HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 27 1975MINUM of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited'. by said Council.
January 27, 1975
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regu session at 7 :30 P.M. on
January 27, 1975, in the C ity Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, and Williams,
Administrative Assistant Sullivan, Engineer lsraelson, and Attorney Sullivan.
Councilman Oakes, and Administrator McGuire were absent.
The following corrections were made in the Minutes of January 20, 1975: Page one,
paragraph six, should read - approve the Police Mutai Agreement Pact. Page two,
paragraph thirteen, should read - Motion 'was 'made by Watkins, to advertise the sale
of pubic access between Lots one and two, First Addition to Eastwood, now being used
as a pubs is access to the lake, as per special legislation, on. February 24, 1975 at
7:30 P.M., seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was
made by Williams to approve the Minutes" of January 20; 1975 as corrected, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Engineer Israalson reported on the status of plans for PL 75 -2.
Engineer Israelson reported that Kneafsey's Cove Road is a public road: Engineer
Israelson- suggested the City , obi easements required to upgrade the roadway.
Mayor Stock read the following petitions "We the undersigned property owners would
like -to have the roast to Kneafsey's Co 4, South Road, remain a semi - private road with
straetmaintenance remaining the>orq iem of the local perty rop owners. We will accept
an unpaved service of approxim�, ely the width now existing,. We are willing to Want
easements for sewer and water only. Signed by - Raymond J. Cornforth, Lots 14 and
15;' Henry Harem, Lots .12 and 13; Neil Raymond, Lot 11; Ronald Clark, Lots 8, 9 and
10; and Gary R. Lindstam, Lots 1, 5, 6 and 7.:" Mayor Stock directed Councilman
owners on obtaining :easements and re rt back
Nap 'io meet further with the g repo pro
to the Council at the next Council Meetin
Noeam Qureshi presented' information and costs on d"the Fifth Avenue Storm Sewer
Project 75 -5.
Mayor Stock` called for the Opening of Bids for Bulk Gasoline at 8 :00 P.M. Mayor
Stock' read , a: quotation from Standard Oil Division. Motion, was made by Busse t
accept the quotation from. Standard Oil Division for bulk gasoline, seconded by Watkins
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The bid from Standard Oil Division, -was the
only one received.
Naeem Qureshi presented' - ,information and costs on Candy Cove Paving Project 754.
Naeem Qureshi presented information on North Prior Project 75-2-1. Mr. Qureshi
is to check with the County on. contributing to the cost of the project and' report back
b the Council at the next Councing Meeting. Mayor Stock authorized Engineer
Woolson to proceed with notifying the Scott County Engineer about the project. ' "
Motion was made by Busse to adopt a Resolution to be sent to Scott - County (see
, attached), seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Willk ns to authorize Engineer Isroelson to have air photos for
topographic .maps taken of the Spring Lake area to be *annexed, seconded by Busse and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock read a quotation for insurance on legal liability:cpverage. Mohan "was
m ade by Watkins to approve that the_,Crty enter into ,a legal liability coverage .
including, loss for reimbursement for a municipality, officials and all empbyees,. at
an annual premium of $514.00' seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was. duly
' .
��passed .