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MINUM of the Proceedings of the Villa" Council of tho Village of frier Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Janu4ry.6, 1475 °
The Common'Council of the. City of Prior Lake met in. regular stagtion at 7:30 P.M.
January 6, 1975 in `the City Councit Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to
ardor. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse; Oakes, Watkins. and Williams,
Administrator McGuire, Engineer Isroelson, and Attorney Sullivan.`
The first item on the agenda was the swearing, in of Elected Official, Councilman Tom n,
Watkins, by Mayor Stock.
The kilowing corrections were male in the Minutes of December, 23,, .-1974: 'Pogo Ame, ;I
Paragraph two, - second sentence, sh*06 read - :Motion was made by Watkins to award
the 'snowplowing contract to, iohnsack and Hennen and the sew removal aontroot to
Lawrence Schweich, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Wiliiams1o, approve the Minutetof :December 23,r 1974 as amended
`! seconded by Watkins and ,upon a, vote, taken it was duly passed...
Motwn was made. by ;WilIiams the replat of Lot $, ; Lakeside: Manor be approver! by ,
the Council, se by Busse and upon a vote taken it, was dMYL passed.
Mr.,.Lemiey stated the piobleins they were Navin wt, th a:aift stotan of Lakeside Manor
Motion wcw made by Oakes to direct Engineer lsre elson.to have the lift station
�{ corrected at an expense .of .-about $300:00, seeoreued by „Williams and,updn a vofe taken
it was duly passed. ,The City! crew is to run,.the lift station manually each day until rt
W fixed.
Councilmon. Watkins presented the Theo. Anderson Hardshell, Ctakglenni, Second,
Motion was made: by Oakes to approve the Anderson Hardshel (
0 {
Oakg'lenn, Second Addition,, seconded by'Busse and upon a vote taken it.was duly
Passed. ,
Police Chief Powell stated: flit' recomniendotion.of the "' , CatchK, Robo�rt McAUiter, .
° to use tab shoats in tagging dogs. Motion was made by'Busso to have the Dog CatcMc .
use tab sheets in tagging dogs, seconded by Watkins, and: upon p volt tisken it was duly '
v F
Pal lot -Chief Powell stated a new channel was.availabit,for,the Motion was N `x
} made by Oakes to approve the row - equip6ei nt for use of this chanii 1, mcon do`d by,,
Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
u =
" Councilman Williams stated the Council's and Park Board's appreciiition for Police F
Y control`ofsnwwmabili in the
rtg: • parks. `
Mr. Al Capron was presenttin regard io whnretthe nw,,Pr andiwote lines will be
- .a
1 nmetwith,Mr. C to
E n g ineer u
installed. Mayor Stock re fed that E erieer Israe son apron I I
explain Chit.
Councilman Williams stated that fhe Park Board wilt accept Outlot "A” Green Oaks,
Park Dedication.
r , _
Administrator McGuire stated the City has�,reoeived a $12,199.44-settlement from
Adminis rator'McG rice pn±serrteda bid from t�oli: a Thialir for Lighting Cost of
51,150.00. Motion was mark by Watkins to award the bid to Rollie ?hieling fir
31,150.00 for lighting work on City Hall, seconded by Stock and upon ,a vote taken
it was duly .posed . u .
Administrator McGuire stated that a smoke, defector or sprinkler system, is, not required.
r Mayor Stock stated that the moke .detector and sprinkler system wily be dofrred at
this time because they are not requ rod Wand- becase; of the oast.
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of the omeediags of the Vill"* Council of thr Village of prior lake in the County of Seca and State of
Minnesota. including all aecounh audited by *eW Cauneil,
Administrator McGuire presented an uncollectable water and sewer bill. of $35.93 for
Tom Canning. Motion was made by Gakes that the 535.:93 water and sewer bill of
Tom Lanning's be remnvsd from the '.books, %seconded by Busse and upon,a vote taken it
was du ly passed'.
