HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 20 1974MINUTES of the Froeoodinos of the Village Council of the Village, of prior lake in the County of Scott and State o f, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. v May 20 1974 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met' in regular session May 20, 1974, at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. 'Mayor Stock called 'the meeting to order. ! Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes, Busse, Watkins and Patchin Adminis- trator McGuire, Attorney Sullivan and ;_Engineer Israei,lson. The minutes for the previous month had been circulated several days prior to the meeting. The following corrections were noted: April 29th.,page 3, the, pame'Larry should be inserted in place- of Gerrie. May 6th., page 6 eighth,poragroph from the top, "on privately owned land" should be inserted in:place of privately owned, page 7 paragraph, "unless served by gravity, interior cosh to be born by the city ". May 8, page 10 first paragraph, "absent were councilmen Watkins and Patchin. Motion was made by Oakes to approve. he minutes, as corrected, seconded by Watkins and upon, a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made b Oakes to a pprove pprove the bills previously approved by,1He Finance Committee, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it, was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to hire Joe Van , DenBooan for a: six month temporary period' as a patrolman - starting date to be dune I, 1974 at a salary of $765.00 per month, seconded by`Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. McCorm ck; owner of land' in the portion of Spring Lake Township that is under consideration for annexation to Prior Lake, was present and inquired how agricultural Land is assessed for water and sewer. Mr. Oakes stated that ther4 would be an acreage charge 150 feet deep times the distance.; The balance of the acreage charge and' the front footage charge would be deferred. Mr. McCormick is not opposed to the U annexation on they premise that if he hooks his house up to water and sewer, he would be assessed for a. maximum of 150 front feet and an acres „ � acreage charge of 150'X. 150 feet. Mr. &Mrs. Peterson •were'� present in 'regard to the same area: and requested annexation and water and sewer as soon as possible. Mr. Clarence Schmaltz presented a petition for street surfacing for the extension of Anna Lane (by the Dairy Queen). Motion was made by Watkins to oc.e the pt' petition and call a public hearing for June 20th., at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, seconded by :Busse•and upon a.vote taken, it was er - p ..., Mn. Jack Pecker was esent and pr requested a 3.2 beer Iicense for tii Downtown Merchants on June 28th. 29th`ti and 30th. The fee was set at =10:00. Motion was :`rti ntade� by Watkins to grant said .1Icense seconded by Busse,.and upon a vote taken, it 'Nas duly passed,. Jf ; Motion was made by'Busse to accept the April lice re pr police port, as esented, seconded�tiy Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was suly passed. / Motion was made by- Patchin authorizing ,the mayor and administrator ro enter inro`a J Mutual Aid Agreement with Shakopee, Savage and Jordan, seconded by Busse and upon �l a vote taken, it was duly passed. �I Mr. Julius Todovich was present and asked when storm sewer and vin ` f pa g was scheduled t `= f 'for North Shore.Oaks. Motion'was made by Oakes directing the engineer to do a feasibility study for storm sewer in North Shore Oaks, secondedL by Busse and upon d'. vote taken, it ' f Motion was made b Watkins directing the en inee:r�to do a feasibility study for paving , Y: g g of the roads in the firs t and second additions to North. Shore Oaks, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it~iwas duly Y Passed. ; J� Motion was mode by Watkins to accept the April fire report, as presented, seconded by ! I Patchin and4pon a vote taken, it was duly passed. �5 MINUTES' Proceedings Mianewtoi� tl Council of the Village of Prior lake in this County of 'Scott and State of Including Oil accounts audited by seid Council. Mr. Israelson discussed the projects and stated that Project #73 -6 is scheduled to start- the week of June 3rd. and Project 74 -2 & 3 is also scheduled to start the week of June 3rd, c ` o� �weR The statement in regards to the Sim ins a pk proposal was reviewed and accepted by the City` Council. Motion was made by Busse to include the one block from Mrs. Ne lie Lcnnon's'house '. to City Road 12 in the 5th. street paving project, and to install a culvert crossing at County Road 12, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, Mr. Pat Klein representing the. Lakeside Manor Association ,presented an easement, signed by al l the property owners of Outlot 2, requesting tho replacement of the storm sewer there. He also presented a petition requesting that the city remove all the material washed into the lake through the storm sewer, due to the water and sewer project. Motion was made by Oakes directing the engineer to notify, the contractor to remove" the sediment from the lake of 1rior, limited to the extentof that which flowed through' ti a the storm sewer from the water and sewer project, at the contractors expense, seconded . by Watkins and upon a Vote taken, it was duly passed, ;# Motion was made by Oakes that the storm sewer accross the outlot in Lakeside Manor °. by repaired,- and _the surface be repaired at-the contractors expense, seconded by Watkins Arid upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, r Motion was made by Oakes to approve the following Off Sale Liquor applications B 8. D Bar Snells,Bar Groves Bar, Brooksville Liquors and Viking Liquors. The motion, . was "condld by