HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 07 1974MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villoot of Prior Lake in the County'of Scoff and State of
Minnesota, including all aecoutift audited by said Council. ,
October 7. 1974 {
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met' in 're
8 :00 P.M. October 7, 1974 in the City Council Chambers session at
the meeting to order. Present were ;Mayor Stock, Councilme y our St c kc e �
Watkins, Williams Administrator McGuire r Engineer Israelson and Attorney
Mr. Tim OvI,sujWin, Scott County Civil Defense Director was present and
recommended that the siren system be approved and that be
payment made to
the Contractor. Motion -was made by Busses to approve
Contractor, seconded by Watkins and upon a` vote' taken it was du l the siren „
1y 'passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the `'Hard Shell for Shores, r
contingent upon the setting of the Park-dedication fee,
submission of �
engineering data °on storm
v 4Y enantsubmission
the co sewer,'`street ,. water and sewer, and of
s, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken
it Was duly passed.,
Mr. Martin Lannon representing some of the residents from the Red Oaks area
urged the Council to locate Red Oaks Road in the middle o the 66 =foot
-way. right-
Mr. Marvin Mirsch "asked that the Council consider surveys g rid more the
water shut .off to his property ]ins.
Motion was made by Oakes to move the water shut "off to the -edge of the rght-
of -wa seconded by and upon a vote taken it, duljr
,Watkins was passed. a
Mr. Harms stated that iY
will be more hazardous. parking is allowed on the east side of the. road it ^'
Mr. Bob Kest asked if he will have an eleven foot boulevard.' Mr. Isrselsori
stated that an eleven foot boulevard
can be= maintained everywhere, except on
the North end.
Lannon asked what the intent of Eagle Creek was when they asked For the
foot right -of -WAY, Mt. Watkins stated that 66 feet was 'asked for to
adequate right -of -way. have
Oakes stated that it was not`necessaril the intent of R a Creek to
the road down the middle the "
of right- of -wa;,
Mrs. Clemens stated that Eagle Creek verb ,
placed in the center -of the right -of -ray. stated that the road would be ,
Motion was made by W 311iams to hold a minimum eleven feet of boulevard L
on the west side of Red Oaks Road
and wherever �
possible morel to move,•�he
fire hydrant and widen the intersection at the corner of Red Oaks and Red—,c"
Oaks, seconded
by Stock and upon s vote taken the following voted in favor;
Stock, Bussef Oakes and Williams. Opposyfed :> W
" 1
Mr. Dan Dahlgren presented the following letter to the Council;
Prior Lake City Council �N J
Prior Lake, „
Minnesota }.
. I
Dear Sirs, °
It is respectfully re
issue a building uested that the Prior Lake City�Council not
ding permit For lot number
seven in addition one of North
y Shore Oaks'until`a drainage -line is "installed that is accapteble to the
city and the residents of, addition
one of North Shore Oaks.
,a: That if a drainage 'line. is installed that no cost be assessed he
Property owners with out their - unanimous ippro
That consideration
e on a
b given to y
8i possibilit of running: a drainage
'line to the front Of lot seven and down County Road,Forty- -two in j
to trees,
save order .
if, is not greater and if permission can be obtained
from Scott County,4
(1) „
> s
s MINUtft of the Proceedings of the Village, Council of the Villas* of Prior lake in tha,Cougty of Scott and, State of
a = Mian*aeta, including all accounts audited by said Council.,
t ,
That if a drainage line is installed it isi`requested that no"
„building permit be issued for lot number seven for at least twelve
mouths to the system works.
That the City Council request a guianteed maintenance agreement
with the developers of North Shore OaK�s, if 'they "accept the six inch
drainage line as a visible drainage plan for the area so,aa to
assure drainage in the future before releasing a building permit for
" lot seven of addition one in'North -Shore Oaks.: -'
That if no drainage is provided For lot seven that no building
permit be issued and the lot be left` as a nitural patch basin with
the pondr being returned , near its natural size or Its equaivalent
° " = by the developers of, North Shore Oaks.
Dan A. Dahlgren ` i
There was considerable discussion-on -tharoidi and drainage in'Horth:Shore
.; Mayor Stock asked thai Mr. Cakes and Mr W illiam meet with the
Contractor,''and the residents of North Shore Oakes to try and resolve the,
Mr.. Winston,Jacobson, requested that the Council waive the one year serer
4 hookup- requirement for his parcel.,,because it is more than 400 feet to the
. aelbr line. in 'the street. The Matter #as; tabled until the Engineer can
check the slope from his house to the street.
