HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 07 19751% MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Vitlaga Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota including alt accounts audited by said Council April 7, .1975 '" f. The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on April 7, 1,975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. p Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Israelson and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Watkins was absent. The first itern.on the agenda was a. Public Hearing on Community Discretior ry Funds. — Mayor Stock read the Public Notice. Administrator McGuire, presented and described the Community Discretionary Funds The City of Prior Lake is applying for $291,000`.00 in kIrwing for community develop- ment funding from the,Federol Government. out of -the $291 - 000.00, =1 is for'acqu sitian, ;61,000.00 is for Public Wookslar Road.Improvement, 560,000.00 is for relocation and $35,000.00 is for engineering;'plan ^ing, and administrativecosts. Mayor Stock asked for Public Yo purpose the j ��ublic Hexing necessary Adminishatp McGubwstated' that before the grant could be applied, far there had,to be two Public Hearings. { Jim Casebolt wanted to: know how the $60,.000,00 for relocation wasarrived at Administrator McGuire stated ,there was a standard formula for the amount of acquisition in each c project': Administrator McGuire staied the general 4 ge purpose.,- applying for the, i>toject would be \ for., traffic flow and traffic circulation downtown, it would be .connecting streets a presently are dead -end streets. Mrs Cosebolt asked if the City had to match any'of these funds in order to receive:, funds from Administrator McGuire stated.they haveset limit of $300,000,00 that t ; can be applie-C�r and $291,600.00 does. not cover ever ,thin limit. - y g, but there is no matching Motion was made by Oakes io. approve of the Discretionary Funding Program as presented, seconded.by Williams and upon''6 vote taken it-was duly passed. ` Mayor Stock adjour - Public on Community Dhwtionary funds,. ,Mayor Stock called the Regular Council Meeting to order. k The following corrections were made to the of March 3.1, 1975:: Page, two, paragraph' two',, should read: = Mayor-Stack stated,. in. to the FiTr Department jeep, i "~ .thatithe City;hos a Park pro.jectof 'planting large numberiof ar;d this jeep would, ;� ' be 'a handy rig for the City to water the trees and it would alsoibe handy when there . o blocked sewer manhole, 6or-washi^g down the oredbefore cro� down inside of then, and there are a number of other uses that the City could use th�i vehicle for. Page, tyro,, r paragraph four - l®96:shauld read 5%.luSotion was made byi'Bu4se ki' a 6e tl+e ,t' Minutes of March 31 1975 and Apr '2, 1975 as amended, seoi�ndec�l by Williams ands`: V taken it was ardul 1 Mr.��BilI Sullivan reporter o^ the Planning Comm nna ^g ssion Meeting ot` 3,1975. �f Councilman Willir�ns stated that there is a Park Boord.Meeting'.on'Thursday ryight, tit` �' April 10, 1975 Admiriis. McGuire,stdted that he made on offeran the Will lho l se of 525,000.00,` l� $5,.. ,00,cash over a three year pedsod'at interest of 796 lus $1 000.00 wa s; / P .i � per year and cou ^tered with the asking price of $29,900 00; $7j000.00 down and 55,000.00 per ,, yom -. AdmirristrclonMcdui~ a stated that,he felt 527,000.00 might buy; the house and ,if the - Council wished_he,00uld kee goticting it � ,t. fi 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake`in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Williams: asked if the Administrator had checked into leasing the house. Administrator McGuire stated the City could get about $300.00 a month in rent,--from the property, so the house would pay its way faw the next two or three years. Motion was made by Williams to instruct the Administrator to go ahead with the negotiations on the Will House, .seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed . Engineer Anderson presented the Construction Report for April 1 -7, 1975 for review by the Council. Engineer Anderson stated that Mr. Ted Anderson has requested a storm sewer stdbout for the purpose: of dewatering his basement. Motion was made by Oakes Choi the subsurface water problem of Mr. Ted Anderson be solved by allowing him to, connect to the storm sewer system, that his conee.ction including the tap on the storm► sewer be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and according t6 the specifications of the C -ity Engirteer.,.ond