HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 13 1975MINB?!S of the Moeo«I Ms of the Vilipge Council of tM Ville" of prior bake 141, tke County of, Stott and SON of Miwnosota, including ail accounts audited by said Couneit, r, January 13, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake Met in regular session at 7 :30 P.M. January 13, 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor 'Stock called tM meeting 16 order. , Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, OakwI Watkins and William *, Administrator McGuire, Engineer hroelson, and Attorney Sullivan. ; The first item on the agenda was a Public Hewing on Stre*tL Naming,. Mayor Stock rood the Notice of Public Hearing., Mr. Bill Sullivan prosented the street naming an&itouse,numbering system. Motion was made b Watkins to a ` ' y, approve the sheet naming and rwtttbaring plan in concept. and to proceed with the fixed plain, seconded by William' r.ond upon d vote , taken it was. duly passed. z.: Motiowwas made by Watkins to authorize the Attorney to prepai Jthe ordinance that would be necessary to establish the numbering and street naming. sys im with a ' ` "contpiotionLOate of'July 1, 1975, seconded by Witlisms and upon a voh taken it.. was duly passed. ` Y Mayor Stock directed. BUI.,SullivanTto prepare. information forbids. Councilman Watkins directed Bill Sullivan to markup quarter section maps and b present these maps to the Council by February 15, 1975.. Mayor Sbckzsd "pureed the Public Meeting. c' Mayor Stock. called the Regular Council.Meotiag. to order. Fire Chief Busse reported an fire equipment thatmas dcmaged.during; afire; beCouSeL of r the cola. 'M Motion..was made .by Busse.: o,opprove the;Minutes of January 6, 1975, socoided by l . 4 Oakes mid: upon a vote takers it was duly passed: Councilman Watkins requested that the Council members read the CamprehWrisive Plan,, and Zoning Ordinance and give him their comments. Administrator McGuire, stated that Spring Lake Township has mode, their poyment for ° fire service for 1975. Admen shabrMcGuire stated that new radios aro needed for the moiMettanee vehiciet. .: The Council requested.that the Administrator.obtain information on.an overall radio system r . Motion was male by,Ookes to recind the motion for opening,of bids for 1975 Projects 3 on'Febrvary" 3, 1975`at 7:30. P.M. and to roschtedule the opening of 'etch: to February 10, f ' 19491,7:3D P.M. Seconded by Watkins an&upon a vote taken it woe duly posted. Engineer hraelson stated a (etter.was sent to the Watershed District requesting information on the Joe Witney Channel. rj t engineer Isroelson presented infonrwtion,on eo» merits.. 5° Maticr was'mcde by Oakes to authorize condemnations for the 1975 Projects,,, seconded' 10 Eby, Wl l iaMns and upon 4 vote, taken it was duly passed: Mitt WL� of Ake p lin of Ike YjNgj*` Caundf of the Vill"* of Friar lake in the Ceun* of SSOW and Step of { Minn"em. inetudin, all aecwMS awls , by e4 CwweY. Motion was made by Williams to hold a Public Hearing for North Prior Project 7,3 -2-1 x . on. February 13, 1'975ot 7:30 P. seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was'. du passed. Councilman Oakes stated that he hod's comments on the plods qnd' specifications other than "the had not finished looking at the specs, at the standpoint of areas of excess depth, other than that he finds the. specifications in re, M' nablw.order. p MSQ' Interceptor tabled;` ' ti Feasibility re its on, lbsswood Road and Knq Lane tabled. Feasibi-lity rep rt on McWilliams Road tabled. yi v� .