HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 14 1975tAiN ns, of the Prec"dings of the Village Council of tM Village of `Prior take In the Cornly of Seetf and State of �ti Minneeela, including all accounts audited by said Council. t ,< April 14,, 1975 ,i The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on Aprii 14, 1975 in the City Council Chambers.r Mayor Stock called the meeting order. j o Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Israelson, and Attorney Cope, The following correction was made to the Minutes of April 7,,1975: "Paso, four, Paragraph three, second sentence - Thursday should read Wednesday; Motion was made by Crakes to approve the Minutes of April 7, 1975 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " Mr.' Joe Carroll of Moves First Lake Addition, Loh 14 and 15` was present in regard to the condition of the road and drainage the of road after sewer and water construction.. ° Mayor Stock stated the city ha proceeded on the storm sewer and ran in to the problem of securing the right -of -way for the, easement to take the water to the natural ditch and then drain out, and the City was notable to obtain rightrof -entry on that lost Fall' jo"N because it got started too late, and, as of today the City does have the right-of-entry C� and as soon as the weal i her petmih that stone sewer will be installed, The basin= r" .catch ctcb that are located there may be somewhat high because the final paving gins not been put 'howevsr, on yet; right now there would be no, place for the water M go if it did go into catch basins, because they are not connected. a Mr. Carroll wanted to know if the road would be lifted up to the area t was before. the construction. ' Engineer Anderson stated the road could be built'up to a better situation. " ` 4 Councilman Oakes'reaommendod,�putting one, of the City's °pumps and a, suction line In one of the manholes and than if the City ould r ty into five � yet inch. I ne ;that is open , that would" let the City` atteri0t la keep the water level down. my the n onholei so the, road water would conic 060 manholes.. ,.. Mayor Stock directed { Engineer Anderson Y ' r `" to, con to et;Mr. Carroll tomorrow morning at t 10:00 A.M. to take care of this matter. r ~ 4 0 Councilman Vatkins,sto idrthem is a Publ is Heart on" rezoni o ; Hearing ng:on Thursday, April 17, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. and ur ged everyone to be thane. Counciinwn " °Wttfiams slated.that Wlth�the Council's a'pprova) the Park Board intends to va employ,Patiira n EngineerirWand A=aociates.�of Mound water tie,olity study on the pond ar�'ea to determine ` if the water is for safe swimmi and if so how: much, use if can er Kkers �• ng.00ntaminated; this is to brr untderlakin.with a.sma ' swiralnirtg area in mimed,, °and, Piirkjabor+d,inust sure a solo area Is cost of�.this provided, The year -bop study will not exceed.- sliew.00'and tlro Park Board recommends the Council's approval Mayor wanted to know Mother things could be gained from this'study. besides a swim: »ink area' ",ouch %could Om:awa be slocked fish; , *t Councilman Williams 'stated "bother things would be' gaiined by thispstudy `besiriis the swimming area. Mayor' Stock asked if tho City were to acquire* site for swimming, pc rticular hooch area on the lake, would this study then have little value or does it still have value. c Councilman Williams stated that in the Park Board's mind it atilt has value, in the fact that it would be a neighborhood lake swimming area that would be easily accessible. 1 ; (1) MINUM of the haeeedlap of the Villego Council of the Villain of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of llAian"ete, including all aeeounM audited by seW Council. - Mayor Stack stated there could be a: problem with ailake front beach, then the City would have another area to worry about, maintai be required. ning, lifeguards, etc., that would ,,. Motion was made by Williams to approve the study of the pond, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman Williams stated that the area in Green Oaks known as OutlotA has been C - dedicated' to the City and the Park Board- and t6 Ci tY _ 't Plann has been instructed to ti `zi draw up the preliminary plans and upon the receipt of these plans the Pork Board will hold a Public He