HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 17 1975r l r 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villas of Prior Lake in tho County of Scott and $tat* of " Mianeseta, including all accounh audited by sold C ouncIL Ma rch 17, 1975 _ 1 The Common Council; of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on March 17, 1 in the Ci,ty`touncil Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present 'were, Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Crakes, Watkins, and Williams, k; Administrator;McOuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Qureshi, and Attorney Sullivan. G , , The first item on the agenda was the_'Public`Hearing on vacating street in the First Addition to Eastwood, between lots one and' two May Hearing. r Stock, read the pu blic notice _for Public . I yo pu Mr. Jerry Muelken was present representing residents of Green Oaks stating that they s wanted the property to be kept public. Mr. Larry Griffith was present in behalf of Wesley Green stating he was in favor of vacating the property.;, Mayor Stock read a letter from Tom Batiis in regard to vacating seed property. Motion was made by Williams to continue the Public Hearing on.vacating street in the First Addition to Eastwood, between lots one and two until April 21, 1975 at 7:30 P.M., seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock called the regular Council Meeting to order. The fallowing corrections were made to the Minutes of March 10, 1975: Page one, „ G lost parag rah, second sentence - retainage be followed. Page two, paragraph two, third sentd ce, should read - Eliminate the lift station adjacent to the present sewage treatment plant. Motion was made' by-Busse to approve the Minutes of March 10, 1975.,; as amended, seconded by Watkins'and upon a vote i taken it was duly passed. ..Motion was made by BusseAta approve the invoicet to be paid, previously approved by I ` the Finance Committee seconded h �fefki+zs and;,,u n a vote taken it was dul passed. ?� , y l,. - po y pa " 4 Mr. Bob Singawald was present requesting''that the Council draft a letter to the Counts 'Commissioners requesting that they establish a County,Snowmobile Trail. Councilman Oakes requested that the Council make resolution to be forwarded to the Scott County Commissioner$ —asking them to take the , initiative in establishing a Scott County Snwwmwbilg Trail System. That the trail system include adequate parking, adequate control, adequate consideration of payments to those ownsts of rural property \s' over`which = the trail is pass, and that a representative of the City of Prior Lake be 1 c� -appointed by .the Mayor to serve as a, member of'the County group to 46'rward , the= I ��! estr 1 ' hment of that County Twrl S/stem, and as well as meeting the objectives of tha a P rior Lake CityCouncil. There are two points - continuation_.of a trail system and p response_to the :Council acxl� citizens whotever their point of'view might be. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Resolution .757, regarding snowmobiles, seconded -1 , by Watkins and upon a vote taken it-was passed. x Mayiin Stock directed Administrator McGuire t� draft,Resolution 75-7 Chief Powell reported on the status of the Police Reserve twining Motion was made by Watkins,.to approve tha�Poli'ce Report, seconded by Williams.and u,pon vote. taken"'it was duly passed n �1 all r,l , ri i 7 00 . r - MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village. Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of. Misinesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mr. Jerry Haferman was present representing the Fire Department in regard to purchasing Gross Fire Equipment, and stated they are willing to contribute $3,500.00 !" to this fund, if it is agreeable with the rest of the fireman, Mayor Smock presented a memo regarding an analysis of the Fire Fund through 1976 for review and tabled the r matter of Grais Fire Equipment until the next Council meeting: Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Fire Department Report, seconded by Busse and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed. Plot of Conroy Bay Area was tabled. Councilman Watkins requested that all Councilmen, and the 'Mayor attend the Rezoning Hearing on Thursday March 20, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. Administrator McGuire stated that the Liquor License Committee, recommends to the Council that they consider raising the on -sale liquor license fee to $3,500.00, it is presently $2, 750.00. Motion was•made by Oakes that the 1975 Liquor License rate be increased to �. $3,250.00 annually, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. t •r Mr. Jim Casebolt wanted to know why private clubs did not have to pay as much as other I iquor places. Mayor Stock stated that the statutes provide for club license and the Council 'nos debated This`in the past and 1 will only speak for myself. At the ,present1ime we do not have any on -sale Iiquor license available,. the next one that would become r avatl'hhie' is when the City reaches - the population of 5,000 certified by the State, or o erwtse private or independent census. The VFW Club hos,put back money into tnr City in forms to exceed or at least,equal the amount,of a private license, so I do not want it thought that the ;Club does nothing, for the community,. I think the VFW Club here is one.ofithe few Clubs. in the State of Minnesota that does contribute back into the commufdly .what it tokes,,oui•.. Councilman' Oakes stated the Liquor1icense Committee will ;accept Mr. Caiebolt's comment. Engineer Quo' rshi presented information and cosh'on Storm Sewer for CSAH #12 4t�' "andcMilwaukee Railroad and recommended holding a Public Hearing. Mayor ' Slock requested a preliminary sketch of -this, area and tabled it •until- the next t`Council meeting,. Engineer Quenhi reported g don the ha status of "the sewer, and water