Administrator McGuire stated that the grading of Boudins Park was done according to
Administrator McGuire stated that no more can be done to ice rinks until the weather
gets colder.
Road 'to Channel or Terminatwat Public Access Lot was tabled.;
Councilman Williams presented findings on Storm So • I1.
r Motion was made by Busse to approve P :ans and Specifications for 1975 Projects as
'by it
presented, seconded Watkins arid. upon a vote taken was duly possod.
Motion was mace by Williams to advertise ;for bids for the 1975 Projects with the
,: a pe ning of bids at 7:30 P.M.' on February 3, 1975, seconded _by Watkins and upon
a. vote taken W was. du l Y Passed
Motion eras made by W illiams to set a ,Public Hearing for Projectss .7 5-4 and 75 -5
on Jctrru(±ry 27, 1975 at 7:30 P.M., seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was du passed.
Engineer-.braolson to got cosh on Water Project for Priar Nortn..
Martinson Island Bridge was tabled.
Louficilman Busse and Engineer Israelson to,.check sidewalk on Fifth Avenue.
Mayor Stock presented a letter from Mr. $irno of Rod O.a'ks to. Marsgo in regard to
damage to his property by Mango. Administrator McGuire to send a letter to
Mr. Rim stating that final payment to Mursgo will be withheld until he .damage
Is taken; -care of, with;o copy to Morsga.and a copy to Engineer Ism. son.
Councilman Oakes requested that the Council -reply to the Watefshgd,District
letter of October 4, 1974 stating the several conditions =and the several different
typos-of conshuetion;:the City would use.:
r ' ,
Attorney Sullivan presented a rough draft . of an Ordinance relating to the payment
of hook -Up feet to Adminishotor McGuire. for. review .. :Administrator McGuire to
rilwve•copies made aridtsent out to: the _Council;
Leo Noyes Hardship - State Laws, Relating to Senior Citizens was tabled.
Atlornisy Sullivan presented information on Plumbing Code:
Vacation of Roadway at Eastwood was tabled until next Council Meeting.
Attorney Sullivan read a 'letter to Mr. Robert A. John of Kneafseys Cove from
the State of Minnesota' Highway Department, -regarding a publ is access.
Motion was made by Watkinsa adopt. Ordinance Regulating the Usft of Water Within "!,
the County of Scott (Ordinance 75 -2) b� reference,. seconded by Oakes and upon a n
vote :taken it was duly passed.
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Councilman Busse presented Willows Street plan. This. was presented to Engineer
Isroolson for a feasibil study.
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� M'a�g"'�xw ie.;= .g:- �e.;:zr� r +�•i#n�,- s :; Wit: w .x.,�: - .. - � �� _ .
WNUM of the hoeeedings of the Village Council of the Viiloge, ef: Dior hake in the County of Scott and Stare of
Manesuta, ineladn g all,.eeen unls audited_ said"Ceunsil. ;,.
Mayor Stock appointed a committee of Councilman Oakes, Administrator McGu ±re,•
and himself on City Engineer (Resident) and they are to `report back to the
Council in two weeks.
Mayor Stock stated 1t was time the Council concerned. itself with wi additional well
" �
, r�.
supplement the wpply of water to case o.: a malfunction and b provide adequate
fire. protection. The appiroximate, cost will be $38,000.00 to $40,000.00. 'Motion was
made by Oakes'to advertise for bids for the new wet I and the ;bids to be .opened on
February 3, 1975 at 8:00 P.M.; and the well to be financed from General Obligation
Revenue Bonds. Seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly posed.
Watkins that 1.975 Fire `Ccntrsch fee be the same as for 1974,,,
Motion was mock by :. _ .
Credit River - =3,500.00, Spring; Lake - $5,250.00. 'Seoondcd by and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
y " designate Prior Lake Stat Bank as the Of ficial Bank for
Motion was, mode b dune to desi
it was duly posed.
