HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 10 1974MINUTES ,ef the Heeeedin{is of ,the Village council of the Village" of Prior lako' in the County of Scott and SMte of Mamma, inciudin{t atl 4eeouats ou 444 by wid Council. April 10, 1974 The City Council of the Chy of Prior Lake met in �special session'April 10th,, 1974 „7:45 P.M. in the City Council Ch ambers. r Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Stock, - Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins and P6ti6in• Administrator.McGuire, Engineer Israelson and Planner Tooker. The purpose of the meeting inras for a genera1 iscussion on the Capitol Im Program Mr., Israelson discussed the water and sewer program. It was the genera) consensus of the council that all of the lakes should be included in the, five year, capitol imp rovement pr program, except for the'�northwest portion of Spring Lake, 6r � } After more general discussion, it was decided that the administrator planner and engineer should prepare the capitol improvement program for presentation to the i and council at a lattar date. L Mr; McGuire-presented a salary proposal for the police de rtment which ich had been' "• negotiated with the Teamsters Union;. .Motion was:Made by ,Oakes to favorably receive• the proposo ` presented, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.. There being no further business, a motion • U , -was made by Busse, seconded by Oakes to adjourn. U I pan a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned at 0:30 PA. �• Michael A. McGuire, Administrator r -- - - -- - -- -- -------------------------- -' April 15, 1974 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met. in regular session April 15th 1974 @ 8 P.M. in the City Councii"Chombers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present Mayor Stock,. Councilmen �Patchin, Watkins, Oakes and Busse; u Administrator McGuire -j Engineer Israelson and Attorney Sullivan. The following bids were deceived fora heatirO and' cooling system' for th city hall. O C Bidder a Amount Grendahl Mechanics, Inc: 314,843:00 M! "I CityL Heating b Cooling $19 ., Motion was mane by Watkins ro" accept the bids as, presented, arid to have the engineer 4eview them, si,conded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Tha,rriintttes of the'previou!,Month 'had been circulated sevetal flays before"the meeting, 65 The following wording should be from the last paragraph of the April 4 1974 - meeting: '"Bids Io be opened April 29, X1974 ". Motion was; made�� by Busse to approve amen the minutes as ded, seconded" b Watkins and u ��. Y z pan a� vote token, it was duly _ Motion was mad e Busse to approve payment of the bills ° by that had previously been approved =by_ the finance committee, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly ° Motion..was mdde' by Oakes to approve the hard shell for Lakeside Gardens Second Addition, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, ,y Mr. Elman Lemley was present and requested throe additional street lights at the end r ` of tthe cui-do 41-do-sacs in Lakeside , g eside Manor. .Motion' was made by Oakes to approve the r a'st for #, sheet ,li hts, seconded by Watkins and upon a " 1 vote token, it was duly J Motion was made b Busse to Y, approve the final: drawings for Millers: Second Addition, - conti�nt upon across section of the streets being sent to the engineer for his review, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. •'ytr 2 � �'''v,a�P; €F4va ^i»;kL ; q� i �7s..s': &.«. .. ..wi•. _ .s�tq ., Nt. .'tT :k k t MINUTES of the hrelsodings of the Villa go Council of the Village of Prior take in -,he County of Scott and State of c Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Ceuneii. 