HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 10 19751f , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of theilvillage of Prior Lake in the County of Scow and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. v . Feb llu ary� 10, 1975 t The Council. of the City of" Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on j February, 10,` 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.: Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Cake, ; and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer, Isroelson, and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Watkins .r . was. absent. ^ r The `first. item on the agenda was: the opening of the. bids for�Project'75 2. The following a bids were opened: Nodland and Assoc., Inc. -5% Bid Bond Attached $1,829i735.0k) Northern Contracting Co. J 5% Bid 'Bond Attached $2,,1,7,1,305.75 Johnson Bros. Hwy. & Heavy Constructors 596`Bid Bond Attached $2,275,022.00 n Fischer Const. Co., Inc. 596 Bid Bond Attached . $2,392,393.00 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. 5% Bid Bond Attached $-1,974,251.00 " Peter Lametti Constr. CO 5% Bid Bond=Attached $2,012,371.75. Hoffeian Brothers, Inc. 5% Bid Bond Attached $1,910,914:75 ' 4 Orfei &`Sons, Inc. 596 "Bid Bond. Attached,'' $2,031,201.44 McDonald & Assoc. 5% Bid Bond Attached $2,220,888.75 Winona Plumbing Co. S% Bid, Bond Attached 42,476,008.00 + - GL Contracting' '596 Bid Bond Attached °$2,216,'$89.20. Motion was made by Busse to accept the b.;ds an Project 75 -2 as presented and to direct the engineer to snake d complete, ta6ulation and to present the information to the: Council, and it is the Council's intent a award the bid on or around March 4, 1`975, after`the,completion of the bond sale, -seconded by Williams and upon` a vote taken it was duly posed: Mr ,`bick Booth presented a petition in regard to street naming on Martinson Island. Mayor Stock' taquested'"t. o'oomniittee of residentv"et with Mr.: McGuire and -A Mr. Sullivan. 10 resolve the problem and then if 1t,cannot be'r6solyed it:will'become a !� Council problem. Mr..LeRoy Morn .of Candy -Cove Parkway was „present and wanted, to know if the petition <. from his area on street naming,, had- been received,-and accepted by the •Council. Mayor Stockstated the petition had, been turned over iwMr.' -Su llivan and requested that a c mri ttee be formed to meet wif Mr. McGuire and, <Mr. Sullivan to resolve the;'problem. ., Mayor Stock requested, for the matter of record, that Mr. Bill Sullivan resubmits presentation on the street naming; and numbering system at the.March 3,. 1975 Council., Meeting. Mr. Don. Benson was present representing property owners in t he Pint Addition Ai u Eastwood in regard to the City selling the public> access between lofts one and hMO? of -said additiowi - Mr.' Benson - stated that, they would..rother,hove-the land vacataid. Stock '""sted that the: property.owners prepareo, petition and submit,i't to %firms Council -before February 17, 1975., Ma k' lled min of `the:bids' far Pro'ect°75-7 ell Nci!j The Mayor Stoc _ goo for the ape . g t (W r ') following bids were, opened. r( Keys Well Drilling _ 5% Bid Bond Attached.. $54,600.00 E'.. H. ReRnner & Soto 5% Bid Bond Attached _ $ 4 :$ 165.00 ' Loyrte Minn. Co. 5%, Bid tocherh Bond''At?12,315:;00 ` McCarthy W411 Co.' ” ;5% Bid Bond Attached S36 510.00 ' dergsrson- Caswell 5% Bid Bond, Attached Q G. u C • ,._.,"- *...,..