HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 01 1974MINUTES of the Proceedi of tla Village Coundl.of`tha Village of Prier Lake in the County of Scott and State a .� .. 'Minnesota, including all p0dunts audited by said Council. October 1, 1974 (, Th Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met.in special session October ,P1, F 1974 0 7 :30 P.M., in the, City Council Chambers, Mayor Stock called the meet to order. Present were Mayor 1toak, Councilmen Busse, Wat kins, W illisms ,;A trator McGuire., :Absent was Councilman Oakes, he purpose of the meeting was to open bids -for $186,000.00 "General Obligation oad Improvement bonds of 1974. The following bids were received: # ` z � „ rID TOTAL IINTEREST COST NET RATE W. Baird 4 .,4 1 tionalof`St.� haul $50 6.6897,% orthwest Ea2man, • Quail $1+9,424.40 60 $50, ling 5 . 5 0 6.6850 dminis , 6.528 , Jaffrey, do Ho ood . pw $52,073.00 6.87189 was made by Watkins to accept the bids as submitted and to Turn hem o the Bond Consultant; Jim Olson for his review, 'seconded by Williams on a vote taken, it was duly passed. e following letter was received from some of the residents of 'North, Shore a "The residents of North Shore Cake, Shakopee ;Minnesota °7 ry agreed at a community, meeting on Se ember 22`x, ' ;) do Pt , 1974, that they do-not want any expense for road im ia�- —, whoetrar is yes provements. These �re.,_.�r,La rtlqueat to responsible for the below requirements. v , l Dust, control i .on all roads,_ by oil trelitment, in all additions. " Upgrade ade road:to blacktop a k ' Pte " ' .P Pecificatia'` ns in all additions. 3. Roads must be maintained' year round so all residents in k North Shore Oaks can pass through #Pall times., U 4. Upgrade roads in all areas where ;water stands .and mud, chuck holes and rutta area problem. All residents bf North Shore Oaks are aware that ^ r a the above stork r ° is not their responaibility and that the City Council of Prior Lake ? r will have establiahed -by October 1, 1974, whether the reaponaibility �l is the developera.or the City of Prior I,ake. All resdenta, oppose anv dry line aewwr propoaala until it can be Jrpnt and used. Going through front or back yards can be discussed and decided on at that p *° :. time. Escrow, mon ey should be saved and used For permanent blacktop. An additional stop ign ahould,be installed at corner of North -South road going North (at Nelson's corner). Stop sign on Farrell corner should be moved closer to the corner and raised. A tree and `bush on that road easement should be removed for the safety of all who drive on thin road., ion was made by Williams. to send a letter to the develope,+�s of Shore , Oak'$ stating that -all roads must be .brought up to grade and improved to specifi- cations of that prior to blacktopping, and to the approval of Street Commissioner Don &.=a*, beconded,by Busse. and upon -a vote taken, it was -duly passed. ._ ion was made by Busse stating,that'lafter the roads are improved by the evelopera, )the City vj,3 ,px ,Uw,, a atmplowing and dust control, seconded by 1 . illiems aryl upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, ion was made ;b Busse to place a "Stop* s orth Shore Oaks -> Bouth- east ... P on the first road going into riser of the f ratintersection),, to -mo" the oant'"St op sign closer to the intersection, and to remove the tree and h that iuterfer with seeing the sign, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote t was "duly passed. Lion was made by Watkins direct the grade on the �8 Engineer ' to check the a in.North;Shore Oakw to aee,if it should be changed, seconded by Williams upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. . Olaon,`reported to the Council that all the bids were tabulated and re- emmiended that he bid be "awarded to Robert 'W. Baird. ° #AINL%V$ Of the PrOc"diffes of the Village Council of Ao Village of Frio r Ldke in, the County of Scott gad S" Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. SEWER FW Metropolitan Sever Bd. Metro Sewer,Avail. 