HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 10 1975a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lek* in the County of Scott and State of a Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. March tQ, 1975 The Common. Council of •the City of Prior Lake met in 'regular session at 7:30 P.M. on March 10, 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting, to order'. Present were Mayor Stock Councilmen: Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer lsraelson, and Attorney Frevert. ` The following correction was made to the Minutes of March 3 1975: Page one, paragraph - eleven, fifth line from the bottom - recent was misspelled. Motion was made by Busse t o approve the Minutes fi r February 26, 1975, March 3, 1975, and March 4, 1975 as�dmonded, seconded`by Oakes --and upon a vote ;taken ,it was duly passed. {` Mr. Lhotka and Mr. Lendsen, from DNR, were present in regard w the proposed Publ Access in Boudins Manor. Mr. Lendsen stated Mr: Boudin wants'S1220,000 00 for the property needed for the Public Access, and it apprcised at $32,000.00, Mr. Lendsen stated the DNR can only go ten percent over the approisail value. Councilman Williams wanted to know if the Administrator could send a letter;to Mr. Boudin stating the wishes of the people in regard, to the Public Access. Mayor Stock wanted to know if the DNR had considered any other property' the Public Access: Mr. Lhotka •..,. stated they have been trying to find property since 1962. Councilmd Williams stated that the moit :logical access would be the one considered in Boudins Manor.' . Mayor ;Stock requested that Councilman Wilber,! .contact Mr.:Boudin in regard to this Public Access. jl Councilman Watkins stoted that Dan Stack has resigned from, the Planning Commission t; and he recommends that David Burns replace Mr. Stack.: Motion was made by Watkins to appoint David Burns to the Planning Commission, seconded, by Busse and upon a: vote taken it was duly passed. Administrator' McGuire presented a copy of the-zoning changes Bloomington has ' implemented._ Mayor Stock requested, that the, Council and Planning Commission take a good look at th is and he stated the Council should consider not falling into the category the .way Bloomington. fell: into- it•tor. several, years, the restrictive housing and - height,; and very high costs in residentioLdwell,ings: Administrator McGuire stated the, present increase in,water and sewer, for 1973 to 1974 and 1974 to 1975. The increase for 1973 to 1974 was approximately 7% and including, the connectian. fees- aswelI as metro,; .waters meters .thwentire. charge increase from c 197,4 tp� 105-was ,14%, with the total for the. two years of 2296 or on of 1196 per year. Slam Sower, CSAH 0 12 End- Milw.aukee•iRailroad, was tabled: Engineer •Israelson•presented',Q.memo regording,the ' lslan&.Bridge. Councilman Oakes recommended that the C-ity bui ld any eq i iwalent Cbridgw. A meeting wa's set foe' April 2 1975 at 7:30 P.M; for discussion of a bridge and routing of water and sewer with.the riiidents.of Martin on Island and I*rds bland Administrator McGuire is to,. Set' fl ;s meeting and to notify 1!llai! Jobst, Fred Grothe, the Watershed District Chairman,.'and ,the President of the Prior }Lake. Association. y t�; 6 U t Mayor '5tock directed Councilman Busse and thw Resident Engineer to