> ., ,.c ka 4x,»^ r stf. ti V4 ,, z s MINUTES of the Peaceedinos of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the. County of See" and State of Minnesota, including all accounts: audited by said Council.. l Motion was made by Busse to accept the bids for Project 75 -7 (Well No. 4) as'`a presented and, turn them over to the Engineer for tabulation and it is the Council's intent to award the bid,on or around Macch•4, 1975, after the completion of the bond sale,.seconded by Williams and upon•,a vote taken it wes duly. passed,. Mr. Jim Olson presented information on the Bond Market. r The following correction was made to the Minutes of February,3, 1975: Page two, second 'paragraph from the bottom, should read - Motion was made by Watkins to reject Project 75-5 Fifth Avenue Storm Sewers, seconded by Busse and upon a vote ~taken it was. duly passed. Motion was made by Williams,to approve the Minutes of February 3, 1.975 as amended, seconded by Busse, and upon a vote taken it was duly d * passed Mr. David Burns, President of Willows Association, presented a petition in regard , to street naming. Mayor Stock accepted the petition. 'Mayor Stock requested a " committee meet with Mr. McGu and. Mr,. Sullivan t, resolve the problem, and l� Y :then if the problem cannot be worked out return - to the Council at the March 3, 1975 Council Meeting. i the neighborhood Mr: Herold Miller was present and apologized, for .. ghbo .hood for,remt arks I o ,made at the last Council Meeting, Mr. Miller was also present in regard to property damage from construction. Mayor Stock directed Engineer Isroelson to fI check on, the damage to Nell to Lannon's sidewalk, damage to LII .Groth's sidewalk, S ..the Trichie culvert-that was• smashed, damage to the Miller property from o truck _load.of grovel dumped on his yard and in the process of cleaning it .up a couple �of.evergreens were damaged,and the drive'Way,wos left in a mess and tjdewalks - ' f ` domaged, to determine if a' culvert was under the railroad tracks, and to check Lii x storm sewer under County Road 12 near Groth's corner. ` Mr:," Fred Holquist was.preient requested information on the sale of the public . ;. access : between lots one and two in the.First Addition; to Eastwood.. `• q apply Administrctor McGuire requested authorization "to a I for Federal Aid Urban . , °Fund& for pathways cad traffic signals. Motion, was made , by Busse to authorize Administrator McGuire to apply for Federal-Aid Urban Funds for pathways and troffic.sqjtaals.seconded by Stock and upon 6 vote Laken it was duly passed. 1 ' was Kneafsey's Cove Road tabled. 41 I P' Basswood Roadm and Knox Lane was table Engineer Isroelson presented maps of the McWilliams Road Extension 'right-of -way L „ needed: _ * Ie Mr. ha" 1 regarding easements.. e I n. h d- a tier to C r es Bo rman, E r Israe se M .. n inn , ro Mahon was made by Oakes to send letter- February 10 1975 to",Mr. Charles " Borman, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:. Mayor Stock read a letter from Atli�tney " Monahan regordin9 easement over Mary '., Lou Johnson property' dated Janucxy" 30; 1975, Attorney Sullivan is to answer the letter lo Attorney Manahan and to send copies to Mayor Stock and Administrator r •: McC.au.ire. r Mayor Stock asked fear opinions "on the Engineering Index. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt °the 5300.00" connection fees for,wotec:and sewer each, beginning with the year 1978, se-andedtby Williams and upon a vote taken_ it was duly passed. "''Engineer Isroelson presented street sign specifications. 4 (2) MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council Councilman Oakes requested the Conroy Beach. area, assessments. Engineer1sroelson . presented these assessments. Motion was made by Oakes do defer the. assessments for " storm sewers on the Anna, J. Conroy property (PL 4 -135) until, than parcel is sold, subdivided, or platted, seconded by Williams `and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made''by Oakes to hold a Public Hearing on Project 75 -2 -2 Storm Sewers at 8:30 P.M. ; on.February 2 1975, seconded by. Busse.and,upon a, vote taken itwas duly passed. ' Opinion:on Letter Dated 12%30%14 from Arthur Roemer, Tax Commissioner, was tabled. Motion was made by Oakes to approve Ordinance 75-1 Providing for Installment Payments of Connectim Fees, seconded by- Williams and upon a::vote taken it was duly passed _P , Mayor Stock`directed Attorney Sullivan to update the Dog Ordinance., , : ; y Mayor Stock read a letter from Engineer Isroelson to,the Council regarding lift 41 ; stations.' _ Mayor Stock stated there-will be a Public Hearing an regulations for datenni4in9 matters • of rnetropolitgn significance on Monday, March 10i 1975 al'7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 300 Metro Squorek$uilding, 7th and Robert Streets,�St.,,Paul, Mayor Stock requested that Administrator McGuire or Bill Sullivan attend.this meeting. ..Mayor Stock stated there will"'be a Public Hearing on February 1.4, -1975 at 1:30 P.M. �in the Metropolitan. Council Chambers, regarding Task Force on Governor's Crime Commission to review standards developed by" National Advisory.Commission on criminal justice standards, and goals. ' 't The> following billiV*ereaapproved and p6id for the month of °danua GENERA. FUND: Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit $ 2,024.96 y ' State Treasurer PERA 2; 255.94 ' Richard Powell Salary 395.12 , DalwMeihak Salary 418.74 Steven Schmidt 352 Sala 70 r Y'. �` • Dennis Leff Salary X373.00 LeRoy Rabenort « Salary , ` 333.30 f ` Eugene Smith Salary c Joe Van Den Boom Salary 324.00 ; Michael McGuire- Salary .,440,61 a Shirlene Craig CA Salary ,172. William Sullivan Salary 287.40 T....L3cal Union.320 Union Dues ,; -, 42:50_ :Melanie Johnson Salary 18.40 League of Minn. Municipalities Conference 70.00 Cosh Petty Cash 4 0400 Commissioner of Revenue State Tax Withheld 2.140:68 'State Treasurer Social Security, _;. 1J 57d'.10 State Treasurer _ Sur Charge 281.66 , Wafter Shock Mayor's Pay 180.00 Donald Busse. ' Councilman's: Pay, .., ; ..." : 80.00 Tom Watkins Councilman's Pay 80.00 Donald Williams , « +- Councilman's°Pay 80.00 Michael McGuire • Car Allowonce 75.00 Jack Oakes Councilman s Pa , " 40. 00 Coulter, Nelson,.•ond Sullivan Attorney Fees,:: � 539.00 Charles Tooker Planner Fees °1,500=:00 NSP' Utilities , ' *. 