on these plans, Councilman Williams stated that the snowmobile problem has not been resolved yet. > Mr. Don Brown was present in regard to improving the service of snowplowing and the condition of the road after sewer and water construction. ' Councilman Watkins wan tad to know if the area couId.be hay -baled to event { t washing.,Y Engineer Isroeison stated there ica blem with the catch basins 3f Pro , they�ore toohigh, , *' the lop6f ;the catch basins are higher. han,the road surface, and they will be low* rod to fit the road. Mayor Stock directed Engineer: Anderson to take care of the holes inthe road. Mayor Stock stated, in regard to snowplowing, the City had its share of problems, -the! City had the some contractor that the -City has had, in the post, the City did have a communication pro blem in getting across to the contractar that Mr. Siown's „ � } was a ro public road'not a private ad, and the City thought they had the problem • solved. and - about that time "the crew that knew .theittit was a public road went deer hunting. Mayor Stock stated the City °did have,its problatns with,Mr..:Brown's road and did not think this was ical of.the entire. Ci by tYr and thought that the City did ` have good snowplowing basically, throughout the City. Mayor Stock stated the ; City has discussed at length alternatives the City should be anticipating over the next`Ne years and am studying -the situation.. F Engineer Andervm pre':entid the cost .comparison and of_Mortinon Island } t sewer and *ditr and -the, bri dge. After much discmion Mayor- Siock:tablddathe matterof Martinsoh Island for further �< . Ieggi' opinionsfiom:the,AMornep until : the, next Councilrmeeting.: ' Ad.!niolst e* 1ylcGuire stated, `that after,.the Public Hearings on Diserat Fundi��,'� t6thyt:wos notified that �applicationsrwem, s beiwg� opted di to the r ;iackof trwMy.: The CityG has submitted'ths,application argrwaY and HUD can dispose of the opplication as they see fit. ' Administrator McGuire, stated; that in4view of no moneY.baing available through the grot►f he feals the t should tat negotiate further b buy the Will house. Motion °wa come by Watkins to discontinue negotiations on the Will housei seconded •. by Cl" and upon a vote taken it was not *wed.,,, The Wiil house aetiuiiition wm, k1lediuntil"the next Council meeting for more ° = c a ih%wowtion legal opinions, budgits .etc.. 3 , - r (Z) n . n "UTIS of the Prec 1"Ills of the Villa *o Council of the Village of { Prier take in the County, of Scott and Vote. of °J minneseta, including all accounts audited by sold Council. ' r. , Mr. John Trulson wanted to know if the Council was going to discuss his, problem of ' getting gasoline during construction on his driveway. ' Councilman Oakes stated there has been some discussion between the Administrator "f and him.on the matter and the City needs to know more facts from Mr. 'Trulson and recommended that because there is some apparent impact on Mr. Trulson because of the route the City is taking down his driveway,, of the gasoline supply loss, that the Administrator be authorized to deal with Mr. .Trulson, to murk, out an agreement that is reasonable to the City and Mr. Trulson. Motion was made by Oakes that the Administrator be authorized to deal with Mr. Trulson to work out an agreement that is reasona to the City and Mr. Trulson in `. regard to gasoline supply during construction, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote: taken it was duly passed.. Mrs. Marl is Bluedom present in regard to the condition of the road ,in front of her house. Mayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson to take care of this matter. u Administrator McGuire stated that last Thursday night the City interviewed several individuals and ;the group. interviewing, Larry, Anderson, .Dgn- `Russo and Administrator McGuire, recommended that Iry -Clemens.,be hired princir ,l as a park. em to I# Y Pa P Yee, but for general,maintenmrce also;. Motion was made by Watkins hire Iry Clemens. at a pack and general= maintenance employee, seconded by Williams and upon q Wit• take- wat. duly passed.: Administrator McGuire stated that about two months ago the City discussed buying some FM radios for the City trucks, and in the..megntime the Aministrator has talked to Leugues Tower Company and they would