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MINUTU of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State, of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
February 17, 1 975
The Common Council of the City of , Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on =
February 17, -1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams,
Administrator McGuire, Engineers Si hendel and Qureshi, and Attorney Sullivan.
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Mr. Steve Mattson from Juran and I was p in re ' cd to the
Y pr ga proposed bond
I sale for Projects 75 -2 (San. Sew,., V�,tr, ' Stone Sewer), 75 - 2 and 6 (Street Im p ro vement ) ,
z. pro )
75 -7 (Well #4), and 75-4 (Street lnipipvement). Motion was made by Busse to approve
resolution on proposed bond issues as stated by Mr. Steve Mattson,.seconded by Watkins
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr. Don Benson presented a petition in regard to vacating the public access between
lots one and two in the First Addition to Eastwood. The Council accepted the petition
for consideration in determining if they should sell'or vacate said public access.
Mr. Wesley Green was present in regard to vacating the public access between lots; one
and two in the First Addition to Eastwood.
,+ In regard to the public access between lots one and two in the First Addition to Eastwood,
Councilman Watkins stated that before said public access would be vacated, a written
document would be needed"` before the opening of the bids, to show how the property, is
to be used
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of February 10, 1975, seconded by
Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the invoices to be ;paid, as previously approved by
the Finance Committee,, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed
Motion was made. by Watkins to approve the Fire Report for January 1975, seconded by
Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was -made by Watkins to approve the Police Report for January 1975, seconded by
Busse and upon -a vote taken it was duly passed. ;
Mayor Smock called the Public Hearing on the Downtown Proposed Assessment District to
order at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Stock read the' Public ;Notice.
} Mayor Stock turned the meeting over to Councilman Watkins.
Councilman Watkins read g short chronology on the reason for the Publiek Hearing.
Mr. Charles Tooker presented the design plan of the Downtown Proposed Assessment
Gouneilmon Watkins askfid ,for. questions from the floor.
Mr. Jim Caseboldt, Mrs. Bonnie Cameron, Mr. Merle Meyer, and Mr. Bud O'Keefe
were against having' residential property being assessed as commercial property.
Mr. Keith Thorkelson, Mr. Harold Miller, Mr.-Phil Swan, Mr. Rollie Thieling,
` Mr. Emmett Knox, Mr.. Norbert Barka, and;. Mr. Kar!'Mickus supported the project.
Motion was made by Watkins that the- Downtown Proposed Assessment District project be
' I I
studied and a.Public Hearing be set for the assessment schedule, seconded by Williams
and upon a vote taken i it was duly, passed.,
_ I
MINUTES of the Rroceedines of the Village Council of he Village of'rier take. in the County of Scott and State of '
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said 'Council
Motion was made by Oakes that consideration be given to deferrrig assesownts�on
any residential parcels in the improvement district, this questioe'tcti ; re>alved� ;at
the next public,,hearinq; seconded by Watkins and upona vote;ta fps a it was du Ely
Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn ; the Public Hearing, seconded, by Busse and 11
upon a vote taken this Public Hearing was adjourned.
Mayor Stock caliecEjthe Continuation of Public Hearing on C vil Defense Sirens.ao
Mr. Dick Irgens presented the Civil Defense Siren placements and costs.
Mayor Stack asked for questions from; the (loon
Mr. Roger Break wanted to k w reason for Having siren 0 3..kAr - organs- sivted
�0 6'.s.r te-
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the placement of the Civil Defense 'sirens,
phase 11, as presented by Mr. Irgens, seconded by W iI l ions and upon 'a vote taken
it was duly passed. ,
Motion was mode by Watkins to adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Oakes
and upon q vote taken this -Public Hearing was ad* mod.
Mayor Stock called the Regular Council Meeting to
Councilman= Watkins stated there will be a'rezoning on Th 'rsday,
February 20, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
Co6ncilmanr Williams stated , there will be -a Park 'Board Meeting on Tuesday,
February,' 18, 1 at 8:00 P.M.
a J
Councilman Busse stated that Kneafsey's Cove Road will be paved, with no parking
and a hammerhead turnaround.
Councilman Busse staled Basswood.Road is in William Schmokel's• hands.
Engineer Scheridel presented' information on the McWilliams Road extension
right -of -way needed. Mayor Stock requested a feasibility study.
Engineer Schendel presented informatiowan restoration of sidewalks, storm sewer,
etc., 5th Avenue and CSAH 12 and culvert in railroad right-of-way. Mayor
Stock requested that based on sidewalks, etc., that the:Engineer make it a note
that this would come up in the Spring and that these sidewalks, culverts, etc.,
that have been damaged'by the project, be replaced first thing'forthvvith at the
beginning of the cant uction` season. ,Engineer Schendel statad.thot the railroad
map does not shpw a culvert under the railroad tracks. Mayor Stock requested,
because the railroad does not show a culvert, that the Engineer look into ways of
getting rid of the water in this area, and the cost.
Engineer Qureshi presented information on County Road 44 Storm Sewer. Mayor
Stock stated he wanted a good case presented on this storm sewer project, if one
is to be presented at alt. w
Engineer Qureshi presented information on`'the Mary Johnson easement. Motion
was made by Busse io entertain a resolution to authorize the Attorney to proceed'
with on the Ma. ry Johnson property, seconded by Oakes and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
MINOIS of the Prot: inps of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Caunty aR`Scott aad Stote
Mlanesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Engineer Qureshi presented a let ter from Bruce Patterson regarding using a typical
y` precast box on Martinson Island. Motion was made by Oakes that the Engineers be
directed to
go ahead alon the route esented to r c "structure similar to� [ ut
g tx , ! n�
that which exists and be prepared to present alternatives in the advent that the citizens
with a different dimension, seoondod by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly pissed.
� Mayor Stock presented a lift station report from Tri-State. State. Ma roc Stock shied they are
still experiencing trouble with the Lift station located at Lakeside Manor Apartments and
as o, . f this morning and as of tonight it is not in working order it will have io be pumped
k/ and it will have to be repaired. Mayor Stock stated Engineer Schende,l is in charge of ..j
this and will follow upon this the first thing in the morning.
Motion ;was made by Watkins that the Attorney reply to the letter dated 12/30/15 Flom
Arthur Roemer; Tax Commissioner, stating that-the Council will follow what they
understand "the State low to be, "5% limitation, seconded by Oakes"and upon a vote
takenit� was duly etter for the files.
y passed . Mayor Stock requested a cop y, of the
Motion was made by Oakes to adopt, 75-7 amending Ordinance 72 -13 (Dog
t Ordinanc'e), seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was ,duly passed:.
" Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Audit for 1974 and post, seconded by Watkins
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. d°
c Mayor Stock slated the League of Minnesota Municipalities has a program for Minnesota
Shares in Hunger Campaign and a Hunger Day an which everybody is to forgo their meals �.
- and they am asking for a resolution on the part of the municipalities, to ask their
citizens to participant in the program and for th" donate material�or funds equivalent
to the meals to UNICEF or CARE on an internat'afi6asis and to the commwnity food
shelves on a State basis. Motion was made by Watkins that a resolution be adopted that
r:. Prior Lake support the Minnesota Share for Hunger Day and urge all the people in the community to support it, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it l was du
>�: - Y passed. s
Mayor Stock stated he received a,resolutio'n from the Coup Board of ` "
h Commissioners
urging the 1975,, Legislature to enact the bill increasing the Minnesota Gasoline Tax
c $.02 per galtonl
Motion was made, by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken this
Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
j IV
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
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