HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 16 1974MINUTIS of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Viii4e of Pr d State of ior Lake in the County of Scott an Minnesota, including all ociounts audhed by **W Council. December 16, 1974 The Common Council of -the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 1,00 P.M. December 16, 1974 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock,called'the 'i mpeting to, 'order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Ookes, 'Watkins, � WjOliams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Schindel, and Attorney Sullivan. MayouStock read a 'postcard received from Green Heights'area' abo udogs running u loose in packs. Mayor Stock- requested that the City publish on article on A* ffont page of the paper giving the dog catchers telephone number and name. Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of December 9, 1974, seconded 'by Busse and, upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Busse to approve the,invoices previously qppro"d by the, Finance Committee, seconded, by Williams and-upon a vote taken it was dulyr passed. Mayor Stock Food a- letter to Al Steiner about refilling some of his lots with dirt that was removed. . Motion was made by Wil I iams to adopt letter as attachment to Minutes, seconded by� Watkin s and upon, a vote taken it duly possed 1W= Mr. Elman Umley presented a-hordshell of a replat of Lot.8, Block 2, kakeside Manor Second Addition. Mot;on was made by Watkins to table4ardshell andlt'is to-be reexamineW bj the Planning Commission. Seconded by Williams, andupon a vote take the follow inb voted favor: Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse- Watkins, - and Wlllloms,�' Councilm an Oakes voted against because of the form of the Motion.. May' or Stock and read Show Plowing and Snow Removal Bids from Lbwrtincc., Schweich and Bohnsac'k and Hannan. Mayor Stock accepted the bldr�lor review by Councilman Usse and he is to report back at the December 23, 1074 Council Meeting at time Plowing and Snow Removal Contract will be awarded. Mayor Stock called a. recess. � Stock led the Publ ic- Hearing. - PL 75�4 to order.. Mayor Stock, raw *0 S- PublieNotic Councilmaftlusse chaired the meeting. !,Councilman Bum explained the reason for the Public Hearinq Engiheor explainetthe paving and�stonrn sewe Engineer Qureshi'*Xplajned, the cost of the paving and storm sewer project. Councilman WiNiat i asked for questions from the floor. Mr. Harley Swenson, Co. Rd. 42, West of Shady Beach Rbadi, asked what the clear streot-meafitaKthe,map.4 Councilman Busie �*xplainod th6vthese roods were 'already poved:and would be repayod-after iowerand. water �installation was complete. Mr;, Joe Corne Contoys4ay. wonted to know-if.an easement vim to be given to the City. for the rc;o& Mayor Slock*xplained the ownemof-the pro party, d'be 'contacted 40 easements. Mr. Corne felt road should be-povodi. Mr.J6 Whitney was presenton behalf of several neighbors, who wanted to know,if the plans could� be changed to stop the road dt'Lots 3 4 with a turnaround that* arW the wtto,remain priivatd. Council stated lt�wajld.consider terminatI69 tho road at, Lob 3 or 4 wiWa turnardund and the irest- to remain private.. Mr� jack Hurley, Shady Beadh Ro6d,,weintediokhow MShody Beach Road w , III be rtpov*d *ith blacktop. The Council stated.if would be. V . MINUTES of the f+roceedi of the Council ef"'tho Villaoo of Trier Loki in th* Cevnry of Soon and $1e/e °ef Mtenoseto ineludlYw ell accounts audited by sold council, ; Mr. Richard Rogers, Boudins would be replaced in BoudnsMa�r, was Present asking if streets fencing and shrubs explained everyth * ono- after $,ewer and water installation, The Council • ing. would be replaced:. (7 ", Mr. Einar'Duoos, North End Seven Acres blacktopped and should be ke' t Road, did not think his road should be P pr i.vote because it is a dead end" rood. Mr. Bob Pe -son, Waters �" teed District, vranted tjo know why the Ci was storm- se�rers Council explained the tY Putting in„ reos oT;" they arq installin storm sewers. Mr..lohn Trulson; Boud ins Manor, 'stated he was against stonm sewers. n � Rogers Mss. O'eanor rs �J ge was agoir-st storm $,ewers because there is natural drainage. . a Mrs. Drina Gros la r,. k gs -was, against storm sewers because there is natural drainage r i sawersi:u�venfrY, 'Oakland Beach, was against making his road public an storm des;, z M e- Lawrence Schweich affed he was not, notified of the meeting on December 5 1974. NI • ayor"Stock s a od that all that is required by State Statue is a �- �+blrc.noti.A,/Nr, Schvwich.wanitd,tcr meet.with somebod Published I ' M convenience to discuss the im yon the Council at �Mr. Schweichstated ho, Provemenh being done on his property. r has written a now. in Prior Lake and wont jireemenh with Savage on "property that is o. the Prior Lake City Council to get this infiormation. Mr. ,. Horle S ,. Y nson was against the. :oast of the $tor 'sewers. we , <: ; 4 Mr c `flurleY.was apoirtst storm `sfwgrs running into the l ke Q °N the cost of the stor,n sewers pnd;" , but not j Paving. He would l�ke,to see somgthin ' b else ` out :besides;running the stoma sewer into the lake "but .