Mr. Stan Apwoody -`Red, Oaks Road requested that he be assessed for one
parcel at 150 feet, rather than'150 feet for each of 'three, parcels.. He
was requested to submit'a letter i questing the above to;`the`Administrator.
Mr. Maizfred Bustler, Ustwood let Addfn asked why there hadn't "been a
second heat+ rig .oa'the "storm se wer in his area. Mr. Oakes repiie2d # that
e Waterihed District hai�db ected`to -- the storm "water dr "
... 3 ainz ng.nto the
� r
3itke, and until, that problem;.; is `3ceaolved, there is no point of holding a
k ?
heud'. Mayor Stock req�iested that. Mr. Oakes meet with the people of
t> a "area to try ;and resolve the .paeobUm.
Mr. Tau Sylvester requested that his dfiveMray •be repaired. - Mr. Israelson
stated, that it .will be repaired:_
g Motion' made by�Will ams,to °advertise ;for bids fora 1?75. Police car,
bids to be, opened'. October 29 1974 at 7 :30 P.M. seconded •by Watkins and
vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins stating that it is the intent to
F Asa;
�. 'kseg all pnRbaat .Polic'e'',personnel in 1975, seconded by Budss and CZ upon" a
o i qte oaken - it Mae :61y Passed.
Walt Chr, tsnaonn,,pf the Prior peke Police aserve was° present and'
; 1 requestd usy °the initial uniforms for the 8e�aervets. Mr.
asked that a cost-benefit analysis be su_bmitte3 to the Council..
t re, 7
r Motion;' made - by Busse to approve payment of the new rescue unit
n� 00nt3rigeat upon final approval of the Fire Chief, seconded by Watkins
and upon a io taken it was duly passed.
fl °Motion; was made by ° Watkins "to aAlar the Fire Department to -use the former
Mabee house ass fire drill seconded-,by Williams and -upon a vote taken
s it itas.. duly pass ed
rcade , .Oakes to �ektend *wmgota Sewer and Water Contract. to
Octdbdre X ' ;19'd1t seconded
, . by. Watkins :and on a vote` taken it was ,q �t
It9ti�6ii xas�made by I(Atkias to take .the at neceasaiy,` including
Gonda nation U acquire the ,easements icross.,tha M.aves 1ropertY for
stet" secret, seconded by,Busse: and - upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
l .,. The matter of setting dates for•th6 Public Roar on the 1975 Projects
was tabled until the O_etober 21 meeting. °
., (2)
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Countjr'ef!Scott and State
Minnesota including
, all accounts audited by said Council.
c •. A ,meet - -.
ing with all the local sewer and water contractors was scheduled for
October 29, 1974 at 8:00 P.H.
' Vas ' ,
Motion by William instructing
ing the _Attorney to start coadaonation
proceedings on the Watzl property,, seconded by Busse and upon avote
taken It was duly passed.
Notion was made by Williams authorizing the grading -of Boudins Manor Park9
as soon as legally feasible, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion xaa made by Watkins to - drop the $250.00 Park charge to the,
:.eke Schoolso'After considerable discussi� the motion w as,txithdr
The School Board will be contacted and an opportunity to -a
given ,explain to
the Council why the charge should be
Motion was &ade'by Watkins auth the signing of a five year lease.
agreement with _hairence Schweich,foi the new Library site,, seconded by
Williams and upon a•vote taken it was duly
G passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve Ordinance #742.8, an ordinance
72-13 (Licensing-and Regulation of.Do
aken it" was d gs), seconded by Oakes and upon a vote
u1y passed.
No tion was made by Watkins to approve Ordinance 474-9 an ordinance -.
regu lat ing residential sW3mming pools, seconded by W illiams and upon a
ake it Was d1dy passed. ,. vote
Motion was made by- W illiams to approve Ordinance #74 -10,, seconded kby;
etkins,.after,considerable, discussion the motion and
second was x3thdraxnr
and tabled until the next regular Council Meeiting.,
Motu was made by Oakes to increase the Mayor
to $45.00 per meeting,,
to have•the CcwwJ3menrs Salary remain at $20:06per meeting W
Of four meetings th, a
ft per seconded and
d by Wat kins' .upon a ,,rote taken it eras
my passed.
A petition to extend sewer and irater to the Prior Lake Baptist C.bna�ch was.
received. Tlieftzgineer xiES instructed to prepare asfeas bility study.
