HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 03 1975Al ki - MINUTES of, the Procoedings of the Villoge Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of a; Minnesota, including,-all accounts auditeC by said Council. March 3, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on ;March 3, in the City Council Chambers. Mayor. Stock called the meeting to ,1975 order. PreseO were Mayor Stock,, Councilmen Busse, Oakes and Watkins, Administrator McGuire, Engineers Israelson and Schendel, and Attorney Frevert. Councilman Williams was absent.. Motion was made by Watkins-to approve the Minutes of February 24, 1975, seconded by Oakes artd upon a vote taken it was dul'y,passed. Councilman Watkins presented a review of the Street Naming and Numbering, System Motion was „~Wade by Watkins to follow the procedure presented, for street naming and - numbering, and set the, date of March 17, 1975, for final approval and the deadline for accepting street names from residents, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. f Mr. Bob Kramarczuk, of Omega Investmen presented a`pian for .The Trees, for review. Councilman Watkins accepted the. plans for review by the Engineer, :the Park Board and Public. Utilities Department for their Mayor Stock-requesied Mr. the approval. Kramarczuk come back before the Council in two weeks for their reoosnmendations. The snowmobile club presidents and snowmobile members were present in regard to the - problems with snowmobiles. a: Mr. Bob Singewald wanted;_ to know what the problems are with the snowmobiles. Mr. Edward Pothen was pcisent in regard to snowmobiles running past his house after `' 7 12:00'A.M.; Motion was made by Watkins that the access off of S.hodyAe ac h',Roacl be posted -as no = access for snowmobiles, seconded by Busse and ;upon a vote taken it was dilly passed. Mr. Singewald stated the City Parks a'e,not, pasted properly and recommended that the posting of signs be ,improved in the Parks`. Mayor Stock requested the snowmobile olub �. presidents take a :look at the situation in, the City Parks'and to make a recommendation as to what kind of signs should be-.ordered,, soithe City hwlt46m available. f Ot to Councilman Oakes stared eight points on.snowmobile problems on agricultural land. The first.one- LvrouId make, is a very eharitcble paint because it -does, apply to each of `the ,current club sidents n wall and' Dennis Keatin � Bob Bob i � arid. -it gees bOGI( to the time.when the two presidents met;:with.the C ".and ap"ci o n'an ord inance that j' would'.bo tolerabley. and the club presidents.assured us "that they would Councit, take steps to.see .that the agreement made with the and ;the terms of the ordinance were kept., To: the best of my limited ability, - neither of the current, presidents have cop? 7,s of that ordinance: or copies of the minutes -'of that meeting when that agreement was made..c�llpparrently. -post: presidents pass the word along. 5eooetd,;point, A n visiting-with the,farmeni they have given" Ile clubs perm 10K to ride or theyrhave not, ,~riders have. ridden--the proper* in areas where•they.do ;rot�have permission~ Let me give, you a number: of examples, : in, the- last two weeks there are several fanners who have been feeding pheasants, they are gone, aid there has been instances of snowmobile& in areas where ; there ; are, salt= ticks „and food'ihat has been put out•forideer,and in.the lost two weeks they are also gone. There i s o' report from one of the people present here ta►ight'`'and his Livestock has been run around or off, and finally-;n the.­re«nt MS drive, which netted: for- charity. -Z6,000 were four people; pWad up for killings fox and 1,Wspect that hits pretty ciose`to home. One lad tha't,called me'toni t was threatened with violence, " now this is a ladywho r � soh. �+n ical v with ;her£husband had given, permissioh'to the clubs to' ride, in oral not written, they were riding across an olfal -fa field: and in their judgement this would'damage the alfalfa . .ks MINUTIS of the Proceedings of tko village Council of the Village of Orior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mianesota, including all accounts ouditod. by said Council; field, so she asked the snowmobiles off the property and she: was threatened and during this time she:was eight and one -half months pregnant and so it was very difficult ro struggle out in the snow to try and :intercept these folks. She was threatened with violence when she asked these folks off her Pro perty. 1 am told very.clearly by the .formers that they understand •chat signs should be put up, but they don't understand why they should pay for the signs. With the several folks ; visited with, several signs have been put up and they are tom down. Once again there is a person here tonight who represents,a significant portion of property, who has told me his, fences are repetitively torn down And i guess carrying that one step further, if there are signs required in the City Park it would seem reasonable M expect those who would, wish to use the City Park for that purpose should: pay for the signs. Several people I have visited with have gone over, not only their land' but otler lands, .where they have.given 'permission for trails, and the club presidents " hava'said: these trails would be posted with signs, .there are no signs. That is,a (;feral statement, this is.not totally true, but it is close to it. The people I talked to represent several property owners holding land that approximates 1200 acres, a minimum value of that land is $1.4 million to pumhase it, the maximum value could be. at $1.8'million,. and I have 'several suggestions. which would say that if people who,ride snowmobiles wish to ride land without: regard to permission previously • `' granted then perhaps the solution is to purchase the land,. in tho. current'situation of the depressed economy,, maybe they.have a reasonable Faint. - I was also contacted by the Sierra Club, the State Level, they do consider this a disaster area from the standpoint