HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 02 1974.,
liquidated damages and stated, his reasons. Motion was made by - Oakes that the difference
between amount retained ($150.00) and amount paid for eleanu
c ; p ($112.00) be paid b
Mr. Shank, seconded by Watkins and upon c vote taken it, wa
made by Oakes to reduce Iiquidated damages on Pe m s duly posstd, Motion was
t phouse Project from $240.00 to
: .$120.00, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly: passed.
Mayor Stock requested that Mr, Jim Peterson replace selector knob Civil Defense
Siren. ,
Mr. Don Johnston of the Prior Lake Nursery was pre in rega, d, l Motion was made by Oakes to amend Easement Policy for 'bP�b s'
pricenof $15,00 a,.planting cost not to exceed $10.00, nex a The. unit price of 6d 4 to u u and
Planting cost of $' 0.00 for replacing trees to be'- included in every easement. Seconded .
by;Busse• and -mpon a vote;takers fallowing voted in favor: MayorSto�.k,' Councilmen
° Busse, - Oakes, Watiins.,ti Councilman Williams voted against, � Motion carried.
was made by Oakes that the avera Mohan
ge cost per tree be $15.00 -plus $10.00 for planting,'
V if ret owner des� less bees
WC t but bigger bees; take the average ,east into
x, 4ronsideration. ' Seconded by Busse and uPon, a vote taken it was duly passed. Mrs
Johnston stated that he is qualified to,.wark with Dutch Elm. disease.
Mr, Julius T 4
adevich of North Shore Oaks was p resent
present inrregocd to drainage ditch.
Councilman Watkins to check on .this and to report to ,_Mr. Tadevich.
Councilman Watkins stated there is a Public Hearing Thursday rsday December 6, 1974,
Councilman Williams, stated, there" I a Park Board Meeting on Tuesday December 10, 1974.
Admiw tratorMcGvire explained the Delta Dental
Package plan.,for Police Labor'
Agreement. Motion was made Watkins that $15.00 °per month, per :empk >yee, for
Dental, Plan be 'included in Police Labor Agreement and the same cow
rage for all
Cit Persannehrelotive to their insurance V° other
talon it was duly passed,. Dockage, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
Motion was made by Watkins to approve Ppro the Police Labor Agreement in, its entirety,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote - taken it was dui
y passed
Administrator McGuire requested that 1094 of interest earned on funds be put ,into
General Fund. Motion WOC_hiade by Oakes that 5% o f the interest earned from all funds,
except etcrow, be retained by 04 City Administrator for.the. General, Fund. Seconded >
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed.
Council reviewed Cons
truc ±ion Project Review dated December 2, 1974.
MINUTES Of the hoeeodinQs of the Vigago Council of the Village of
Pr Loke is the County of Scott ond'SSaM of
Minnesota, including oil account: audited by said Council.
.' D
December 2, 1974
' T
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 F.M.
Stock called the meeting to
order, ,Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Crakes, Watkins, Williams,
ry _
Attorney Suliivan,_and Engineer lsraelson.
The following corrections were. noted in the Minutes for November 25, 1974: PQge one,
Paragraph one - add Councilman Williams as. p
'r I
present. P
add -
should b
I b
corrected, seconded
Mr. Lyle Shank and Mr. Jim Peterson ware present in regard to clew
liquidated damages on Pumphouse P Peterson f
felt there should not
' MINUM of the proceedings of tha Villeoo Council of the Villapo of Prior Lake in the County of Scoff and S
Mienosoto, including all accounts audited by said Council.,-
Motion was made by Oakes that Pro ject 73-6 Water Main be turned on for service this
fall, be retested next spring, and subject to satisfactory pressure tests be completed' by,
. ' July 1, .1975. Seconded by Watk and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. f7%;
Engineer reviewed Harold Gustafson
problem, Mr. Gustafson stated that 2 x 2's `
were not there when they began Wdig. After much discussion by Council, Engineer
and Mr. Gustafson a motion was made by Oakes
to table matter until letter from
Lametti`is received. Seconded-by Busse and upon ;a vote taken it'was dul
Engineer., lsraelson to .contact Lametti about letter and Administrator McGuire to
contact Mr.. Gustafson if letter not received by next Council Meeting,
Joe Witney Wes I Skeet Water and Sewer costs tabled unti)
M next Council Meeting,
r`. Whney.was ' sent in regard to how i
property in Boudins Manor to be assessed
6 water and , sewer, L Assessment Po was expluined by.Councit.
Motion � 1
Nas made by Oakes that City will lower manholes or, Trunk Highway 13,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motiok,was made by Oakes for the City to acceptA) Stiener's internal sanitary sewer
and' wafer in Ockridge Court seconded b Watkins and o .passed, Y upon a vote taken it was duly
The matter of su fake drainage on Al Stisner `
until next r„ouncil Meeting for further data from En�neer 8 r I 'C ourt Stock" req
Wiled n f a
the 'Engineer.to contact Mr. Stiener after he has- his Ito "to- see if M r, Stienerehas
a plan for resolving the storm water problem, if hay -does what is it, if he doesn't it
should be ;pointed out to him that according to our subdivision ordinance that this
type of thing will have to be available and you can give him your Mst data. "
Internal Easement Policy, Manual tabled until next
Council Meeting. k '
Assessrnenr'Manual give to Council by`Councilman Oakes.for review and'tabled until k
xwxt Council Meeting
Councilman Ocikes commented and made recommendation
Plara. H s on Metro Interceptor
is <re oomererKlotioru will °be.odo
plied by referonce at later date �. Motion
was made by Oakes that the Plan be a �.
a. ini meetin Proued,wbject b items ro be brought up in „
ng with MSS and the"'
Prior City Council, these items to be Prepared
r in art agreenrenf with the City Engineer and Sewer End
d Water Commiuionar; Kopps drainage, ditch toabe .included in Metro Interceptars Plan, Seconded �y Stock ana upon r .
a vote taken it was dul passed , r
06yor Stock stated th Mrs._ Bluedorn is not sotr�fisd with the settlement for Bean
regard to dam
Field in age to the land, Motion wa`s�made by Oakes directing
Engineer Isroel3on to instruct the Contract" o stockpile top soil for Moves 'Sevier ;.
F easegtent along road for distribution next spring, Stockpiling to he done at the
Contractor s- expense .. Seconded- 6 Williams and
passed. Y Upon a vote taken it was duly
Lot 7 Worth Shore Oaks, Building Permit may not be-a�
< on the house just South of Tadevich my a not be made until there otisfa) inspect -:
the part of Hoffman and Dahigren, , ' ctfon on
Councilman Oakes stated that the people of Lords and Martinson Islands requested
a meeting with ,Council on sewer and water and,"600c &'n"t 9f s bold' e on
'. thsr.,►oadway
tioinly: to these two islands. Councilman Oakes recommended, a meeting when t1,\ere
is more development an Metro Interceptor Plans.
Councilman Oakes presented Standard Formal A'
Weement between Owner and
Engineer for Professional Services for haview by Council. To be reviewed f%irther
by Council at future meeting. '
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