6034.00 Standard Oil Div. Gas & Oil 51.12, Bohnsack & Hemen W.S.P Sewer Maintenance I e 99.00 L & L Hardware Utilities Equipment Repairs -43-48 erg Sewer'Board Sewer Maintenance 241.06 Goodin Co. Metro Installment Equipment Re '.21 2 66 98.5o Valley Equip. Co., Towns" Edge Ford Ne v scodpment New Equipment 121500,600, 6 Scott Co.' Treasurer Scottland, Inc. Lar)d Purchase 4t995-00 2 Land Purchase - Trwis to COndons';Lakeside Fund 22 303 $0 TOTAL W"00.0. 00 W7;X Ins- Service Organization Miscellaneous 6.00 Scott�Rice Telephone Standard Oil T616 service 65�,82 X, k � �� � P.L. Union 76 Gas & oil Equipmept"Repairs 5944 50.20, Tom's, Mobil 1 Minn. Ds�. of Safety Equipment Repairs supplies 92,043, Now GermwW Fire Dept. & L Hardware Membership DUOS' "t, . 94,00, 25.90 Generai Trading Co. Building Repairs Supplies -1 3.16 Fire Chief Magazine Snalls Bar MembersUp Dues, 289.25 77-50 Donald Borchardt Supplies supplies 41 o 2� Verdo& Monnens'�' `0, Bob Mertens Membership Dues 3.75, 45.00 Membership Was TAilities 34.00 Spec S Slip. Building Repairs 76-91 Delbert prola I supplies Gen4rilkiSafeby F quip. Co. ract cont Payment Equipment Repairs 6C. oD �i .: ,�- Kim. Natural Gas, Co., Utilities 47-2� 1 2,32 , 17751-777 % 0 Standard Oil Div. Bohnsack & Hannen Gas. & Oil - - 51*12 ,Tom's Mobil L A L Hardware Grading Equipment Repairs 264000 :10 11JAh N & Sons C_—_S—"l1 &' supplies Bituminous� Mix 1%,02 0. Pearson TOTAL Sar A Rock, & Gravel 33,2.50 - 8 6 7:0 A N S,*P L L'Hardwars Utilities, Repairs 298.82- Nonnew Lumber Rnwirs 45.62 Grose. Ind. Gen Fahrenkamp Mat Cleanang 13.20 Minn. Nat. Gax Co. Janitor Service Fuel 1620,00 TOTAL, 655 �r N*S*P0 Pod nuoierg Utilities 4XO L & L Hcrdware Labor Repairs 128 '00 Larry Karkow Repairs L & L Hardware e Repairs 10.006 Pa:4 Mlz*erg ''Labor -10,95 TOTAL 118 00 307 MINUTES of the Pnceodi Mss of Iho Village' Council of the Village of Prior lake in' the County of Scott and State of .:.n MianNOta, ieeluding all aeeounts audited by sold Council. C 25:22 , FUND trlansfer, to General'' 6 _ ,,000.00 8,9,&10 W d: S FUND roasa` Eng. Teat �g Contract Payment Miscellaneous. 7�2 t 630.02 I Olson. &Sons Engineering Fees 140.00 1 rair NS FUND ational Bank on d: Assoc. Interest d Bank Chargw 30 567.25 Engineering Fees t ITAL PARK FUND > le a ° Tooker ° '( City Plannerta�4eea 19000000 Idraolson Engineering Fees 90 1 F 11dbi1 Tors & Damages • I .L. Union 76 w n 10.00 P� Publ. Advertise for Bids 26.50 . Lawtti Cone. Contract Payment 2" 27.52 33;050.18 Contract'Payment k „ ion Was mad by Watkins, So y seconded by W uiams to "adjourn at 10tOO P.M. Michael A. McGuire, Administrator 4F r I p tip.. 1 l> 4I ry n . F O 2SP'+71u Y"S3s�v O i Dennia heff Sala y 326.3p z - LeRoy Rabenort Salary 327.30 < Eugene Smith" S 303.50 Joe Van Den Boom alary 265.50 RVmond Johnson: Salary al 277.40 S 'Elmerusse 354.60 Larry Eerkofr Salary 303.28 1 Mike McGuire Salary 316.44 Salary Bern ice Pavek 367. Salary 127.78' Bill Sullivan$ Salary 154.37 - Salary 189.47 ' Melanie Johnson Salary 5.90` " Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit Local Union, k2.50 320 Union Dues 1 ,395.32' Walter Stock Mayor's Pay 90.00 - Jack Watkins Councilman's Pay 60.06 1 °a Oakes Councilman's Pay 60.00. Don Williams - Councilman! Pay 60.00 Don Busse Councilman's Pay 60 00 Mike McGuire • G Ca=` Allowance Anita'Hagen Election Judge 35.00 35.25 Msrlis Bluedorri Elect