�' Engineer braelson std#W the generator will be ready about'May 30, 1975. ' Mayor Stock directed the Engineer and A`dminiatrator to look into geiting equipment R, €' through Civil Deense. } ' Attorney Sullivan stated then is a statute (Statute 444.22) relating to senior G cizem and tie read the statute. Attorney Sullivan stated''the City can defer'the eopli over 65 on home " few property' wh�vnever'theri is ai hardship assessments for Poo and connections. to the sewer arid' water systems can be done by the City and the City can mess the senlar citizens for this work . ` t The-Council.: stated changas they thought should be made to Ordinance 75 -1 rotating M payment of hookup '%es. �. Vacating Road'- Eastwood Addition tabled. y Statecflurnbinp Code tabled. _ Mayor $tock presented a petition to have no parking signs placed on Lords Drive. Motion was'made by duce to have the• no pocking signs placed on Lards Drive,' ' seconded by Williams. and upon a vot token it was duly passed. '�Pol Chief Powelfstated the s*xKb w with 90,000 miles on it lost its frarwnission. . Motlon.weas made by Williams a purchosd, as on . emergency situation, a standard ' vehicle and Police Chief Pow*; is to strum quotations for a vehicle capable of lioridline the work required and to autFarize`the.Mayor lo`purchose °the vehicle. ., Seconded' by Busse and, upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. s r Motion was ^►node, by Oakes to authorize Police Chief Powell i to' prepare specs for a' a car and how ready ~br ;he next meeting, seeorded''by Suss! and ' it dui upon a vote taken was y posed.. : Councilman W1111lains' stated thouseveral people have informodi him that the School:. Board' Meetings bred Aw Cauneil Meetings° are on the same ;ni it and that interested citizens how ;b choow whitlo attend'and they wanted -to krrovv I the Council wouk# change their meeting n.,ght. Mayor Stock stated he recommended the, " a: Schnoullb rd` their nesting night. Councilman Williams stated th*,Public Access at Boudins Manor area is notdead, ., they ore ping at'aild an appraisal will be ready shcrtiy,` and they `wi l:'be ready go an. n r t ' Councilman. Busse wanted to krow Wthe lift station at Lakeside Mmwo wos rppa! d ` - • yet :� E,p near braelson stated the lift,station was not repaired as yet. G ' r T. � <3 a MINYTU et the Proceedings of the Village. Council of *A Viilaef4: of Prior take in the County of Scott and State #.. ; Minnesem, indWing 'all accounts audited by se14 Cnundl. Mayor Stock read a Notice of Watershed District Public "Heorino ` The following bil s.wire. Approved and paid for the month of December: GENERAL FUND Lawrence Schweich Library Rent $ 300.00 Albert Hergott , Election Judge 37.43 Anita L. Hager Election Judge 37.63 E. C. Appel Election Judge 37.63 Mary E. Lannon Election Judge, 37.63 Clare Muelken Election Judge 37.63 Rebecca McGuire ;• Election Judi _ 3.110 Marcie Williams .: Election judge 3.00 Julie Suck r Election Judge 3.00 ° Donald T1, Nilliams Election,,Judge 3.00 Walter A . Stock Election Judge 6.00 Don Busse Election "`Judge 3.00 Mi heel McGuire Election Judge 6.(* ° Judith Japed Election Judge 6.00 ��� Nick Wolf �� Flag. Care 80.00 ,' State Treasu PERA 1,902.08 Prior Lake Sta6 _ Ban k . Federal De its x. tom. ;1,675.00 MotorVehicleSeMoe, Div. License Plates. 