-auld not of g any suggestions. _ for Motion was mode by 4 akes"`that'the, cost ofYthe sto►m.sewer \ r+ 6o Tabled until. the Engineerhos hadsan o p�+tiorrof this those portions - which will be removed on Pportumty o. restate them in terns of \ �.Wateished drains dis Private roads remaining Private; and that :. N trick be done in'aceordance with the Cauncil - Policy. Seoorded by Watkins and up* Pon e 'a s :`takn. t was dui � << � Y Passed . f" 1 Motion wWriwdi by: Will. errs of Oakland Beach, Sewn Acres the paying project deleting the areas ores, and the portion of Boudin:.Manor Second Addition w 1. tow here 4 411 , note at.Lots 1ar:4• ,Seconded ;by Busse and u ,. if was duly Passed. " Pon, :a vats taken Mayor Stock r n fld' burned the Public Hearing. Mayor Stock d calle the Regular Coon .r cil Meeting to order. A%tipn , s s „ � ,mciele by, Watkins to "occePt” the Police Deporirrtent Re pan rote taken' j.twas -duly, posred : .Port,, eor>nded by t Mayor Stock stated that the • fired t* IRS is Proposing. that fire 1 have with fiorri their cheeks.. M Pero ar` "i�aing - 10 be of MinnIkOto Municipality .and.moM of Fire I Sack felt and tha'League the Firemen are s�+ewhat unique and different fi+o�rtm�nts an supporting lt, that i Police and fulltime Fire f Dtirrent: :arid that the maiorityof them- in M mnesota t rs woluntee�r. Thy mane Y hat is l,6 10 Paid-them for their ` servroi is be, � cb*8 l,6 10, Paid-them bst,�f :cleanl�.biils„ et "i,d � �jj `for rn time, the Y have put - in the /-vice. Y me that withholdi so there fore. they, art defirliA)yare opposing the ng from their pay checks and up until now they this money without,beIng�taxed. y were Permitted to receive ayor Stock believed that the League of Minnesota Municipalities has petitiorred the IRS re � -, Presenting the State of M ;nnesota ° . , (2) � r i MINUTiS of the Proceedings, Of the Viliae Council of the Villa4e of prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Mianeseta, including Oil ,accounts audited by said Council and the lost notification=that•he had from them indicated that the li should be t c of, the City t do rwthing until -there is a definite: committment made by the IRS in' . _ ? response - tot he League of`Mitinesota „Municipalities. Motion was made by Busse to accept the fire Department Report, •seconded by Watkins and upon aA44 taken it was duly passed.. Councilman Watkins brought up the natter of Lemley',.hardshell, Councilman Watkins ° mad motion' from Minutes of December 9, 1974. ,Councilman Watkins stated that earlier in the evening we made a. motion that when the.,hbrdshel( came in, it lacked any language to do with; the dedication and an that, and going back through the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, the developer has done everything ` •IW according io .the ordinances today without any fault and it acs specifically discussed quite clearly, If,someone objects to thane provisions, Councilman 'Watkins would like.to hear about them, other than it was tabled and referred it to the attorney for his, interpretation.. In Councilman Watkins estimation nothig more can be done than what has already been done. v n Councilman Oakes stated it was quite obvious that the matter of rights 10 -lake owner- ship has been run through the Court, and he does not recall, how it came I out and hopefully with some degree of joint manuvering he—will no have to find out. -Councilman Oakes thought'thot it is c�.i1e w ise se to.understorxl that the, matter is of ” oontiderable importarice,not only to owners in the orea,,;but owners near the area: and owners that do. not even I ive,near the area and that ,ittis quite wise before the Co moves into the middle of a lawsuit to the Point understanding that what you do has , some reasonable measure of landing up in,.Court if it comes up .into either V s an allied a freestonding'ccse CounaE flan Watkins Mted shat the replat .wa: dotte.accotdinsr to the new sub- division ordinance and the. conditions of-ifie replat wen o be according to the zoning 7 ordinance as it -Fs today, landA thw Planning Commisiion gsaigned the vMOCk o analy zing '' zin the „ Y g present zoning ordinance and if'necessary make changes to it and re "submit it at - amend it' If the Planning Commission is to cb that work, .and if it ia;felt;there is-a problem with wardinance .that, rn. -ires a legal ` seareh,or4requires contest left do.