7` Mr. <Lyle Anderson discussed a plan with the mayor and council for a training center department. The p ' for the fire 'de `P _ Ian was accepted and will be reviewed by the council. ;> The March fire report was presented and accepted by the council, '`="' l Motion was made by Watkins authorizing the g payment of $30.00 for Lyle Anderson attending the Minnesota State Fire it was duly passed. School; seconded by Oakes and! upon 'a vote taken, - 4 ` Motion was made by Watkins authorizing the payment of $5.00 to Lyle Anderson for attending Minnesota Fire Instructors Assoc iation"meetin seconded= it' was dul 9� by Busse and upon a vote taken y passed Motion was made by Patchin to authorize payment to Francis Brezina in" the amount of $58.98 for backboards, seconded by Busse and upon a -vote taken, it was duly passed. The March police report was presented an_ d accepted by the council. -= Motion was.' o4e by Watkins to authorize, the purchase of two re -zohin si s seconded by Patch:n i"nd upon vote taken, itwas duly passed, g 9n , t; Motion was made by Patchin to authorize the . expenditure of an amount not to exceed $500.00. for Civil Defense r i duly passed, mss seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken,f it was Motion was made by 1usse to authorize the city engineer to prepare plans and specifications a for paving of the street from Dakota to C.S.A.H; F21, and to include the blacktopping of the city, hall parking lot, y for the councils review at its May 6, 1974 meeting, seconded ;by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was du) 1974. .. y passed. Bids to be opened May 20th., Motion was made b Oakes to 0 Y pprove the final plans for water and. sewer projects 73=6, 74- 2 and 74 -3, seconded b Watkins and upon a vote taken it was dut ssed. Y y . Mayor Stock directed the -park board to investigate the drain land in Oakwood Hiles.. ge problem in the park Motion woe made by Oakes to have the On -Sale; Liquor ,License fee remain at $2,,750.00 ° for 1974, seconded. by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The administrator presented ° the proposed police cont ; ract ro the council . After soma discussion, it was tabled until, the Ma y. meeting. �, ry A pet3Ei6n was received from.property owner in the first`and second additions of Mers ,ilf requesting extension of water, and server. Councilor... people _ ? explained. that the peo` that requested water and sewer services would be assessed front footage and the acreage chores. Latwlowncrs of , unplatted property that did not want the improvement will be charged an acreage charge 150 feet deep, the entire length of the parcel, the balance of the acreage charge and the front footage =will be deferred. Motion was made by Oakes' to, hold.a public hearing May -,23, (974, @ ;7:30 P.M. in the city hull for water and sewer impwveinents in :Millers First and Sec" Addition and the property owners on the Opposite side of the road, seconded by Watkins and upon vote taken, it was duly passed. AL petition was: receLved Rant` the owne of Prior South Addition requesting the extension of water and sewer.. Motion was made. b Oakes fo approve pprove the request for extension of ( water and sewer for Prior South, pending the owners signing a waiver of„public hearing,_ seconded 'by Watkins and..0 pen `a vote taken, it was duly passed :: Motion was made by. Watkins to award the heating and cooling contract to Grendahl` Mechanics, Inc. at a bid of $14,843.00, to be completed by May 29, 1974;-seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, F 41 The 4;cycle. ordinance was discussed'. and tabled until Sgt. Meihak can be present.' • (2) l+ � t MINUTES of the Or lost of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake In the County of Scots and State of s Minnetolo, Including all accounts audited by said, Council. s { Motion was made by Busse to approve the plans and specifications for seal coating, ' subject to Street Commissioner, Busse's approval, bids to be opened May 6th;, 1974, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes to designate the week of April 29th. to "Clean -up Week ", seconded `by Watkins and u May 4th, as pan a vote °taken; '' i t s duly passed. wa Motion was made by Busse to increase Larry Kerkow's salary by $50400 to =800400 per month, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. j There was a discussion on selling the street sweeper. A price of :250.00 was set as the selling price, ; otion was made by- Oakes ,authorizing the mayor and administrator to sign a letter ' ated April , 15 1974 ,pertaining to water and sewer easements, to Mr. Gerald' Johnson, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.