1.25 Motor Vehicle - Service ;Dty• . License Plates .. 1.25 Motor Vehi.le Service `;Div. ,: License Plates Motor .3ervice Qiv, Liceese Plates 1.25 ..: Motor Vehicle Service License Plates. , ° " 1.25 Motor Vehicle Ser,►ice:Div. License Plates L 1.25 Motor Vehicle Service Div.' License Plates 1 ", 4 Motor Vehicle Service Div., Licenw Plates_ ° 1.25 till Mohr Whicle Seririae Div. «, License Plates 1.25 Motor Vehicle Service Div. License Plates 1.25 ° Motor Vehicle,Serviq� Div Plates ° 1 5 Motor Vehicle S"ice'Qiy� License Plates Urban Land InsHW** Subscription` 38.75 Richard Pbwttll Salary 39..97 Dale Meihok Salary 398.20 Steven Schmidt Salary (1 't6.30 " 3 27.30 Dennis Leff Sal . LeRo Rabirtort Salmi` ; 303;:40 ' Eu gene Smith. Sod " 265.90 Job vanOdndoan Salary 277.10 Raymond Johnsot+`' Salary 354.60 ° N- Ebner dust . Salary « 203.2& a' Larry "Kerioow Salary 316.44 Welibell McGuire Salary 367.22 ' Judith .% psert Salary 179.07 Shirlone ! rvig` Salary 154.37 oil, Sull(ralt Salary 189.47 = , : Local Union 320' Union Dues 4Z • 50 A choel McGuire.= Car A I lowance M CIO Wolter Sock mayor Pay 18,0 Dan Juste - ;. «, - Cou ncilman's Pay ,..: 80.00 Jack Oakes Councilman's Pay , 80.00 . Tom Watkins ,_ Councilman's Pay 80.Od y,. Don Williams Councilman's ncilm's Pay, 80.00 Melanie .yohroon Salary 33.00 Judith )epten Election Judge 6.00' { 4t . Michoeh McGuire Election Judge 6.00 � <3 Niwi � of the Mecums af" tw VI age Coundl of the V11690 of PMer- take M 1be County r SeeM aed Stole, of Mlen4wft. induding all eecoaMs audited by said Couaeil. GENERAL'• FUND (Continued) Donald Willi r: Electia `Jud - 3=.00 ' Julie Stock Election Judge -�, 3:00 VYalterA. Stock } Election Judge 6:00 Dan Busse - Election Judge -' 3.00. Albert Herguttr Election Judge, 37.63 :Mary E. Lannon Election Judge 37.63' Shoi Appel Election Judge 37.63 ° Anita Hager ; Election Judge 34.63 Marlis 01uodorn 6 Election Judge . 37.63 4 Care Muelken „ Election Judge 37.63 2 Minn. , Natural Div. `' Utilities 54.10 t NSP�� Utilities .. 706.9Q` } Prior Lake American` Printing and Publication - 457.41 ., Steve Schnidt r °Clothing Allowance, > 1,00.00 ;. � Dale��Meihok: Unused Holiday .tk,, y: 257.09 Dennis Leff School 27.00 ° S teve Schmidt Unused' Holidays 224.22 - .Dole Meihok ° _ LeRoy Rabiinort Clothing Allowance- ' Unused Holidays 100.00 234.24 7Unused'- :Halide 144.77 w :Joe Van Den Boom ys ` a Joe VanDenBoan° Rabenort Clothing Allowance Clothing Allowance o;, 100.00 100.00 w; Lego F y Eugene Smith ' ti Unused, Holidays Clothing Albvvance : 144.77 1.00.00. s f Eugene-Smith Dennis: Leff t Clothing Allowance 100.00 ~ , Dennis Leff Unused' Holidays "' .238.77 ` tfaick �,r Telephone Call `^ 'Gene's lnt�sr -City Oii Police <Auto Repair 1.75 krwlsai d� Assoc.,t lnc fnsinieji% Fee- 3.43.04 Kerr -McKee Car Police Ewa Repair 23.45 d SeoM. tlei T elephone Co. atilities ;> - 133.81` , R 'E.,tl. Newatn�it+ :s * Building Inspector U 340.00 Scott Co. Troasurer Prisoner 's4oard 38:50 ° Suburban °Glassq Police Auta Repair- 112.75,,' , Treasurer - State of Minn.' Seminar - Donn' r Leff: ' 20.00 tj Ilonke-rs Lite Co. NSP Hospitalization Utilitiss 570.63; 49.74 ' C AO .;r G. Minn. %Natural Gai Co. Utilitiei 12.00 9 WA `Typewriter Repai �►1len'x, Police Auto Auto Repair 15.00 Sauthside Dodge, Inc. Police Auto Repair, ,, 42.33: .: �. SCM .Corp;, Office Supplies­ C 40.50 JAK Office Products Co. Office' Supplies 51.64 v Lake Autd Supply Auto Repair ' 90.86 % Monrtisn: Supply, Inc. Election Equipment T 7.94; ;fuel Business, Equipment Office Supplies -Metro Albnn -' Rodio'R p air Z 21.13 Richard lrgens - Civil Defense Directory 200.00`4., Cash Petty Cash 4150.0011 Wm. Slipher Special Police 15.00' Richard Klughea Special Police 15.00` � a, , A� "_Holliday " Special Police '14'.00 394.97 Richard Poweli Salary a ' Dale Meihok Salary' 398.20 Steven. Schmidt r sal 334:80 Dennis Leff . , Sal ry�' 335.80 .