Motion Was shade g
by Oakes to amend the agreement the
With developer of
Island View to allow the roads in that plat to remain as "a fiolled blade'miz,,
until 'sewer and Weser ;is installed,
seconded bar Tsi iixJama and 'upon, a vote
taken it`was dulr
Motion was made by Busse to 'consent to the.,speed�l3mits on
C S.A.Ho 44, and
to petition the Statei jdghway Department to lower the current speed lim9.
0 seconded by Matk na and upon a`irate ' taken it was.
dY pas id;
Motion was made by W illiam to petition the State of Minnesota to'allox
20 M.P.H. speed signs in Boudins Manor,
seconded byBusse and upon a vote
taken wai duly passed.
Motion was 'made by Watkins by Busse _to 'ad3oura at 12s25 P.1K
So Moved " -
Michael Al McGuire,, Administrator
_ Oct ober .21 197
The Common Council of thei City of ,Prior ' Lake met in regul aess�ign,
Oatober21 1
t:ae • 974 at 7230 P.M, in the Council Chambers. Meyor�Siock called
3' ing ao order. Present were_Mayor Stock,, Councilmen�*susae, Oakes,
Wat , Williams. Administratorf11104 t ' X Sullivan 'andgineer
= The first item on'the agenda raa a Public H,,
earing for the purpose of
vacating certain streets. Mayor Stock read the notice of hearing, then
turned the meetng to Mr.,Sullvan.
'(3) �o
ryI11NNlES of -the proceedings ofcthe Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Cougty of Scott and State of ,
-,� t -
Miaresota,=including all accounts audited by said Council.
Mr. Sulli ex the relocating of the road easement on Fairlawn
Shores Road._ There being no =objections a,motion was,made - by Watkins to
vacate and,,relocate that portion of Fairlawn Shores Road (abutting lots.
11 thro4i.,19)r_ seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr. Sullivan explained the vacating of.a"\\portion of Breespr Point Road.
There being no objections a motion was made by Busse to vacate that portion
of Breezy Point Road (abutting the South sitde of loss ,,43,• U 45, 46, and
47) seconded <by WatUns and upon a vote Qk it was .duly :passed.
Mr. Sullivan explained the vacating and rel �atialg of the Road in Maple
Park Share Acres. There were considerable (JULstions on this matter. The
Public Hearing on this Road .was continued, until November 4, 1974 at 7 :30
The following corrections were noted in the Minuses for previous month.
Page 7, 2nd Para., last, sentence — vote was misspelled. Page 9, W. Para.,
2nd sentence should read Non site. inspection ". Motion was'" made by Watkins
to approve thof minutes as con wed, seconded by Busse and - u: a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the bills previously approved by the
Finance Committee, seconded by Williams and . upon a vote take it was duly
Ik Ray °Callaway wag_ present and objected to his °street , sewer and water
aasssays Notion was made by Busse that Mr. Cal ay be assessed for
150 feet time approximately $6.40 for the street aasesaine'At, seconded by
WatK= and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Notion was made by Watkins to reaffirm the Council Pol cy,which states
that all parcels in an R.L.S. will be assessed, and to reaffirm Mr,
a a
Callearay,a assessment, seconded by Williams and upon a taken it was
'duly passed. Mr. Oakes abstained.',
a , .
Mr. Frank ftelken rep resenting , � Mr. Pit z1 was present in regards to his
serer and water assessment on lots 29, 30,, 31 32 ind 33 of Red Oaks.
Motion nwaa made by Oakes to assess lots 29 and 30 of Red Oaks from,
a '
footage and acreage, seconded by Watkins and 'upon a vote taken it was
'` -,
duly passed.
Motion was -made 'by Oakss that lots 34 329' and 33 of Red Oaks' be
considered'' ,'if biddable they will be aiseased;.aeconded by
Williams` and upon ,a vote taken it' was dilly passed. Mr. 'Watkins will
qe ermine these lots are buildable.
Notion: we- made by Watkins to extend the due date, for Mr.,Pit$lts water
and sewer assessment until October 3 1974, seconded by Williams and upon
a vote taken # duly passed.
Mr. Larry Nicholson 'was present and asked, for a clarification of his
K assessumats.
Notion.was made by Oakes Mr. Nicholsonls current
° shall
as . , b :' • 150 f e plug 10 :feet around the . corner,, times"
22,00 per foot, for a total of 3520.00. ° The acreage charge x.,1.20
acres times $725.00 per acre. The remaining front footage will be
deferred until,: the lot, is•,sub- divided or another house` i$ `built on it.