- otion was made by Oakes to defer the following assessments for one (i) year: r Legal Description n Hackborn Lots 1 b 2, Lakeside Park yy a Total Amount ater & Sewer $2,471.80, m L. Hullsiek Lots 3 & 4, Lakeside Park %ter & Sewer $2,486.90 Preussler Loh 5, 6, 7, Lakeside Pirk ' Water & Sewer Edwards RLS 39, E 170 ft. of Tract `'Water b Sewer $3,.866.25 $2,756.35 The motion was seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, Councilman Oakes discussed the April 10th, Metropolitan Council Meeting on the Prior Lake Interceptor. He also informed the council' of the April l7fh: meeting. Motion was made by Patchin, seconded by Watkins to adjourn. Upon a vote ,taken, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. u Michael A . McGuire, Administrator April29, 1974 4 y ' u4 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in, special session Monday evening 4, April 29, 1974 @ 7:30 P.M. ire the City Councl'Chambers. ` Mayor: Stock called the meeting to order. ,,,Present wereMayor Stock,. Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Oakes; Adrninistrotor McGuire and Engineer Israelson. Absent was Councilman Patchin. The ` it purpose of the meeting was a -public hearing `for Street improvement Project ;74 -5. The area included is described as''follows: Red,Oaks, Breezy Point, Hannens Ist. Addn., Watzf's Point, Hannens' 2nd, Addn 4 , , The .Oaks,° A l i unplatted property in the South 1/2 of the Northeast 114 and the 'North I/2 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast I/4. of the .South"st 1/4 of Section 35, Township 115 N., Range 22 W, and the West 1/4 of the Southwest 1 /4 Y of Section 36,' prwnship 115 N.'', Runge 22i W. -, Mayor'Stock read the" notice of hearing and then turned the meeting over to Street Commissioner, Don Busse.- Mr. 'liras (son explained which roads were ro be` paved and the' road width.` He also explained the.estimated cost 60he; paving and srorm sewer project. '... , Mr. Busse' then a "sked for any questions from the audience. Mr. Larry Nicholson"osked if bike trails were included in the project: Mr.:Israelson stated that they were not. u Late Mr. gferman asked if water and sewer would be extended to his house after'. the road Was 4lacktopped. Mr. Oakes replied` that it was not anticipated in the near Allure.. I y post Eastwood Rood at 30 miles per hour at the completion Of the �aomplefion of the.. sewer and water project, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, I R 4 ` (4) (Y _ "c P MiNUM of the ProceedigOe of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mianeseta, Including all accounts audited ky said ,Council. Mr. Mike Benedict asked ifthere was a cost savings paving the road in coniunction with water and sewer installation. He was told that there is a savings because t the road would not have to be re graded. Mrs. Hayle asked if a culvert would be installed in front of her'house. Mr. sraelson replied that it would not be necessary. Mr. Richard Walsh asked if all home owners would be assessed for storm sewer. Mr. Busse stated that only the benefited p property owner would be. r Mr. Nicholson asked if there would be a stop sign installed on Red Oaks Road where it turns towards the lake. Mr. Busse stated that it would be considered'. Motion was made b Watkins ro y post. Red Oaks and Breezy Point Road at130 miles per hour, and to place a "No Lake Access" s sign by Mrs. Clemens house, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote: taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Busse ordering Sheet Improvement Project 1 74 -5, seconded by- Watkins and upon a vote taken, it w was duly passed. - L F There. being no. further business, the meeting was ^ adjourned at 8:45 P.M.. F d n Y .. Michael A. McGuire, Administrator- b - ----- - ----- --- ------------ - ----- April 29,'197 - `- `� T The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in special session.April 29, 1974, - at 8:56 P.M, in the Prior Lake Cit Council Chambers. M 4 b Mayor Stock called the meeting Absent was Councilman Pctchin. ` ` t . The propose of the meeting was a public hearing for Street improvement Project 1 74-6: The area included is described: as`foflows: � First Addition to Eastwood Oak Ridge Court 1st. Addition All unplatted property within the Southeast 1/4 of the . Southeast 1/4 of Section.25, Township 115 -N, Range 22 W. ., Mayor Stock read the notice of public hearing and then turned the meeting over to Street Commissioner; Don Busse. Mr.