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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villas* of Prior Lake in the County of See" and Sweet
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
March 31, 1975
The Common Council of the City of Prioti lake met in regular session at 7.30 P.M. `on
March 31 1975 in the City Council Chambers. , Mayor Stock called the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, and Williams,
"Administrator Mc ire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Israelson, and Attorney Sullivan.
h as
Councilman Oakes absent.
The first item on the a' was a Public Information Meeting on street zooming, and
numbering. :
Mr. Bill Sullivan presen� d information on new street names and the numbering of
Mayor Stock recommende that the Councihadopt an ordinance on street naming and
1 4' 'numberinglat the next regular meeting.on April 7, 1975 and' directed the City -
Administrator to prepare, the ordinance for the April 7, 1975 meeting.
The following correction was ado to the Minutes of'March 17, 1975: Page one,
paragraph ton, the last sentee - Wrjtkins should read Williams. Motion was made by .>
Watkins to, approve the Minute , of March 17, 1,975 as amended, . seconded by Busse and'
upon a voie`tckent was duly - pissed:
Mr. Mel Borchardt,was r1 garding the Fred Will house and the exter4ion of
Third Avenue. Motion was mad ' , by Watkins to di' rect the City Administrator to research
the financing of the project and also the right of negotiation ,if the Administrator so
deems this is the mute to follow, `econded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was
duly ';passed. -
Mrs.,Z Marl is 01uedorn granted to know how far apart fire hydrants a,e iupposed to be and
thought that one was missing near h� r property. Engineer Israelson stated tho;t hydrants.
. G
are spaced so every building in a 40 foot radius has a hydrant. Engineer Israelson is b
chick oto' see if a hydraiit
„is missing,°
Mrs. Bluedorn stated that the curve as getting bad again by R'aid's an Fish Point Road
and wanted some gravel put on the rop d. Mayor Stock directed Larry ,Anderson to take
care of this matter.
Bnrbarosso and Sons were present requesting additional funds of =8, lor'top soil
k'tr sodding, Mayor Stock directed the Resident Engineer Larry Anderson Engineer
israelson to recheck the situation and at the next Council•M`eeting recommend a change
order for Barbarosso and Sons.
Mrs. Bluedorn,wanted to know if the•Council ?*Ould :change their meetingt'night so it r -
would. not conflict,with the School Board llMetings, Counci man,Williams stated this j
wbjoct had -been brougbt uplat a previous meeting and it was decided then that the
Council granted to stay with Monde night. Mayor Stock stated the Council realizes
and a the Council has
_ ppreciates� conflict,. on��4 other nights obl igated as we) l' as just
Monday night, there are usually meetings every, night, and what the Council has been
trying to do is send the agenda to the local radio station and they do announce what
is on the agenda.
Mrs. Bluedorn,was also t
present regarding the condemnation 'awards for easements.. Judy.
Jepsen is to find out for Mrs. Bluedorn when the award checks were sent to the Clerk of
Mayor Stock stated' the Council had a request at the'lost Council Meeting for an oil-!
purpose,Qre the approximate cost is 58,500.00, and of, that time it was tabled on
the, grounds, that the Fire Deportment was going to hold a meeting to discuss the matter
of contribution by the Fire Deportment toward: the fire rig.
` t x Sl yy„
MINUTES of the. Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Mloneseta, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Mr. Lyle Anderson, representing the Fire Department, stated that the Fire Department
voted to give the City $3,500.00 towar&the multi- purpose fire fighting unit.
Mayor Stock stated, in regard to the Fire Department jeep, that the City has a Pdrk
project of planting a large number of trees and this jeep would :be a handy rig for the
City to wate the try es and it would abbe handy when, there is a blocked sewer hwemrfT�i
before down ins'de them, there
for washing ,� crawling of and are a
number of other uses that the City. could use,the vehicle for.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the specifications and publish the'advertising ,
for bids for the fire unit and that the City credit the�,F re Dipartmentwith $250.00 if
the Fire 'Department so wishes and - that the jeep would remain with: tlia City, and the
opening of bids toL be set for April 21, 1975 at 8:00 P.M., seconded by WilaMams and
upon a vote taken it ^was duly passed.
Motion was mode by Busse that Superior Coach be paid the. that has been.'retained
For the Rescue Unit, condeWby Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Police Chief Powell presented the Police Reserve Officers.
Motion was made by Watkins that the City accept and swear in the Police Reserves,
seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock swore in Police Officers Richard Klugherz, William Slipher,
Leon Buss, Rayfield Robinson, Walter Christiansen, Kenneth Deuel, Ronald Harms,;
Lyle Svedahl, and Arthur Holliday;
Councilman Watkins stated that the Planning Commission rezoned the try Schweich
property to R =3 with some stipulations, that this is a conditional rezoning and that
a mo*i*um of 26 units can be built on this parcel . tp` - Motion was made`by Watkins that
A '
the CounciVapprove the rezoning of R'-3 and 26 units for Cy Schweich property,
seaornd44 by Williams cnd upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Councilman Watkins presented, information from the Metro Council regarding zoning;
requirements review by the Council and asked for suggestions fram,the Council..``
p i
'Councilman Watkins stated there is a Planning'Commission Meeting an Thursday
ni ht, April 3, 1975.
1 ;�
- Councilman William s' stated. the Park Board has authorized the bid for Lakefront Park
P construction
at $21,'474.00 to Ames
'Administrator McGuire stated he has negotiated an,OJT position for a maintenance
thro ces and they will
employee uQlr the Minnesota Department Employment Servi
goy =2;00 per hour and the City'will haver to contriLute= $2.00;per hour plus benefits
bulhis employee and it be fora total of 1,137 hours for the training period.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the OJT contract, and the City has the right
to review and select theLman�of their choice, seoanded by Williams and upon a vote
"taken it reds duly passed.
Administrat orMcGuire stated the City has received dwapplicotion from`�Narthai's
Cafe for a cigarette license and recommends its apprcwal . Motion, was rn x* by Busse
b opprow' the cigorettat license r'or'Martha'sy Cafe, secajs►ded by Watkins``and upon. a
vU -
vote taken it was duly passed. !I
Administrator McGuire :toted that Judy Jepson hos,been with the City 6P close to six
months and when she started it was indicated to her-that' if she `took minutes fo`r the;; i l
Council` Meetings theta pay increase would be considered. Mr.�'McGuire recommended'
a 350.00 Or month increase- effective April 1, 1475. Mor3on? was made by Watkins
b apptnve. a $50.00 per month increase effective!April "1 Judy Jepson,
ed by Williams anpon a vote taken it was duly " passed.
second d u
MINUTIS of the Proceedings of the Villeoo Council of the Village of Prior like in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
� L u
Administrator McGuire presented a memo on the advantages and disadvantages of the.,
City installing improvements for This &.Citte:r was,iableduritit the next
meeting when Councilman Oakes will be present.
Engineer Larry Anderson presented` a memo regarding iniiorm"n on Nodland and Assoc.
constructan<,and on Well 14 construction. Mayor Stock stated for the record that' the
Engineers report has been approved.
s i p risroeison presented information and costs on storm sewers for CSAH 12 and
(Fifth Avenue; Mayor Stock tabled; this matter until; af�etjjthe`spring thaws.
Mayor Stock stated, that fhe City was having problems 1 'with lift station 0 12 @gain.
Engineer Israelson stated that Tri -State was supposed to have `had ° now equipment for J `
this Gift station'by .lanuary 1975. Mayor Stock tabledl'th;is matter until the next
Council Meoting -and itated he wanted a firm answer byjthen and if the equipment is
not here by then he isin favor of knocking out that whole lift station and d,4rting
on it and at the respl,nsib lity and liability of the contractor and the Engineer, possililk, <
because he feels that it has, caused enough problems.
` f Mayor Stock presented a Quit Claim. Deed that was given to the City by Scottland, Inc.` r' t
to Attorney Sullivan for handling.
Councilman &isse in regards to Basswood Road and 0iii (.Lane, stated that the 1�1
contractor will: contact the City for approval before they start construction. -
#: Amendment to Assessment Policy was tabledc
Schweich'Assessment was tabled. u
Y tr
Mayor Stork read41 tter fro m °the Metropolitan Waste Controucommission in reply to
. „ the City's letter of � rah 13, 1975, in. regard to lift statiowand main. Motion,.
was made by Willi.; ` s to Want the Metropolitan Waste' Control4t•.onimi"ion opermit �r<
the use of public .right= of- way-for the conftae3tan of the interceptor, seconded by
Watkins and upon awcti j taken it was.du'r..passed. Moyi ,r Stuck directed the
Administrator to send the Metropolitan Waste Co`htral Z.oiernission on extract of,,, he rya °
Minutes authorizing { the permission for the use of the public right -of -way, and state rf gip;.
that at this point the City accept; the proposals the t hove been given to them by the w o
Metro poliron Waste Control Commrsswn, sand tFka the City urges fotthwith oonstructron.
Mayor stated " 'that he has roccel'�ed a,copy {of'tho Minne3iA ki' way Depar{iment,
plans�and they have requested a re�olution'of approva��of the ° :plrts,,� The'protect'isrKd`� = u
scheduled for a proposed April 25, 1975 letting and tie exdc ion of the resolution ton ��.
the plan approval should be returned to ttherrm prior to Apd1 2y,,A975 j Yhey haven
submitted •olong with the plans a'resolution to be adopted by the Council .' Motion Was �
made by Watkins to adopt the resolution regarding the Minnesota HiBitway;Deparltment r` r
} plans,; with the oddition that Pleasant Str*at with Highway i3 m*be o'
changed, seconded by Busse and upon atvcte taken ii was duiy, passed.
b `'Mayor Stock presented ari °article from FFse:March 29, 1975tiMirtrteapalis Tribune
regarAing property taxes. '+
o '
n presented conkwr ma pill of t8" i Lae Townsh . Mayor
Eng Isratiso prase d cos P` ...� pr ng k p aye,
n Stock tabled this matter until after the Aklitting`wrth Spring Lake Towns ip tentatively.!
set for April'8, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. u a
Councilman Watkins stated that. last week there was a' snowmo��ile the �P
y ..
snowmobile, clubs, regarding resolving, problemswith'snowlttobiles.
Mayor Stock "stated there`is a,.Public Infonaarion Meeting` an, April 2, 1975 at 7:30„P.M, u
regarding"the- Martinswi Island Brtage:
F qr��l