HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 20 1975;. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village; Council of the Viilaea of Beier take in the Ceunfy of. ScoN and Stole :- Minnesota; includiKs all accounts audited by said Couneil. " , Januark 20 1975 0 r The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake,met in regular session at 7$30 Q . x, P.M on January 20, 1975, in the City Council Chambers." Mayor Stock called . the meet to order. Present were Mayor Stock Councillman;Buasei Watkins. meeting yo � • „ and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Eegineer Israelson, and Attorney ��o _ Sullivan. Councilman Oaken was .absent. - ' Motion was made by Watkins to approve the !M January 13, 1975, "sec r� onded byBusse and upon a vote taken, it was -du]y passed..„ V Motion was made, by Busse to approve the invoices to be paid, previously ap- ° proved by the finance committee, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken, .` it was duly passed. Motion ias'made by Watkins to approve the Fire Department Report as rec eive seconded by Busse and upon a�vote taken, it was duly passed. ° ''ol.ice Unit rtraded in a 1974 Dodge/ Mayor Stock stated that the #12 .was _ osi Coronet• for $4,1 less trade -in of $460 with the net cost $3,700• " Motion was'made by,,Watkins to approve thetMutual 4greement Pact, seconded by � Williams and upon a�)vote taken, it was duly passed. :r 'Motion was made by Watkins,.. fbr. - Council establish�:.ansaaat-asaent dis- ,the qi tr ct of the?tradmtional dotntown commereiiiyv ty the � fourPA*1 Hear n6rrdV Febrilary. 17; -.-1975N Oat 72 LOP ems , Fand�upoaan vote takezi,�it,:wwtduly passed. y f ` Councilman stated that the Pexk d would like to request an a; a ,Williams additional Park , Board member._,_116r ion was made by Williams to author $e, the } Attorney to update the „or,. na` ton add park, board members. Seconded by Bussd end tapon akenf -it waswduly.p",asaed , Motion was made by Watkins to authorize Administrator McGuire -to file a' -� graliminary grant application to HUD, seconded by Busse and upon a vote' l tak4n, it was duly passed. % Administrator McGuire presented a''quote from K &R Communications for an PM ° Radio system at a cost of $3,561.00 chah or $86.18 per month on a five year lease-, at the end of the lease for -a total of $198.72the City would have ;f r the. ootion to bu sy thee unit., Motion was° mt� w by Watkins to lease the: PM radio 3yAgp three mobiles, two ,portables,. and one base, and to authorize ° ° Administrator McGuire to award this to the lowest bidder,'and.'the'c=gstals to be installed immediately, seconddd by Williams and upon ;a vote taken, �i it was duly passed. '” Administrator McGuire stated Credit River payment,was-received for 1975 h'l-re Contract. _ = Mayor.Stock called the Civil Defene - Phase II 'Public Hearing to order. Mayor Stock read 'the 'public notice. Mr. Tiro OnLaugtuin and Mr. Dick Irgens ,present the Civil Defense -Phase II t Siren Project. ` MayorStock.,asked for approval orddisappro om vals fr the floor Mr.`George Algren requested the Council look into alte�sriate plans and was,,in ° ,.opposition. Mr. Charles Stacy of Lakeside Manor complained about the noise of the sirens. Mr. Dan Stack requested the Council look further into alternate plans . Sue -Borka requested that ,the Council look into alternate locations of sirens Mr. - Mark. Anderson requested that,:the Councii.look' into alternate locations of Siren #6. -- Mull . Mr. Pete Brown was in opposition of* siren #6. • �- �-a. art.. :- Mayor Stock stated,that the Waste Control Agency would like to meet with ;f the Council on.Thursday, January 23, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. � { :Ztgineer Israelson presented change orders for discussion. Motion was made Y aPP Change , , y . •. b Milrma to rove the Barbarosaa Ch Orders 2 and 3 econded b Busse: and upon a vote taken, it was dily passed. t Ingineer..Israelaon presented the January 1975 Construction Cost Index. Z I This mattar was tabled until a later date. n Nayttr <; Stock directed Admihistrator McGuire to sand. a letter to people using ° pmal eo lift stations, stating that they use. good judgement in what is flushed - down the sewers. 1 Motion was made by °Watkins to advertise the me , sec - on iid by Busse and upon a vote taken,, it was duly passed. R ' ' ��GV.W!'°'t�4°`"Y -N 1C�1.V1'.3"", V. .(.,t.e�.4a w.YL.2:'G' �'t', [ x•..y4} o h fees was tabled. . el~a�r 6c I�ayment h ookup a s Notion was made by Watkins to advertise fora Resident Nagineer who holds at least a civil -or land surveyor degree acid• th tt . the; pgr96n=& that will be needed for inspection would be leaned from Israelson and Asaoc._and that. ,. they would be directly responsible to the Resident Rnginser who is directly responsible to the Administrator, Myror: aid Council. Seconded by Busse and „ ='I upon a vote taken, it was dult passed. Mayor Stock stated he attendedbthVaNatehaWMDisEvictd�ii- afleirtpg. p Motion was made by Willi amp to approve the street lights in SYepka's 3rd Addition, seconded by Waik ^e and upon_,a vote: taken, it was duly passed. Councilman Busse presented a petition from'Kneafsey's Cove stating they did not'want the road blacktapped but would give water and. sewer easements. k Thin matter Weis tabled euitil. , next meeting for more information.- I I ai Mayor Stock stated there is no liability insurance on Council members, etc. s The Attorney will check existing policies to see if there is any existing coverage. Aw Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn,oseconded by Busse and upon a vote taiin, th:kiL meeting was adjourned at 1100 P.M.f' ,` Michael A. McGuire,.Administrator' I MINUTES of the f►tecee Inp of the Vilk*o Council of the Villogw'of Fria,lako in the County of Scott and Stow of , Miwaesoto, including all accounts oudited by said Council. Mary Ann Rieck. opposed the location of siren #6 Motion was made by Watkins to continue the Public Hearing on Civil Defense Sirens - Phase II:until February 17, 1975 at 8 :00 P.M. and „to-direct Dick Irgens and Tim O'Laughlin -to pirpare some alternate plans to be presented at =„ t this, time. Seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mayer Stock called a•recess `of five minutes. r � Mayor called the regular council meeting to order. Motion was made by Watkins'to apprdve11 the Dog Catcher Agreement with Bob McAllister at 5160.00 per month, by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion madt by Watkins to amend the motion for Public Hearing for Pro- Ject 75-4 and 75 to February 3 1975 at 7 :30 P. seconded by Williams ' a and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Engineer`'Israelson presented Feasibility Report on Basswood Road and.Enox Lane,,j Notion was made by Watkins to direct the Sngineer do the preliminary plan on the McWilliams Road extension "and to seek out the property owners so when complete the, right -of Tway can.be required. Seconded by Busse and ` upon a wrote taken, it was.�duly passed.