HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 03 1975t; MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villas* of Prior Lo • In the County of Scott' and Stet* of r Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sale Council. ' , sa _ February 3, 1975 I "! , The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regul ar session of 7:30 P.M. on February 3 1975 in the Ci Council• Chambers. Ma y o r Stock called the meeting rY • Y )� � a to 7 order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, and Williams, ti Administrator McGuire, Engineer Isroeison, and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Oakes v' was ,absent. Mayor Stock called the Public Hearing on Project 75-4 Candy Cove Street Improvemcat Pro ject and Project 75 -5 Fifth Avenue- Storm Sewers to order. Mayor Stock road the Publit- 149tice for Project 75 -4 Candy Cove Street improvement Project. "Mayor Stock stated that the notice as it was published covered more area to be assessed than actuaily`wos to be ass essed. Mayor 'Stock turned the meeting over to Councilman Busse. o , ' •, Councilman Busse introduced the Council Members, the Mayor, the Administrator, and r = the Engineers. Councilman Busse turned the meeting ever JOL Engineer Israelson for presentation of 04 project , < Engineer Isroelson presented Project 75-4 Candy Cove Street Improvement Project. 1 'Councilman Busse asked for questions from the floor. $, Mr. jet Kline asked what property was to be assessed. Engineer ismelson explained what property was to be assessed, and stated .that the outlot in Lakeside Manor will not be asseaed for the paving. A Mr. George Algren asked whdt property line this project stated'at and how will it be determined who is to be assessed. Engineer Israelson explained where the project start and, how it will' be assessed.. ` ' 4 Motion was made b ' Watkins too approve- Project 7 4 Paving f y PPro rot 5- ng o Candy Cove Parkway, - , `' •. seconded by Williams and upon d vote taken it was duly passed. ' 1 ' y" Mr. Stacy asked if the part of the road that doe' of have a' curb ,. can have a curb ` added, Engineer lsraeison explained this. . 1 #fir _ f , Mayer Stock road the Public Notice for Project 75- 5,Fifth'Avonue,Sbrm Sewers. r% o t Mayor Stock turned. the meeting over to Councilman Busse. � Councilman Busse turned the meeting over to Engineer Isroelson for presentation of the tt project. Engineer Isroebon presented - Project 75 -5 F fth•AvenU4 -Storm Sewers. ' Councilman Busse asked for questions from the floor. Mr. George Borgerding asked why the storm sewer is-being proposed. •Mayor Stack stated the roman for this is that from' mbir of years the water has - oUe -led in two areas, one along County 12, and the other area behind Schroder Block Plant and both`because primarily the storm sewer outlets or dwinages went °to these, areas and when the original storm sewer went in Minnesota- Street they did•�iot provide for,an outlet for that water. Mayor Stock stated he has received complaints every spring about the water ponding In-these areas and what 'could the Council.• do about it and this is the reason why ` the Public Hearing and feasibility study was requested 'by the; 'Council of the Engineer; ° to find out what the Council could cb to get, rid of this water . Mayer Shock stated the Public Hearing °'is asking tot your inpu +,'if you feel "that there a need to get rid of this water and if-w6 are dding it in the best pod Wa ible'-manrnd at the lowest oust IF the :iiF4 s '1Ht \Sraµ''r�'p;? MIHUM of rho Preees lap of tke Vlikge Council of the Village of Prier take in the County of Scott and Stele of #Manesota, including all accounts audited by said Council'. people affected and it is basically because of the complaints that the Council has i . 'received in the post of the water ponding in these areas and the one,;especially, behind Schroeder Block Plant. Mr. Borgerding asked if this was not essentially two projects : Engineer Israelson stated that it was made into one project because • the cost was the same for both sections. Mr. Borgarding asked if a sofety factor is involved should not the City be responsible. Mayor Stock stated the areas that are ' benefited by an improvement are assessed for the improvement. Mr. Borgarding asked if the' County and State are contributing' toward this improvement why doesn't the "City,.pay the rest. 