�lsroelson e explained which roods were to be paved, a al explained the estimated c ,• ' J J" \ cost of the project n Mr• Busse asked it there any question ;(,tram the `,property owners. Mr. Al Steiner asked 4f the intersection of Town Road and Eastwood Rood would be widened.' Mr. Busse stated that it would be reviewed. ' A All praperty'owners in the storm drainage district will be assessed on acres c h a rge . I ge Mr. Callaway asked if he would be assessed °for 200 feet on such side of his corner lot. Mr. Oakes stated that he would recommend to the Mayor a and Council that part of the assessment be deferrsd. Mr." Benson asked what size storm drain 15 to 18 ge -PIPe would be used. Mr. Isroe.lson said Mr. Benson stated thaf he did not want 'the w : t d water frwn the road draining Motion was made b Oakes ro Inc. Hoffman Bros., . 51, 039, 245.75... 4 a Y Motion was made by Oakes to accept 'the blAs.and turn them'over to the engineer for his review, .seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was-dul' ± y passed. The following sealed bids were opened for Street Improvement Project 0 74 -4 (Sealcoat) Bidder: -- Amount Blacktop Construction P,737-50 All ied Blacktop Co. 58;.982.00 Motion was made by, Busse to award the seal coating contract to, the low bidder, Blacktop Construction, seconded b Stock and upon Y pon c vote taken," it was duly" passed. Mr.. Larry Nicholson requested that his driveway be widened to the original width, prior to sewer and water construction (approximately 30 feet), This matter, was referred to „the engineer. ,t. Mr. Hoff inquired as to why all people that use Red Oaks Road are not assessed for„ it. He was informed that only abutting property owners are assessed for it. ` M FG MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of,the Village of Prior Lakp in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Covncil. } Motion was,made by Busse ordering Street Improvement "Project 0 74 -6, seconded by .Oakes and upon''a vote taken, -,it was duly p passed. ,( Motion was made by Watkins, seconded by Oakes to adjourn. Upon o, vote taken,c the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Michael A ' - ----------- - - - - -- - - -- . .,_ - 'The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met "in regular session May 6, (974 @ 7:30 P.M. in fhe'City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock c ccilled the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes, iusse, Patchin 'and Watkins; Administrator McGuire and Engineer lsraelson and Attorney Sullivan. , The following sealed bids were opened for sewer and water project 0 73 -6: Bidder Amount Peter Lametti Construction Co. $369,789.90 Barborossa $ Sons, Inc ., $412,209.20 ` Nodland & Associates $386,367.00 Orfei $ Sons, Inc. $376,918-55 C. S: McCrossan,_ Inc . $482,087.00 Hoffman Bros., Inc. $469,104.00 Marsgo,, Inc. $343;052.50 � McDonald & Associates $ $451,672.80 White Cclrtstruction Co. $347,'668.00 Motion,;was'mode by Oakes to accept the bids and turn them over to, the engineer for'his review; seconded by Watkins and upon a v vote t The „ following sealed bids were :opened for Sewer $ Water Project 0 74 -2 and '74 -3: ` - Bidder.' u , „ x Borborossa Sons, Inc. 4936,246.50- =� Johnson Bros: Hwy. $ Heavy Constr. $884,341:00: Nodiand $Assoc. $909,935.00 x . E : $829,991.3 � i 1 i c L1 � w ,MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lo 4d in the Countp of Stott and State of ` INinneseta; including all accoun ts audited, by siii's Council. t Motion was made by Patchin to. instruct the Park Bc d to advertise for demolition of the grandstand for material, and to authorize the purchase of new _bleachers not to ° ca . by Watkins and 9 capacity of approximately 400, aecondea 1 upon ;a vote taken, it was duly passed. exceed the present "seatio 7 Motion was made by Oakes to authorize the r7c uisition of the Mildred in Boudin's Manor for rk` q ed Hoskin property pa purposes at c cos'r of $1 600.00, seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken; it was duly passed. Motion was made by Patchin to adopt O J"74-6, an ordinance amending Ordinance i „72 - 19, seconded• by Watkins and upon %n vote 'taken, <it was du? seed. 11 Y passed. Motion was made by Patchin to ado t�Ordinan sr P�( ce .