HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 09 1974MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of u.ott and Stote of T Minnesota, including all accounts audited'by said Council. September 9. 1974 = „ The Common Council of the City O" Prior Lake met in spacial session Monday September-9, 1974 0, 700 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting taorder. -Pre- sent were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes Busse, Watkins & W illiams ; Admin-. istrator McGuire and Engineer Israelson. The first item on the agenda was opening of bids for. Paving & Storm - Sewer Projects #74- 5,6,7 The following bids; " were raceveds BIDDER AMt)iJIVT Northwest Bituminous Co. $1� p, c% Minnesota Valley Surfacing Co. 1461042.00, Peter Lametti Construction Co. 163t458645" Alexander Construction Co. 177,257.00 Motion was made by Oakes to accept the bids as presented and directing the Engineer to review them, seconded by Watkins and upon vote taken, ,a it was duly .passed. Councilman Busse had inspected Vern Maybee*s'house. and recommended that it be removed: Motion was made by Watkins to advertise -for the removal of the ybee house in the appropriate °paper seconded by Busse and upon a vote t aken, it was duly passed.: If there are no takers, it will be demolished by t he Fire Department. No tion .was made by Oakes to sell topography :maps to the Prior hake G - Spring Lake Watershed District for 4000 acres at $1.25 acre, per provided that they do not resell,them seconded by, Watkins and upon ♦'vote taken it was duly,, y, Motion was made by Watkins to approve a letter, dated September 5. 1974 to the Minnesota Highway Department, secondedr Stock and Upon a, vote taken, the following voted in favor: Stock, Oak es, Watkins and, W illiam s . Busse. Motion Carried. Opposed,, Motion sari made by Busse to.award the Street Improvement Project to the low bidder; Minnesota Valley Surfacing Co. with a bid of $146 seconded bf Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was- duly °passeed. Motion was made,by Busse to accept the road (commonly t my called the �ctension of South Anna bane) contingent upon the receipt of v` , ,a one year bond seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken l it was duly passed. f Motion was made by Busse to buy approximately 2500 cubic yards of gravel for $1 and that guard posts be put up along that road, `0 seconded by' Watkins and, upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. t,. - Motion.was made by Oakes to ratify the exchange agreement with W.G. Pearson, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to keep negotiations open with Lawrence Schweich on his building for the library and senior citizens,, seconded by Oakes and Upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. :. Councilman_ Oakes stated because of recently observed conditions on Trunk Highway 21 'between 83 and /�2 and the unsafe condition left by the railroad in creatingia new crossing and because of the action'of the County in putting bump signs on either side,of:the intersection rather than going'`to the rail- road to have the crossing rebuilt or the road repaved to make it safe 'thoro fare and because of rocks sticking out of the traveled portio the road- way at County Road 83 to the extent of or 4 inches in F _3 -the traveled portion and because of the lack of gravel on County Road 83, it becomes' apparent that the Count Y is significant deficie ly in - pe nt the maintenance of Count in the City of Prior Lake and on that y roads emise Mr. Oakes made the motion that immediate action be taken on any and all County roads in the City of Prior Lake to assure there maintenance at a standard of at that of the City of Prior Lakets roads and that Mr Prenevost, the ,County Erig3neer'be instruct - ad within the next 30 ;days to present to the County t Commissioners thence to the Mayor of 'Prior Lake a plan fq: -completing this improvement p, rrior to freeze ee up this tall,, seoonded by Busse rind t upon a vote e taken, it was duly passed. Q a } ` MINUTES of the Preeeedi s of the Village hpe Council of the Villa, of Prior lake in the County of ScotF and Stab of Minnenta, including all accounts,audited by said Council; 3 ..., b .... The following corrections Were noted in the minutes for the previous month; Page 1, Nick Sotis was miss gelled, Page 5 later was misspelled,``Page 8,,. ` up. was misspelled. Notion Was made by Watkins to approve the minutes as amended seconded by'williams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. ; Notion was made 'by Oakes to approve the bills ous a Ps'e� ly.approve�.. by the Finance Committee seconded by Busse 'wag and upon a vote taken, it duly pass Keith Dickie was present as a spokesman for the homeowners`' Shore Oaks.. He presented a sin North Fu'e petition with 40 sigriaturea, 4. requesting consi requestider- ation on four points,, � 1. Road Maintenance , Promised blacktop in 1971+ . Proposed Park . Proper drainage „ ' .Oakes presented two alternatives. The first one would be to , prat dry es in, and blacktop the roads now. The second alternatitre ' tto�uld be to put bladed bituminous surface on narr� at an cot estimated coat o! 4 per running of road. '. Mayor Stock asked Mr. Dickie to meet with•the hcmeoaraera, r a;xi ome back o the Council with a recommendation. The mattsr; of,�t1e park was wen to Mr. William, the Park Commissioner. �; o . Peterson. of ElectriCL Service Company Dues Pro�sct , subcontractor for 41* Shank on the inquired as to Why Part of hisipe�yment1; bed, 'withheld. . Oakes stated that the City was not withholding it from h3n. . Shank. It: „xas agreed that Mr. Oakes, Mr. Ioraelson,.Mr. ShAak 11c; erson, and Midwest Utility lit would meet and try and ^resolve the;, po�oblem, . was g .