11.50 y (3) !MINUTES of th* hacoodIMP of this Village Council of this Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Mtansw including all aacouMs audited i by said CounA GENERAL FUND (Continued) Minn. , Natural Div., Utilities 84.42 Standard OilD,iv Gas,and Oil , a 106575 Diversified Insurance Services Insurance 931 -.00" Lake Auto Supply 'Police Auto Repair, 100.13 „ LbL' OK Hardware, lnc. Police Auto Repair 3.22 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities Diversified Insurance Services Insurance 865.00 Albert Hergott Weed Inspector 21:'70! Steve Schmidt c Overtime, 26.29 y Eugene Smith -; Overtime, 19.13 pv , LeRoy Robenort Overtime 44.30' Air Comm ; Police Suppl "es,, % 250.00 - Kerr- McGee Corp. Police Auto Repair 1.80' 4 Minn. Naturri Div. Utilities 39.49 Cy's Standard Service Police Auto. Repair 152.00 Law Enforcement Equipment Co. _,Police rSupplies 46.25 ¢' Uniforns,Unlimited, ,Polrce;.Supplie; " . . , 91.20 Suet Business Equipment Ciffic Supplies 28..90 i ' 3M Company Police Supplies 14.40 JAK� Office Products Co �i.. _ ., O ce u" lies,, 68.89 ' s F, PP . Gene's"Inter -Ci ,Oil e9licq Repa 2.50. SCM.Corporation , . Office .40.50 luaolson.and Assoc. ,..Inc. Engineering Fees , 227.30 Scott County Treasurer Prisoner's Board 35.00 Prior .Lake American. Printing and Publishing °53.27 E:, H. Newstrom Building Inspector v 310.00 UG J Coast to Coast Store Police Supplies . 3,99 Clarence Schmidt Plumbing Inspector, ° 56.00 NSP Utilities 51.58 °Bankers Life Co. Hospitalization 092.25 r Shirlene Craig" Salary 172:31 William J. Sullivan Salary 287.40 Steven Schmidt Salary 361.20 ... Dennis Leff °Salary 38_ ' ?50 ?. LeRoy'Rabenort Salary ; 341.80 Eugene Smith Salary 319.60 3 Joo,Yon Den Boom Salary 332,.50 Richard Powell Salary , X 395412 .^ Mtchoel.McGuire Salary , 440.61 , t Melanie Johnson Salary 51.10 • Nick Wait Flag Care 20.00 :t Lawrence Schweich Library Rent ` , , 300.00 , Dale Meihak Salary , 418.74 { Larry Kerkow Overtime 165.71 Elmer Busse Overtime . 91.33 Ray Johnson Overtime 168;,05 TOTAL $24 • 597.45 , <r� ar. � h WATER FUND. x Larry Kerkow Salary S, .340.34 Postmaster Postage 100.00 " State Treasurer Processing Fee 5.00 s Commissioner of Revenue .� ����alea TeX 17T.91 �Gl NSP t Utiii }ias 153.23 Standard Oil Div. Fuel 85.26 ! e L&L OK Hardware, Inc. Supp 5.46 Minn. Natural,.Div, Utilities ... 69.59 3 Water Products Co Meter Repairs 16.08 Lyon Chemicals Chemicals 4.80 i {(Y Layne Minn.:. Cd�. � Suppl -ies 71.86 � '. MINUTES of tM Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and 'State of A Mionesota, including all accounts audited by said Council s WATER FUND (Continued): 'Jordan Independent Printing 26.95 NSP Utilities 265.66 - Larry Kerk. Solory r 340.34 TOTAL $1, -662.48 . Q SEWER FUN , Metropolitan Sewer Board, SAC Charge w $3,267.00 Judith Jepsen Salary 179.07 Raymond Johnson Salary 381.07 „- NSP Utilities 227.98 Standard Oil Dick Gas and Oil 85.26 Diversified Insurance Services Insurance Premiums 215.00 Lake Auto Supply Equipment Repairs 2.32 L &L OK Hardware, Inc. Equipment Repairs 13$.63 ` Minn Valley Elec.,.Coap. Utilities 27.60 Millers Fairway Foods x Equpment.Rapoirs 1.87 Goodyear Tire Center Equipment Repairs 156.90 $ Jim Cates Damages 56.50 Prior Lake 76 Equipment Repairs 41.45 NSP Utilities 8.01 . Metropolitan Waste Control Comm. Metro Installment LL' 891.36 ...,; Judith M. Jepsen Salary,.,, .,. ,..., 179.07 Raymond Johnson Salary 381.07 TOTAL $6,239.76 FIRE FUND: r Fireman's Relief Assn. Retirement, Fund: $8,058.77 . Minn. Natural Div. Utilities 11.41 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 99.47 Diversified Insurance Services Insurance 230.00 ' L&L OK Hardware, Inc. Suppl 36:26 Scott -Rice. Telephone Co. Utilities 91.15 :enrol Tire Service E gp•pm i ent 1a. " Re !rs 50.54 Madden Extinguishers Supplies 8.00 t NSP Utilities, . r 66073 12 Minn. State Fire Chiefs Assn. Membership Dues Gin =1 Oblig. Bldg. Fund ! nw'.er 5.50(3.00 TOTAL $14,39,33 STREET FUND Elmer Busse Salary $ '330. . NSP Utilities 1,553.40 Standard Oil Div., Gas and Oil _' �a85.26 > Lake Auto Supply Equipment Repairs . 