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07 15 1974
MINUYES Of the Ff of the Village Council the VillaIle of Orior� Lake I the County of Scatt, and $tat* oil, Minnesota, Including all accounts audited �y said, Council. JULY 15 1974 0 The Co Cguncil'of the C 1'�,y of Prior Lake met in SPecial July 15 1914J 7-00 P,M� in 'the -y' Coorve'. �thambers. Mayor Stock c l6d "the cil reL M ayor St meeting to� order Pr6sent we c"" B usse , , 0 a Watki Admilr!-f istrotor,,McGuire 1 '4ftorney Su I fi �bnd kesil arW ns, Engineer Th purpose' of, t e he meeting Was to �,old a publ ic --he wring on St6)rm Sewerr Imp Mont Project #74-8. M row- I ayor Stock r the ndtice of heari and' then the, ,e turned meeting over to��Councilman Oakes. \�Mr. Oakes explained -the'routing. of the pioject, the parcels involved, and th�' iilCt. reasons for considering Mr. Henry Hqlmes inquired* as wh* --ch in:,the Willows. would: be assessed. Mr. Oakes st�ied that ly the ,,n property in the drainage -areai wou]&;.be as Mi',91*01) Broderick sidled ha 9r, �.om t, t the wat, the a J, I 1 rea,it presentit, dmining acro hiil�property to the lake.. -He was (Pformeq that this matter 'Will be, discussed- at Ae�lregular council meeting. Mr.�' 0 kes, explained��lt6 cost of t he 4ota I l ec i 'a " t h e pro r - id cost for a typical lot.. There be ing no f�rther questions, a mot ion w�,i,s ' made by Busse- ordering Storm Drairiage,�iProject 0 74-8 wiih the conditi�bn thd,� 611 unplatted Property be considered --for"' deferrmn"f, and the c o s t o f t" 61 pr be reviewed cdrefully� P � ol,ect of b operii t thw time ng, seconded by Watkins and,,, upon ��a . v oi s taken- a passed. it was du ly Motion wd s made by Pakes, 'seconded by Watkir.is to the Public Hoh Ing Mi I McGuireri- Admi nistrato.u. ------------------------------- JU 15 1474 kY 15; "The, Cmmbn Council - of the:Cit 197 OfTriot'Lake,�met -k regutw S'ession July Ali 15, 8--w-P , _ , MaYor-iStock �calltd: the- meetingl to omler. Prose I � I I nt wore Mayo Stock, Co6n 'Imen Oakes, �gusse, Watkins, Administrato McGuirej-��.Atto cl Sullivan arid Engineer Israelson. The the Previous month had been circij-Nted�V i9veralL days minutes for pdor to the following,-� rrections were rioted: Jul'10020 8, meting, co thlaCeetingi c, paragraph t h e wi 6rmll was mispell I od. Paragraph 9, '.'Mr. St*i r.-" was, mispelled. , - �Fk* Motion. Was made by Oakes to approve the minutes" as carr cted, seconded by a Busse ondl: upon, a voft,,taken, it-l -duly- possbd:. Motion was m a& by f Busse to approve thW bil Is prev'.iousl - upproved by,tho Financ� T �Cofflmltteiii � y secopdW by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly pa ssed. Motion. was; do' , � Wbtk ins to,* appoint Mr. Don lam ma council:'pos i 'W *11* 11, 4 0- filt - Mr . . Patchins I t' 'f� is u 'ion, , r Ill nakpired term, seconded by'Oakes a taken', it, was dulk-pa "' nd tupon a 'vote,'. Ma Stock go "' th Path of Offi yor ve -Will Mr. -Mr. Mike Braderic�� fill that has, settl snd�, the I ed in, the lake by his house. He was assured by the M�Yor 1 1 nd Council that fhe- p I em would; be corrected as soon as - the �sewer and water project was completed. otion was mdc akes"tO the Mdy"POlice- report seconded b B usse M 19 by 'it passed. and upon a,voto taken The Adm inistrator �was '�Iir6rted: to send-4-. etter to Mr. Pat McGuire arid Mr thotka of the Department "of Natural Resources and request the a0enilancli a choe August 5, M Council me the v79 in'.regardi'to Public Acce w. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villa g9 "of Prior in the County of'Scotf and State of . Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said CAUncll: "Motion was made by Busse to approve ;tile June Fire Report, seconded by Sroclea`nd upon 'a vote taken,, it was % du iy passed. Motion was `mode by Watkins to adopt, the resolution per to county wide - purchasing agreement for radio communication, seconded by Wi-111 and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. +; Motion was made ,icy, Watkins: au thorizing the .purchase of a6 police rad 7 at an 'approximate cost of $860.00, 'seconded by that a 1e him.., Busse and' span a vote taken, it was ;du y . passed . 