HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 24 19754 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County] of Slott and State of a "; Minnesota, including oll accounts audited by said Council. w February 24, 1975 ,. The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on . February 24, 1975 in the 'City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to ' r order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Watkins, Administrator McGuire, Engineers Schendel and Qureshi, and Attorney Sullivan. t u Concilman Williams was absent. The-first first item on the agenda was the opening of the bids for' or the Public Access between lots one and two in the First Addition to,Easitivood. Mayor Stock ` read the publ " notice. "One bid was received from`Wesley. R. Green for $1,,000.00. Motion was made by Watkins to reject the bid of.51,000.00 from Wesley``R. Green; seconded by Busse and upon a' vote taken it was'duly passed. ;.,Councilman Oakes. abstained. Mayor Stock directed the Administratdi4d, return the check for$I,000.00 {, toi Mr. Wesley Green. 4 ` Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the Attorney to prepare the necessary documentation for vacation of the pub lic'access between lots one and twain the First c c Additi Eastwood, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was, sse ,duly pad'. Motion was, made by Watkins to hold Public Hearing a on vacating the public access between kits one and two in tha First Addition to Eastwoodt. March 17, on 1975 at 7:30 P M., and Mr. Green and Mr. Benson are to submit "a do 'ument stating what the ' property is to be used,for a Rconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it.was duly passed. ' The 1611' wing corrections 'were made, to the-,Minutes 64 Febr . i7, 1975: Page one, paragraph thirteen -'the word Public was misspelled. Pa' o two, paragraph,�six, second f .. sentence should read - Mr. lrgens stated the siren was being moved to maintain 80 db's �E In the school. area. Page three;: paragraph sit, first senternw - the word international ,r was misspelled. Motion was made b Oakes11�to a Y pp%ve; the `Minutes .for February <5.. ) 1< . 5 as SAorrected ;° seconded byVatkins and!, upon a wM taken it was duly } { passed. It Councilman Watkins stated the re cornmendatieins.of the Planning Commission ane=nt to +h ` r 4 approve the' rezoning proposals prosented,by Almoc:' Mr. Denny McWilliams, from Almac, presented plans, :oust , assessments, etc., for the , area he wants to be rezoned,. -cl (, Councilman Watkins stated that the inforrtwtion Presented aR'the Public hlearing was inadequate to justify any change, in the zoning. - 'C • +. Cam' G a, . ,,, � Councilman Oakes stated some of the things Mr.McWilltams should consider before ' Thor I v = a presenting h1s plane to the Planning Commission again. e need on the part of the - Cityof -Prior Lake consider development { on the North side 04n lake, wit{wut any, regard to DennyMcWilliam ,._this includes' "commercial development,. n future fire >, , possible future station police slalom, atxl,certoiply�a citywaterbwerand`wells. We :hove` talked about this 'LiPfhe in i past aceord,withrour comprehen :ive water plops and our CIP: The thou occurs to tne, that we could move to.`a high Fpoint�of land, and suspsct this is a; high point of (and, and look for a site for the pity to acquire, to use for a future well site and 4ater, tower instal lotion. We hav e. an opportunity, `whether this. is, where it}belongs or somewhere else, to work *0h, same cooperation with the devtiloper to put in City facilities, m whereever this gets to be I think in the future we should view the required City facilities, in cooperation with some -of 4 developments, so`we don t got -the City in a,situation in having trx".esolote City facilities. The next is ' in general, whraekind of structure would. be built in regard to °heigI4 do additici 6 4 `y that, I think that "land use should be considered, to talk about the layof the land, the impact of`he'ighfacross the lake visuaillr, could be minim'3zed b a y proper location of " „ facilities. -A roprastente tiw akthe.scho-W board present speaktn gas a private citizen, talking about -, the data on schools and it was apparent fhece that the; facts ' which the Metro Counci!`ltas we e. not adequately sttated;' and -Vfhink this Should be researc (think the question of oommetctal,. use is one that., the Council and Planning is w:: d d•' i a.4'2;KiL t°t, sts _'f { .b` ,p p {7 •i 4 :b F�i t' 'A.�... MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake County in. the of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Commission struggled over, and that brings me back to'the possible City use, ,r2s a x possible cooperative venture il't6 ngineer and the City Planner determines that µ, is where it should be, and this will also take some. homework, and perhaps it should not occur now and should be a point "for the future. It is apparent that the buffering, as a one lot wide buffering, would not really be the kind of graded .transition from R =i t� to something other than R -1 to eventually R -3,• so this is another area, it could c be wise for you :to :;address. A general gverview as it would seem, that iond use in the community, and I have heard optimum numbers about the size of the community, and numbers 1 "have heard are in the area of 50,000, and I think that in this kind of economic environment there are, in, point of- fact, young families who do not have the money to live in the life style a lot of us older citizens enjoy and „so there does need'to be some kind of situation where young families can move in and. start a home in a reasonable. I if* style that their parents enjoy ,and they would like to enjoy if they can make ,the payments. So some sort,of land use bey R -1 if it is <, Yo properly planned, would, seem to be reasonable. 'So recapping, sewer and water can be available to the area,r the area should be properly buffered, there is based on data the Council and Mayor some reasonable possibility of a cooperative effort which would include City ° fa c' as eventual.cgmmeric' I facilities. 1 think that.multipie,use in 'modest amounts in our community is going to have to be a way life, like of whether 1 it or Anybody else likes; it, so, than l- think,Mayor and Denny,would be the major points that I would think should be addressed as you would be coming back, not give • a specific, building per your land, but more especially take into :accountthe -facts J have rnentioned and address them. Summarizing,; Mayor, I think that the community is gDinq,to have to accept.some ,farm,of4onsity beyond R -1, 1, think It needs to be g y tostefully developed, I think the "impact internally and externally,, needs to be determined, but I, think there is a reasonable place far ;reasonable: development and to, I should not like to we this get into the area of confrontation, but more especially � cooperative. I failed to; make one, point, there will be a school or schools on the North side of the lake, and that did not come,up last Thursday nighti,and'l was very _ disappointed that a. member of thw school board did not bring it, up, because to suggest that the impact of this kind of development would overlogd the schools is entirely beside 6h k 1)0�int..c; It seems to hte�`a4wward positive sort of'look would,be hat , w ame nities can we, have that would be close to where we live and would aid our life style. So i k {; Ail 1 am really, saying is, .1 hope _the whole oommuniry, Council, Planning Commission, Planner, Engineer, Councilmen, r and. Mayor help this developer, down the road' is understanding what he is really planning for which the land which he controls and pays /'taxes an to the_ point of saying, this is so far front .apart what our community would like to see happen, that is lust isn't going, to happen. ti' x Councilman Watkins read.a memorandum concerning the Public Hearing on the t subject of the Almac rezoning., Councilman Watkins stated he thinks the developer # a has "a selling job, number one, to sell the adjacent pro pe rty owners, to seil..the -. Planning. Commission and ;the community. : Motion was made by 04ketW*tMwWy\MWN i3a a tp # fen rbtMis Planning Commission and that is member, of the. Planning Commission, designated' 4 by the P.lanning'Commissioner be selected to visit Mr. ; � � McWilliams rn the way. of Council 10,10t him, understand ,the present perimeter 'itlie C iy uses.,in the d sho that ., 9 t oou. n ° this maleria if Mr . M Willwmsechases he andlanwing point, if Mr. pa y other such dnpre' data he should wish to.provide and once again appear at,a reopening of Public Hearing,, secondett by Watkins.and upon a vote- it was ply passed. �.. Mr. R. L. Sm €th,` sent i pro regarding the easement off of, Shady. Beach. 'Road and �I ti c pbople trespoaing, ,on his.property,ta: get to this easement. Attorney Sullivan is ` to check on this easement and to report back b the Council'. ; - Mrs Edward Pothen was also present in, regard to the easement off of Shady Beach Road:and: le trespassing n h` Pip P� g o is property with snowmobiles.. The vopoiniment of a new :member to the Park Board was tabled. „ ( 2) t Q MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village ; Council of the Villag& of Prior Lake in the County of Scent and State of r; Minnesota including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock stated the, Park Board hos approvedAhe park projectcimprovement in the amount of $25,300.00 „ estimate; ari&they recommend to the Council the approval'of that improvement projectieand before they go fi)rtherthey -want Council �. approval Motion was made by Watkins to approve1he rk im Pa provenfent projeCi"in I the , amount of $25,300.00- -seconded b Stock and. • y u pon a vote taken it wa; duly passed. Administrator McGuire`warited to knew who opens 