on Jae 6.2 Al Clare Hergotlken Election ' u 36.25 ; Judge ; Mary Lannon Electi 36.25 , Judge Walter Stock .3 Election on on Counter 6�pp Don Williams Election Counter 6.00 Ion Buse Election Counter 6.00 om < Watkins Election Counter 6.00 (9) Al l MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the C C Minnesota, including all accounts auditid by said Council. x x Motion was made by Watkins to award the bid for the Street .improvement bonds to Robert W. Baird at a net interest rate ` u upon a vote taken, it was dul,}r passed,, o Busse and < The meeting was recessed at 8:00 P.M.., The meeting was called back to order at 9 :00 P.M. Mr. ,Mary Mirsch representing r p�' ins some of the residents_ on B Bed Oaks Road asked .in t removal ' . I In summary'he stated that the City has a legal 66 foot e easement and asked Mr. 'Thompson stated that the people on the are g aining it feet now and if the road is placed in the denter t they will gain another eight feet. He felt that a aO foot right- of-way was sufficient. 1 Mr. Clarence Fishback stated that the majority of the people in the area ;;;t ,the road placed in the center of the right -of -,ray. Mrs. Mary Lannon stated that the r relocate '. p Noti o and Attorney P t1 on m The following bills were approved - and ' d for the • P� for' the of Septembers 4 G GE1tAL FUNDS Ray Johnson Overtime Pay Larry Kerkow O 10+.57 Overtime Pay 1 43.11 ° v Eugene. Smith y 1 15.36' Dennis Leff i 68'" Steven Schmidt O Pay 1 3 PERp Petty Cash - -7 Dale Meihak 5 50.00 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council ofthe Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and. State of hilansfiatce,including all accounts audited by said,Council. A FUND continued: ernice Pavek Election Counter 'Telephone 6.00 ot Rice Telephone Service andar4, Oil Division Gas & Oil '639-00 Utilities 687-35 I'S Mobil Auto Repairs 10.00 ha�rles Tooker City Planner Fees 500.00 ert McGuire Forester - Dutch Elm 900.00 JSUM Commmications Po1ice Supplies 15-00" el Business�Equip. Office Supplies 53-00 ger Harris Police Supplies 14-00 Valley Elec. at;, bipt -)Of, Perd0nnell Utilities Adm. Fee 5.50 larence Schmidt Plumbing-Inspecior 2.00 208.00 ankers Life Hospitalization $70.63 eva Drug Office Supplies 14-84 6 Auto si;44 Auto Repairs e�'s Inter City�,Oil Auto Re pairs , 1644 ior1ake American Printing & Publishing '231.06 �i, C.M. 00i Office-Supply -72.50 e o Nursery Dutch Elm 18.00 & LH e Miscellaneous 46.00 Auto Body' supply Auto Repairs 49.28 Star & Tribune Office Supplies tPolice Supplies. 38-89' 24.65 McAllister Dog catcher 135.00 McGee Auto Repairs 5.00' ott Co. Sheriff Prisoner Board 14-00 e Newstrom I t Building Inspector 370-00 arselson & Assoc. Engineer's Fee 677.66 akopee Motors Auto Repairs 304-63 Gas Utilities 4.67 A k Wolf Busse,Jr. Flag Cadre- Squad Care 20.00 18.00 e Meihak Steve Schmidt Siilary Salary 398.20 Dennis Leff Salary 334-80 3356810, Lefty Rabenort Salary 3 12.00 E�gjsne 3mith Salary 274.00 Joe Van Den Boom Salary ;285.90 Me McGuire - Salary 67.22 Ray Johnson Salary '1 .3 :354-60 'Larry Kerkow S ar7 3 16.44 Bernice Pavek Shirldne Craig Salary c,i Salary :154-37 Bill Sullivan Salary Xohlrush �189-47 52-50 �A: Nelanit Johnson Salary 6.5o Elmer Busse Salary 303 St*ft Schmdit Dennis Leff Overtime 71410 Rabew# Overtime Overtime 28." 19.68 ale Smith 08 'Van Den Boom Overtime Overtime 19-70 Johnson Overtime 8.77 12 5.16 r Lake State Bank Checks printed 13.3 - A 3Y 4 TMt FUND or Lake Postmast t andard Oil Postage 1OO.Oo c� *Sop* Fuel, Utilities 51.12 15*63 n Chemical Co. Chemicals 40.25 ater Products Co. Meters & Repairs 19233-93 esepe owns Edge Ford Utilities �Box & Hoist 223-99 Postmaster Posta&q .19355*00 100.00 3 10) j,