4 Motion was made by bakes to approve chC'iage order #1,.��Project ! -,7,6 "for Marsgo_ # -F Inc`: in :th amount .of $5;217.50 ,.. c eeonde. Wairkins and;.upoh. a.,'vote `,taken, i4 was duly passed. n V r I P Motion was made by Watkins. -to approve °i PrO , ro9r the Ca taI" ilm vement P f 'i r p ?am„ n concept and , to:'hold a' pubI15 hearing August 19, 1,1.974, @ 7 -.10, P.M', m the Coucii �x � ter,, Chambers, secondedby Busse._ and upon a z�ote..rakeri,.,� it was duly passed.' Motion was, made by Busse to j increase Larry Kerkow`s salary ;50..00 t month � to ,5850:00 per month, ,,seconded by Watkiu and upon ; a 'voto token, was dui Y v . sse"r't - sa. • it f R a wAoion' was, made' by Oakes,. seconded by Wa�"kins toy adjourn, _upon .a vote taken, hhewaaeting was. dd journed C} 11 ! P M s Michael A; M cG ui re ,' Ad m in. r - - - - -- - - - -- - r - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----------------- - -- -- JULY 22, 1974 j 1�+ fhs Common Counc,l of the City of 'Prior Lake met in specicl- session Jul J 22, 1974 @ 730 fP M Mayon Stock called the= me to.order..." .Present were Mayor Stock, Council,- men Oakes .Buasa, Watkins ands Wili ans, Administrator M, wire, .and Engineer ,'. The purpose of the meeting was to-hold _a public hearing for Storm Sewer •Improve- rti nNnt Project74 -9 t Mayor Stock read the notice <of,haarmg and .twined *he meeting over'to lCouncthman; Oakes. Mr ,,Oakes explained the area ,tct` ;kfs assessed and the 3 reason ford considering the`project.' k f Harold �lsraelson explained the routing " fA the ' water and the estimated cos # "of the 1 project. k m Mr.i? Oakes ;_?then asked for any comments or questions from the.property owners, s x Mr..,Spirane116 itvted that he wos not notified' of the meeting. He was informed ' F 6 tte�t' had been< °nailed out '' to'' '. 7 r, .y Mr. John B'erdan inquired if the Minnesota Highway Department would contribute x ` w the cost of the ` project. Mr. lsreelson stated that they had, been contacted and 0 that they..will determine if they' liaw.�clnwdy contributed' + Mr "h requested 9a' to on roeord' as, ob jecting ; the< project: , ouncil'man Watkins asked if the project would a)t dow on -the amount of "> aMrioi washing' into the lake. Mr., Is�elson stated S tFJot. 9096 of the' material, ou d, be caught in the sump: type,.catch .basin:, Fi ` �T a �9. .�� �.����1'�"� =��ik.gaa.^r#�' ' �fiF" "t ",. ��� V� �� f • � t "��� 1 ,.a. ! r) , � Ji, fi �� both sides, of the it property. ` Mayor Stoic`. :tested that corner lots 'ore: "as:fssed on one side and for 10 feet Around the ccrner.' (4) i I MiHUM rf the lbroceodlW of the Yllibile Counell of the Vill"*, of Prier-Lalm in.tho Corny of Scott and State of :, MiaMSOia, nelwiino all .accounts audited by eaW Cerndl. There 5einq W\further questions a motion was made by Oakes ordering Storm Sewer Improve ne I t,` ject X7440 (Using alternate 4 2, as explained :above)," seconded` by Busse and upop o vote taken, it was duly. passed. A r The public ,hsarin'g was ridjourned" @ 10:00 P.M. `Z g The 'meeting was called back'to order@ 10.01 'P:M. 4. ' r • l ' r 0 M Motion was made by Oakes that the bypass over the Moves 'property will Ea re- steered .,after, th need for %the rwad,'has posed, ;seconded, by Watkins •and upon a v ote \ ; ;. f x t taken,,. it ,was duly 'passed. " The AdMidistrotor`. was directed to send a , letter to A .Maws= with the motion included.- ` 'to t Motion was made by Oakes directing the Engineer to submit ` eaomo nWmot needed in .Mil'ler's Addition :(Vern Lavelle And: ,Hugh.Mllier). when the new easements are secured, seconded by Watkins and upon .a• vote, .token, it Q was duly posted 0" Q ' otion: "was nwdi by Watkins to rescind the motion approving #oject•. -8 , , area), ' it' was duly. passed: (Thai wafir bw,hdndlad by. ism inaige). " Motion by' Watkins authorizing thbeEngineer to te levise "the new sewer ` 4 l lines, not to 6xce*d 25 percent of the total, at his ditcration, eaotsiinil#!gip trsse ti r and upon. a ;. to talgen, ' .it W& duly pass d;O r� Motion wea: made by Oakes' requiring a 4 inch hand hold tae for all sewer. lines _ r ragvia an bir; test; , 1 seconded; by Watkins, and upon ,a vote taken, ;it was duly passed. " A A genewl discussion followed on the various improvement projects.: A number of ` p problem `were discumod'eind It Bias decided that a simPar type discussion would be beneficial to iwl'd` more often. lams' to. adjorrn: ` ;Upn a vote oaken, t Mot W was' mode zb atkins • sedonded' bye Wlll' the meet was adjourned @ 12:00 ,P.M'. .. l Michael A., McGuire, Administrator 3rp ` `a.E,Y' 'w t t,r wM�N��. ��r����.r�£ rT ����•."