sewer Fund 9,°154 , 10 Transfer 2,884.33 7' leein Well Co-. Go Contract " L.A. Shank Co: payment 510.00 ; ' = P,.ittsburgh Des Moines = onhmsct payment: 1,892.95 Richard Knutso Contract payment 2,700.00 n :Contract "payment Knox 290.0! tt Bros. Investments Road im Electric Service Lo. _ Improvements 855.36 Miko'McKnley' Pump house wireing' 35.00 Har6id Is<roolan Sewer pumping 180.00 16eneral Fund ,ngireeer Fees 1,021.00 Transfer . ° 1.000.00 CONDON ekes de 7 6 'Fund $22,552.65 Prior Lake Delp Rock "ToH Car rrt Schmidt 10. ld liraelson Damage: incurred 56.41 Engineer Fees 4A62.35 and tAssociates" Rice Telephone Contract Payment 60;1'62.35 r Damages incurred 132.30 ry Kiesner Danoges incurred ,, ; 574.913 a 1tal. Park Fund V, 398�.S for Lake Bonk Investments harps Fashr.` ?53:534.81, t ohiruscFiAEktroct Acquisition 13,000.00 G ' Abstract filing alley Engineering Sonny 26.00' :. 3 race &,Moody Consultants 1r10.00� ickor% Knee : 3.500.00 Appraisal' rigps & Morgan Gonsultanh 700.00 4M 00 91 81 r �fe Eteing�a durtleer business, a'maton, was made by journ Watkins, seconded by Patchin, ro ad Upon e vote taken, thtr meeting was ad journed at 11:15 P.M. Mic I A McGuire, ----------- - - - - -- - -i= c wire, Administ Fe" r r 6� 1974 � - " lie Canm on Council-of the City of Prior Lake L In special session in t1ee:C N Chambers February 6 1974 @ 8:15 R;.M; i t Council Roll Calf: Present wtin Councilnron! Watki card Ockds and Ming to order. cGulre. Absent was .councilman " tchin. ! Administrator otion wa: by Watkins ro od�ipt the foll resolution: r l w4REAS, The" Place, Inc. has app[ led for an on sale liquor Icen ro be operated on full owing described a prwnises: WHEREAS, said applicant has agreed that mono r em I sold on -salt liquor establishment will have a i �a the gulifications of o �1- a licargee an that he will not violate or cause or permit to beiivielatad " any of, the statutes of the State "Of Mimmota and the Ord inanceS" of` i five city of Prior Lake. WiiEREAS The State Liquor Control Beand must give approval for to the City of Prior Lake I ls:uinp an on -sale liquor 11cin:e. WHER'EAS, the applicantion for said atali li Y other camplies with the for license in qqithe I) Provisions of the ordinances of ' City of Prior Lake �� � NOW INEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVES by the City Council of th �' City of Prior Lake Cleat the "on - sale liquor Ilcerae tb be r following described °ra °" �� Promises, ro wit ...be hereby approved and said lice 'nee shall be issued by the City of Prior Lake avTME PLACE, INC. subject to the following conditions which will relate to the conduct of busimss'Pursuant to sold license: (1) That the State - Liquor tentroi. Board give its. a Li or Li nse. (2) a to City .of P; or Lake i:suln0 the On -Sala, Thot,there be constructed, on the above ai� :criisod premb bowling alley, restauront and bar substantially in arconlonce 1 with the prelmire�► plans for the sane an file with the City of Prior Lake. J MINUTES of Me Fr6C*Winos of the VNIaW C-"WI of Ito Vil laea of Prior L6166 in the County of Scott and SteN of r MiesosNe, including ell sxeeunts audited by sold Cwrdl, M That THE PUCE, INC. file th the City•Clerk of the City of Prior Lake a` photocopy of its lease of all ,or a portion t Of the facility to be constructed an, the above described promises for the operation of the on -sale Ilquor business. °9E It FURTHER RESOLVED, that said license shall be doomed to how been isiued` of the date here* f and that compliance with' the'above hated coiWitions as to conducting business pursuant to th issuance of said license shal l be asJollow:: (1) Cam lance with condition 1vo shall be evidenced by a written `common- I `' iootion tram th State Liquor Control Board. (2) Campllarlce with ' eetsdition 2 aibovi will be evidenced by the fng with the City t Clerk of a certificate of substantial' lotion by cam the, wpervianp ,a Itect for the owner of laid . property. (3)—Umpliav" with condition 3 obove-shall be evidenced by the filing withr, City Cidrk 'ef pliotocppy of sold leas*. (4) U buildi''a Is niWsubstan , tinily Complptpd by, January (, 1975, this nsolutton Who null and viid: (3) this IIcons* is deemed issued at this` tin to bw offictiw ;!illy f`' 1974, provided there is noteip�ilplr� pwrcentadie � change of ownonhtp. s� qn►. �.�L � ., " Tho:motlen was secottded by Busse c* upon a' vote taken, It wasrduly passed. �� y t There being no further bslnar the moeHny waa @ 8;50 P.M,. Michael A. McGuire a Administrator c w y L. I rr a a , s S ; z , x , °;Q �n (8) _Y