'Engineer Isrceison stated that the County and State contribution of funds are based on the, area that is contributing to the problem. Mrs. Jerry Haferman did not think that they had that much of a problem. Mr. Leon Buss asked if there is a cu l vert that ",under High 13. Engineer Israelson stated they could not find a culvert at this area. Mr. Buss asked how many : complaints Mayor Stock has received. Mayor Stock stated he did not know, how many a complaints he,has received: Mayor Stock stated the Council is responsible for the ' safety of its constituents; if the Council receives a complaint and does nothing about it, the City could then be held ,liable for such an act and he feels. the Council by ' asking fo" Input from the people,' feels the obligation of the City, has been fulfilled. Mrs. George Borgarding wanted to know why something was not done last year when the area viq s torn up. Mayor Stock stated it should have been done and it was 51 recommended by the Engineer, but the Council decided not to. Mr. Tam - - --- -- stated there was a culverr under County Road 12, but last year r: I when the area w6 tom up the culvert was not replaced. Mr. Iry Clemens stated he has �iven easements to the City and has give all he can �f 1 Mr. Harold ----- wanted 'to know why, this was not taken care.of when the H194 xt s was pYt in•, f. Mr. Tom - - - -- asked if there are any alternate projects that can be used. Engineer , braelson stated, the pro ject shown would be the cheapest method.. Mrs. Grath statad h a did! not think the culvert under Highway 12 at 5th Avenue ' was .. r put,. in properlY. -. '.. Mr. George Borgerding asked for a vote of how many people are for and how many i people are,agnini,the project,, Co; ncilman Busse stated that this was. not the best if there anyone that cared to speak in favor of the project. ... method, and. asked was 0 Al Mr. Hairoldlutiliarwuurted to know if the Railroad is immune from ,contributing, s because they hod" top fad he natural drainage of the water. He stated that the same size culvert wva;, no replaced under Highway 12. a Mis. ,Emma Johnson stated, that everyone,in her neighbokhood is against the project a and it should be dro _. Peed Mr. Jerry. $imon'wontedto know wil the Council want to drain the pond that they „ will, be drain ing into in a couple�if ` I I : �,� . : Mrs.Bluhmwantad ro•know if the Cr►,00uld. not just fencethe _hazan�ous spot. • � ` Councilman'Busse turned the meet�ng'back to Mayor Stock: Motion wa ;;made by ifth Watkins re Project 75-5 F Avenue Storm Sewers, aeconde by Bus:e and te take upon; a von it was duly passed.• Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn the P�biic Hearing- on,Projects 75-4 and 75 -5, seaoetdpcj'by Busse and upon a taken it duly passed. (2) �� / /'+F#.'iM- �ilyY :• aau� ^,rv.`dN'� 4C"1 Yv" 4.4 i11�t K x y t ,4 t MIHUTiS of Pro Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village. of Prier lake in the County of Soo" and, State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Cbundi. = ; Mayor Stock called a five minutes recess. Mayor Stock called the Regular Council Meeting to order. >.. . Motion was made by Bt u* to approve the Minutes for January 23 and 27 , 1975, seconded by Wa*jns and .upon a .vote taken it was duly passed, ! i.: a Councilman Watkins stated that o Public Hearing is scheduled :fior resorting the Almac property on Thursday, February 20, 1975'at'7:30 P,M: Engineer Isroelson stated the status of the Project 75 2 -i ' Prior North "Oubl is Hearing,. Motion was made by Watkins to recind the motion for a Pub) ic Mearing on Project 75-2 -1 Prior North on February 13, 1975, seconded by` Busse and upon a vote; taken it was duly `passed. , Motion was made by Williams to schedule a Public Hearing far Project 75 -2 -1 Prior North on February 27, -1975 at 7:30 P.M. seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it Was duly passed,a, f , Councilman Busse stilted he met with the property► owners qn Kneaf iey'$, Cove Road and th y wonted =b know what the+Council's fieeling would be on vac t ng this to d: _MO ;a n was made by,Bu :e to, acquire additional easements to make o 50 foot r�htro *wary cod