�NinN��� M���� �',' �lr� ---- ------ _ _ JUL) 1 974 The Common Council of the .City" of Prior" Lake mat in special :onion .anAuly 2S, x i 1 1974 @ 7:304.M. in the City Council Ctwnbers.r Mayor Stock called the meeting t to xi r. � 0ftftnt° were Mayon Stock, •° u Counoilmert` Oaakes, .Watkins, sand Will rns; Administrator McGuire, :Engineers Israelion. 'v Absent wo=" Councilman 4usse. .' The: purpose :of the meeting,:was to $old d, public hearing' for Street. - Improveme nt Project '#74 -11, (East Dakota St.). , Mayor Stock read the notice bf ' Mr' Uroolsaw okploined *hem the •protect :sAocated a0kit the estimated cost. Mayor Stock stated that the interest rate `would probabiy be close to 8 percent. i The question • was asked if the 1 rner property owners would, be assessed on - -al :zr i M WNUUS of the Preceedi!s of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake M the County of Seen WW Slate of " mienNeta, including all estieunM audited by :said Council, Tho...question was asked if 41" street will,be, surveyed and 'placed In-the center. ` Mr.. Israelson ,stated that tit,would be,,wrveyed, and placed in fig center of the bdi y . - foot rightrof -way. He also stated that it will be paved to t1l, existing dead end. There being no further questions a• motion " was made by Oakes-prdir np, Street f 4 Improvement Project +f74 -1) for this, construction year, , seconded by .Williams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins, seconded -by Oakes. to adjourn the N61 tc Hearing: %<< rM M JULY " °_ h Meetino (continued -- --- The meeting was .railed'; back to .order at 8:05 P;M. The purpose to hold a { public hearing for Street Improvement Project 0 74 -12 (Spring Brook..:Park). Mayor,, Stock read the Notice of Hearing. Mr braelson explained the location of the project and the -e tinw[iid ; costs, Mayor Stock :fated that the ` interest rote would probably be- close to eight (8) per o cent. k ' Mr. Top Sylvester asked if there will be • additional groding to tFie road. . Mr. 4sraelson replied that there would, be some :minor :reshaping., j Mr. Oakes stated that a turn_groun*¢Ishooltk'be ' Mr. Oakes asked if the right- of-way was adequate for the future. *Mr. ,hraelson stated that it was not. ` Mr. Oakes then stated that sometime In the future the rlghtrof -way ha would f to •be . increased' from the present 33 foot... ° Mr. Sylvester asked if there wgsn't a better way of assessing ; than "by the front foot. Mayor Stock stated that he knew of no other way that was as owitable. 6 Mr., David Hoitan asked' if the road will have curb. 1Mr.•>hxoelsort ::else that r it it would have a 3 inch rolled' biiuminousHeufi . # Motion was made by Williams ordering Strut Improvement Project f"!4 -i'2 for this years construction , secorided�;by Watkins and upon a vote taken, r it wa: duly passed. Motion was made by, Oakes,: sgconded by, Watkins to adjourn the Public Hearing. JU_x Me_etiny �G �,. Mayor" Stock called the meetig9 back to "r. The; purpose of ;tits .meetingwas to hold a public ;hearing for Street Improvement X74 Pro1ect -13. (Ste a' Mayor Stock read - the Notice of Hearing. -, Mr. hmison explained the location of ;the- Ixo1ect and the, Mayor Stock „stated that, the interest, rate would, prob ably _be. close fo eight - percent..:: 4 Mr. Mr. Earl Abrohamsen asked how much the .road would be cut. Involson stated` that in plaan the �t ood •:may be alt one or 'two1 Mr. Oakes asked if' a 3' inch shoe curb would be arrpropriate to handle the s0som water runoff. Mr. Israelsan answered that it would help' some lots, but that would :accelerate runoff on the lower lots. ` Mr 'Ray Goitisiy he , ebrpcied at the estimated 7 foot Mayor Stock elated Ilia! cost of ^$7.29 per xi y costs 'hove been going up and that the r foot /y volt : ith< rood wie'lth. ` , Maj!