�"74 -5, os { 'amended, an ordinance prohibiting the use of trail' ^bikes` in Lake Front: Community Park, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote token, it was dul // Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance 1 74 -7, an ordinance adopting the ' ... Subdivision Ordinance by reference', seconded b Patchin and upon pen a vote taken, it was duly passed Motio n �t • �, was made by Watkins Mr. , Wili61n Brostod' to erect a garage next to _ • �'' x his easement,, maintaining the 1040ot side yard,set backs, seconded_ by Ctakes and upon a vote token, it was duly passed. ' Mc: Oakes discussed the storm sewer in Lakeside Manor. He stated' that it was a`lornt ° project between Eagle C reek Township and Mr. ElmawLemley. Motion was made by Oakes for the City of Prior Lake to reftore the, stone sewer in Lakeside Manor, -provided fl l ,. that an easement is granted by the; Lakeside Manor Association, seconded by Wofkins and upon a vote token, it was duly passed. ; xl' Mr. Oatrick Kline requested that the cit g. t clean up the washout 'that ocGUred due to ` faulty storm sewer: �It was the consensus of the council that it could not be - corrected at city, expense because the existing storm sewer isprivetely -vqm�. s O W , "of L z 'd. e by Oakes directing the engi Motion "was mad neer to prepare "plans antl'specfications for , the correction ,of'the storm sewer in Lakeside Manor, seconded by Watkins' and upon a ` .vote taken, itr'was duly passed. Mr. Roger Harris of ther Police Commission suggested � ggested that the city hire a graduate of the "Alexandria Police - School fora six month trial period. s r l ' '1 ,J Motion was „made by for the police commission to interview graduates of the A exandria Pal ice School and make -a recommendation to the council at its May 20th. / meeting, seconded by. Busse and u Y pori a vote taken, , it was duly Passed. Motion was made by Watkins to acquire the Vern Mabee o r „plus $650.00 for moving the Pr pe ty.at a� cost of ;24,000.00 o g garage, seconded. by Bu sse and upon a vote taken, 'it was "duly .passed. tea r • 1 i this Mayor' directed the rit � a � Forney for an opinion if vacating a dedicated roadway in 0 Eastwood First Addition is possible. Counoilinan Oakes discussed the alonrrsystem ;ot the Deep Rock Station. There has been two false recently. This will be reviewed after more detailed informatronis gathered. Motion was made by Oakes approving the letter doted May 7th, ro Mrs. E llen 0 a Y en Moves, pertaining f , an ;4asement, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote take: it was °duly pa ss Motion was made b Oakes a . :: Y r pproving the letter doted May 6th., to Mr. Lawrence Schweich pertaining.to an easoment, by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed:. Motion was made by Oakes to cal I "down they acres footage charge until Oman Lenifey selis'his`'last lot,(th s w ll be reviewed „yearly b he f t t r council); for Gary Ferguson, Lot 4, Second Addition to Lakeside Manor, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was dulx;,possed,, b i MINUM of the PrecMdins of the Vil t ue��ell of AS Villoae of Prior Lake in the County of Seott` . and Stets of .. ; Mieeesete, iadedin0 all eceounh audited by said Council. Motion was made by Oaker approving the letter dated April, 16th., to Mr. Donald Torrell - pertaining to an easement, seconded by Potchin and up on vote taken,_ it was duly passed'. Motion was mode b Oakes for the c i t y to Y ty two` purchase individual grinders for Mr. ;Edw. Boegemonn and, Mr. Grommesch, seconded b Watkins and u Y pars' a vote taken, it was duly ,passed Motion was made by Busse to. follow the engineer's recommendation that it is not practical to lower, the road south of Lemley's Apartments, seconded b Watkins and u u pon a vote taken, it was duly Y passed. Awarding of the contract for,Project 0 73-6 was tabled until the engineer can run a