HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 12 1974G MINUTES of the Procoodings of the Vil:age Council it the Ville of Prier lake in the County of Scott and State. of Mianosotd, including all accounts audited bysaid Council. November 12. 1974 + The Common Council of the City. of Prior Lake met in regular session at ? t30 P.M. November,l2; 1974 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present 'were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Israelson and Attorney Sullivan. The'following corrections were noted in the Minutes for November 4, 19743 Page one, sixth paragraph; last, sentence, should read it will be denied and he will be asked to show P e oriel ninth ag ► P 'a&'aph, ( should read - , determination of suitable change in grade and lateral location of driveway. Page one', tenth paragraph, third sentence', should read Counc Busse was 'authorized to add one toot of gray., to east side of road and City crew to del 6rk. Last sentence was deleted. Page one eleventh paragraph, last sentence "shoulid read - Mayor Stock stated'49 the request for,Conditional Use Permit -is not approved by. the Planning; f)ommision, foundation to be removed. Page two, .=first paragraph start, i iK <> -he second sentence, should read 7. Councilman Oakes stated that t(1) low pint bo the4ervice road beyond - Robelli driveway to the Southeast and: ii; two'�`eet lower than:his driveway. (2) Exit ^be provided that any :car can have' 1 reasonable access and (3) That a crown be established from the crown of the hill xe that g one -half of road drainage appears on lakeside down to driveway. (! ;%`Roadway in .number three above to be designed for 6/10- rainfal]. (5) The cost of a catch basin would be approximate,- $500. (6) Temporary "diversion be made across Mr. Robells; driveway. lotion was (Z- made by Watkins to approve Minutes as corrected, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. s ` Mr. Helmon3on and Mr. Lilti lad were presentlin to Lakeside Road. Councilman`Dusse explained what will be done to the road Engineer Israelson reviewed sewer and water projects. u Motion was made, by Oakes that Minnesota Valley Surfacing liquated damages not be called down as of this date and extension be November 22 1974 provided that th ey - kork six (6) ftS days, a week. Secon by Catkins , and upon awota taken it was duly.passed. Mayor Stock requested that Engineer Israelson have a rson pe .person talk with owner of,Marago on situation of finishing water arxi. sewer pioJects and report on this at next meeting. kr. Lawrence Schweich was present to give his Views in regard to storm sewer project by his house. Councilman Watkins recommended that Israelson clarify Mr. Schweich's assessment.. Engineer Israe ono review situation and report his findings to'ICouncilo Mr. D. L. Torell, Lot; Ingnadona Beach, was present representing Mr. Johnson on. assessments. Motion was made by ,:Watkins that the City ° Follow it U ' normal assessment policy on thib property. Seconded by Busse and upon a Note taken it was duly passed: Councilman. Oakes to check and see if he was` notified before 3,9 day period was up, if possible one years interest to be " deferred. ,. a Engineer Israelson • expla Project PL '75 -2'�, Boud ns' Manor, water acid l �sewer ps'oject, and cost. Motion was..made by Watkins hold Public Hearing ; on Project PL 755-2 Manor, on December , 1974, 7 :30 P.M. and tc` approve . PM13mUWY plans as amended. Seconded by W ill isms and upon a vote eak6n it was `du]y passed._ Engineer Israelso'n explained Sunfish Bay Area, Sewer and water. r i/k' Project and cost. Motion was atade: by Watkins to tab,' Sunfish B r "Area,-.,Sewer , and Water 2 75t , forftiirther di cussiori. Seconded' y Williams and upon a vL�e' taken it ly was du passed. ry ,{ It was recommended by. kgizieer sra'elson to hold Candy , Cove P3v ng until . nexe with other paving projects. �f , Council reaffirmed policy to replace to�4their`'orig ° condition,' prior to apnstrwetion y ; . # �V *..„# S `'eFY,M±�Ma'f`?'