�tt. Councilman Oakes commented that early in the advent of m "Ah kilie situation which exists, ,which' has a, minor replat and. premise ,that on,the (qke access lot there on, *weither eid is rosidentiol oon:fivctie: so tlwtsit is not ,,. apoasible for them. to ex nd : F and if'the Planning Commission does.. in fact Pa grant that replat, bit. , there are ' many' , 1lots oniwhich'there are: many hundreds'; of dollars'or' fhousarwilvf:doilars of sewer and water stacked. up waitinq %against the day when *this may arid, on the day, that particular variance is scanted, and these do exist around the lake, Lakeside Manor he: feels quite' certain Is going to 'come right,off, the:;troi , ;ley, because here' is an, instance -in which there was property that was availdble,.,that was unit,of.proper presently port of a ty but because them was nothing built on it, a 50 foot lot, or some such thing, annexed1o, the outiot it was possible or could be possible' to­ get odditionat property.; Councilmanr,Oaktis;suspects before the °week- is oufi you will <find writhe in ' -$ the paper somewhere that we are a Council noted for doing its ,homework would like to make it reasonably well certain on this'ohe that the homework that has been done, to the point where lawyers start arguing the two sides of it, based not only on current-bucfuture actione> we don't find that our suspenders. are stretch d out further than they should be. 'Councilman "W01kins stated that'thw whole thing. is, we hold'a public hearing with an, the idea:that those •Peeposing an change. from whatever exists and have e ortu yy ° _ . explain their reason for change. .-> , ppnity to ' st -a n on other- b h that three ofthe' Councilmen and the Mayor, %"- r* dowP_ sts ofanMr pubic'hei+rinsawhichiwas,en the same night -and; he. did not know if he had been at that one: if he would have done anything' more than restate what he did now. r a y . a (3) } e MINUTES of the 'Proaediegs of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Ceunty of -Scoff and State of - f Mienesoto, including oli accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Watkins sta'Md it was not a large meeting and} wasn't largely attended but 'there were points specifically driveways, par there were on rt of this and can 9 back if yo +� want toe�iew the hearing'of Wicke you r -Knox on Mitchell Pond and the lot 'hey. were gong to that wasn't .do even a_ part of the hearing. Part of the reaction, we could call' it backlash of the problem area, You could say possibly that ' portion of the ordinance'. is a result of the problems - -'in a problem area, We h -taken our.ordinance and consulted with the state.-as to, do they think it is restrictive , .resirictive enough, restrictive or reasonably. adequate, .One of the 'Planning Commissioners about five weeks.ago, came up with a pretty thorough resume } r , t of what . he thougit,of it and, has a desire_ to, change it.and'to probably make it more restrictive. On the motion I made will you notice the record of the votes. The developer was pretty thoroughly directed and our inter pretcation of the ordinance at the time and , our for g p ix+ granting re lot. If the developer wished to contest it in the ensuing week and one -half before that, but he chose to ignore ,it on he plot and I feel • that in doing what the Planning Commission y = and<Council was.directeId to do- the hardshell is completely inadequate. Councilman Oakes`atated that Fie voted no to earlier motion because <of the form ofi the motion. . A Mayor Stock. stated that he, felt that the hardshel,l_as it wa s presented tonight did not include the allocation of the' lakeside rights and he feels thatnthi= is vary certain ` thi" . ng that should be on'this'hardshelh, Motion was made b Watkins fig rescind ,the evious Mto T " Y Ix<, fion.which tabled the replat Addition to l. of Lot S Lakeside Manot, all and directing the C ity Administrator to send alletter b M Lemley stating that only one of the tFue�e !oh will hove lake j access, which should.be in . uded�.omthe, hardshell, and if Fe 'Wishes to a for a PPI Y, vcriancs` from the ordinance -, PlannIn 'Commission ' ra eti Qecember 14,. 