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tAlNU ES of the Prece"ings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior leke in the County of Scott and Stab of",
Misneseta, including oil accounts audited by said Council.
s` February 18, 1974
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session February 18, 1974, ^ ;
at 8:00 P.M. in the. City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. !
Roll Cajj: Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes, Busse, Watkins and
and City Administrator, McGuire.
Minutes of the previous meetings for the month had been circulated to each member of
the council several days prior to the meeting. 'The following, corrections were made:
}{ In the 6th. paragraph on page 2 of the January 21st.. meeting - should read; developed
land instead.of developed plan. On page 8, a typing error was noted on the word
"significant ". With the dbove errors corrected, a motion was made,by Oakes, seconded.
by Watkins to approve the minutes. Upon a vote taken,, it was duly passed
° Motion was made by Oakes to approve the bills previously approved,;by the Finance.
Committee, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, "it was duly passed.
Mr. Bill Henning appeared before the council requesting Rreliminary approval ,9f the
Titus Second Addition Plat. Motion was made by Watkins ro approve the, engineering
;design of the above mention plot, seconded by j, akes and upon a_vote taken, it was
duly passed. The park fee will be reviewed an ",' set at the next regular council meeting. j
Bill Schmokel presented the
Pr txeliminary,�lat ,ior Oakland Beach Second Addition.` i
Motion was made by Oakes to approve the plat contingent upon a percolation test. for
each lot, and that no front, rear or side yard variance be: granted. Motion:was seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was mode Oakes whereas if there are any water and sewer easements,.needed \;1
in the Oakland Beach Second Addition, they be,,granted; seconded byL Watkins and upon
>a vote taken, it was duly passed,. This motion; is conditional upon the signing of the
hard shell for Oakland Beach'Second Addition.
Motion was made by Patchin to set the "parkAedication fee" for the .Oakland Beach
Second Addition at $2,000.00, seconded by Watkins and u
duly passed. P on a vote taken, it was
Mr. Cal Erberle presented the preliminary plat for the,•Cal Erberle Addition. Motion "
was made by - Oakes to approve the preliminary plot with the ,folh±wing conditions:: °
(a)� that Outlot A' dedicated to the City of Prior`Lake (b) that Sewer and Water
< " easements be granted, i f needed. c that O to "
O Out lot be.- considered the park; dedication
fee" for the plot, seconded 'by Watkins and upon a,ate "taken, the following voted' in
favor 4hereof: Stock, Watkins, Oakes and Busse _/Potchin abstained. Motion carried.
r Motion was made by Oakes, seconded by Wa�K ns to transfer $250.00 from the Street
fund to ttte Park Capitol' Fund in payment,os <the Cal Erb k` iW
erle Plat "park
fee Upon a: vote taken, it was duly,po,�ed.
Mr. Mark ,Hirsch of the Green Heights area and several ,other interested citizens were
qY { resent for a general discussion on snowmobiling.` Mr. AI Perez of the Minnesota
Pollution ControlAgency, discussed. readings in dba's that were taken January 22, 1974;
` at the Mark Hirsch residence. He� recommended that there be more control on speeds
and /or distance from homes. A complete copy of Mr. Perez's statement is on file in
the'city hall. "A petition from residents of Green Heights was presented and accepted,
stating that they fIrW no obiectional noises from snwmoes, total of 23 names
snowmobiles. A ` IC I
were on the petition,;which's on file in the city hall.
Motion was made by Patchin,to accept the January fire report presented by Delbert
Busse, Fire Chief, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion wail made 6 9usse to accept the .: I
Y p January police report presented b y ' Dale
s Meihak Po) ice' Sgt., seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly, passed .
Mayor Stock informed the council that there were 122 snowmobile citations issued by
thW'A"'o" County Sheriff's Office on the. lake of Prior Lake in 1.973.,
MINUM of the i Proceedings of the VII
love Council of the Villago, of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Ste ft of.
Minnosofe, including Oil accounts audited by said Council.
Mr. Walter Christiansen was present in regards to the Olsen Beauty Shop "conditional
C use permit ". He was advised that the permit will be heard at the February Planning
ommission Meeting.