.s Y<t °'4a �• soh, `` 1 Q U $ MINUM of the Proceedings of .the Villege Council of the Village of-Prior take in the Count'): of Stott and State of Mianesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mrs. Marlis Bluedorn was present and asked that Engineer Israelson`explain ' to the Council a`pipe being put in by Bennetts that wasn't there before. Engineer Israelson.expiained the situation to z the Council. Mrs. Bluedorn III asked about a written petition for storm sewer in her area." Mayor Stock to check on this and report to Mrs. Bluedorn.`' Administrator McGuire presented Labor Agreement. This was tabled until next meeting. _ r � e ` Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Ordinance 74 -14 (Hardship Cases — Policy r Guidelines:), seconded by Watkins and upon a vote 'taken it was duly passed„ Assessment Policy was tabled until next - meeting. s , Formal Agreement Guidelines, Between City and 'Engineer was tabled until "meeting. next a _ Mayor Stock - presented � S pecifications,for Snow Plowing Bids for change and �Y discussion an�i was tabled until next meeting. „ Councilman Busse reported on Pike :Lake Road by Mr. Bates drivew A° t� ay. r �A�or Stock requested that the City send a letter to Mr. Bates stating that -!we $ cannot undertake road Project because of lateness of notification and the time of year. ,Mr. Bates should notify us `spring , next about project:+ Mayon Stock reported on Public Hearing for Signal on Highway 13 Motion was mada,by Watkins to, adopt resolution-.on Highway 13 Signal, seconded by ` Williams and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed. , Mayor Stock`'r,.ead a letter from Denny cWilliams re Y . regarding read paving. ' Councilman Busse is,to_ research and report back to Council at next meeting, n Mayor Stock. read a letter from James Lynch requesting to extend.4his sewer and water, hookup until nex*, staring. A letter to be sent to`Mr. `lynch ; stating Cou�nwil policy he must be hooked up,to water and sewer ..' within one year of the Assessment Hearing. Mayor Stock read a letter from Minnesota Valley Surveyors regarding e .Mr. Kopp�s request on drainage. This was tabled forfurther discussion at next meeting.. Motion was made be Williams to authorize the Park Boardts recommendation to. the low bidder for grading of Willows and Boudins Manor Parks.," Seconded by Qakea and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed. i c Motion was made by Stock to authorize the Mayor and Administrator to ' sign Firat National Bank of St. Paul, agreement. Seconded by Oakes and u upon a vote taken .it, was duly passed.' (1 ' The following �ls were approved` and paid fr{ %'the month of October: $ CAL FIJAiBs' �:+ State Treasurer =� PEHA I 6:46.52: ' ' Maddens Extinguishers Extin&Uhers 40.00 = ' « Lawrence Schweich Library Rental ' 300.00 k Commissioner of 'Personnel Social Security 1'424.07 Prior Law ,State Bank Federal Deposit 1 , Comm. ofd Revenue State Tax 1 Petty Cash Petty Cash :793.57 r ( Dick Powell 50.00 Salary 394.97 . Dale Meihak ., Salary 398.20 St eve Schmidt :, Sal4r �y 326.30 t Dennis <Leff' � Salary 327.30 t; LeRoy Rabenort Salary 303.50 Eugene Smith T Salary 2i65.50 Joe VanDer;9oom p Salary 274.40 Raymond Johnson v Salary ," 354:60 $ r Elmei�� Busse Salary 303.28 , i , U _ P jy Klughury Police Service 15.00< Dale Meihak,, Seminar 50.00, Be H.:Newstrom. Building Inspections 300.00' Francis Doyle Misc. 20.00 Naddeass fttinguishers Misc. s Jordan Inds 55.70, Independent ;Police Supplies " 39.50 Bankers Life Hospital Insurance 4. 570.63 CAndrNew�a. S 8 ,. 4fice Supplies 8.37 Attorney Fees 3,115.34' 1 m. Natural Gas; D- ilities 12.13 Peppers; Pisa ha Eerkow S , a - 100.00 rry Dick Powell Salary 394.97 Dale Meihak1 ),Salary Salary Steve Schmidt Sslsry 398.20," Dennis Leff 334 :33540 ` Eg with `' S� Salary 212.00 Joe,Van Den Boom 7!4.00 3 i 285090 Ray Johnson salary 354.60 Elmer sse Bo ary Mike McGui 303.28 ' ;re alary S 367.22 Salary Shirlene Craig d Bill Sullivan Salary 154.37 :, II Judy Jepson Salary 143.09 Ilk O p 1 y T , I t MINUTES of the Proc edings, of the Village Council of the Villaeo of Prior Cake In the,CouRty of Scott and Stall of Mienesota, including a all accounts audited by said Council. � t GENERAL FUND ( Continued) : ! z ' r Larry " Kerkow Salary 316.44 �y M Mike McGuire S Salary 3 ,> B Bernice Pavek S Salary 1 118.15 ' B Bill1Suulliva S Salary 1 154.37 ' S Johnson: _ _ S 6- 30 t L State Building C Sur Charge 3 360.50 Local Union 320 U Union, Dues 4 42.50 ,Elea. Service Co N New Siren 1 12,793 ° Don Busse C Councilman's Pay 6 90 00 ° Jac Watk C Counc man Is Pay oo s J Councilman's Pay 6 60.00 f L Lake Auto . .Car Allowance „ „ 35.00 � � J Standard Oil Diva G Gas and Oil 6 1.78. Scott County Sheriff R Radio Maint. 