o turnaround and the Council will pave a 24 footAsurfoce`with no parking"il'an¢;it is not ' fire Council': intent to make the road wider in the future, seconded, bywtkins and upon a, vqh taken. it was duly Y i Engineer braelsani pruonted the area tliat will be taken of. Mayor Stock stated that the topos. are' to be icheduied for completion ,iin the late Fall of 1975. Mayor Stock directed Councilman Busse and Engineer Isroelson l contact the 'derelape r and present to him the.problems,on 11asswood,Road and Knox Lane and report bock to the Council their finding: of the next Council Meeting, r McWilliams Road Exten + sion� virus tabled,, x. �tt�inearng Index ! Hookup Fees wa tabled. x . e.. lMofior�.vrae mode by Wil,liomrto,,convert_the Lift station in Condons/Woodole b new controls, seconded by Watkin and a yvote token .it wqs duly gassest. k Motion was mode by Watkins to ask the pump manufacturers to submit a corrective, action :tats „ m b the Counci (on the 'replacement pumps, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed AdministratorMcGuire to send Engineer lsraelson a copy, of this motion. Mayor Stock presented a letter. regarding Mafy Lou Johnson, occupied' by Robert Johnson, easements. Engineer Israelson to'check on this and report back of the next Council Meeting. Engineer braelson is to present o cash flow run down in relation to how it would affect Ordinance 7541telating to Payment of \hater and Sewer Connection Permit Fees, at the next Council Meeting. Mationwas made by Williams to approve Ordinance 75 -5 Regulation of Cats, = seconded by Busse and upon o vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Williams to approve Ordinance 75.-6 Relating to Pork Board .Memii4rs seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it`v ,,s duly passed. Mayon s �tock'presented a letter received from the State , of M innesota Tax Depor}rttent on 4 tax evaluation. Attorney Sullivan is to give the Council an opinion on thk letter before the. next Council`lilleetng, (3) i / Ad i 10HUM of the pr0000dhW of tke Villa 'Council of the VIOaoe of Prior Lake in the County of Seca and State of ((( Age - I eim lncludiej all acm- nts audited by said Council. n < Q tJ Mayor Stock presented a letter on the Plumbing Ordinance froln Attornay Sullivan to i Administrator McGuire; Mayor Stock read a letter to Arnold Pahl - regarding easements. Motion.wos made by Busse to change the letter to Arnold Pahl,, stating the City,would'granthim the right to construct a perManent driveway over the easement and all other structures, fences, * plantings, would not be at the replacement of the City, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock read a letter to James N. Mason in'reference to sewe , and water construction inconvenience: This letter was given to Engineer II`aeI be' a - rewritten. Mayor Stock presented a petition from Candy Cove Parkway requesting"th* sheet name being_ leftas it is. The' Willows has, also requested time an the ageeda of a s' future. Council Meeting. ' .. Mayor Stuck read a letter from the Prior Lake Assoc iation'rogarding rezoning. ± ,Mayor Stock�read n letter from Cornmisiioner Dennis -Ron regarding a meeting of the Metropolitan Significance `Proposal on Tuesday, February 4, 1.975 of 1:30 P.M. in the 'Court House Office - or the'Cornmissioni0sChambers�. r j } Mayor Sbck statiid that City Chas Been , informed by Grose, Von Ho.ttum, Von ' Holtum, Sieben and Schmidt, Ltd., that Donald.BarloW;vs. the Chief of Police of Prior Lake and Deidred Flanagan vs. the Chief of Police of Prior Lake on an action which they feel they have danibgei agoihst fhe City oftrior'Lake °for "insurance mental 'anguiWorid the`Administraior will turn the matter over to"owr` Y 7 y carrier. J ` Major Stick $toted `there is ar Legislation Action Conferenl.e sporaared'by the Leegue'of Minneaata hAnicipoli'itilss Wednesday; February�,26' 1975 at the St. Paul °. Arts and Science Center at 1 X30 P.M, " rr Councilman Wiilaams requested _ , m or* water be pint on, skating rink at Boudins Manor. ,Administrator M;,,tsuire to contact the Fire Department onr this. Mention was'tmod by Watkins b adjourn, seconded by Busse ond'upon a vote taken fkis nleeting'wa:_adjourned at 10 P.M. 1" a Michael A. McGuire,'Administrator w c� t r._ 3 I