° LeRoy Robenort Salary 312.00. Eugene Smith=, Salary 291.10 Joe VanDenBoom Salary 303.40' Raymond aohmon Salary 354.60 (4 ) ` p It '7 a MINUMS of tbo freceediogs of fM Village cwwwof the 'Vill"* of Prier lake in the County of Scott and State of ' Mloneseto, including all eeeounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND (Continued) Elmer Busse Salary 303.28 Larry Kerkow Salary 316:44 Michael McGuire Salary 367;12 Judith Jepson Salary Salary. 179:07 Shirlene Craig _1544{37 + Bill Sullivan Salary ��' 189.47 Melanie `Johnson Salary t 37.30 L awrence Schweich Library Rent 300.00 Judith Jepson Coffee Maker j� 35.19 Raymond Johnson Overtime ; 118.92 Larry Kerkow Overtime _ �+ _Elmer Busse ` Overtime a, ,43.87 Herb Sate• = Maintenance Work j �% J 64.00' Transfer-to Kopps Bay Fund { �' 150:00 /Transfer to Rerroiving Park Fund, 42615.00 TOTAL �� $24i269.66 WATER FUND r Postmaster / Postage 100.00, NSP I / Utilities 28.01 G NSPv Utilities 231.75 Minn. NaWM Gas Utilities 40.27 s ; Jordan Independent printing 46.75 Lyon Chemicals Chemicals , r „ 45.30 Transport Clearings Freight Charges ~16.24 Water Products, Ca, Water Meters "'628 Poamostar Postage 100.00 TOTAL_ 5, 1,237.32 _ SEWER FUND .Metro Sewer Board`' SAC; Charge ;11,880.00 Joie. Whitney S&W Service West St. , 5,,033.50 NSP . Utilities `' 82.40 Metropolitan Ssiwer Board Metro Installments 60.21 r, Metropolitan Waste Control Comm. Metro Installments . ' 891.36 z Compu"rvice, Inc.'„ S&W Billing'Ekpense 119.06 Valley. Equipment Co: Backhoe 3,132.00 TOTAL FIRE FUND: Minn. Natural Div. Utilities S 109.85E ° Scott -Rica Telephone Co. Utilities 88.75 Motorola, In'c. Radios � 84:20 Minn. & Fitst Aid- Assoc. +- ;.Membership Dues 15.00 Lyle A. Anderson Supplies 39.95 Jerry Muelken Supplies 10.21 NSP Utilities - 61.,04 Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Suppl :7b:77 Akira.Fire,Wipment4b. " Equ pmsnt Repair.- 28.46 Nat'l Fire Protection Assoc. Supplies 55.00 Qyew'Med, Inc. Supplies 56.71' Delbert Busse ' - Fire Marshall - 300.00 Prior Lake 76. Equipment' Repair , 245.80 TOTAL „° 5:1;,171.74 � s , f, WHUTS ot HN' p of the Villaoo Council of the Villatio of Prior lake in the County of Seca gal State of mloneseta, including, all aceounh audited br said Council. EAGLE CREEK�W&S FUND Harold. Gustafson Damages $ ` 260.00 c alsroelson & Assoc. Engineering Fees 4,269:66 Schraader Block Co. ' Pumping 90. 00 Peter Lametti Canst. Co. Contract Payment: 15,261..54 Peter La+'netti Const. Co..' Contract Payment" 67,103:78 TOTAL S86 984,.98 STREET IMMOVEMENT OF 1914 FUND a Minn. Valley Surfacing Contract Payment. $20,016.68 Briggs 3 Morgan Legal Fees: 500.00 `1,749.52 hraelsan bAssoc. Engineering Fees , Juron b�Moody, Inc. Legal Fees = 2,325.00 Bank Charge for Stop ;Payment . 2.00 TOTAL $24,=i20 " Motion was made,by Oakes to adjourn, seconded by Williams and u n tiOvate =taken po :. this., meeting was adjourned °at 10 :45 P.M.. f Michael A., McGuire, Administroli�§ r r r ey Cz O G z2: t ll ' �/ 0 fl {{if � J