to be paid_forby Mr. Anderson, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Engineer Anderson stated that Florence Bienapfl a resident of Point Beautiful, has signed a 20 foot easement through the length of her lot which is 45 feet wide. She does not own the adjacent lots, thereby, the lot is not buildable, and it would appear that she should not be assessed for. the sewer, and water crossing, her property. Councilman Oakes stated thatclWcouse, the lot is not buildable it is. automatic from the assessment policy that it would not be assessed for sewer and water.. Councilman Busse stated she was also concerned about the taxes on the property. `Mayor Stock slated: for the record that the, Florence Bienapf) property in. accordance with�the Eity's pbibPy on assessments the property would not be assessed for sewer end water and that the real estate portion will be referred, 'to the equalization healing which will be established sometime in May 1975. Engineer Anderson reported on an Information Meeting held on Saturday April 5, 1975: with the residents of Point Beautiful' and Sunfish Bay'and that the residents of this z ank want the4roads remain private. ' K Engineer Anderson. reported, on an Informational Meeting on April. 2, 1975 with the residents.of Lords and Nivoinson Islands in regard to replacing the bridge leading to i the Islands. :$Councilman Oakes wanted to know if the bridge was unsafe and should it be replaced. ' ngineer Isreelson'stated it `appears as it\ the bridge` is in a state where deterioration ` is° accelerating because the,.abutments f'r� starting,tr-c,crock and once this happens r \ � the .wate'r §ets in there and1every winter When 1t 1reezes and thaws it will crack a' j Tittle wider and it, is; just� atter.of time until this weakens . bridge to a point where it wilL'ta'll A`` x Councilman Oakes wonted to q know if the most economical route for water and sewer into, Lords and U>arti'nson Islands is, underneath the road. a Engineer Israels6 stated,'this was the most economical route, that the alternative would be to ptit in cidd'itional manholes and go around the bridge. - b Councilmoti Oakes stated it is reasonably apparent that the bridge is not exactly marginal;' it is apporent,that abutments'cpproaching'the. bridge are substandard - r' and fi�d e Community m b lly it is apparent that road width is wich that were the Community to allowi /J 3 this�tri exist without some form of special signing that the e s ` considere d to be liable for any accidents. Councilmon`Clakes recommended'' the bridge be replaced if the.bridge as iii now exists is 10,x .11;.5 then it would seem. R easonable if the supplier can produce a 10 x 12 foot ) prefab structure-that should ! be considered, it would seem; further apparent that in order to provide a road which is consistent witn'tlssdroad to the Community provides in other areas that would 1 ' - /� * MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villc:ge of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of ' 4 s Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , tend to-obviate the responsibility to, the community in an accident on the bridge, it should not`be replaced in kinds as for.as length is concerned and, should -be replaced With a longer structure that would provide at least a 24 foot traveled roadway, the (w. end sectionshobld be tapered and not ivertical because it would seem that v:-uld minimize the rostof abutment work. ` Mayor S .. Stock asked Attorney Sullivan if the y bridge is as is he y se , t Cii�y s re:,ponsib�ltty. 11 � Attorney Sullivan stated it was the City's responsibility.:' Mayor Stock wanted to know if there wot+Wmc4tiaatident would the City be liable. Attorney Sullivan stated -the City could,be liable if there was an accident on the bridge. 1 Councilman Williams wanted to knowlf a- new bridge was really netiied, if a 36 inch 2 % . ca'MI~itilaNwuld ` do. 1 Councilman Cakes ,wanted to know it, Engineer Israelson had contacted; the Corpstd'f Engineers of the National Guard cs a possibility of a training exercise for a, pontoon bridge. - Engineer Israelson stated that AI Schendel had contacted the Corps of Engineers, ,' Coast Guard, and Marine Corps and after quite an extensive runaround he finally arrived at an answer from the Army that they would be happy to accept.. this kind of off the beaten path, but they would, have to- station several people there, because in the C instal lation of the bridge they would cause more, disruption of the intermediate areas e the, people would:be willing