Watkins.and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. # r Motion was ade,b Oakes ro appro t Y ppo r. he following On Sole Liquor opplicalions: ' B b D'' Bar, S ell's Bar, Grove's Bar, Friar of Prior, (dba Anchor Inn), and; 'he Place r The motion seconded by Watkins and upon 'a vote taken, it was duly passed, to i Motion was made by Oakes to approve the following Sunday Liquor applications: �- Groue. s Bar," Friar of Prior (liba, Anchor Inn) and V.F.W. Post 6208: The motion was :lconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made: bylVatk ns topppnlvii a Special Club License application for V`.F.W. Post , seconded' b Oakes and u ., � Y ,, pan a vote ±token, it was duly passed: t Motion g as made by0akes to approve the following On Sale 342 Beer License application ;Grave s Bar, ; B & D Bar, Snel l's Bar, V . F.. W. Post 6208 Friar of `Prior (dba Anchor. Inn), Cellar Bar, Schroade "r's Resor,� Green Heights Tavern, Prior Lake Jays (Memorial Park @ $10'.100 per. year). The motion was seconded b Watkins and u z Y pan a vote taken, it was . ,ly. Passed, Motion was made by Oakes ro , ove the following Off Sale 3.2 Beer License >ap p lice do :° Grove �s Bar, B dl D Bar, Snell 's Bar, V.F.W. Post 6208, Brooksville Super Value, hts' lsrodcsyi,l.le Liuor, Viking liquah, Cellar B ,'Schroeder' Resort Green -N : isi Tavern V CO Busse s Supsr. Market. The motion was seconded by Busse and upon a vote fatten, it 'Was du ly passed . Motion' wms made by 'Patchi to a the followin g :Set -up License applications: Gllm Bar, Green Heights Rasort,'Schroeder's Resort, and V.F.W. Host 6208. The motion wasseconded by Oakes and uponn vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes ro send' a letter to Green Heights g , pertaining ro Liquor License violationE seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly,possed. . Motion was made by Oakes to send a letter to Pe : Pper's Pizza 'pertaining ro Liquor Lic rise viol ations seeondpd by Patchin and upon a vote to y passed. ken, it was dal t r Motion was mode by Oakes to send' a letter to the V. F.W. Club, pertaining to Liquor License violations,. as amended, seconded b Patchin and u t ` it was duly passed. Y pan a vote taken, ( # r ri MINUTE' of the Proceedings of the Village Council the Village of Prior ,Loke in the County of Scott and Stab of Minnesota, including all eecountsaudited by said Council:' Motion was made by Watkins instructing the attorney to prepare a resolution .. requesting the Minnesota Municipal Commission, to allow annexation of that port of t . � Government Loh 5 and of Section 10 of Sexing Lake Township seconded by Patchin and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins stating that Mr. Larry Nicholson's J parcel on Red Oaks Road' may be divided into three,R -1 lots,; seconded b Ocikes and upon pan a vote taken, it was dul pa ned. i Motion was made by g nY Nicholso 's Oakes stati that if Mr. La parcel on Red" Oaks Road is divided he may have two (2) lots fronting on Red Oaks Rood; with 113.3 feet frontage, and one (1) lotto the rear, having 116 feet frontage." If it is divided in this manner, the sewer and water assessment for the two lots .on Red Oaks Road will be $2 775.35 each. The assessment for the rear lot will be 62 909 75 If he chooses not to divide his property the sewer and water front footage assessment, due nook, , ~ f i will be 63 600.. OQ, with-the remaining front footage deferred The acreaip charge.of .` 6923.25 for the entire parcel will "be assessed now. The motion''was seconded by Watkins and upon a vote.,taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by "Watkins to authorize the Mayor and Administrator to interview applicants for the position of Administrative Assistant, seconded by Oakes and upon. o vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to increase Michael McGuire's sal - arty `6' 150.00 `per month, tf effective June 1, 1974, seconded by Patchin ands upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. 4<< Motion wai.made by Busse to approve eight streetlight for Prior South Addition; seconded by "Patchin - and upon a vote taken,, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Patchin to have an appraisal done on the Clarence Gross property, for road purposes, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes to send a letter to all the j local realton ;indicating 1974 sewer water and street improvement project, seconded Eby Watkins and upon o vote . taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to reafirm the M +t present. pal icy for assessing sewer' and water. ont footage shot) be assessed at the normal`•30 foot setback regardless o where the Ifnes are installed, seconded by Patchin and; upon o vote 'taken it was duly y passed'. There being no further business, a motion was made by Busse seconded by:0akes to adjourn•@ 10e55 P.M. Motion carried. Michael A, McGuire, Administrator - -- ------------------------------------ - -- ------------------ May 23, 191 h -- - The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in special session May 23, 1974 in the City Council Chambers @ 7:40 KM. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.. ` Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen "Oakes, Busse and Watkins, Administrator McGuire and Engineer Israelson. Absent was Councilman. Patchin. _ r The purpose of the meeting was a public hearing on water and' sewer improvements for Millers Ist, & 2nd. Additions and all unplatted property in the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 36, 'Township 115N Range 22 W . Mayor Stock turned the meeting over to -Water & Sewer , r Commissioner, .lack Oakes. ' City Engineer, Harold Israelson e x p lained the r , P proposed route and, cost of the water and sewer-lines. Mr. Oakes :open�e&- -the meeting for questions; (3) ow x