of impact;on nature, on wildlife, and the wildlife ` 1 ifestyle, and so they plan to take action in. the: matte of what impact is happening i, to the rural, semi -rural land in our community. Finally not all these farmers, but - a goad.share of them, really are telling this, and it was told to me and I did repeat it after I heard it, to ask other peoples opinions. Since the Prior Lake Council .has not taken effective in their opinion, on the usea of their land,, they would recommend that the Council pass an ordinance which gives them an equal right to use snowmobile; owners snowmobiles with the same, that is to say without = permission., Mr. Leo Vied ins stated his. .,problems with snowmobiles and the damages that have ;been done by. nowmobiles too his-property. ° Councilman Oakes.stated the..community has.a problem, and-the. problem the ' community has ,is just simply that when people own land they should be able to ask and expect rightful use, the .same way " owner of a vehicle should be. able • " to'ask,and expect rightfuI use,. Now somewhere, it has not occurted and it is the kind of,problem, and I get".calls and I imagine the other. Councilmen do, E from. i4lks who say­ciend the Police out, and ,it is fairly obvious w the speed of current snowmobiles, that thiCis'absolutely ridiculous; Aere is no way the y police can spread 1h6nselves thick enough, there is is way the taxpayers, > are + ..y• , going to pay'aa have the police spread themselves thick enough to control this kind of So 1 am just shoring lay comments with,you ro.make a point, not 4he. point -that SnowmobileS.should'be abolished, but very,blunt point, that t �' when somebody owns land and there' is one of these Wks thot:owns land that is worth about ore , alf,million dollars, and`why should f allow, as one member of­the Counci the r tofan and every ro. ,cross his 9h ` Y �Y pr'operfy:. When t street s I c yo ur. property you 1 thave r am going to allow an that wan ybodY eve ry bod y t tc use it, to use it, it is a severe problem, it.is not.one that we should even decide tonight, - but I' t my sight points out that bluntly because I,do happen: to aepresent the } ' former as wet .as other groups and these farmers have a real problem. Cattle 4*ices arc currently worth ten cents per pound, the farmers in our community are marginal` at best, the economy is down, their economy is down even further,_ and when snowmobiles ride across alfalfa fitids.it is not just molly honest and fair .to expect that people who just I ike to lave is up .crossing :everyplace and anyplace can do so. A fellow i talked to. said why can I have an investment of :150,000.00 ,in my farm and be absolutely facing bankrupcy. So 1 would (2) 1 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, , ' ask you to take on just one more part of some sort of Christian chitty and::rot get so ' _ excited about riding snowmobiles that g you miss the point of the farmers. The folks that are still farming are, farming because that is what they want.to do and they have an absolute complete tight to do it, just as much as the snowmobilors do and who the crunch comes, fright as-well honestly say, that I am! hi running over farmers property, desecrating it, damaging it, causing him to spend money to put up signs because this situation cannot be controlled. Councilman Oakes recommondod that the two snowmobile club presidents, the Chief of_ x� Police, one or two Councilmen os,the Mayor may suggest, meet outside of this meeting 16 consider the problems of'snovnnobiles and recommend a solution to. the Council. Mayor Stock accepted this recommendation and appointed Councilman Oakes and - Councilman Watkins as members from the Council. c Mayor Stock requested that the Police Chief Powell make the arrangements for the meeting" and schedule the meeting. Mayor Stock stated there are No Sno'wmobil ing signs available at the t,ity Hall.. Police Chief Powell was sent in r e g ard to ( pre requesting an additional pot officer. _ „ice Mayor Stock accepted the request for an additional police officer. Mott= was made by Oakes to direct the Civil Service Commission to proceed with testing r a final r' reeonowndation on the employment of an additional police, officer for theitity of ' Prior Lake, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed; Y” fl a Mayor Stock stated ; that the 1971 fire truck will be running up to North Bro�nch tomorrow morning to have some repairs and will bo -back in the fire barn tomorrow niG�jht. o Appointing of new member to the Park Commission was tabled'. r :Administrator McGuire recommended that the Coonci) adopt the Resolution i Revenue p Sharing. Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution f7 5 - 2 on Federatitevenue a Sharing, '"seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was 'duly passed �� =w r, Administrator McGuire stated the City has received a rating, from Jurran and Maady of r• -&*A for the bond saie. Storm Sewer CASH P12 and Milwaukee: Railroad was tabled. Engineer Schendel presented the Schweich - Stanley adjusted assessment breakdown, The Attamoy is to get an opinion on changing assossments oneriy have been filed with the Auditor. 1, Engineer Isroelson is to meet with M.ars-on March 6, 1975. Engineer : Israelson suggested not paying Mango anything at this time until ovarythin g is gone' _ over. Engineer hraeison stated change ordorsihouid bs paid. Engineer Schendel we " ►teL,.fire- oitarnate proposals for Martinson .Island Vridge, for t7- = re view.by the Council. " Councilmwn Oakes recommended, that in re y regard 10 the accoss .off of Shad Beach t no immediate action be taken in regard to _aid acca `4 Basswood Road and Knox plane was tabled.'. ` Councilman- !;�_�R: .reported on a meeting with Shady Beach residents regarding E _ aosemenh , Z. iJ Motion was male by Watkins to omploy, Larry Anderson as u Resident by Oakes. and upon: a vote token at , duly paiie Ma yor Stock, tabled the update of k prohonsive wotex and sewer Pic ns for quidel Ines `the from Afiats+�,�Council • i e