' 1975' seooniled b Watkins: aril u j
. y pen a vote to
Motion was made by Watkins to designate the Prior Lake American as the Official'
Newspaper lei 1975, seconded by Williams and upon o" rate. taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse to advertise for bids for bulk gasoline a nd diesel fuel with
the opening of bids on .lanuary 27, 1975 at 8:30 P.M., seconded by Williams and upon,
a vote taken it was duly passed. `
Motion was mode byO -.ikes to appoint Isroelson and Associates, Inc. as the City
Consulting Engineer for 1475, ,.subiact to changes which may occur i in lesser rated
positions, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly posted.=
Motion was made by Watkins to appoint',Gene Newstrom as Building`lnspector'and
Individual Water and Sewer,Systems Inspector for 1975 ot.a rate of, $1 1-06 per
s "
inspection, seconded by Busse and upon vote taken it was duly passed.
Mation was made by Oakes to appoint Clarence Schmidt .as Plumbing inspector for
1975, subject to the Administrator checking on his license, seconded ,by Watkins and
upon a vote taken it ills duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to appoint Coulter, Nelson and Sullivan as the City
Attorney for 1975, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly posted. ".
Motion was made by Oakes to appoint A Hergatt as Weed Inspector for 1975 at aj- to
of $3.25 per hour, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed
Motion was made by Watkins io appoint Dick Irgens as Civil, Defense Dire r for 1975'
at $300.00 per .year, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was mode by Busse to appoint Dr. Olaf Lukk as Healthr Officer for 1975,
seconded by Stock and upon ar vote taken it was duly passed'.
Motion was made by Oakes to reappoint Roger Harris to the Police Commission fora
three year term (until December 31, 1977),= seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to reappoint Keith Thorkelson to the Planning Commission
for a three year term (until 31, 1977), seconded. by Williams and upon, a vote
token it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to appoint Charles Tooker as Planning Consultant for 1975, +
Oakes and u p o n � vote taken it was duly ! Passed.
seconded by �
Motion was mach by Watkins to appoint Del Busse as Fire Marshall for 1975, at
$600.00 per year, seconded. by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.I
f 4 W
E OAW#um of *A howdiMs of *0 vmgp council of the Ville off lake is the leaM1► of So", aMi Sfat�.dfc
mmme a. imdvdio@ all ommi a eudihd by *aid Cev@14- `
Motion was made by Besse that the wages for port- timo' help .ramdin at $3.25 for 1975,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken' it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins that the Wages for Counters and Judges of Elections
remain the same for 1975 as' For 1974 42.75:<ppor hour before 6:00 P.M. $3.00 per
hour thereafter) seconded by Stock and up in a vote taken it,was duly possad,
Motion was, made by Watkinvto designate Robert McAllister 1975 Dog Catcher and
to ` set date for signing of contract on January 20, 1975, seconded by Williams
and upon a `vote taken itrwas duly passed.
Motion wa`s mode by•Williams to reappoint Rat Dititt to the Park Board' for a three
year i4im� (until 'December 31, 1977), seconded. by and upon a,rvote taken
it was duly, passed
Mayor Stock appointid Don Busse as 'Street>Commissioner Tom Watkins as Building
and- Zo *I j C, mmisi"i; "Jack *flakes as Water aid Sower. Commiss,ioiter,, Do n
Williams. as Park and Recreation Commissioner, himself as Police find Fire Department
Caordino or, Don'KAA and Don to the'Finonce;Committee, lTam Watkins
and" Jadc'Oake to the Equalization Committee and Dick ? *well', .Mike 'McGuire and
Jack Ooket to'Liquor'License Commission.
Mayor Shock presented in' %imition "on the onfe I nee forMayors-and Councilmen.
Mayor Stock" presented a letter firm NSP on rate increases.
M' or 3t6ek stated' '$100 Donation was received fiWn the Sportsmen 't Club
fW tie Resew tJnii
Motion was made bar Watkintc to odpurny seconded' by Oakes and upon a vote
:<'ioben this meeting was.adfour d`at]0:15 P.M.
Michael'.A. McGuire, Administrator
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