43.02 ., iohnsack and Hennen Snow. Removal r 622.00 . - bhnson and Kona Snow Removal ". 112.,00 Mlnn. Valley Elec. Coop,. Utilities 16.50 Minn Natural Div.- Utilities; 215.15 &ydn Rock Products, inc.. Crushed Rock 38.09 C "11.1, -Inc. Salt 1'58.07 Elme: Busse Salary 330b5 TOTAL �.'#'3,:504.79 t; rl - fa ^."'hM:,° 5�,, r:.,u �±3agt�i ; Vin'' 'K . ,... MINUTES of the P acs ings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In the County of See" and -Stato of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council. BUILDING FUND ' NSP Util ities ' Z. 175.00' " i b L&L OK Hardware, Inc. Repairs 89.41' 1 41. OK Hardware, Inc. Cleaning. Supplies 45.00 « Scott-Rice Telephone Co., Utt ties `' 161.41 Monnens- Supply, ;,Inc. Building, Supplies' _ 150.62 Minn. Natural. Div. '' Utilities 150.54 Gross Industrial Serv. Floor Mats 26.40 Prior Lake Lumber Co. Repairs 8.55 Wm. Poppenberger and Sons Building Supplies '440.75 TOTAL . , Y, 237.68 PARK FUND: NSP Utilities $ 47.85 E , Lake Auto Supply Repairs .; 12.90 Bohnsock and Hennen; Skating Rink Maint: .' « 54.00 Mor+nens Supply, Inc. Supplies 2.16 « Western Air Maps, Inc; Appraisal: " r 20.00 I Bohnsack and Hennen Burying Trees 629.00 TOTAL 3765.91 CAPITAL_ PARK FUND Chorles Tooker Planner Fees ,:.. < $ 250.00 Midwest Fence and Mfg. Co. Property Improvement x`269.56 Treasury Bonds --100.000.00 TOTAL 1 00i 519.56 GENERAL OBLIGATION BUILDING FUND: y ' p Y Bond Coupons 3 5,250.00 71.-1 STREET GRADING, W&S FUND: t Treasury Bonds' Z62, 000.00 - STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUN a Treasury Bands a5,000.00 CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMgNT FUND: =6,000.00 . EAGLE CREEK WATER AN^--SEWE, R FUND: C. N. & Sullivan° \ \Ationney Fees ; °560.00 ; e Minn. Valley Elec. Ca9P. Wro,lnstailed ' 105:00 t,N� v � Ma Inc. rsgo, , Contract=Paynknt 8 { Jerry Slattery Towing 8.50 ' Israelson and Assoc., Inc., Engineering Fees *' = �, Tre asury Bonds 100, 00 0 -0u'" �i TOTAL 31��030 8 STREET'IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND: ;G Israelson and Assoc., Inc. Engineering, Fees $ 1,143.64 " ' Treasury Bonds X30 336.00 $31 z1 a . TOTAL 4� (6) .......wni ...n .. mot. < I C ry `A MINUTES of Ae Proceedings of the Villa" Council of the Villas of Prior Lako In the County of See" gad State of Mianesoto, including all occounts.oudited by said Council. }` 72-7,8,9 3 10 "W&S FUND L. A. Shank -Plmg. and H1j. Contract Payment $ 120:40 Clerk of District Court Condemnation 50.00 Barbarosso and Sons, Inc. Contract Payment 46,S1y.30 . Layne Minn. -Co ' Rep Pa 510 n� Bacbarossa and Sons, Inc. Change Orders 9,580.60 Treasury Bonds 150.000.04 TOTALS =206 m 72 -2 CSAH -39 FUND: Treasury Bonds $36,078.88 FA_ ADDITION FUND: }? ` Treasury Bonds $13,000.00 FISH'OOINT ROAD FUND: , Amer: `' Nat'l Bank and Trust - Bond Payment $5, 052.61 MAPLE PARK VIP FUND ' Treasury Bonds $15,000.00 t Motion was made b Busse to adjourn, seconded• by Oakes and upon` a vote taken th `x muting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M Michael A. McGuire, Administrator i i n =Psi o r c (7)