5 53.25 x x Scott=Rice Telephone T Telephone y y20.14 NSP Utilities 6 690.42 Gene's Intercity oil A Auto' Repair ` 1 148.58 .' D D.I.S. I Insurance, 2 2,346.00 Supplies " O Office Supplies / /t `3 S Sun Newspapers, Inc. P Printing and Publish 6 Chapin,Publ.shing; P Printing and Publish 4 40,08 Minn. Valley Elec. U Utilities 5.50 Suel Business Equip. O Office Supplies 5 Brooksville Imports o office Supplies 1 15.98 R. L. ;Goulds & Co., Inc. D Dutch Elm 48 S.C.M. 4 Office Supplies 1 15540 - Scott County Sheriff P ,Dog- C ],35.00 <Prior hake American - and ,Publishing _ _ 280.53 Midwest Veterinary Supplies D Dog Tags, 1 16.50 Kerr -McGee Corp. A Aut6 Re = =° ' Walter We Christenson P Police Service 3 30.00 ' Steve Schmidt P Police Service 1 15.00 Rayfield Robinson P Police Service 1 15.00 Richard 14.00 MINtITlI; of the lneoedings of the Village Council oCtho Village of `lot Lake in the Cousi of Scott and Sato of ,. ;, Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by sold Council. c s GENERAL FUND (Continued)s 101 Bernice Pavek ;I Melanie Johnson Salary < _ 1 54.31 =' , y Bernice Pavek ` Travel and Lunch 42.00 7.40 E4ir Canning Forms Placing Ass. on, Rolls ,Rolls Police Supplies , 64.00 , Minn. Dept. of p&lic Safety License Plates 37.25 6.50 Car jrrKerkow Overtime P ReyiJohnson 83. 64 ii I� Trans. er to Street fluid Overtime Pay y „. 103. Flirn3ture �?ouse Check (Bouncer) 19000.00 TOTAL WA-AT �FUND: Commissioner of Revenue Standard 031 Div. Sales Tax P z76•52 'k NSP Lyon Chem. Co Fuel Utilities 51.12 I y NSP Chemicals: Utilities 91.00 198.27 , Minn. Natural Gas J Computer Services, Inc. Utilities Water Bi ling Expense ' . 5.33 L water 'Prod. Co. Suburban Plumbing..Sup. Meters Repairs 115.9 31345.89 Am. Water Works Assoc. hydrants & Repairs M3 c. 89.20 j Transfer; to Sealer Fund : Transfer to Sever Fund 25.00 6vestment Co. Inc. TOTAL toad Check< 30,000.00 �FUNDt Metro cSever Board Wo G. Pearson,P.L. Agg r Sewer Avail. Sand' 10;989.00 Prior Lake Agg, Inc. " Oil Div. ` Land Acq. Gas & oil - 10000000 000.00 46; 51.12 ".: L NSP ft� Am. Nat l Bann tr Trust '" Utilities Bond Payment , 81.64 NSF: 4047.59 Metro Sewer Board ' Utilities Metro in;�alme nt 390 60.21 `, 4 �. "'teal Valley fig. CO. Inc .: r Viking Prod" Inc �' "" �� Equipment :157.50 x t •, P, Minn. Nat l Gas Co. Suburban ; Sewer, Sere Repairs oil `\ 348 .75 • 273.06 1 ^ Earl Pe per e, E. Pepper Sewer Damage 25.00 k Mike Reuse e` : Investment CIO Inc. Carpet Cleaning, Peppers 01.98 .,' TOTAL Bad Check r 1 Standar d Oil DIV. a F & .flit 59. 64 1 Scott Co. Sheriff CC'. mm Div. Scott,- Rice.Tel phone Radio Maint. - , 10840 Fx v� t Yi' c'.. � t _ i.^vU� c P. 7 -�-;tl_ Station Telephone U tilities ],37.' 0 24. x Gopher P Jae fi Did `y'�- t �� �Pment i rqui'�- Repairs 23 65 54.45 NSP Mobile Radio " Eng., Inept ,Utilities Repairs 89.75 0 fi, TOTAL STIOET F=t Lake Auto SuPP4 Equipment, Repairs 55.53 St,antlard Div. Bohralack Hennen oil Gas and �� 51.12 ' Wm. Muieller Sons ` �'a8 Bituminous Mix �� 256. 171.00; Q Wll' 01 N4'M'+I 3 a41.1V'23: y .,E , "+S A. y Y G✓+F cd! 'NiaZetr ' POO 'I \ ( t '. R i ^n llwxtk j, yy t 4 �E . o �' "\ Fib , 4 „ " 111 > - P, T MINYTIS'. of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villa pe,of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of .. Mi�nesola,,including all aecounts'audited by said Council: . ; t r EAGLE MUM WdS FUND (Continued) G 9- A- Sullivan Legal Fees 2,4Q6.50 Minn.. Valley Elec. Utilities 2.00 TOTAL 2 23 ; i. W s !lotion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse d and u a: a -, pon vote taken this meeting we" adjourned at 11 :20 P,M. Michael A. McGuire, Administrator t /e t U * t R 1' i i , r J p IJ t r n, Y c ., 1 �r i f ,v R i it I ,_ �. 1. L, .. V _ • ylY t � It .. . - - t u J. .