�aconded,bY watkine &rid upon a vote tfikken it was duly passed.
'Mr. Stan. Duntroody`waa .present axdr objected to his `water and* sewer
assessment. Motion by Oakes that ' his assesaruent for lot B remain
the same, and the as essment for.lot A should be for 2.88`acres,, and 150
front feet, rather than 300 front feet, seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed. n
Mr. Sco Knox present in'regarda to Gateway Shores Hard Shell,
Motion made by Williams that at the time of a liard . ihell all, park
dedication fees are dua seconded ,by Watkins and upon vote taken the
following voted in favor,`Stock, Watkins, W illiams and Busse. Opposfsd
Oakee�: Motion Carried,
The Park fee for Gateway Shores is $2000.00.
(4) =
MINUTIS of the Proeeedinas'of the Villago Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by =said Council.
Motion was made by Watkins,to approve the protective covenants for Gateway
ti µ, Shores, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it xas., dul3r'passed.
Motion was made by Oakes that Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block l; Lot 4 - , Block 2;
Lot 5 Block 3 Lots 8i 9 10, 11 12 13, 14 15 16, Block 4 (a total
of t� lots) be allowed far °sale and construction aow, - and that the remaining
lots be restricted until the Council and developer agree on internal storm'
sewer, sanitary sewer, water and roads seconded by Busse and 'upon & vote
i `
taken t was duly passed.
Mr. Ron Buckeye was present in regards to his assessments on Lot J and the
South of R.L.S. 1 20 feet of Lot G.' Motion'was made by Busse to reaffirm
Council Policy to assess all Lots in an R.L.S. and to reaffirm Mr. Buckeyets
assessment, upon a vote taken the following voted in favor Stock, Watkins,
Busse and Williams. Oakes abstained. _So Moved.
fa t.l
F Mr. Frank °Muelken representing Mr. Jerry Schmidtnick requested direction on„
how to get their street blacktopped.
Mayor Stock asked him to obtain a
petition for street improvemits an d to have the pr"operty`�owners „ sign. it.
Mr. Ken Lillyblad requested that the road in front 'Of his house put back
in the same place it was prior to sewer and water constructiono, Mr. Busse
and 'Mr. H all.ing will meet with Mr. Ullyblad on this matter.
Mr., Gerald Johnson was „
present in regards to the North, 50 feet „of Lot D.
Maplewood Townsite that he owns... Motion was made by Oakes that the sewer
and water assessment for Lot D be removed from Mr. Johnsonra name -and
reassigned to the fee owner, Mr. i
Yyichael Broderick, - if this „agrees with the
Auditor *s records. Seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly
Mr. Vic Spironellos current front, footage assessment'. is 150 feet, in Haves
2nd Lake Addition.!
Motion was made by Oakes that ownership be determined for Lots 34 35
and 37' of`Red Oaks , and that it be determined',if they are buildable Iota,. ,
d -- passed.
angl_assessed accordingly, seconded by Watkins -and upon. a vote taken it was
4btion was made Oakes that the `
by question of elevation poses no problem
(app= .,450 feet) r on iisl� run for the sewer hookup
, .request review the mandato
sewer hooka '
p requirement ten months from no If;his individual, sewer system
needs repair in this interim Period,�it will be brought to .the'Counc3lrs
j ; attention for possible - action, seconded by an_dP a vote taken it
dul passed. W� was
I ”
Motion * xas. , made by Oakes that Shore
Oaka.`drainage proposal be
accepted and filed in,the Administrators Office. In addition to that
the 1st Add�n to`North Shore Oaks ;= Lot 8 as well as Lots _b t that they
f be filled ao ; rthat the storm water drainage of these three lots as well as
the Bergenbrink property be directed to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, and
that Lots 6 and g, and the Bergenbrink property be leftwith,a suitable top
soil for seeding.. If the- vite'storm sewer; installation proves inadequate
or inoperative, the city declares no responsibility.. Lot 7 should be filled
to thetextent having no adverse offect,on Lots 6 and 8 The above is
Predicated on an those owners abutting the private "storm sewer agreeing to
sanitary sewer and water on the street side of "their lots. Seconded by
Williams.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
1Ex..�* S t Motion was made =by Oakes that the property ad3acent to North Shore Oaks,
" . controlled by Almac, Inc., shall have no changes in the water way, until
acr that property is, developed, and at that time the storm water shall be
disposed of the Almac property, sec
ed by Busse and upon a vote taken
it was du3*,(passed.