°r 'Stook. itoibd that seal . coati ihos in" thi ^� past been' id a�f of Generoi .� ,..,.. � r ibili perry Funds. , However, in the „ . future them is o pose ty`thot °the benefited � r owner ma be asse for it.. �� Y {r s> ft asked , whit the, crown ' would be? Mr Israel stated that it \YOS a inch ,�iith :hoi ;corb° on' both -4 ` �sidesc Mr Milton Kolva asked,ip'IIIJf .of`hia that ail parcel would be assessed: " Mr. Oakes stated y portion with paying in front of it would be, but• the romainder could be assessed'.in' a dotter project. T`% 4 f, Mrs. Ray'Idai dsew asked. if, the rk° .< po propprty =vtorld,, be , assessed.. , S.he was informed � that City property is assessed the some as any other, property. s c MINNTES of the �wdin" of the � V of the V Wee , Including Oil accounts audited by sold teusdl. Mr. MWHwK'rbsko stated that the project should be hold ;up tor couple of years to a allow the base to Fettle.. Mr. lSraal that , 11I base' 'should haw settled= * *n " Mr. Bryant •ryas Marquardt asked if the road would be rippedx:up. in another year or two ` ` sewer. , ` , ` Mr. Oakei ladled the people if storm sewer, was necessary, ssa if -they. would favor it. ; ; should b Mr. Loren Hanel asked where the h fl of the street be. M ume at the end 4 r it would be M {Y ' earn over possI dnmoge ato his lot from 4W runoff. o Mr. Doug L * M Lund :toted that he is° having problems •with water running to the south. Mr: * diiioe Kr;Wl ai>'asked if the people had- the finpl {\vote`: `He was informed that AV t � C r o u unc ii l 1 .' Motion wat made by Walk"" ro ntevcluab Project #74013 consider the .3 and to " "- r4ed it" sower and" to resche&fe',for. another G Williams and Ripon a° vats i iakin, 'it was duly +a b 4 W, was` w" , Y Oakes• seconded bar Williams !to, adjourn the ..pirbl,1c hearing Project 074 -11' AQ r • •' h JUIY'> ti Meetiq SContirwed) -- : : Mayer "Stodc fled _ Mkt + .' L C C mot•_ '".° 4 k .� ! °. i.r r[ � ._ % l � � � �, Mayor h 1 hr ; �•a ` t rote would probab ly. be Nose to ` .. ' t. t 2 The question was asked, what will happen twthe private rood. Mr. israelson - stated , ,thot' it would ``be treated - the, same as �a privoh ; driveway.. ate: Mr. Peter Kittelsland asked how many feet he :would'be assessed for He was informed that he would be assessed .Jbr 10 feet, because it is a corner lot. There being no further questions, 4 a, motion was made by Watkins, Or Ing Project 0 74 -14, for this ytars,construction, seconded ; by♦ William: _and upon , a vote taken, it was duly passed. t' I Motion was made by Oakes, seconded.zby Watkins to . ad j ourn the ;public hewing at 9:50 !P.M., , So 7nioved. • ` r Michael A. ,McGuire; ,Administrator a � w�wwwwwN�wwwwwNwwwNNwN� " ��NwwN w w wNMwNw.yw Nwwwwrwwww y ,,. a ♦ � N M '& ,. '� AUGUST ;5, •1974 The :Common;Council' •ref the City •af Prior- take „met .in regular sessions August 5,•' 1y74.@ $:00 P,M. in the City Council Chamber:. Mayor Stock. calied the meet- x ang. to 'older::: Present iwere =Mayor Stock;. Councilmen Una,. Oakes, Watkins, and Will anus; Administrator, McGuire; ; Engineer hraelsan;;:,pnd Attorney toltivan. " Mr.,,BundlI* representing W.G. Pearson was present to discuss the aequisitiae of , the ,,gravel washer ; site. Q Motion was made by Williams t + have the Attorneys prepare ion 'agreement fix the ' acquisition: of W.G. Pearson's grovel washer site at a price of =46,000.00, plus 1,;14 acres of the oldT City , Tronsfir of title to�,be whoa a new build <� fop 1s complete, **1y fit ,,- 1975; first. , rThe =motion was. seconded .by t Watkins and cipon a .vot*,,takon,; if, was :dcly ,posW: Mayor; Stock .stated that lie would. l ike use of 4he awage for the, winter if possible. j Mr. Pat ,McGuire of the Deportnrrent of ,Natural Resources acne tin to rem p n ords;to the Public Access. . He requited-9, Jett► of ;uppatt *am t Cautscil for arwtlter Public Access. Motion was mode by Oakes to send'a le of support of another 3publid;accabsi seconded,by :Wntklr grid upon a vote takM tit' duly passed.' I x -.s r<r q4 ..S ta x_ •w Zf ,¢.. •^ ;••y ° uiw I�b • { :� .q Pat Ki Ion ,of,Lokesida Manor vxu presenvand- , (or the job � } ;that was. :done :for restoring the :.oegch. He also stated that M ,was taprenting i some of litcresWenk af�'LakotWde:l, nor '.and; that - = t(My woes'; oppoMd to the ' placement of the Civil` Defence Siren. ` Motion ^N'a�s��made� by ,Watkins directing fleet; °Engineer setr,vp a meeting with the en Contractor and the City -Council to disauu :tlte�;pofcibility of, rel6catIng the , siren I in Lakeside Manor, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote lalien, it was duly p A'; pokctsnan ,for the people{ 'in the. Red; Oaks, Anw. - a4pre his, over.the o . condition of the roads. The Engineer was directed to contact the Sewer and Watat :Canhaicibct, °and to restateMte , imporknoe ofi. keeping , )n the..roodi open under < of l �' co�n�tltians, <� ♦� `� ° , Keith Thorkelson presentid' o petYtion fivrn 100 Downtown Merchants, requesting 'flat ,the Council= establish G' m � ,HA.A. or something similar..- g•. Mohan: was made by V. W,ntkieaizto-cceoh ; a.davelopmon! districts or .tnnditiotalt silo block downfown , area, soconcW1, arid, upgn a :voto . taken, .twos duly kpass d. X71 � { a mu �,. ,. � � ` �♦ � .vi' :may , 2'ykM'. , . ..f.SYK.seILIF�tA,x _ 4tt's"nts�x .}�� MINU of the hoeeediees of 1M Village Council of the Villooe, of Fdor Lek* lot County of Scoff am f1eN of TES � ` M Mieneseta Including all mawnb mudited by said Ceuneil.. � r M 4 Y ; . H He Was informed,that it would be. , w- c . NIINUM of the'hecoodlart of the Villove Council of the ViRapo of glee Lake in the county of "$raft and fteete.of } Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. } Matioly was made, by Walk in$ have Charles. Tooker do a ,downtown plan at c cost not to exceed $1,500.00, seconded by Alusse and upon-'a vol taken, it w as` duly passed. s, ?Motion ,was. made b :•Williams ro 'acce t `the, concept Ian for ,the; # Y P n " P P Park and <ro hold �w ' a public hearing Aug. 27, ;1974 @ 8.00 P.M. in the City Hcll, Seconded,, by Busse and upon; a vote taken, it' was" duly, passed. Motion was made by Williams that the City proceed with acquisition of all park i..i lands,..by whatever means needed, seconded by Watkins i and upon a, vote °taken, it was duly' .pas*. Motion was made b `Watkins to., a y pprove`the change in the Civil Service rules pertairing'ro the :Chie`f, of Police as am "need aeonded b Busse and upon a : vote taken, Jt was duay, passed. �• a Y' s otion ,weir °made by Watkins authorizing the Police Commission to advertise for he position of Police ;C61ef, and to recommend the tap three to the Council,, or ' ¢ �repi ntative °their•roview "seconded , by •Busse and "a "vote 'taken, i It was ►lot duly passed. sse 1 ro otion was made by Bu approve the June Police: Report as submitted, j w x banded 'by Watkins'. and ,upon•,a vota;;ta it .was:duly.,poised. r ion was hide by; Busse autlloriTing the Police Department ro .erect a shelter te a ",a <Y: onx' he shootilta :fallse located in, Sio4il i" 'at= - a,'cast not 'to ex -c"W. PS500.00 s!� • G banded by Williams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. kf, %�, AAotion wps made "b b Watki F #o ., . , � y ns. send a letter ;of;inhnt ro the Sate_ of: Minnesota indicating that someone Will attend�wtlwlizer school, seconded by and upon a , ►vote -U ken, it was: duly passed. x *�tF t `" t - '•'u .v .�. `" J' .` -. X 41 . ,` _ L tt f. $ x? Motion was. tmade, by Waikias authorizing, the: Fire beporhnent, to .advertise for bids n� faro „riicue unit, bids i too be opened August" 26, =:1974 @ 7:00 P:M ; seconded by • Williams �otld upon. aw.vote:,taken,. it was du11r: passed onion was made M de by Busse authorizing odvertisind� for bids for a tractor with loader r t r ale► backhoe ,. bid: to opened Au01i:t` 26, 1974 @'.7:30 econded' by Wil'1iams and: upony votraaken it woi duly passed. ", Motiol► :was1 made h Oakes stating iithat - ,the.-new'; a mmont , ,obtainid fran Mrs. Ellen ws Will supersede any vi Y Pro sus road's � "aamenh Icing on the easterly 8.5 feet � ,• of the , noi**,I' 90.0 °feet of :a stri of• hand l '' ' r ,1 1 Ma 1st Lake y p ng north of Jotvis Aeldn., seconded," bjr Wilkins and . i upon 'a.� vote- token;'. it was dulya poised. This = A*11l ldiator,wai,'j4f oted =i� a °ilxtraat of „the. minutes 'to Mtz, , 'Nave:. Motion wow made by Watk to hold a pub hearing on ths.' d C hanges •or.Yhe zoning „mop, '#iugust' :76. -197d @ 8:00 P.M., seconded.by.'Oakes and upon 3 mow' ,e`x 4 azvoNitoken, it was' hegr duly .poised.,. 5 a Motion was made . b Busse- ro hol a c in - p ublic g for the paving aid storm sevwr < project for Stepka's 3rd Addn. on August 79, 1974 @ 7:30 P.M. in the, City Hall, v x �a seconded .by Watkins nnd-up0n 'a vote token, 4 was duly.paa�d. b = Motion was made= by,Bus�•.ro advertise - 40ri bids for al ll. tha, =paving, o;tai §storm sower . SI projects, bids to-be opened September 9 1974 @ 7:3.M: sac' b Walk 0 P, and' upon a vote taken °1iit was duly passed. , Para h tli0t.hou1 faller 1 ;+f ? c P��ph 5 .Mr: Charles Stacy.was, present and $ #hrit' he was; represonting "' people *Om L4keside .: Mnnor ° and that they were . ali.npppaed ro1,th plaosmem -of -the `Civil - Defense ; sirens.. , : r 'M,INVM of the Proceedings of the Ville" Council of the Vilksgo of Prier Lek* in tlio County of Scott and Stem of Mienoseta, including all eceounts audited by said Couecil. Harold hxaelson, City Engineer, was- to fulfil` the con mltineni made lowr to Lawrence Schweich in regards to the"fill' aiong Movei Foad,' ai agreed to ., in a meeting attended by ° Mr.' Schweieh Mrs. Bluedorn, Mr.<Oakes, and, Mr. , Israelscn on July 29, 1974. The question regarding the gravel will be settled between Mr. Israelson ano Mr. Schweich. ° Motiore was made: by' Watkins , to grant a 30 day extention to the ° ChrlII Defense Siren Contract, seconded. by Busse and -,upon a vote taken, It was. duly passed: ' Motion was made by Busse` to; des gnate the City Administrator' as the contact. ct , refs person to the Minnesota Data >Prifvacy Unit, seconded• by Watkins and upon o Vote � taken, it was duly passed . ,--' • , Motion was made byc 8usse:d rotting the Ci Administrator to send. a letter to the County Engineer stating, flat the City requests '.;that Ciiuntyx Rd.. 044 be zoned 30 ; z mph from Hwy 13, post'the Senior High School and 45 mph from - 'that' point on,_ seconded by Watkins and. upon a vote taken, it was duly, passed In' regards to a meeting with Mr. Mike Benedict, Mr. Oakes .stated that:. Mr. agrees to replat�to one parcel, that he will 'be .assessed for his balance; his front total'' acreage and for 150 feet of frontage, an=16 , of fog tr�ge wilUbe' �defirrscb..baied ;oft :the number lots.' He also agreed. to give the City a road easement of 15 feet, up to 201 feet -If necessary. The City agrees to restore 44mist - sewer swal easement to le4el: oCadjoining land, and a agree s to vacate, th e public road gross h4 property provided that. his replat includes a stipulation as required so that other property *111. not be, land locked, . or until other means .are provided and approved by_.the City Council: Motion was made by.Busse to 'install' a street light by Ralph Borka!i house, so' cottded by Watkins and °upon a vote taken,: it was duly posad s." Motion was made br' Watkins o install a street light by Green` Heights Tavern, seconded by Busse and upon= a vote taken, ' it was duly passed. • .. Motion was mode by Watkins to approve ' the e o le of the Kart:ch Drive area: to block:�off Kortsch Dri .P#M. for ' a celebration seconded b Busse and ,, upon y `. upon. a vote.. taken, f it was.. du 1p passed . }` ' Motion was made by, Oakes "authorizing the payment.of $212:Ot2 io the League' of Minnesota Muni6lpoljties -for dues, seconded by Busk and upon avvoh taken, It was ,duly, passed: Tate following oil s :for.tht month of July were approved and -paid. GENERAL FUND a , Stab Treasurer °- PERA _ 1, 389.51 County of Scots Assespnent I►g eement Ray 'Johnson e , u 60.84 P.L. State Bank Federal Deposit 913.40 Commissioner of Tax. State Quarterly ;4 ' 4582.45 Dale Meihok Salary ;• �., 398.20 Steve Schmidt Salary 326.30 Dennis Leff Salary 327.30 ° LeRoy 66enort Salary 311.50 Eugene Sinith Salary 265.50 + Joe Van Don Boom Salary '277.40 Raymond Johnson a Salary, 354.60 Elmer Buss Salary e 'R ,.303.28 Lorry Kerkow Salary 298.80 Mike` McGuire Salary . "367.22 Bernice Pavek Salary 118.15 (9) _ }� * i . �f .. �! ,.. � j k.e<�r .mow a a> r�-* w. T h •: MINIITitsf of the P raeeerlIMP of`** Villeao Council of tbe,Villaye of Nor Lakb M the County of Scott and State of, Minnesete, inciudina all accounts audited by said;Couaeil.= _ .GENERAL FUND' CONTINUED Shirlene 'Craig . Salary 154.37 Gill Sullivan: , Salary , .. 189.47 z Melanie Johnson 11 k . 10.40 Soc. Ser. Div. Social Security 1,176.13 �r Insurance. Promiums 1,593.30 Standard Oil r ° Gas ,& OiI. *.: 639.00 � N.S.P. , Utilities 599.76 Scott - Rice;Telephone � 86.41 � ` L 6, L Hardwore , Misc:, Repairs �. �° 24.20: f N.S.P. Utilitiu > 13.30 Steve Schmidt " x 107.49 . 1 37.42 Dennis Lef< t 'me . ;p . „ p Gerie.Smith.. .0vortime..Pay> 6.08 LeRoy-, oy; Rakienort �} Owrti.ine Pa ,� y (� 172. gg Joe Van Den.$oom Ovartlme Pay 5 Lake -1 Auto Suppiy Auto Repairs s'{ 95.24 n{ .lA'K:Supply, z, a�`;ts�.�b. lie . Offl'ce Suppd 32.31' lnruranCe 'Prern unis X135.00 -� l .. Kerr, McGee. ;° ; ;; ra Auto Repairs.x; 235.00. � 81acktop Cor st. Seal Coating. ,, Shakopee Motors .Auto Repairs ;� ��l_ 54.82 .Miller� Daw�is,� .Office Supplies j 5.50 e P.L.Amiri'canl Off ice;�SliesII ��� upp 1173.37 St. Paul.Stam W p: orks Office Supplies r .. 23.10 v j " Richard . Kh4 erz Parade Duty , - Reserves 84175 R Rcbis eion u ay .., P Parade Du t8.7S' r $lll. Siipher ,w ,, Paradw, -Oufyy 5 � t Leon..9u�O -., p Parade Duty „r,a 8.75 � Daniel' M`�ad,' Parade Duty "12.25` ,. it;" Hal ,. Parade' Duty; 12.25 „. Dr.. Olaf Lukk n Pre- exominaflon 1800 L Andrews Drug ` Office Supplies 4.62' S.C.M. Cap :.{ ,• Scott `Cbiinty ° Officer Supplies 138.04" b u Sheriff Prisor 59450 �R L. Union 76, . Auto, Repairs 16.85 .� b aaIsorr Assoc. E �9 ineer Fees 151.30 - d xUnifoinus UislimibdY�• =° ,� ;° ,> �Unifoma_ 5..50 Walter GMi:tianson Parode Du f,r : aReseNre America, ;,: Printitig 4# Publ shinq ° . f r 1'17.30 Charles Tooker Plannin8 Fees 500.00 v IWA'' .L°ifi :.. i, ;aHospitalizatian ` .x 510.79 . E E,H.• Newstram Bldg. & Pled; y lnsp.. 480.00 � 5 Valley, Sign - Co. Si s�+ 20.00 o Larry Kerkow � School • _ .. 14.00 Treasurer Quarterly Sur-- hips- : 51Q 20 t1° Minn. v;.C �, � Nat X Utilitie 2.38' ,t ti Minn.' Valley_ Ele' .,; Utilities � Utilities , ,, 5. 00 Local Union �,i Union Dues 42.50 Mike McGuire Car Allowance 35.00 E r t Wally Stock May or' s Pa y 90.00 ` ' x n aalek:0*es Councilmen Pay 60 .00 Tom.. Watkins Don dude Councilmen: Pay z 60.00 j Councilmen Pay.. . .� ' 'Peter Palchin Councilmen Pay 20:00 � o Willia ms Cauncilmens Pay. .00 . � Dale -MeiW Sol ' _; 3 tow Steve Schmidt Salary 334.80 :Dennis Leff Said► w 335 '. LeRo Rabenort "° X Salary 250.80 Eus' Smith Salary- 274.00," J T n (• O 5 `k � r.. u F5 Repairs, 112.00 j Woolson 3 Assoc. 4Eribimir Fees 3 273.42 Richard Knutson _ LL ` `' Contract< Payment 21327.50 r Bar jorossa " Contract Paym Slwrie Real Ym - 125, 376.17 K Y Realt C ondemnation 212.00 Topka ::Condemnation, 212.00''.`' ` ' Pa ubiski Condemnation 217.64 Steen I Tow Charge K f, 10.00% TOTAL 813.73 CONDONS WOODALE FUND Bohnsack & Hennen Grading 553.50' Nodland & Assoc. Contract Payment =033643 , - TOTAL F - 1 2Z 22 CAPITAL PARK FUND Sears Prop Im p ro veme nts Pe t Pro nts 545 90 Western :Air Maps; Survey . & Appr. 12.00 Charles Tooker Planning Fees' _ 1 000.©0 Wicker -Knox , Survey,,& AW, 25.90 try R TOTAL, 1 R„ k, l y , Motion was, made by Watkins to adjourn; seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, theameeting was adjourned @' -12:40 'P.M.: Michael A..:McGulre• Administrator - 4x1.: 4• •. S. _ 1 -- :,< AUGUST 12 t, ,. 1974: r T#wiComQn Council of ;the City of Priors Lake met in, special'. session on August .1 3, 1974,@ 7:38' P.M, in the .Counail' C r =1,14d the .meeting to otdej. Membe harnbers. 'Mayor Stock rs present +virero Motrbr -Sto�k ,, Councilmen: Busse, Oakes,. Watkins and. Will isms ; =AdministratNLw- Asiis<tant- Sullivan, The purpo". - of the meeting Rwac ro hold a public hearing oa .Sewer., Water and Paving Project #74 - - (Eastwood & .Government LOt Section 30, Twsp. ,115, R. 21 W), J Mayor Stock read the notice of hearing and turned the meeting over to Water and Sewer Commissioner Tack, Oakes.' �R Mr. Israelson described the area to be sewered and where the IIR station would J J be pO:ltlOnod. Mr. Oakes explained the cost of the project, then openad the_meetin to Lions; 9 ques- Mr. Donald Nelson asked how he, pays for the project. Mr. Oakes 'replied ' that each I propeety owner in the Project 74 - - would pay, an assessment of =14.00 per front foot, an acreage charge Of $500.00 and a $265.00 sanitary ` sewer fee: , Mr. Nelson asked if private enterprise would > work to construct the sewer. Mr. Oakes replied, private, contractors working for the City would work on' sewer line and stub w�Iile private contractors contracted by the individual would .t install pipe from the stub to the house'' Qntirluing, Mr. Oakes explained' :f { the maximum aessed. front, footage reasoning behind, following the :lak"hore. ' ..,•'` 's '�. (13):- a' ; � � MINUTES of thO Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village, of Prior Lake in the Counttr of tieoM and titete of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ry' a 72 -7, 8,•9,10 W/S FUND . • R Bohnsack &' -Herinen • Ed Bdogemann Repairs 291.00 Wi Bond MINUTES the Proceedlnos 'of of of the Village Council of the Village Prior lake in. the County of Scott and State of • E y Mianosota. �neludin all accounts audited b said Council., - ;a � d Mr. John Geraghty asked how assessments would be . ma de if a. 8Q foot awned " by two people wore split? Mr., Watkins lreplied t would depend on' the circumstances. `Mr. Oakes replied all platted- 10ts will I* / Q ssed -,in the Fall. Mr. Geraghty asked why the, sewer line would go down the t k shore, rather c line, than up and across his Jot Mr. Oakes replied! that accoMing; to th cos a y ' study, of the three routes chosen, = that route appeared the best; way to go a Mr. Nelson asked if. movement of, hbars f!a rhis next' door nei 9 gF .wailibe possible i to prevent destruction of 'six large trees on I�is property: Mr "Oakes replied that • ..all _effort;; are made: to., Save trees along c sewer project, and" that the'City a Contractor are,- committeid, to•�w,orking' with` each in `order bring z <° person to the land 'back to its previous state as' nearly as' P ~ possible. 0 Ms."" June Claire asked why two man on 'the 1Nestem' edge of the ' project: Mr. Israelson replied that It .r"s. sta 4 • ' „. �_ _ �' . ndard� procedureto- put manhole at each .iurn. il Mr. Piet: asked where the construction would start frorn. Mrol, Israelson re l ii4 " '4 =work usually started wr th the :lowest point in tie saws r line and worked to the 4 highest point. - ` line „T Mr. ltenner; asked °,how „deep the sewer would be,, at his Mr, � israelson replied;: thw liwwodld be approximately srz feet. deep, ii . There being no Jurther,.questions a motion was made \bsi'Oakes':W" approve Sewer, Water & Paving Project 74-3-2, seconded' by kVatkira and upor' a ',I 9. vote taken, it was duly passed.: 1• I`. ' AUGU I&th. Meeting (contrn�ire "d� ;After ai brief recess, the meeting was called back to order by'��Mayor Stock.- { Mayor Stock` �presented••oir• application fibm Mr.,-Everett Post fbr approval on : 1 track " survey. ,After general discussion; motion was made .by Oakes to" approve the o� A track survey - an is, sec onded t b Watkins and upon a vote' taken, it duly passed, ., - +^� a - a- 1{ U (� Tlretti%':`4was diicvuton,:on b 'SA tBtE I'porta6te :emergen y- generator wrtFi arailer; costing a itopronimotely .=7 >,;OOA:,. Motion was. made 'by Jask `Oak6si °ta deve the p aatlOrlS for , d spi3cifi tMs� generator, and. trailer ro" .,put up' on bi ,: rseconded °> ., fWatktt; Atud upoa> w, ote taken; it"iwa duly, passed, l "a o#iraa wa.nade;;by tOake's <ta adjourn the meeting, seconded by. Watkins and u P taken, it was, duty .passed. " 4 William Sullivan,• Assistant Administrator " y! t to . z C