'Motion was made Oakes, authorizing he
g City Engineer to proceed with the topography
' maps for the remaining areas around the lake, seconded by Watkins and u
it was duly passed: pan a vote taken,
Motion was made by Oakes tto approve Change Order 0 2, for Nadia
nd b Associates,
seconded by Busse and upon " a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve Change Order 0 4, for B06s6ck & Hennen,
seconded by Watkins and upon 'a vote taken, it was duly passed.
P Motion was ffia , by 'Patchin to approve the 1973 audit with the following changes:
Schedule A - reads Planning Commissioner - should be Consultant.`
Schedule A -2 and A -4, insert Employee Wcgas after Commissioner Salary.
Schedule A- 3,,,_ Fireman's Relief after 2 Mill levy. -
The motion was Recorded by Watkins and upon a' vote taken, it was dul passed.
' Motion was made by to
post _ post the audit at the Prior Lake State Bank, City Hall and m
Prior Lake Post Office, seconded by Oakes and upon a -vote taken, it vas duly passed. m
* Motion was made by Busse to approve the cigarette application for Barb's Sweet Shoppe
seconded by Watkins and upon " a vole taken, it was duty passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to extend Spring Lake Township's Fire Contract until March
i 4 1974, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, At was du)
Y,.passed .
Motion`was " "iricde by 9usse to advertise for bulk
gasoline bids to be. opened March 4,
1974, at 8:00 P. seconded by Watk ins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed,
} Motion was made b' Oakes (approving the Grainwood Heights Plat, seconded by Walk ins
and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.,
` Motion was made by Oakes to suspend the license for Brooksville Liquors for one work
`week, foa the porioa V February 25th. through March 2nd.,' 1974, seconded by Watkins,,
card upon a vote `token, it was duly0ossed.
;INotioti was made by Watkins to empower the Liquor License Committee, to request full
;disclowrie of "ownership before recommending that a liquor license be granted, seconded
by Busse end upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was n ape s Watkins to empower the Liquor License Committee to-do a background
�y Patchin
check on m of liquor store`s before recommending that a license be granted, 'seconded
' and °upon o, vote taken, it passed
!Notion was made by Oakes to have the City Adnministrotor and Engineer further investigate
the' heating and coating system, for the City Hall, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote
a :token, it was duly posw
Motion was mode `by Watkins, seconded by Patchin to adjourn the meeting. U
token, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PMT, i 9. pan a vote
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
0 {
;� �� (2)
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the of SeoM and State of
Minnesota; including all eccouMs audited -by said Council,
March' 1$., 1974
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in reguldr session March 18, 1974
@ 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called - the meeting to order.
Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Patchin, Busse, Watkins and Oakes and City '
Administrator, McGuire.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the minutes for the previous month as submitted,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
t �
Motion was made by Oakes to approve the bills that had previously been approved by
the finance committee, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins M approve the hard shelI'for the Cal Erbele plat, seconded
by Oakes and upon a vote taken, .:it was duly passed.
Roland Thieling appeared before the council in regard to replatting of the north one/half
of lot 44, all of lots 45, 46 and 47 and part of lot 48 in Lakeside Park. Motion was
made by Watkins to approve the - ;pre.liminary plan for three equal lots with the under -
standing that common sewer and water is available,before a building permit-will be
issued', seconded by.. Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Patchin to hold a Park Informational Hearing" on April 8, 1974
@ 8 :00 P.M. at Five Hawks Elementary School (Media Center), seconded by Watkins,
and .upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
- Motion was made by Nitchin authorizing the Park Board to, continue with negotiations
for park land acquisition, seconded by Busse „and upon a Voter taken, it was duly passed.'
Motion was made by Oakes authorizing the Park Board to proceed'with an appraisal and
negotiations for a'park site in Bodins Manor, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to adopt the Sub- Division Ordinance,: as amended, ,second'
by Oakes and upon,a vote taken, it, was duly passed.