meet with the } `, - = cesWents_of Grainwood Park,•Grainwood Heights, Grainwood,.Maple Park Shore Acres, Sunfish , Bay -Point Beautiful, and Blohm's Addition in rega`r'd to improvement projects. Mayon Stock presented the Marsgo' change orders that were approved by the Engineering Firm.; Motiom was made by; Oakes tagt thercFwnge orders be approved for payment and denyithe request for 5% retoinage and stoy,�with. the Council policy which is uniform with the law, a 10% retainage,bf followed; seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it wasduly possod.. ! i w e MW MINUM "of the' Proceodings of the Villego Council of the Villa#* of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all,aceouMS audited by sold Council' i In regar"d to the Swenson and Carlson storm sewer, Councilman Oakes stated that the ° Council should consider a set amount of acreage in regard to"deferrnent of storm sewer assessments. Mayor Stock requested that4ouncilman.Oakes draw up an amendment A to the assessment policy and to present it to the Council at the, next meeting, r �. Mayor Stock read a letter from Lonnie Dye, of the Met opol itan Waste.'Control Commission, regarding the Prior Lake, lnte?czptor. Councilman Oakes recommended the Council respond to the letter stating the C'ouncii's.opinions. Mayor Stock ` directed the Adrnin9shator roft da lei ter4o the Metropolitan Wa teACO l % Commission stating the following: ,Elimina#4 tho jift station, e C" years 1 , ,. now have permission to request a stub out tothe, edge of the permanent:easement, jE as the City would indicate, and: the be borne by the Metro poHtd Waste j Control Cotnmisiiorl and .the%. City understands and plans to fol low the Development / From Policy;- however,Y,the City Council wcu like - to have- a Of the City Council as a member of the committee that, will dar�al:with the question of what ,." restriction: there - should:,be and to,mhat extent it should be and as a.result of that interfoee. then thei Council would plan to revise their Comprehensive Sewer Plan. t Engineer Israelson in regard to vacating property in the Conroe Bay Area. ,,This matter watreferred to Councilman Watkins and he is.to report r , x' back of the next Council meeting:, . Councilman Oakes stated assessments for five-,parcels of land adjacent to Ndr�th � ` " _ ; Prior. Councilman; Oakes requested that the Administrator write cxletter tri Mr. � DwaneaArndt stating thedateso� publicationof'the notice for bids on the�mapr s project of =which`this; property is a pareand state that the Council has the right t o to advertise for bids on an estimated cost. ' The deferment"of cuessmenM on the Cy Schweirh property was tabled until after the Rezoning Public =Heartng on, March 20"'1975. In regard to" the r ply''from A thur. Roemer,. Commissioner of Rivenue, Mayor Stock tabled this, until the, next Council meeting. - Bamwood Road ":and Knox" Lane as tabled Mbt on bykOakes., to "a �vd the bid for Pro`ect"75 -7� ell +�4 to Layne Minnespic '- i6conded,by�6ussi and�upon a vote;taken it was du passed Councilman Williams requested that i member of the Council approach the " School Board about leasing.a.school fn�nt Biooininaton instead of building a,` � new'sehool'. Mayor Stock stated that Nt felt that Council.ers, could j s .F approach the School Bodrd=as 'individuali�. but did not feel memb that °.fate Council if should make'recon mendations to the Scho�rkl Board. Mr. Jim.Cosebolt was present suggesting thaijhe Council have copies of the a .