The Police was accepted and approval.
The Fire Report was accepted and approved.
:MINUTES of th'Freeeodissgs of the Village Council of the Village of Prier Lake in the County o�Scott =and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was,made b Watkins t
Y .amend.
the Zoning Ordinance (73- 14)from B-1
Community'Business to B-1 Limited Business, as recommended by the Planning
Commission, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote'taken it xas.d �Y passed c
' . ,
Motion was made by Oakes`to "ext �m ":
end the contract completion date for Pro3ect
72 - = phase 2 to October 31 197.E (Baibarossa) and to assess liquidated
damages aftixr that time, seconded by Watkins_and u
duly passed. P :a 'vote taken it was
f ♦ ,
otion was made by Oakes to extend the contract completion date For Project
74� and 742.,2 to October 31, 1974 (Lametti), and'lo assess li
es after that time, seconded by Watkins and a gated
my passed.= ,P,a vote taken it was
Lion was made by Oakes�'to extend the contract completion
dat a for Project
to Octo ber 31,'1974 (Marsgo), and to assess liquidated
hat time se b y "' Watkins and upon n a vote taken it i
, ., . � I
otion was made by Busse to extend the contract' completion date. for Projects �
4 - 6 `9 10, and 14 to .October 3i, '3;974 seconded by W illiams and upon 'a,
to taken it was duly passed. s
ion was made by Oakes direct that
ors l Pa uette az�d a letter be, >sent to Peters, McW
ftr► y • q Benson, 3n regard to the storm save
r,,on Maetxood >Dr.
cooperation with the Spring pring Lake - Prior Lake Water Shed DiArict,
po tion has been made of th- , water on the Benson and Beutler property
ontingent on Mr, n b
Benson f
., co r - . - Be � �� an adequate culvert for a future roadway
YMpertY in R.L.S. 2y and. that a rough cut'uf
PP�'oximatel3r one footnbe made in the Beutler driveway``for, .about 50 feet, y
e existing gravel s`to be previously removed. The f
vexay and the replacement of the a responsibility ib the
.Beutler. A gravel is to be the responsibility of ,
portion of removed fill will be. used to Flare the a
veiny kat its,; entrance under the supervision of the Gt � a
his inatallition there will be no assessment.` Should this diaeer. For
_ position of
aurt'ace water Prove inadequate, the cost of future disposition will be
` aaaeaaed.to about benefited,`
r I property owners, seconded by Watkins and
a i►ote taken it duly passed. F
i ion xae ° made.by Oakes authorising the Engineer to do a,pria n a y x
on storm drainege in Oakridge Court seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken it.irae duly pealed. i,
ion-was No
iad additi P extend the storn drainage ,pipe try Don Brown's
4 at an approximate' to „al cost of $ 1 # 000.00;
f which Mr. Brown agreed.to pay 4250.00 seconded
3 =vote Makin ,it was duly passed ` ' t?
a Y �W ams ar_d upon
ion was made,byt Oakes to have the C.M.S.P P
.. Railroad install. they +,
..h timbers at the bleat Street'creasing -at their expense and tkt 6 z'
hey ,ao,,within the next five working days, and that the City xiLi do `
he ..paving it their own expense seconded-rby Watkins and u '
was a ,po a vote taken
Lily. Passed. °. �
# .. r�
ion' as made by Oakes statingthat
r the Prior Lake Baptist church can
u to municipal sewer, after signing a waiver of public bearing. The
ct sewer asisesament� will be determined at a later ,date, and municipal >
ater dill. not be
po"ovided at this time, second
it ad by Stock and upon ,a vote
# ,was duly passed. .
ion was made by Oakes to defer the front footage assessment on Outlot A�
�I►at+K`,! illcMa 3rd Addition,, and to assess the acreage not+, seconded by Watkins and
O a vote taken "it Was duly passed:
was made b a
Y'Oakea that to the extent that the water main in the
inity of Hillcrest Circle and
Iyons Ave. is`leaa than seven feet below
e finish grade,. ;that'it be corrected in 19'x4, and that the cost of
orrecting this deficiency be assigned to the
oak and upon a vote taken it was d my passed., seconded by
,., s recommended �
• Oaks that the above cost be borne 2 b
Schweich, 25% by the 59� by Lawrence
Engineer and
. • 5096. by the Contractor (Marsgo).