1474 at: 8:15 P.M., . Sscpnded.:Ey Ockes.isnd tJpon{;a` vote takeh it was duly passed. Councilman Williams requested a Park Board Meetingrbe 'scheduled,,for'Wednesday night, December 18- 1- i a 474,10 discuss.1information on Green .Oaks.. Thee, City, Administrator is to noify the Park Board members of the meeting,. He also wanted the City Administrator to have the information = available from Savage. " Counailman Willlams- stote:d the, Parke �} s Board was going to stand by,its decision that the waral'ng house byt[ Street •be'sent toA6udins M' anor. ` 1 lma ' Counci illiam •denies thct stated that the Park Board r r ' .,tFtey are overusing the City Cre w becauseon extra_man�was, hired be this >pu po Engineer Schi nrbl presented''Construction L ,Engineer Schindel sidled,*,, that'thei Project Review, dated 12- 16 -74. construction has been shut, down for the season. a .: Enpinser Schindel presented fW Internal .Public Ea semen was made ' by. 1 pakes that the Internal Pub is Easement Manual' b e, only for the use of the Council and Staff and 'ba includW, by 4eference in the, Minutes. Seconded by ° Watkins and upon a vests taken Ft was dui' y Passed . s _' • Inspectors Manual - Job, Descr%ptton, was tabled until December: 23, 1474 Council Meeting. Developers Agreement Form was presented.'for review: Mayor Stock requested that Councilman Watkns present. it to the Planning Commission forreyiew, Councilman Oakes requested that the manhole on Pixie Point Road be brought to whatever the,,current. grade is., The' Engines r. check on this matter ,to see what needs to b4done and then to contact the.City.Admini Ray Johnson to: see'that'tha work - is done. F Mayor Stock requested that the f inaer f �' present an update -of storm sewer project " b the City Council in regard to public hearing to night`. j t4> iw �, , the Public „Notice has been published in the Prlor�Lake`American in relative to 'the project and if any individuals request a public he+zring then a, public hearing will be held. ? Mayor Stock eta the City was somewhat tnvo,ed in the Public Service Commission 7 Jl e 1 and Sa�ti 4tioe Ti►.s�phone's application for to ts, increase, the Public - Service ' Commission has approved anf ncrease with onc�'R cepfion, that bean -the re` s or, increase from tan cem4_.- 9 qu st far �_.� twenty cents for a���y station calling charge. ` ji Mayor Stack :hated .information on Open Awing Laws. The Minnesoha, eague of Municipalities has sent \out a statement to cities and the Council and M6yo`r reie�tive to 0 mMeeting Lows, with what the Open Meeting Laws concerns with nd Mayor _ Q` j Stock believes: the Council is complying with the Open Meeting Laws. a Mayor Stock read a letter to Mr 116hn Trulson on an easement <. Mayor Stack requ the l0ter be held for changes,. ested Motion was made � by Watkins: to adjourn, seconded by Williams.and upon q vote� this meeting was ad'purned at i1r10 P.M, 1 � 1 Michael A. McGuire, A t dministratar. • - fir �' s y a j+, ” / { ,� ?� x, iy t / z z�r r'n' o V t MINQJTti of the Preeoedinys of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scots and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. i Mayor Stock requested that a summary of Meeting with MSB December 18, 1974 be Stock wanted -to know if the Council would be willing to rent a room to the City !"� gineer. Attorney Sullivan to check on this to s see if we can legally do this. Coun,4'ilrnan Williams stated he wanted to go over a catch basin, that was 'missed in the planning of Boudins Manor with the Engineer. � - -a Water and Sewer Connection Hardship - Lao Noyes, was tabled. Amended Plumbing Code, was tabled.: j j Waters and Watercraft and Pollution Control Ordinance and Update. of Local o , \ O , \Water Safety Ordinance, was tabled. M6��r Stock stated that the $2 y \� � ,500.00 .park payment by AI'Steiner��was explained to_ Mr. and Mrs. Steiner, and that Mr. S Steiner, Mr. Schmokel, Mrs.`Steiner and Mayor Stock come'to a verbal a ; greement and that the S2, 500.00 park payment would stand and that Mr. Stainer AN n not request the City Attorney to review the matter from a legal aspect. 3 3 Job Description of Resident City Engineer was presented for review. Opinions were presented to the City Administrator for an update of the Job Description a and war tabled uetil next Council Meeting. , j Street Lights - Stepkas 4th, was tabled. { { Willows Streets, was tabled. , t. Mayor Stock presented information on Minnesota State' Hi hwa trn Ci4r of Prior lake on Highway 13. •According to the Federal Guideli and S n b State so by a letter, addressed to the District Five g 7 t must b wu' at the District Office. There has not'been a b ) public i