� 060 do, mi wtes, available , for people`aittendirig.Council: meeti' cgs. Mayor Stock directed the Administrator "to have;'a copytoUthis oval {able at each Council meeting. Gouncllmon Busse stated•he received a coll,from Mr Jame! Cikonek who wants the -City to cut down some: trees: on the street right­af- way. °Councilman Busse Is to check into theluatter and report back, °to the Council ` ,v Cob\ loran •. �� Busre sta he. has, roceived' a request to move a stre t tight on County Road 21 by the Rundezvoui; from private property to the s \ eel , right-of - way. Motion wal, made by Busse to move the street light o, County Road' 21 from private prope� to the street right- y , seconded Watkins 3 and upon a'vote taken it wasIduly, posted. - ' t° 4° \ l . A " a '� . 'fie 'n• � . �.�,e,`�!i¢ «'.ems` a MINUTES of the yroeoodines of the Village Council of the Village of frier Lake In the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council. ° Motion was made by Busse to install a street light;in'Stepkas 4th, seconded by Oakes and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed:'„ Councilman Williams stated'he was contacted by, two people regarding moving the, high wire pole by the cir wash. Councilman Oakes stated NSP 'norawlly puts poles on r" 1 easements and the,owner''of the property who granted the easement must request moving Councilman Williams stated the well in Memorial Park is not being used and does the Council• object to removing'tliis well. The well is to-be kept ilk i') the second, well is finished. �' C Y The following bills were approved and paid for the' month of Februaty: ` GENERAL FUND _ rV State Treasurer pERA * 2,214. t 1'5 -. Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit' 2,665.62 Dale Nleihok Vacation, Holiday, etc. 413.02' ' Dale Meihak Clothing Allow. and 'Tuition 75.70 VVV League of Minn. MunidipaIities 1975 Directoy 6.00 Richard H. Powell Salary 395.12 R Steven Schmidt Salary 356.34 ° Dennis Leff Salary ,t '" ` 348.00 LeRoy Rabenort Salary 313.30 :4 Eugene D. Smith Salac Y '286.09 Joseph VanDenBoom' Salary 304.00' Michael McGuire Salary 42$,.61 ShirlenrCraig 1 11 Salary " ` 152.31 William I. Sullivan Salary 237.0 Local Union 320 ` UnioirDues s 42.50 t F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 195.01 ° elan' Johnson, Salary 25.80 Cash Walter Stock, Petty Cash Mayor's Pay 50:00 180.00 Michael McGuire Car Alaowance 75.00 Toms Mob,il:'Service Gm and Auto Repair'- Police 159.20' Scott -Rice 7olephone Co Utilities 67.35 Lake Auto Supply Auto Repair - Police" 25.36 Andrews Rexall Drug Office Supplies , 2.00 Minn., Natural Diva "` Utilities -' �' wt. = E' . 83.59 NSP Utilities 61.71 Standard 011' Div. Gas -Police 280.80 .JAK' Off! ce,Products Co. '" Office Supplies "�� '102-93 ' Charles Tooker ' ' Planner Fees '' ' ' '800.00 Prior Lake American Printing and Publication 107.05 „ Mpls. Star and Tribune Co. y Ad for Civil ;Erigineet 23.20 Prior Lake Deep Rock ,; Gas - Pa lice 2.00 Kerr -McGee Corp. Gas - Police 8.23 Air Comm Police Supplies 6.44 Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Police Supplies : 890.48 Uniforms Unlimited, Inc. " Police Supplies 179.90 Ieraelson and Auoc., Inc. = Engineering Fees :... _ 459.88 J Kennedy Auto Service, Inc. Police 'Aulo , ,Repair 278.00 William J: Sullivan = Books an Planning 57.70 •, ; Don Busse,' Jr. Washing fatice Cars 51.00 SCM Corp. Office Supplio 40.50 Prior Lake 76 Gas -" Police ` 3.70: �r Cy's, Standard - Service Police Auto, Repd' "20..00, G Go Inter =City 0i1` Gas and Auto'Repair - Poli`ce ` 82.95 t ' Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 160.00 „ a (3) j 0 ' Clerk of District-Court Ballot Errors j7,00 `i State Treasurer DNR'Filing Fee `15,00 x4 Richard H. Powell Sciary \ 395.12 Stevan Schmidt Sala ry 364:84 $ ` Dennis Leff Salary 356,.50' e " LeRoyRabenort'' Sola y 321 80 =, Eugsnw Smith '` Sala 294.59 Jo ph VgnDenBoom Salary ;,' , . ` 312.50 Michael McGuire Salo 42 Melanie Johnson Salary °32.10 .' F&M�gQngs; Bank , Savings Plan 125::01 ' Minn. Natural Diva Utilities 75.63 4 Nick Wolf Flag Care - 20.00 Lawrence Schweich- Library Rent 300.00 Raymond Johnson 6 Overtime 128.56 �ElmerBusse t; Overtime 44.75 L �s ourLRFU 123.98 <� Kerkow Overtime � _ TOT 105.78 WATND 1 L , a �e ' K rkow i Postmaster Posto Z y 100.3.4 Miller /bavis Co 9e 100.00 i mpany WbS Permits 35.60 NSP , . Utilities 97.22 E Standard Oil Div.. Fuel 22.47 ` - Camputose "rvice < Inc. Water Bills g Expense 179.78 ' Lyon Chemicais Chemicals ;; �� 45,50 \� (4) ,u� ;j s _ MINUTES of the heeeedings of the Village Council of the V Village of yriok lake in the County of Scott and State of Mianete/e, including all accounts audited by said Council.' GENERAL FUND (Continued) City of Shakopee B Breathalyzer Test 1 15.00 ` ` Scott County Treasurer, P Prisoner's Board 1 17:50 Prior Lake American O Office Supplies, 4 44,06 ` ; Diversified ` ° Insurance � �, 10,00 3M Co. P Police Supplies 1 160.81 r S Shakopee Motors, Inc. P Police Auto Repair 5 5,48 Suel Business Equipment O Office Supplies' 3 35.89 - t Minn. Na Utilities 56.04 ' ' NSP U Utilities 4 48.41 William Sullivan . M Mileage 2 29,10 4 D. H. MuIlenmaster and Co. , A Audit . .1,400.00 Northwestern Bell L Library Directory Ad 2 22.80 E. H. Newstrom B Building Inspector 3 310.00 Coast to Coast Police Suppl ies - 3 3:`10a . .' Joseph YanDenBoom O Overtime 5 50.52 'Jospeh YanDenBoom Mileage 7 7.20 Eugener Smith Overtime . . 89 LeRoy Rabenort O Overtime 3 39,50 LeRoy! Robenort --= M Mileage 7 7.20 > _ _ Dennis Leff O Overtime 4 49.68 Denniift�eff M Mileage 1 18.90 .> S Steven Schmidt O Overtime 4 49.21 ` L Bankers Life ,a. 1 1 \Hospitalization,. 6 631.44 Lawn and Leisure 4 �ol,ice Auto Repair, 5 40 `. � Police Radio Maint. 4 45.00 �Donafd�usse C Cou..cilman Pay ; _.. f f 80.00 F y _ T Tom Watkins C , 8 80.00 W iillY Langhorst P Police Su,�ies, 1 1i 30.35 } MINUTES of tho Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of i Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. WATER (Continued): Minn. Natural Div. Utilities 77,21 NSP , Utilities 264.34 =i Water Products Co. Meters and`Repairs 1,290.25 Wally Langhorst; Repairs Supplies 4.05 Larry Kerkow Salary 340,34 Shirlene Craig Salary 152.31 t F&M Savings Bank So vings Plan. .20,00 ` `1 TOTAL`' ;2 69.41 SEWER FUND: r } Metropol tan Sewer Board SAC Charge $1,905.75 Judith Jepson Salary 179.07 r .,• Raymond Johnson Salary 381.07 Miller/bovis Co. WBS Permits 35.60 Lake Auto Supply Equipment Rep u s> 20.64 NSP Utilities a 134,00 Standard Oil Div. Gas-and Oil 22.46 Pitney Bowes