project'. on whether oQnot �►mte, Pc qu .that the Administrator working through Laiery Anderson has been. satisfied in the O akland Area.. ` s In regard to the letter•from r. M Roemer, the Tax Commissioner Councilman ' ncilman Oakes stated the letter fold three things, one of which is the City if to raise t6 evaluation on houses tau the current "market value, second point is the evaluation moy not be increased more than 5% ear and the final Per . rtal year, point is that Mt. Roemer has the e authority to - instruct the City to do whot he told' the City to do in the first letter " which was to increase the evaluation 25% for residential construction and' 50% for 'rural. Mayor Stock stated copies; of the l etter have been sent - to. Representative ;Ted Suss�.and Senator Bob Schmitz. After much discussion is was decided that Councilmen Watkins and Oakes ars meet with the County Assessorcnd talk the su b << 'ect over s i rand -are to repor! bark: to Council !heir findings. Motion wa ' ,: was :made bY':Oakes to adopt Resolution 75 regarding. condemnations, , . secpnded by Watkins.and upon a' vote taken it was duly passed. 2 t. Q } 1 1 7 A\ 4L f V 2 rJ MINUTES of the rroceeliwits of the Villogo Council of the Village of Prior Lake in•the County of 'Scotland State of Minnesota, ineludini accounts audited by said Council. Motion: was made -by Oakes to adopt Kesolution 7.5-4, regarding condemnations, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was. made by Oakes. to adopt Resolution 75-5, regarding condemnations, S setbrided by Watkins and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed, . l Mayor 'Stock presented a memo from the League of Minnesota Municipalities on the . proposed amendments the open meeting laws now presently being presented to the Legislature in a bi11. May_or_rito thie draft ta, the amendment by the League is fio_defi - -the ri3etin,7s that the I' applies only to instances where, a quorum of. the body is present, to per-nit the -local governing,.body by two - third vote to go into.a closed or executive session for a specific item of discussion, specifically to, discuss, and �� •� plan' in the matter of public employment relations, `to: meet and negotiate with ve.represarrtotives of-any, employee group, attorney-client relationship, =land acquisition, c 4cussion of the character of an employee as apposed to ; *' competence, except when an employee may request Q_Publ*c, Hcoring - evaluation - - - w . o,€ ►ob a cfor rtta nce ar;{ -� .'uyt p! employee, eonsiderating the Application for `- employment of -a person who ''is - en - iployed at the time of'the meeting and .who reques ts , that the preliminary consideration by made of their agvlication at the closed meeting' . Mayor 5tock -the. League suggests that .the Council pass a,resolution supporting the League and he read the resolution. A!btic+n was made by Busse to adopt the resolution regarding the open meeting laws, secondedLy Willidms and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock stated, in regard to rate increases by the Scott-Rice Telephone Company, that.the Public'S.ervice Commission staff member, Mr. Bill Deppet, is in the process of preparing a recommendation to the Public Service Commission that the rate structure for the Prior Lake area be the toil concept for any other number than'the'447 prefix. This is not much of on alternative, and I feel :that it is not justifying what, the intent of the +j original ;group that has been petitioning the Public Service Commission,,in regard to the rate increase that has been established by the Public Service Commission. Just as an ,example,' the ,toll rate, it the�c3oncept would be invoked by the Public Service Commis- sion, to call Shakopee, Jordan, and Lakeville would cost„ 304 for the first three minutes, 104 additional for each minute thereafter, Burnsl'ville,. Apple Valley would be 2 54 for three minutes, per minute thereafter, Minneopolis-St >-Taul would be 43� for three ° minutes, 134 per minute thereafter, and figuring in the state and federal toxes'a three minute call to Minneopolis=St.Pautarea is going to „cost you 504, ,The recommendation `' which 1 have not specifically read,, but as, to °hearsay, would recommend approximately r� .. a -four or five, maybe even a six dollar reduction to the rates that have now been estab- 3 Iished. %- o if your are paying eighteen. dol lars, it may go down four or five dollars., ,,Basically l feel that every individual,sOibscriber of the telephone would be more than P making u • -.; 9 �, the reduction b going to ro l 1. concept. 1 have talked to proponents "that ' have petit'ned the Publi cServida tximmission as well as the Attorney General, etc., and the `comment I have receved'tiack� from them is that they in no way, shape or form really feel that this' is - dnswer ta., the problem. It has been the Council's past policy > ' not to take'.position on a private matter in which the State government has esmblished (� the bodi 'toy handle the matter, 4vse thought that we should not be involved with such a matM£. `N is their obligation ro review and to comment and finally to resolve a petition ' # j . of;any uti�� ty. But, in lieu of this fact, l feel 11have to make a recommendation 'to the - ' Coorsil ttwt.a motion for resolution be forwarded to the'Public Service Commission fie i inforwthem that their first rysponsibility is to determine the rate of return that is equitable and reasonable to the Scott -Rice Telephone Company and its telephone veers prior to any of determination of changes in the type of service presently s provided by Scott -Rice Telephone Company andito its users.. r Mogen, was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution~'. 75-8, regarding teleplono rates, seconded; by Busse and upon a vote token it was,duly passed. .• �a Mayor Stock read a Resoiu -iont passed by the City Counci of Lino Lakes regarding the r 4 position of the Metro Council. Vt 1