4he. park improvement bids r project Mayori Stock stated being that-the Council -gave their approval the "pro lect the Pork Board has the authorization to call the bids. L Administrator McGuire: hated that r presently Charles Tooker is theconsulting planner for the City: �ilosl974 we paid him opproxiMately $8 =,800.00 for his Administrator McGuire recommends that the,Mayor and Council consider retaining Mr:' Tooker on o monthly basis, have him establish office, hours ofione day per week ' arld two evening meetings per month, at $500,00 per month. Motion was made by Oaken to establish -Charles Tooker ° for -one *day w and two 't �.. y per meetings per -month; seconded by Watkins and,upon vote taken it was duly passed: � Engineer Schendel presented alternates plans on North Prior improvements. Motion was made b Oakes to y go with the alternate proposal with the acreage being used as the method of assessing storm sewer, seconded by Watkins and, upon a vote taken it !(,,,as duly. passed. Mayor Stock abstained. ' ,t , Engineer Schendel .�r presented information: on the siann sewer along CASH +�12'end the - - 1 �j ; Milwaukee Railroad traEks, information on the County sharing in the.post, and a letter to the Milwaukee Railroak 1 i Iartinson Island Bridge, was t ° Engineer Schendel presented assessments on- Project 75 -2 -2. En sneer Qureshi ` 9 presented a feasibility study with alternatives and costs for the =° McWilliams road extension. Motion was made by Oakes to inshu the Engineering ,_firm b contact the owner for a 66 Joat right -of -way, the negotiated amount to be. brought to the Council fo further action, and that the sewer an j'w6tc interim option ; u be considered as first choice, that to be reviewed one year from now, seconded iV, Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly d. Motion was made: by Oakes to direct the Engineering firm to start, the collection of " easements and preparation for easements with the exception of Martinson and Lords Islands, for Project 75-3, seconded by Watkins and upon vote taken it was duly passed Councilman Oakes is to contact Mr.. John Trulson in regard to gasoline purchase °during r construction by his property, y Mayor Stock presented a letter from Marsgo to the,Engineer. Mango want the 10% retoinage reduced to, 5%. Attorney Sullivan, stated f o change orders are owed they should be paid. The' matter will be discussed when Engineer lsroe lson returns from. his vacation. Councilman Oakes brought up the subject of snowmobile ;. crossing private property 11, ;. Councilman Oakes stated the Police Chief has been he is.,to <notified and meet with the two snowmobile presidents and' see what `they . plan to do to control the snowmobile 4 activity. Police Chief Powell is to report back to the Council can this matter and the Council will discuss the problems of snowmobiles based on this report.-., Basswood Road and Know Lane was tabled. e �4 (3) " AL a MINYTif of the' Fweeedings of be Village Council of the Yillag% of lifer Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all gccoun/s audited by said Council. ~ { 0 Mayor Stock stated. there is a street - 1 ight at,Candy Cove, , Parkway and one at Luther C Drive and this: rs.:ii conflict with our policy of trying hold ilown :street lights at J n one particular intersection, a td he reaon�wlst e,,!bat the street light at Candy Cove Parkway and Highway 13.be_" mo4,64' to the corner,O Red :Opks,and I Red Oaks. Motion j \ was .made by Busse, to- contact -l\ISP and direct them to Move the stree. ,t l fight at Candy \ Cova Forkway tQ Red Oaks Road and,Red' Oaks Road, secondad,•hy.0akes and upon a. Mote taken .it v�ras duly. passed. Adatinistrctor McGuire, ;is,Qontact NSP to have this done. - Mayor Stock stated the City has'been served a notica,by the 'Courts, first Judicial . 'Court, James F. Lord vs ".,Will om,R. Glower. The Ci,ty;has been named in the finding ' * of facts to be a. contributor to the eyr�rs-that,were hound in tbe,.eleat A on.ballots. Mciccipal ities named were :Chanhassen,, Shakopee, Savage,. Prior and Young ?` .Lake, : America Tbe. Courts have found a proportionate share for: each Qf.thosp, municipalities' ;. - a: follows C T4293.00, Shakopee - $38.1.Q0,- .Savage - .$1,405.'00, 1 Prior .lake - 47.00, Young America ­$7 • Motion was ninde by Oakes to direct t Admini to prepare the check,-, for $147.00 for the District Courf, b seconded bykWatkins- and-apon a,vote takan it was. duly passed t `z .Mayor. Stock presented a letter fiom,the 18,- 16?.Corr.i&r Committee the have a : y . , large go the. ing` of State Legislatures schedAled for: March 4, ,1975 at Shakopee ' { High School - at 7:30 P`.M.'andlall local officials are urged to attend. Motion was'.made, kyt ,Watkins to., ad jouM _sRioonded by,Bu , and, upon,a vote taken ' this meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.° .. a Michael A.,McGu.ire, A.dministcotor, , 1 t i 0 %� f, { t , t ti I II �� t