Motion' was made by Oakes to approve Phase I of the hard shell replatting,Condons-
Woodale, seconded by Watkins and upon d vote taken; it was duly passed,.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve the transfer of the Off' -Sale Liquor LiRense
presently hold by John Norblom_of Viking Liquors twClaire T. Manor, seconded by
Busse and upon. vote taken, it was duly passed. l' '
:. , Motion was made by, Oakes to reschedule the sewer and _water' public*earingr,,far °”
!3 '�
roject +w/4 - 2; (Ccnd Cove;, etc) to Apri1 2. 1974 @ 7:30'P.M l `t irahe City Council
bombers, seconded by Watkins and upon v vote taken, it wap duly passed'.
M otion was made by Oakes to adopt the`preliminory plans for water and sewer project
s I a
1 73-6 (Red Oaks; etc.), seconded by Busse and`upona vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by'Ogkes to adopt the preliminary plans for sewer and water project
X 74 -2 (Candy Cove etc.:.), seconded by and. upon a vote Makin, it was duly.
�posssd .
Motion`was made by Oakes to adopt the preliminary plans for water and sewer project
0 74- (Poirif.,Uoutiful, etc.), seconded' by Stock and upon a vote token, �it was duly
1? _
The City Administrator Swas
directed to answer a letter the Spring Lake ;Prior Lake
Watershed District, `indicating that the new area (formerly Savage) is scheduled for
Water , and sewer in 1475:°
7eiotion =byliuise to acce t the fire re t for Februa as submit e
"i seconded by Patichintand upon a vote tak n' if was p
M FS : '&
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council the :Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and itate
Mianosota, including -all accounts audited. by said Council.
c _
Motion was made by Patchin to _pa the rescue squad members a firemen training for
the rescue squad a fee of $2.00 pertraining session, seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken, it was duly passed..
Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the expenditure of $235.00 for fire training
material, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly' passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to accept the police report as submitted by Sgt. Meihak,
(for Nbruary) by Busse and' upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to advertise for bids for a new heating and cooling system
for the city hall, bids to be opened ApriI 15th., 1974@ 8:00 P.M., seconded'by t
Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to place four street lights in Lakeside - Manor (as per map)
as proposed by Street Commissioner, Don Busse, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken, it was duly passed .
4 ,
-There being no further business, a motion was made by Busse, seconded by Watkins to ,
adjourn. `Upon a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
, Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
March 25, 197
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in special session in the City Council
Chambers, March 25, 1974@ 7 :30 P.M. Mayor Stock caI led I the meeting to order.;
_Present were Mayor Stock,. Councilmen Oakes, Watkins-and Busse and Administrator
McGuire. Absent was Councilman Patchin.
'The: purpose of the meeting was o public hearing for water and sewer project 0 73-6 _
(Red Oaks., Breezy Point, Hannen's 6t. Addn;., Watzl's Point, etc.)
Mayor Stock turned "the meeting over to Water & Sewer Commissioner, Jack Oakes.
City Engineer, Harold Israalson discussed the proposed route oAhe sewer and water mains.
Stave Matson,. Bond Consultant of Juron & Moody, discussed some of the financial aspects . AF
of the project.
' Mr. Birno, RLS 52, inquired if he had to pay assessments for water and sewer -on both sides
of the ad.. Mr. Oakes answered by saying that on his parcel he would "have to pay on
150 front feet_plus,TOrfeet around : .the corner, and deferred for property that,was. beyond
„ , „
150 felliffiorw fhe One.
Mr. Mike Benedict was also .informed:, that his maximum assessment would be far`150 front
feet,., plus the acreage charge .
Mr.;Knoals requsstadthat Breezy Point Road, leading to his property, be widened. i
Mr :'M.W. Mirsch asked if"the water and sewer assessment included paving of the roads
upon completion of the project, Mr. Oakes repli d',that it did not.
• 5.00
Mayor Stock stated that there is a charge for turning; the water at the street on or off.
Mr. Watzl was informed by Mr. Oakes that the front footage charge and the acreage
are due and. payable for all platted property when the project is- completed.
Motion was,mode WOakes ordering water and sewer= improvement project 0 73 =6'
secondedi by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was -duly passed.
Motion was made"by Jack Oakes,, seconded by Watkins to adjourn. Upon a vote taken,
the meeting was adjourned at 10105.
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator