HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 19 1974MINUS of .the Proceed ng
i s of the Village Council of the Village of Prier Lake ,in the County of Scots and State• of
Mieneielo, including, all accounts audited by said Council.
Mr. Bil Kemplin was present in regards to Scott -Rice, Telephone Company's request
for a rate increase. 'He asked ,"'Council to send a resolution to the Public Ser-
vice Ca
mmission.,requested a continuation of the August 19, 1974 meeting.
Motion was made by W i I I isms; seconded by Busse to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the City C
ouncil of the City of Prior Lake
Mreby, re
quests,o continuation ofitheheoring which Scott -Rice
Telephone Company requested a rote , increase, so 4hat further :fact.
can be put into the record. A
upon a vote token t followin vo
�: ted,in favor: Stock, Watkins, Busse , Williams. 1
Opposed: None. Absent: Oakes.
Mr. Jack Packer stated that the record is, not and that facts can be sent to
the Public Service Commission.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the JulyFire Report, seconded b y Yvatkins' and
Upon a vote token, 'it was duly Passed. �
Mr. Jack Packer asked if the City wscnted the new sirens hooked „ up ro tho firo bar.
Motion vror.,made by Wgtk ns, stating;, thot. tlw new sirens will be . t
fire bar,. secasded.by, Bu se ,and upon .a. liool�s?d up ro the
vats. taken, it was duly pod•
Motion was made by Busse.:dirdeting the Administrator to send a letter to the State
Health° DM
Pa!rin+snt, rgquesting a Brant for .Medical supplies
and two
for :the •new .rescue .Unit : seconded b Williams and upon a for radios
Y Pon vote taken, it'was duly
Motion was made by Watkins 'to a
and u approve the July Police Report, seconded 6y William
pan a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins directing the City Attorney ro draw u
to Ordinance 72 '1 , rg(a t ing to a owner ros Y p an amendment
dag wn ponsibi l i
upon: a vote taken;, it wps,dul tY, seconded by Busse and
y Pfd
Mr. Gary Ftlrguron Qnd. 1Hr. Charles ,Stacy,, ofa• L e d '
ak si Manor,,, wetre - :Present and .
stated .that they felt the '0 rating ;wps to high
on the Civil ,91.fsnse:. Sirens.
Motion.was tnctde by Watkins, authorizing Pha:: 2 of ihe,.Civil Defense Shan System,
*0 located M
by ocs>!, Algr*ns, hc�use;,,wi11 be considered for
felgft ion. Mr. Tim Q'Loughlin and Dick Irge
:obictining "State, ;end Federal ro war* asshvcteo work towards
before firtal,a Gronh for the system. A Public hlsaring, will be held
pProval is .10iven seconded by Busse and upon
dul , ``a: vats taken, t was
Motion, was made by Watkins to appoint " Mr.
PPo Keith Tlwrblson to the. Planning
Commission to fill Harold Millers term, seconded b Busse a
it.was- nd' upon a vats taken,
duly - passed,.
Motion was made by Watkins to acquire a backstop and fence around the back of
Aw bleachers at on appIOXimate cost of :2,,5510.00,
v seca�nded, by ,Busse and upon c
ote -kken, . t was,_duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to :appoint Marlys Blued.
An Hager, and Clare Muelken as ima on►, Nellie Lannon, AI Hergott,
a cy :election; judges, seconded; by Williams
and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was .made by Watkins to accept < the Civil Defame Emergen Plan, dated ,
;August 19, .1.974, seconded;by Busse,, cy and upon a.�vote taken, . it, was duly passed.
Motion . a
under the mode by Watkins. •authacizinq . Don Will iams' ro ; aswme Pete . Patchin's duties
• Civil .Defense Emergency, Plan, 'seconded, b Busse .
, Y and upon ;a vote taken,
Qt was duly passed,
o (2)
laINYTES of tM !'reeNdiws of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take isi the County of Sear and,StNo of --
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by •aid Council.
Motion was made. b Watkins authorizing, the ac
Y g quisition''of ,fixe.,(plus) acres at a
.cost of .$25, 000.00; from. S.cottla "nd Inc., for, a water storage urea End other
possible uses. The City ,agrees to, pay closing costs and screen the- property.
seconded b Oakes and u pon pan a vote taken, it was 8uly passed,
Motion was made by Oakes to order'a survey -for the above property from Valley
r ,
Engineering, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins ,authorizing the Administrator to "send a letter to
Mr. Geraghty,:pertaining,ro sewer and water', dated August 1974,' seconded
: 22,
by Stock and upon a vote, taken, it was duly posed.
r f
Motion was made by Oakes authorizing the Administrator` 4p send.o letter to Mr.
Ted Anderson stating that in following . ° '
g g post polic both his will be assessed
because they, are both buildable and are lots of record. Lot 5 will be, assessed
for 120 feet and Outlot B for 116 feet, s<conded by Watkins and - to
. ovate
=taken 'it was duly possed. t
Motion was `made °by Watkins toaF*�rovFlh�
the 'septic ' tank l000tion' diagram as' sub -
mitled, seconded bye Oakes upon a. vote taken,, it was duly passed..
Motion was made by Watkins. to , Wi thlWd $513.29 "from. Nodland: b.'Ateociates for
payment of damages to Scott -Rice Telephone Company's cable, seconded by Busse
and upon .a yam: taken,. it was duly passed.
The .Council agredd to make t ens foi, interim
provisions sewwr for Joe Wise
and Gary "Ranson in Lakeside Manor, The target date for t4 temp orary onnection:
is August 29, 1974. The owners agree to, pay up to $100 .00 for this: service.
Motion was made by Watkins, :seconded by :Williams. ro adjourn the .meeting at
11:45 P �v1.. , So raovad , r ,• ,, �
Michael A. McGuire,,Administrotor ~ ''
-- — ---------------------------
�.. > 1 .Auwust ;26,.1974,
The Common .Council of the. Ci of Prior lake
�' s
met to special..
, sesston� :Au�
gust 26,
1974, in the City Council Cha6b�ra @ 7:00 P.M. Mayor "Stock called the meet-
.7, _
ing ro: ,prefer." Present were: Mayor 'S.tock, ;Councilmen Watkins, - Busse; Oakes,
Williams; Administator McGuire, and.,Engineer hraelson. a'r
:TI;i' first item on the agenda was the opening; of ;bids,.for a ,rescue; unit..,
� fall ow ,• . a� .. '; „ },��' t.
ing, bids wenlriceiwd:
is Dht.wanc. ----
Ait. ` /1 Z,T7ti000liniatedi ti
.516, .,492.00. ;: • �� ��
;lltiltleR,�Aet+lwr= :Sal _
��Blo $16, 207.73 � ro90 �
Alt.. �+f4 � x16, 900.00
It., _; 316.245 ,.Irt�
it•x. :x 6w
Alt. P3° ' 60 days
$17,820;90 " �. 6Q ro ,90 days
(31 '
�,�,v ` `' •� _ , . A�kta�s .��'aA�.avPiaYc�;Gfe't."xaxwar
4 U f�
i MINUTES of -tho ,'recsodings of the Villogo Council of the Village of Prior Lake.in the County of Scott and Stoto of
Mionesolej including all accounts audited by said C
Motion was mach, -by Busse. to accept .the bids as submitted, and to turn them over
to the Rescue Squad Study Commission, for their recommendation, seconded by Watkins
and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
The second item on the agenda, was t take bids on a tractor, loader, and backhoe.
The following bids were - .receive;,
Valley Eauibment
1 J.D. 401C $15,632.00 ° :Immediate
02 J.D. 401C .. $17,410.00 ,��,
3 J.D. 310 60` to 90 days
$18,219.00 120 to 180 days
` Case. -Power 3' Equipment
Case .580_ r
=17,179..00 30 to 60 days
.`Motion wcs,,mado ,by Busse to ,accept the, bids as submitted ,and, to have the City
' • employees review them, seconded b Watkins,,and upon pan o vote taken, it was duly
Mayor,Stock ,read 0,.letter Aixn -Earl Dittman pertaining "to putting the road in front
. of his. housp the original, legal. location. Motion;,Mias made by Oakes for the
En Me
g er to review this matter and to report bock to the Council, seconded by Watki t
t and upon a vofw -..taken, it wac•duly posted:. t k } . Y
Motion was made by Oakes;, to ~ defer $4,103.22 03.22 of Mrs. Audrey Haylei sewer and water
assessment (Lot:'I, The Ooks), until the lot is subdivided or built '
$544i26_f4 -this , ye a rs over to refund
on and
ye payment, seconded by Busse and upon c: vote taken, it
_. Y a: duly passed,
Motion was, made by Oakes to defer a portion of Scottland's assessment along 9th Ave.
for period, of three years, until it is ,plotted, or until part of, the interior !s
developed. aped The amount to be defered is $21,288.35, seconded, by - Watkins and upon .
a vote tak :P6,, it was duly passed.
The third item on the agenda was a public hearing on changes and additions to the
y Zoning Map. ,
Mayor Stock read the rwtice;.of hearing and than turned the, meeting over to Council -
t:tart Ubatkini. Mr R poiriled out the areas that were being considered for
,arwronirig -He then asked for :questions from the audience.
JimMackelrath` ".asked �►hy we are ma[c i "rig these changes. Mr. Watkins:
to bring ,it ri , conformance ;,with. our over+ I zpri
ng..plan :.
:.. MTik,-Don Virriurm asked what ,ths status was for the proposed 'public :accoss by DuBar
Marine., Mr. Oakes stated that there has been no commitment Sian the State yet.
He also recommended that they contact, their Senator. and/or Repres ntativs, tend, give
them there opinion of. the location of the access.
Ms's Betty &umfleld asked if the was another public access in .tire Baudin's Manor
z, urea. Mayor Stock:. -'Na, 'not thatj7we are aware of. 1
Mr. Paul Hougen, representing the City of Savage stated that he. objects, to the
zoning change in Boudin s Manor because It is Spot zoning or it Is different from
the'sunounding area." He :also;.requested a continuation of the heoring'. Mr. Watkins
rv. statod that it was common practice to zone land! for a pork in the middle of R -1.
He added that the I
and- is presently being, used as pork land, . ie:. C -1.
Motion was mode by Oakes ro approve the zoning map as, pr+esrrttsd with' the
stipulation that , publication be withheld until, a final ruling on the public land
in B. udin s Manor, be. given by the,M.M.C., , seconded by Watkins and upon a vote -
taken, It was duly passed.
e`� A
MINUTES of the hoc* of the Vill
j& wot No Council of the Villago,of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Mr. Oakes recommended "that the next time the zoning map is changed that
C -1 zoning in Section 34 from Mud Bay to the north be considered by topo-
Brophy and adjusted accordingly. He also statedthat; the four Indian roser-
vations should not be zoned any classification.,,
Motion was made by Watkins, seconded by Oakes to' adjourn the public hearing
s at 9:05 P.M. �So Moved.
They maeting was called back to order at 9:15 P,M.
Motion was made by Busse to.. have Larry Kerk and Ray Johnson inspect the
John Deere (Bid I1), specifically to see if it is a new piece Of" equipment
and to report back to the Council, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken,
it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock road the letter., dated August 26 1974, from'the" Police Union per
raining to a ,grievance on the condition of the squad cars and the shotgun. 1
Motion was made "by Oakes authorizing the Administrator to chock the i"s on
the grievance, and make the :necessary corrections and additions seconded b
Watkins and upon a vote token, it was duly passed. �
Motion was :made by Watkins to accept the recommendation of the R cue ad :
Review Board and award the bid for the new rescue squad' to Superioj . Coach and
Sales 0974 Dodge Demo, w/2500 miles) at a price of $16,245.14, seeatid et by `' "
• Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed,
Motion was mode -by Watkins, seconded by Oakes to •odjoum.. So moved.
�•' ',Michoei A, -. McGuire,l Administrator ;
August, \ 27 197
They Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in special session August 27,
1974, in the City Council Ch=4rs @ 7:45 P.M. , Mayor. Stock called the
meeting to :order. Present were: Ma yor ,
• Mo Stock Councilmen Busse, Watkins,
Williams, and - Administrator McGuire, Absent was Councilman Doke:.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the registered land survey for St. Paul
Lutheran Church, dated August 27, 1974, seconded by- Williams •and upon a vote
taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Ndtkins to , table' the awarding of the bid lot =the °tractor to
;a :lllEr meeting, secorxNd by Busse and upon a vote taken, it' >was duly passed.
e j 9�e1i;
Motion Vas made by Busse, seconded by Watkins to adjourn the , meeting at 8:10
P-M. So moved.
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
------------ ----- --- - -- •• +.
—...—L - - - � - - - -- - - ---
,Auk 9,_1974
The Common Council of the City Of Prior Lake met in special session August „29,
1974, '@ A: P-M - Mayor, Stock called the meeting to order. - ,Present were:
Mayor Stock, ,Councilmen Busse, Oakes,; Will Administrator McGiure, and
Engineer Israalson; Absent was:x ..Councilman Watkins.
.���k"i ?T,� :"°.�.�`.*o.v : :; 1 .'`�:.;S.s ett5:..srk•,.. ,..kw .�.c
n .,
MINUM of the proeoWle p of th* Village Council of the Village of !Mier lake in the County of SeoM,ond Stag of
4 Minnesolo Including all accounts audited 'by said Council.
,J c
t heeeodteOs of the Village Couneit of the Village of prior Lake In the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, ineludine all omunfx audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Oakes to hold an assessment hearing. for - Projects 73-6, 74 -2,
and - 74 -3,•on September <19,- 1974 @ 7:30 P.M., and projects 72-6 .and 72 -7 on
- September 23, 1974, @ 7:30 P.M. both in the Junior High Cafeteria, seconded j
by Williams and upon a vote taken; it was duly- passed.
i There being no further • business, a, - motion was mode ,b . Oakes o
Y ,sec nded by
Williams to adjourn @ 9:45 P.M.
Michael A- McGuire, � Administrator
< n
September• «3, 1974
The Common Council of the. City of Prior Lake met in ,regular ,session Tuesday,
September 3, 1974 @ 8:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, Mayor Stock
nailed the meetings to order. ' werec- Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse,
%Watkins, Williams, Administrator McGuire;. Engineer - Israelson., Absenl,was
Councilman Oakes. ,
'Mr. -,Clarence Schmaltz, Stepka's 4th Addition, was .presoni in. regards to the new
-ho ling al ley. Motion was made by
Watkins ro . e xplore the
p possibility of rerout-
ing some of the traffic, and to instruct the Police Department to set radar for
the busier times, seconded by Busse and upon a vote token, it was duly passed. '
Z. Mrs. Mickus presented o list of people recommended for the Civic Center Steering
Committee: Motion was ismade by Busse to approve 'the. list as presented, seconded
by'Williams and'' pon► aJVO.te taken, it was duly passed.,
Sergeant Meihak requested a four- barrel carburetor -for the °197+1
Squad. Motion
was, mode b , Busse 14 re ect.-the r "
Y „1 elquest, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote
token, it V"Aas duly passed: "
Se nt ►�ileihak roq�iasted a Citizen Band Radio for the .Police can Motion was
m ade
by Busse to reject the request, based on the fact . that the money - can be
' better, used. ;,towards the Purchase of a;> new squad, car saconded' by Williams and
upon a vote taken, it was duly passed., ,a
Motion was made by Wa tkins - authorizing Sergeant' Meihok td locate two individuals
to vvosh "and" clean the squad, can once a week at a cost - not to exceed $6.,00 per
week, seconded by Busse; and upon a .vote taken, it was duly i1mised.
r , a,
,a Motion was made by Watkins making it- mandatory of each officr to complete the`
checkroff Fist on vehicle 'maintenance prior to the start ot• thou, shift, secondeu by
Busse and upon .a vote taken assed
, it was duly p. t }
y « ,
Motion, was made. by' Watkins directing the Administrator to- send :.ae letter to Mr.
Roman Kopp, indicating -.th6tL his used' car lot isAn violation of the Zoning Or-
dinance, Page 13, Sect.. B, and the Subdivision. Ordinance, Page 11, Section S'-
6,A, and request him to remove, the vehicle; until plans are submitted' to the
Planning Commission+ for their 'approval, seconded .i - Busse. a
It was du l » y a nd upon a vote token,
y , passed.
Harold hroeison reviewed the current projects. . He., also. stated that the Electric
Service Co. has re`*yuested $1,200.06 additional payment because of the different
electri conneciion required. , Motion ,was made 'by W69kins. to deny the" request,
because" it was' contractor's obligation to of -been aware of , this when he bid
» the job, secoraed •by Williams and upon a vote, taken; , it, was passed.
Motion was Made '• Busing to: hold an assessment hearmg :•for alhrthe Property to be
assessed for the water tower:•in 1975. The hearing ' will be.. held in the Junior. t,
» High Cafeteria, September 26; 1974 @ 7:30 P.M., seconded by.Watkins and upon
a vote taken, it was duly, poised. .
ZOO k� . �,•w . '. , , aF :i� ... m
� F
MINYTEf of ;Ma proc inps of the Village Council of the Village of Prior, lake in the County of Scott ontl State of k
Minnesota, including altaccounts audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Watkins. to .approve the Park Plan, and.to;authocize the
implementation of 44, seconded by Stock ,cnd upon a.-vote taken, jt was duly
passed •
The Engineer was directed to stake the Boudin's Manor Park area, so
That a fence
can be put u" along the. former Haskins property.
Motion was made b Watkins to a s
Y a p prove the Budgets as wbmitted by� the `
Administrator, seconded by Busse and upon a' vote taken, t was dui
.. y.
passed. ,
Motion was made b Watkins to vacate that part of the Jumes Ludowese
(road to lords Island) that is outside of the 33 feet from `the .center line, on the pre-
sent Traveled roddway , in exchange for a new easement, 'seconded by
Busse and
upon a taken,: it was duly papod•
Motion was made by .Watkins to .the Hard• for, l Borgerding's 2nd
Addition,° but to:hold it until ,the , '
pork fee is paid, seconded by Williams and;
upon a, vote 'it was duly ` passed.
,t+►. *e > See page Il for this paragraph k„
Motion was made by Watkins to appoint "Michael McGuire, as' the fuel Coordinator
.;fori=the' City~T.of Prior Lake,, b u =vo
,,Busse.and, E
passed.. y pen a, tR taken,
it was du
The following bills3 aid were approved and. ` for the month of August: �' • ;
Store Treasurer P.E.R.A.:
League of Minn. Munici. ,
Membership Dues
P.L..,Statw ` Federal- Deposit
212.00 '
k Dalo .iMWhak Salary
Steve `SiehmI, dt Salary
Dennis Leff Salary
4. LeRoy ttabenort. Salary
> Eugene Smith ." Salary
Joe Van. Don Boom Salary
265.5,0 '
R ay :Johnson _
277.40 .;
Elmer. Busse Salary
Larry. Kerkow Salary
303.28 r
.Mike McGuire ..Salocy..
Bemicet Nvek Sal
$ ilitlene` Craig Sala
Sullivan Salary -
154. 37
�Potty Gosh k .. Petty Cash
189. .
Melanie Johnson . • Salary
Union Local 320 Union Dues
; _ V,t rn.Mab�se.
, 'Land `Acquisition +; 24,650.00
Scott R3ce? Tele 3.
Ply, Utilities
Minn Natural.,Gas.•to.
p Uti (she's
x ;.• 4, 1j,Modders U Police - Supplies.
Sh dard Oil ° Gas `b Oil'
Unifgms 'Unlimited` ;Police Supplies „� ��
Morxrera `S.upply, Inc.: , /: ", Misc�ilane
Germs': Gulf, cus: Supplis�
Abto?Ripabs ° _
A pp glsalvr
Mi nn. °Valley E�,oc. -
500 00
Utiliti es . c . ;
Robert McJI thst 4r Dog 'Catcher Fees
Bankers Life Hos pitalization.
Harold %braelson
Kerr McGee. Enbring °' Fees
"Nowstrorn Auto :Repai
.E. H. •' Buildin Ins
Robert Me Guire. Tree Inspector k ..
Scott Co. Sheriff
225.0 0
Prisoner Board
Tom's Mobil, Auto Repairs
MINUTES of the ! nY
roeeedi s of the Village Council of
the Villeee of Prior Lek* in the County of
Scott and Stole of
Mienete/a, including all accounts eudNod by said Council;
Nodland B. Assoc
Audrey Hayle
Contract Payment
27 31
' '
over payment - assess,
540.26 -
°2H 504:57
Farmers Union Comp
Investment made
Property Improve.
165 000.00
165, 570570 50
Peter Lametti
Chapin Publishing
"Contract Payment
208 067.00
Juran & Mood Y
Adv. for bids
Sole�of Bonds
Poucher Publishing
Adv. For bids
Sun Newspo r
f Adv. For Bids
32; 61 .
Briggs b Morgan
Sale of Bonds
, 659.30
- Engineering fees
°: 475.00
8, 331 08
Y ..`-
There being .no further business,
Busse to odjourn the meetin at
motion was made by'Watkins; seconded b
10:15 P.M.
So movell.
Paragraph 6, Page 8, Motion was moden.by Watkins: - approye'the
forfieted land on Twin Isle,
sale of tax
seconded Busse a u
by pan o vote token, it was
• duty
-------------- - - - - -- -- -----------
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
- - - - -- -- - - - - -- ----------=----
- - - = --
- o