to. Iive with.. Engineerlsraelson stated he got `the impression that they were not interested.:becduse.they would have- to bring in about, 30 truck loads.of material . MayorS.fiock stated he had talked, to. Al Schendel specifically about this and the Coast Guard does not have the material located in the ` Greater Metropol itan Area and' it would have to be transported from Camp McCoy t. . Wisconsin, the Minnesota National GuteM was very questionable on what impact this would, have on the ne'ighborbbod and so on, and the Minnesota National Guard does not have materiat avoilable in the Metropolitan Area, they would. have to transport their material from -Camp Ripley -and there again they were.;also quite questionable and really - did not reflect any strong interest. Councilman. Oakes stated that if the cost can be cut and still :get the right job done and ;they. have not said.no he would volunteer to see ; wbbther or not the City could _get,a bridge built that,would not cost the citizens other than their-Federal taxes. Councilman Oakes stated in reply to Councilman William's pointabout.a three foot culvert,�'that he .has heard from members of,the. Prior Lake Association as%wtdI as those J, h ea ,/ living in he area, it does appr there is same. interest4n eontiniiing�Itrq#41'there that a. a probabl is ,over and above the a uilization f " l, so at Izast y q o lake leve at this point it wo uld, seem that if anything is to,be done ,with the. bridge it shoPiId be replaced in,,ome JI reasonably similar fashion to tr "t�which exists,- ex e 6 cept for Fih:. Councilman Oakes ` stated that perhaps the City is'nctt ready to say the, ,route down the center of' the road is the most economic and the City may not be ready t' say th at the ' bridge i in such lk condition .thot'it would'be wise to replace it.fo t axtent•::that from• the, input hey fil tonight, and he proposed that the Council .table the issue until ;the next meeting and asked IVineerAnderson, Engineer Israelson, and Attorney Sullivan to explore the several items and report back at the next meeting, ft; Engineer Isroelson stated. one. reason that .the. bridge „was, brought upat this time was because when planning the sewer and water "installation, if it is dormbt the same ;time it r fit would..be, cheaper than five years from, now, or after the sewer and water is put in: I ` i Councilman Oakes stated that he asked this'qu.estion before and did not get a positive re*onse, there is no raoson,to replace the bridge if it.does not require replacement, if it'does not require replacement then the - Council needs to Know the cost of an alternate , "route compared to the cost of pulling out and replacing a bridge that does not require If replacement. If the bridge does require replacing then the. answer is,obvious and asked that the matter be. tabled ano6h” week. to let the; homework be done. {( Engineer Israelson stated, he did " not know if the bridge would collapse this year or ten T G : years from now. f (3); 5 l v MINUTES of the Proceeding: of the Pillage Council of the Village of Prior Lal,,e in the County of Scott and.'Sty a of , Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Williams stated that in the interest of protecting the City the Council should consider tonight placing a three -ton load limit on the bridge. l' W Councilman Oakes recommended ii be tabled a week until some of the engineering f work could be done. : Mayor Stock stated basically there are two questions, from the information that hos' been presented at the hearing and tonight, the basic two questions would be one to leave, thie bridge as it is and go around it with sewer and water, 4Kec46lh4sC @*1np k Ipxrbe) r��;G,rzgardless, and tlw;�ce,cond,questior0s to replace the bridge and then establis��,dt what width, presently the 16,feet.or stay with past policy the City has adopted and enforced in other areas where sewer and water have been installed and if it is going to be C�itGjrtrpoinfalni*dstc.,, the 24 foot paved surface. Mayor Stock' stated�llese em be the alternatives that the City has available and from the meetings of � niigKt there was some concern about keeping the bridge as they now have , it"they-felt thavif the,4ime was.to repla.ce�thet bridge now, it of course would be the lowest cost =and if it was replaced tWipeople_ at the :meeting felt it should be mcintained. of lb' •feet. A resident stated. that lit did not,feel that,in. the, long,run it was to theiradvdhtage lo keep the:'bridge, that it dal not look like a very sound structure but would, l ke r - L