check on the low bidder, Marsgo, Inc. Motion was made. by Oakes to award the Water & Sewer Contract, Projects 0 74-2 and 74 -3 to � the low bidder, 'Peter Lametti Construction Co, at a bid of $789, 5 '4.40 ' seconded b Patchin upon a vote taken, it was auly passed. - Y Motion was made, Watkins to execute the Police Contract between" City of Prior Lake. anti' the Polity Union, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it duly was passed. Y � ® Mayor StoclrpnsentedMr. Simpkin's proposal for eliminating the lift stations. It be will reviewed at a later date. o Ttie, following disbursements have been for month paid of April: P..Et4ERAL FUND•' - � Flag care, (3 C 60:00 'Ballard �c ° Ruste Funeral Home Flowers (Schmaka) �:hil�)" 10.40 State T►eawrer` P.E.R.AtA? L277 } ` 5 aCoetnrlsticpter of Reve State- W ithhol�ling ( .) a' 1 ' 286. 0 Social Security Fund y Sod cu a{ Serity (qtr.) j 1 s �:. ° State k Btiildi hepector Sur Norge (qtr.) ti;ke':Stah Bank E ;riir Federo) Deposit Looel Union 320 992.20 Union Dues b 34.00 �° �bislo Meihok So,1a Strwn Schmidt ry :(ory >„ _ 272.:80 �Ru'w;"han"►rat+ce� Salary s - a o 264.20 "Dtunis `Lei z o Salary .!#eRay Rabattert ' k Salary Ra�r :toirson 250.30 Salary ; . n '354.60 0 I r f Ebiierlut�e c Sal lary . Ltrr Ke qw. �, �, �� �� ,' 286.16_ McCure , ° ;a t ,M #. Salary k O 35451 Pavek Salary t ' ? 17'i � - • Shirlttnt Cstiiham' " 11.76 c Mokm aohn:on Salmi A r 17.,88' Wdlter$ek f, ��; ors Tbni�lAW'aalkin:Ma?! . POY � 90.00 Councilman's "� 60.00 i v rr , Jock Oa kes Councilman's pay !l,t; < 60.00 het+r Fatchin.. Councilman''F' '. s`PaY ,; ,. `qoo ` .. i? Councilor` on' 60.00 ' ,. pay ° 4P.00 Saoit Rice'Tile Pte+e o Util ities e Utilities �Otarf:l0, I nc. „ ” I 1 " Contract payment Reynolds Wilding Police supplier' 3945 !' e ",�iomAobii _' Auto,.repoirs 12.0 SlendaFd Oii Tank fill'`54 Utilities ,;!.. 9.00 �. "Rust .awnnce School expense \ 563.45 4.50 Len' Rabenort oY A , : School expense Bank' Life \' 1.00 Hospitalization GRrK' = Guff re 663.09 v 0,.1.5. Aura pairs \' 6.82 ✓ . �� .. ,Insurance:, mium Rro �\ 10200 Anti `Power: drake " , Auto repair: \.177.95 ndeiit /r Jordon `IrJdePr Office Suppl -ist ,49. 50 ' f o. (T) f � � �" J C d ail��lRda�## +M�F'tD*.234.Wag1F.}`.tYt4ntcT 4 IN T! *J"UM Of the Proceedings of the vilkg� Ceuneit of fhe Village 1 ' loge Prier LoWintM County of 3ee1t end'stoN of Woneseto, including all oeeeuMs ot4tod by said Council. FIRE FUND Scot 'Rice Telephone Ph Utilities ' N.S' »P. Motorola Inc. Utilities %' 67.53 24.78. Re ynoitls Welding` Controc ,Payment Supplia 59.40' L b. L Hdwe. Repairs 113.09 Standard Oil Diva Tank 6111 4.64 National Fire Prot. Assoc. PPu�s ,1.24 G,ene's Gulf Vehicle Main. 238.33 Wolf oIf Motors U, Vehicle Main. 106. 13 of M. Agriculture Slides 4.00 =' Fire Instructors Assoc. Mahirial Madder Extinguishers iA it Re #i1) z 5.00 3.00 ` �f Comm Prior Lake Union 76 E re P• PO1� Vehicle Main Conway r y Fire Safety Co. Supplies 37.35 ' " Minn. Natural Gas Utilities ' Lyle Anderson School expense 118.42 35,00, BUILDING FUND . L K L Hdwe : Repairs 20.. 16 Standard Oil; N.S.P. Tank fill (furnace) _ 86.70 Gross Industrial Utilities 81.86 Mat cleaning g PARK FUN4 ` s 1.9' r IV.S. 1 Utilities SEWER b WATER IMPROV:: American -Notional Bank Bond p ayment PaYm 5, 417.28 ' 72 2 CSAH FUND FUND : LST. No Ba Prior Lake Ready -Mix Bond payment Settlement 6,807.6) Y ; Busse Bus Service. . ' 'Juror travel 3,794.6 0 25.00 ' MAPLE PARK FUND S 10;10, 627.2 1 American National Bank Bond payment' 601.50 k. `1 3.10 W.3S Isroel:an Assoc. W. G. Pearson Engineer kes 2.592.48 x ° Pitlshurgh "DesMoines Rock/Gravel Contra payment 294.28 12 Barba &. Sons t Transfer Contract Payment X28, 354.09 �rt to Condons/Lckoside 5,000.00 ; CON DONS LAKESIDE n $ 48,695-85 t _ Lit ikon troth ""' W-G'. J Peanon odgwstment r ..� s c Rock/gravel 44.00 R. L. A> gregates Bohnsack.� Rock gravel 2,615.'79 3f.00 Hennen ° Tom's Mobil Grading, etc. 906;00 ,& Morgan � ;• odland' 3 Associates Towing Bond consulting, ' � �� 650,00 , Contract payment 546,24 ' Thera being no furtha $ 4, 8 0 .rbusiness, a motion was made by Acitchin,i to adjourn the meeting, Motion_corried. seconded by Oakes Michael A. McGuire, Administrator Q o i (9) P