� Convoy Present in re ards to a lift station °that was looted in the ddle of his lot. He .requested that 'it be moved. Alter conaidwable dia- cession, a motion was made.by Oakes to move the lift station.` „to;ii of lots & and 7 to re-lay fort 4q feet of Y � ) pipe and to make. the,”. fiat e station into a n anhole,` seconded by Watkins and upon ,a vote token, it iaa' dyer passed. Motion was made by Oakes that the additional costa incurred anyring the fin station be absorbed by the. 1 project seconded it was duly passed. b3► Watkins arxi upon a voi,,e taken, r i Notion waa� Oakes that all lift stations be, located on propy . Won, unleas, otherwise approved by the Cquncil seconded by watkina aria -up vote taken, it was duly passed, Motion was made b3► Oakes d&rftti the °Administrator to coed a letter to .Nre Ted Anderson expressing concern over the miauaderstandng on, his Water and never aaaesament, and to restate the Council policy of ;aaaeasin all platted lots, seconded by,Watkins and upon a vote taken'. it was s duly passed.. The klgineei•'was directed to work with Mr. Schmidt on the routing of the school buses. 3 , ° Motion xas a the made by Watkins Purchase hose .. PI?�'ov6 e of 500 leek o! �bila t oral for th e hire apartment seconded was duly goosed. ' 3Y Huabe`and upon a vote taken, it Notion was made by Watkins to approve the August Fire Report r aecoaded by. Huaae and upon 'a vote taken, it van bay passed. Notion was 'made by Bnaan:to 4Lpprove the August Police Report, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it van duly passed. Notion; was made by Watkins to table discussion on the tions -for further review poke car specifics- ' by the Police Department, seconded by wi]liams and upon a. Vote taken, it was duly passed. Mayor. Stock shore, <in,the new Police Chief,, Dick Powell. , f (3) i r , . 4 MINUTES of tho' roee"Ines of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in-tho Counter of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by saw Council. Mr. Oakes explained the assessment procedure, front footage, acreage, and t connection charges. He stated that the assessment can be ' an interest charge up to 30 days after the he paid up without t be ' acing• otherwise it x311 be Placed on the assessment roll for 20 years. He also stated that water arA sewer must be hooked up to within one yeatj! He.then asked if there were- questions from the people in attendance., Mr. Henry Schrader asked what would be done to the roads that Were black topped prior to sever and Water construction. Mr. Oakes ;stated that an intt�-im surface would be put on this Fall, with final surfacing in the ° S` of 1975. r . Roger Break asked what the interest rate,was going to be. - Mr. Oakes stated that it would be 8 simple interest. . Richard Mourning asked when the connection charges are due. Me. 0ake3 tated that they are due at the time of connection.: • Ed Appel asked why: Lakets project costs are so mush higher "than ' then places. Mr. Israelson stated that they are `equal, to, or leas than cast her communities. Mr..Appel: Why are we here tonight? Mr. Oakes: This is ` he Final hearing for the - project, and your opportunity,to'expreas your pinion. Mrs' Appel: If someone in the future builds a home do th awards the water tower? Mr Oakes: Yes, ey pay • Marvin Hirsch asked if there would be an assessment for the interceptor. :.'Oakes stated that it�i be paid for by the service availability charge (this Yew 4300.00)..`Mr. Mirschs Who will pay, for the deferred assesamente., r' Oakes: The new people that move in and build. . George Algren asked how,much the water tower assessment will be. Mr. ea stated that it is $150.00 per unit. . William`Stevwws asked whom he should call about a complaint on the roads."`~ . Oakes stated that the r.. IIngineer s office should be notified. Mr. Dave Watzle asked When as that the Property would be restored. Mr. Oakes stated Engineer would contact him. Mr. Lannon asked how deep the pipe was in front of his house Hr. Oakes stated that it was one of the deepest cuts, and that he had been aupplied With t ; a list of contractors that could dig that deep. . Mr Arnost Pavek asked if the ` pipe in the street was guaranteed. Mr. Oakes stated that the contractor guaftntees it for one year. Mr. Winston' Jacobson asked that the Council waive. the one year connection requirement for him beep-use he was 400 to 500'feet from the sewer. Mr .Oakes 5 c stated that he should contact the 0ouncil after this meeting. . Mr. Bob Motor asked who pays for the electricity for the lift stations. Mr. Oakes'stated that it is paid for out of the sewer funds There being no further questions, a motion was made by Oakes to approve the aissessment. roll and file.it with the County Auditorts office, seconded by Watkins, and upon a vote' taken, it was duly passed., Notion was made b''Busse to Y purchase a 1973 Ford, F600 truck at a price of $4,995. and the box and hoist at a�price of $1 1 355.00, seconded by W iliam and upon A vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Busse to reschedule the hearing for vacating of certain easements to October 21, 1974,, at 7230'�FeM., seconded by W illiams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Notion was made by W ill amg seconded by Watkins to adjourn at 1000 P.M. Michael A. McGuire, Administrator z (5) 4 N f