to. stay with a 1Q x 12 structure. Mayor Stock stated that this was another point, g r originally proposed at the. informational meeting;was a =,10 x 10 and the, reason a l0 x 12 was not proposed at "that. time, was that the was still .uncertain whether u a �� or not of. availability. The City has discussed ,this further and it firm i would construct the >.10 x 12 ei her as a , standard item or the City could have it as 1 a special'butl.ttat a 10 x S 12 with no great increase in cost., _> A resident wanted to know the cost of the bridge because different casts were stated tonight than at the. informational meeting. Mayor? Stock `stated the structure as a 10 x 10'as.given that night was $32,000.00; however, tltit structure itself is $14,,000.00, i the rest of the cost was the dewatering, etc,:, which the will have In any route �It takes; 'h t cost is built in, the City had a cost of 10 x,`'0 and t' #at v�ras,for a 28 foot surface so",i #.the City culfsthat dawn it:will reduce As cost, the 12 x 10`and this was for the full 28 feet which amounts to feet aUstnicture;wai`��1;6,000.00, so there is $2,000.60 difference. h j A resident wanted to know how the, pro lect.was to.be assess Councilman Oakes t } , stated if the City replaces the bridge or any: bridge or, any roadway now, paved it } has: been the policy of Council.noutotteyj1to establish ..a oost`'benefit.ratio, but to spread the cost of reinstating improved surfaces; incluaing�bridges as port of tha overall.' , ect. if .a road in m 'etct is into im ved-,then that would be id for I yW''ol � p Pro h l pa " by: those: in. that area who have use o.f thaC road at a greater amount:' Tae l pro le invaives,,,Poir►t Boputifi:'I, Maple.Park, and lords and Marti' Islands. it Wouldi include any disturbance of tli,e road. in.the c6urse, of putting in sewer and water into the area and as uch a total cost of the •ro'ad'' would be. spread across, area �� U A resident °wanted to know how deep the sexier and water would below the .lake V bed. Engineer Israelson,slated he ihoughf� it would be about three feet,. J Q ,,about resident: wanted tp know I f the. sewer and water were, from the bridge would the bridge structure be disturbed ., e fo,,f Stock stated tbo,t,the vikbations� would' still be, there.., Councilman',COakes a :o�c��° t if the Ca offsetsIthe sei+ f'.and' � water it° is a questionof how ; farlovt 'i > and s how much' ,it costs 46'i the.*,verse route. rosidcrt stated °;that %theimajority of the people in- the area wantedb a$ mntriin t4ei biidq e. if at ail paSSi�le �ti� ;� ir: r `'� �, ? r rt ����p`�� • p' �j (7- >j � )� it �, i 3 t;, P N j.. ��� t R,a� i r-r I! Y i S l ! i t , -' � MINUTES of the Prec"411 as elf '� o Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in M 5te e County of Scott oncl to of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made b Oakes that additional work be do by Councilman Busse, Councilman Oakes larr Anderson and Ha Id Israel son or a ppoin • ;, . • Y . rP he, to understand . the alternative costs that may be reasonably obtained and dso to establish a reasonable course of action `io determine the condition of the bridge and to report back at the next Council meeting, seconded by Busse a nd upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ` Councilman,0akes wanted to,know - what it was goiw ,tc, get lift station #12 fixed so it will stay fixed. Engineer luaelson explained the problems with lift station #12. , Motion was made by Oakes that the contractor be writtmn.a letter forthwith that states because of,the. dissatisfaction with tho pumps -the City no, has in, ; that the City plans to procure different pumps and to give the contractor five days io install these pumps Y f y pumps and, biI l' and at the end of this time if the are not irmth ' Ci. will install•theso the contractor for these pumps,• seconded byOusse. upon a° vote taken; it was -duly passed.. •M Stock directed Lc , Ande n ayor• rry " rso ith to the ,,tp send put the letter forthw eonti�aoror with copies to Horold 'Israelson, Councilman Oakes, a4mayor Stock, and to contact`1419ht to see,,how bng delivery would be on the`pumps,, J _ ... .: ` . _ ♦ Ile 4 a: .. > Engineer Israelson presented information on change ar4pys,for,,. Barbarossa for by soil for sodding. `After much discussion amotion was made hY Oakesktlpt, this matter be " tabled until: Moir 5, 1.9'7LS, if Barba at �yh4h =time Engineer Israolson,andxEinaerAnderson are * !o Como bock and rossa.so wishes to st r fat ppma, that titpe they may, to resolve the motter.of the extra black di* segonded,by Wil Jia and upon vote taken it was ', ° d � ni , aluly< paste.. .. �� At -9:30 P.M. Ma r Stock' called the " ` May or Publicf imaring on`Discretgnory Funds tq order, tx Mayor, StoalC,rea l the Public Notlio. k, = ,n ;k ►dmiaisiwiotMoGuirorpresented infornwtion,on discr•tano fu ts. Mr. Caieboit.wat ed know if here was a n;avergll &o _mown plan, that?hod to be submitted to HUD. Administrotor McGuire stated there, is no overall, pion asked for, s what they adad for is community needs and a breakdown of them needs. We to know if was not wye that a, mpiority a the «downtawn business men► weert4niittot aWinst'•the'- Qf Thir*Sfreat , Ac" , McGuire stated titey,were `for the extentio� of Third StreetAdnd Pleasant Avenue; hove r, thmy'were * , ! againtl fit. be ng "aaesss�d oilnst ;the' elo*mliwrr; Mr. Casebolt wanted to know how long it w6uld t4ke to hear froth HUD after this a. \ ;appltaolbn,issubmNed. Adini tti cG,oire•aatidifhey l±op b have an answer . � �� ` �dc:,;v� thin >tlwit•na�ethe '� . ` � Mr: tasebcit wanted to know if the , grant 00 4 !ie ; used "tor any ling wise but what is. a' oiitljned in AdtnIiwis ft abr McGuirm`stated °thcf icgESis Son and public works for road irltprovetmtnf wgiild br':the main- usefthe money,1 Bonnio Cameron wanted to know if d how that theiCity'has applied �to HU cbes it mean that the City► isyoirtgxa with.thisrajt asd ,h�ow;the:businiannin`' to pay � for -their por� \ ion oftthe cost.. Administrator MCGO ; iaied tha is the grant is approved �by "HUD tltm money would be used strictly for toads. Stock stated tli`st does not mean.that the road: arti goirtp b bio,'put "in and pavgd, pfimati y it 'is acquis twn and It typo at thittpj thin' is what the City is 4rying to dt_"ine now.). 0 ; Bnie�Cae%n vrantedto:knpw f the plan had �n firl lined Mayor Sioc�k sroted the City h d he'plaaq,but- -- -the taming of it�was, qupstwnoble� 1% . P W l� X11, x k \ , �,• \`\t` MINUM of the Pf"o"I ' ngs of the Village Ceuneil of the Vitloge of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnosete, including o\ accounts audited by said Coundl. Bonnie Cameron wanted to how the acquisition of the Will house,would be paid would be paid oout of General Funds st t uhtil e � �� would acquire the house now, it t r a road was put through with F . discretionary funds or assessed against the businessmen. Bonnie Cameron wanted to know if the assessment district for the downtown area had been approved. Mayor Stock stated. it was never approved. Bonnie Cameron wanted to know if a Public Hearing would be heldbeforeahe downtown: ro � assessment district was i Pproved: `Mayor Stock'siated therevwould. be a Public Hearing. Motion was made by Williams to ; approve the Discretionary Funds and application, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock adjourned, the Public Hearing. 14 Mayor Stock called the Regu!, Council Meeting back to order., Councilman Oakes,wanted to know, in regard 'to Engineer Israelson's memo,. what a waterproirrf manhole was. Engineer Israelson stated that it is a manhole that is et>led and bolted down. «�# 'MayorStock wanted to know what kind of manholes were h4 N iclte!! °florid. En gin stand they 'were staitdard'manholes;� - t!! ' Motion was made by Williams to adopt Ordinance 75-4 ridi Pro}a uniform ysletll n . cf Twining of streets and nurnberinj(properties and buildings of ,the„City of Prior Lolto ° a seconded' by Busse °and upon a vote taken it was `du l y passed .' . Motion was made by Oak es that all (and areas up iota6dIricludinrfive acres be assessed individually or in. tlta otsegate for stomp sewer impnevetrtenh which is an'w.x ' acreage as�es>tnent acid that all acres r ge above five �otxv. which are :mtplottrd would be asserted at. a 20 percent • , rate a total ent assessem Id be::cal led ; tlts° rwnairtder b bey ; eonsi down at the`time the is sold prop*ty as stibdividid; and upon a veY'taken it was duly passed was ma . A, � ' Motion was by Oakes b,cc+use the current t y of C Schweich 101 1 #+ i in' °accord'wi'tti the'pint agreirmant :estabIished in S ►ith Mr" Schweich; "seconded by = Piast a , Iry Clemens *was prewnt thank'the Council for letting sled him � attend the . Norbrrf Bsrka ' r �iwday seminar,' �lorth Memorial Hospital. \ ' �Aayor Stock asked for tt�piniors from t.Counci) regarding'theCity installing �.developers. ' } f " imp ovamerth versus .. ~ . Councilman• Oakes stated Ire,thought it was wife r r b have a fairly well stated policy for what the Ci pr+p"S. to do. Motion was. z y 4 al 1 criers affer individual oDnsidBro n of the rate oft r huct xvie� in in accordance � s with, the Plonnitig Gotrtrniri ontit ion's reciirtdation on Stage developtrren #. with a repayment scheduls not to exceed fi glans of sm ve e and ° those portions of assesents, , ' I kabl , aPP s upon' presentation to the City Administratar a suitoble'bond Payment of arsy unpaid assessment !ts described xis: the bond, seconded P use. j by, ThComotion was tiiblad until` the April 14, 1975 Council meeting f = > : Mayo Sock'presiNid a Equal Rights Ameidmertt Resolution which was sent b the City by Scott` County sorird'regv+itng` support of heir r>elution.: Motion was made t o { ` by Williams to send a'similar resolution to the Governor and "'Le islature to `Suss and Schmitz g presentatives \\ regarding the Equal Rights Amfrtdment by Oakes and } Upon a vofie'taken8llln" s dulyy,,,passed: May'or Stock directed the�A secandgd drninistrator to have, this resolution: prepared and stint out. let the proposed Pedestrian Bridge for review. Councibn Oakes recommended against a pedestrian bridge b4couse the is a pairking • problem in the area already. Councilman Oakes, recommended that the City consider placin \ g the water Iine without ' a, pedestrian bridge, and write the County and give them a set of the City's ;plans and g specifications and say that since the City has heard than they 'intend, to widen the bridge , A . this is where the City pwpL dsbe,, *Wsrijuct*re and' if Hhe County has reason in their planning to widen the bridge then'the City would like the County to tell the City so there would not be c conflict. Councilman Williams stated that another point to be considered is pedestrian safety on ,. the bridge. Mayor Stock stated he would Iike to know what the Coup is t , Count . proposing,ci�uM�li;�- 4 to find out about pedestrian safety on the =bridge, what will be the additional cost, and who will pay for .the�additanal' cost. Mayan S stated he thought this r t c j t additional cost should tot pointed out to the County and that 'this is their obligation .: not the City's: Councilman Oakes stated that the letter to the County Commissioners should be such > that it reminds them that there is a' problem, both from the standpoint of fishing and pedestrian traffic, it is their responsibility and the City would - except them to discharge t ' of it. Mayor Stock directed the�,Engineer to contact the County and report back to the Council. Mayor Stock, presented a votliiw how, the Highway Commissioner proposing a two cent 'gas tax increase for hi , • s y'doratruction r"uestinq a resolution from. the City supporting this two cent proposal. Mayor Stock re p nwnth a th commended no action be this Win taken a`? � 1 Mayor Stock stated ht woU1 Bite to set for cleanu � irty day WWe `s r�.May beginning April, 25, 1975 lndi 25 1975 as Arbor Month in which the City � ` would ask the citizens: to plant tre" cli wp and beautify their property.in the } L City limits of Prior Lake. Motion Was made by dus=t to approve the thirty cloy period of April 25, 1975 to May 25 1975 as Aibor Month, seconded by Williams and upon' a vote taken it was duly passed ' Mayor Stock stated that thsrs'willcU a pint meeting with Howard Kaibe - UMMC, ` Spring Lake, and Prior Lake at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday A pr A 8, 1975 and requested that Councilman Ooke: be present,: (7) c # i 1 � _ ,,b 5 5 y . U i M MINUTES of the Praeeedines of the 4111w Coundl of the Villege, of Nrlw take l iar the of sgelftw tah of said C { d;ryTs r Mayor Stock presented +the proposed'distribution of the ;hood affect on Prior Lake and SootvCointy °in paMlwlar", " $r ck had the Administrator do• some. research: an this matter and.,it: s. based that' . . are nerated b miles of railroad in the communi' nd the servico e f thi telephorw 9e Y t a company, etc. Mayor Stock stated that ieehadi the Administrator check further with the of,.Minnesota Municipalities whw is` proposing the n�eUir g of iht Legislature, to adopt such o Bill. Mayor Stock stated the distribution as 4iras Cities;a is °voncemed is based on tax levy in dollars, Prior Lake would receive approximately 08, 589,40, G M Motionxwas made by °Busse thot the City adopt a resolution regar ding distribution of Railroad and Telephone Gross Earnings Tax with the addition of per capita basis rather than. the tax and the recouping of the State, etc:, seconded by Williams and upoq a vote taken it was duly passed.. Councilman Oakes was absent. Engineer Israelson g presented maps of Martinson Island Bridge and the Wagon Bridge and