Postage Machine 30.00` Metropol Was Control,.Comm. ; Metro Installment ' 891.36 ` S.W. Sanitary Sewer Advisory Bd. - 1975 Contribution 10.00 Chapin Publishing Co. Printing and Publishing 103.02 Minn. Volley Elec. Coop. Utilities A 30.99 Wally Langhorst Locks for` Lift Stations 137.84 Minn: Pdliation Control Agency Seminar - Larry Kerkow 30.00 " Raymond Johnson Salary 381.07 " Judith Jepson Salary= n 179.07 1� William J. Sullivan Salary 237.40 F&M Savings Bank Savings P..Icn 50.00 TOTAL X4,764.34 .' FIRE FUND: '. Toms Mobil Service Equipment Repairs ° G4 m's Inter -City Oil Gas: 3'.55 w Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 91;15 "I Andrews Rexall Pharmacy Supplies : . F 11.70 Minn. Natural D,1v. Utilities 169.69 Standard Oil Div. - • Gas 26.21 ., Skip Reebie iI ' , Supplies ` ° 24.97 S m E a o ke- .afar Me mbers hi p ` :Dues Gene'i Inter -C; c2 f Oil Gas and Equipment Repairs - , 84.13 __ Modders Extinguishers Supplies 6.25'" Scott Co. Sheriff t RgKlio Maint - 72.00 Olaf Lukk, M.D. Frost Bite 16.00 Minn. State Fire Qeptr Assn. Membership Dyes 20.00 N.W. Airlines, Inc. Air Freight 18;01 A ki Fi re f� ns E i .� =Co . qu p Equipment Repairs and Supplies 1,,705.89 N$P Utilities ` 95.57 Dyna -Med, Inc. Supplies., 15.50 Harold's Repair r .: Equipment Repairs 12.67 " Donald Schommer- , - Equipment Repairs.. Motorola, Inc.. -" Radio`Equipment 1,650.00° o Wally Langhorst: Supplies 91.07 TOTAL , ;:. ,, $4,210.56 r, (5) CAPITAL PARK FUND ( ,Donnell Co. Signs' $ : 228.90 -° Isrdslson and Assoc Engineering Fees- 700.10' s t Saari Fake Equipment 14.70 ' Donnell Co. Sigat 18.00 4 Coast to Coast Store, Suppl ies 4.74 Lawn and Loiuire Supplies 39.95 TOTAL S 1,, 006.39 GENERAL'OBLIGATION BUJtl31 - NG FUND: 'Prior Lake State Bonk Bond Coupons 250.00 ,> -1 'STREET GRADING, 71 W3S,FUND First National:Ban " k f 0 St. P " auF _ Bond Payment . ay -. - ;8,067.03 - SEWER AND WATER COLLECTIONS FUND: Genera) Fund Transfer of Collections` $20 Water Fund Transfer of Collections 15,000.00 TOTAL ' $35,000.00 n %J a - d MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of " " Miaeesota, including all accounts audited by said Council STREET FUND a Elmer Busse S Sala o S 330.65 o Toms Mobil Service E Equip, Repairs and Gas 1 17.45 _ Gene's Inter- City:Oii\,. E Equip. Repairs and Gas a _ Lake ,Aura Supply PP Y E Equipment Repairs 2 a 7 NSP a U Utilities 9 901.65 ,Standard Oil Div. Gas 2 22.46 Bohnsack and Hannon S Snow Removal 2 2 287.00 Johnson and Kane S Snow Removal 2 259.00 „r a Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc. S Sand 2 254:79 t: M Minn. Natural Div. x U Utilities 1 143,99 Minn. Valley Elec. Coop. , ,, Utilities' 8 8.25 ' 'r Wally Longhorst ' « � �Supplies 2 21.67 Elmer Busse 3 330 ;4- 656.49 BUILDING FUND t t� Scott -Blois Telephone Co. U Utilities ; , ms s 99.45 NSP U Utilities 8 86.61 Gen Fahrenkain o Janito3 Service 1 o, h . Monnens Supply, B Buil'dind, 1 142.00 ;t Buns Super Market C C11P.anirgSupplies 2 23,90 Gt" Ind. Services F Floor'`, yMats 3 39.30' y � fi U -Minn-. Natural Div: Utilities 149,89 'Wally Lanphorst B Bitilding Supplies` 1 10.17 TOTAL 653.32 PARK FUND: NSP' U Utilities ; ; 61.93' " W Wally - anghorst � supplies 81.20 $ ' TO ?A L $ . 143. 13 .x �`,}� �' d7A. !jpW(�`7���'M�'�M'gNY�W,_y�,gik y tAMt7Y'S1ff'�txyi�✓ �.,�rf3 +..:�dMikl :.�Y'" A'` Sh �ki"�.r"er'F��{✓�F���' ' �� {{