like tp .put antennas an top of the water tower' and for this they would supply the City with an antenad and transmission line, one base station at the time of signing, the agreements, .and orm,mobile radio; in addition, one year after the signing of the contract they would supply the City with one mobile radio- and three years after the: signing of the radio.. contrQct onerpertable ;It would be a ' fifteen year lease with a fifteen year option period at which time the City'would negotiate.fbc Councilman Oakes stated that 1`1 to tops of towers are worth money and thought that the City should,,e%kk, if this - was.the °most *mnomic.course or is the rental and the City, buy its own equipment. Councilman Oakes stated that Public :{Utilities have the right to petition the Public Service Commissioria for :o License to opsraM.dial mobile_rodio telephones and thought this.**C;f 6Vs4k,0Vgte Qgra ,wanti Iwmake of the tower shouU,in detehnined and Jack Packer should be contacted. _ i Mayor Stock tabled the lease on the antenna until the next Council meeting. AdrninistrotorMcGuire;stated +that Dan ,Johnston has beew certified by.rthe State to Inspect Mres,for Outch Elm aid= QeskNilt disaaseood his- char would be $10.00 per call for the first calls and. $6.00 per call thereafter. Motion was trade by Oakes to approve Don Johnston as tree inspector at $10.00 per cal f6r the first twbt,ca and $6.00`per cal.1 thereafter:witha review two weeks after w,sedwn begins, - seconded by Watkins :andcupon aivote talaf+n it was duly passed. Administrator McGuire stated that Country Hills Golf .Club hail applied for a cigarette license and recommended its approval. Motion was made by Watkins to approve the cigarette license for Country Hills Golf Club, seconded by Busse and upon a, vote taken � ::�,. Engineer Anderson.presented information on Lift Station fl ' 'Mr. Terry.Estinson, of Tit State, was present stating their position on the pumps. 0 (3)' Mayor Stock stated that - the PCA.is hoW69 a Public Hearing on, the •matter of the ' Fiscal Year 1976 Water Pollution Control Plan scheduled= sor 1:00. P.M. May 14, 1975 at the,Board Room of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency located at 1935, West County Road 92, Roseville, Minnesota. Mayor Stook' ^statthat the PCA is having.a Public Hearing on the matter of desigiiotion of'Metropolitan Council* for areawide, waste .treatment management f, planning as established In Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Contoct " Amendment of 1972 at 9 :30 A.M. on May'12; 1975 in the - Agency Board Room at ' Roseville: , a Mayor Stock stated theL City has received rw'tification from the Office :of local , i Urban Affairs Bureau of Outdoors and Recreation that they have, approved the Prior Lake Project and' Fadetaal Funds in the'aniount of, i-20, 000.00. "Motion' was made by William to authorize the Mayor and City dministrator to s ign the he . e , agrement seconded b' W - 9n Pro t e project , t y W a tk ins and'U n a, v ' vo taken rt wa • Po e s duly passed, y` = M MINUTiS of the Proesedin 's of the VII g lags Council of the Village -of Prior L6ke in the County of Ste" and State of Mayor Stock stated that the Council will delay action on having the pumps removed I from Lift Station #12 and Engineer Anderson will be in contact with Mr. Estinson of Tri -State to resolve the m matter and will report back at the next Council Meeting.t': Watermain across Prior Lake channel along CSAH 21 was tabled. Engineer Anderson change 9 presented chop order` for Nodland and Associates amounting to $4, 704,36. 'Motion was made by'-Oakes to approve "the change order #1 o of $ passed Engineer Anderson presented the Construction Report on the 1975.proiects.,' " Engineer Anderson reported on the lnformational'Meeting with the residents of Grainwood on Saturday April 12, 1975, One -half of the residents wanted the street to remain `public "and the other one -half did not: Change orders for Barbarossa was tabled until May 5, 1975. : r Enginaer Israelson recommended holding back all, payments to Marsgo for two ' a reasons. The first one is because 'they have not been paying their suppliers, there are bills almost "in the amount that is due them, if everything is satisfactory with the work Mars9d has done. The Secorid ; reason it if there is an ; y questionable work within-, X . their contract, Engineer Israelson.did not think the City shouldoay them anymore . u ! t until the Engineer has checked out all of the, work. Motion was made by Oakes that payments t i Watkins and upon a vote taken it'was duly p � g passed, 9 Wagon, Bridge, � < ' City installing4h provemenh� versusIdevelopers was tabled., Councilman Busse presented information on sheet sweeping. Mayor Stock 4uthoriied j j v C Councilman Busse to proceed with the street sweeping. Councllman on status of thel 31 wer Interceptor. Mayor Stock stated hs would 116 rem passive from the' C1* siandpointon CdUncil Subiect until a later date. Mayor Stock reported on the. Orderly Annexation Meeting of Wednesday April 9 '1975. Y Pr „ G Robert Mak 11 ister Dog Carcher 160.00 ` Minn. Crime:.PMvention Officers As. Dues " 5,00 x JAK Office Products Co. Office - Supplies, 76.33 (5) `1 �ebrynP'( ° +. .` v�C..F#i�;�i�h�R*'71F+4!'•R'hs .,ex"x`ekaw Ma;...`5+.:. .f'2.wA:f�1bu'+T; -,. YS+:'r" , d...\.e:;«wd1"4.r. 1 * ,t_,. =sw.:$ :6a""G€4 „..w ^;�%�1'�� � ry MINUTES of the Proceedings of'tho Village Council of t the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. F T The' fallowing bills were approved a and paid for the month of March: °. G GENERAL FU ND; Prior Lake State Bank F Federal Deposit = T T" 944.18 State Treasurer P PERA 2 2,113,89 Motor Vehicle Services Division . License Plates 3 3.25 Tim O'Loughlin R Resusitator 1 .. 1 100.tk Richard Powell S Salary: - :. 3 395.12 Steven Schmidt S Salary 3 356.34 Dennis Leff S Salary 3 348.00, LeRoy Rabenort S Sala ry 3 313.30 Eugene'Smith S Salary 2 286.09 u J Joseph: VanDenBoom S SclarY s 3 304.00 Michael McGuire =` S Salary 4 425.61 Local Union 320 U Union Dues `F 4 42.50. Melanie Johnson S Salary 6 60.30 ' C F&M Savings Bank S Savings Plan L J2541 tea; W Cash P Petty Cash 5 50.00; Dot Forms Police Supplies• ; ;27 'Minn. Natural Division' U Utilities 1 177,3q ..Sneer -Rice Telephone Co. U Utilities 6 69.77 ' z, .Lake Auta upply" . .Pol'iceAuto Repair - , ° T Tomi Mobil Service , G Gas and'Police Auto Repair, 2 ,bp ' N NSP ` U p oti ce Supplies 2 2,80 LPL's Lawn and Leisure P Util ities 5 55.76' Ray Robinson - � P _ 4 12.00' Steven Schmidt O Overtime 4 47.66 Eugene Smith - O Overtime y.26." DeWi;'Leff' �� O Overtime 5 51 Joseph VanDenBonm M Mileage 4 4:SD LeRoy R aWinoM' �� O Overtime 2 22.06' Southside Dodge, Inc., ' P Police Auto Repair t t.39 Prior Lake American ' P Printing and Publisher. ° ° 180.48 ` t - Wm. J . Su (l Ivan P Plann in Books and Mileage 2 25.40 t Floyd Lock.and Safe Ca., P Po.lice Supplies 1 14.00` Klimmek Veterinary Clinic A Animal 15.00 Walter W. Christiansen P Police Reserve 5 50.00 n A Arthur Halliday:, ° ° Police Reserve 1 15.00 °loon M .: Buss - P Police Reserve 1 15.00 Clearings F FroiQltt Charges 8 8.65 Bankers Life Co. Hospitalization- i\ . . 02 IrwClenwns P Police Supplier -; 1 16.97 Divinif d, Ins. Serv. I Insurance 5 524.28 Joe Hatch Radio Base Station 7 75,.00 Mller/bavis Co. O Office Supplies^ 1 18.50 ' � �CouNr, Nei= and Sullivan' ` A Attorney Fees ' 2x$68.80 S r ° ng and Publish:ne 5 53.45 .m Foremost Business Machines, :Inc. O Office -'Supplies � , , 8. 00 ` { M Valley Sign Co. L Libra Si gns gM 7 75.00 Moody's Investors Service, Inc. B BoecRctinp' 6 650.00 E. H. Newstrom B Building Inspector 2 264.00 SCM:- Corp. O Office Supplies 7 774.94 ' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake to the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ` FIRE FUND ° Minn. Natural Gas Utilities s, 170`.12 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities ., ; , 91.15 ' Lake Auto Supply Supplies 3.86 Toms Mobil Service Equipment Repairs 45.70 NSP Utilities 72.95 Donald Schommer Gas 8:00 United Fire Fighters Assn. Membership'Dues `'Equipment 15.00 General Tire Service Repairs 75.81 Jordan Independent Supplies 31.30 ' D. H. Mullenmaster & Co..., Audit' 50.00 Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Supplies, 1.75 Shakopee, Medical. Center Medical - Glenn Tang 10.00 c4, . Monnens S up p ly Inc :- , Buildin Re irs! g _ Pa 12.90 Bill Anderson, Minna Fire Inst. Membership Dues ," 5.00 ` Malkerson Motors,. Inc. Equipment Repairs 11.87 Minn. Rescue and "First'Aid Assn. School r 50_00 TOTAL s" 655.61, STREET FUND ,d i E liner Busse Sala r J = 33 r $ Lake Auto, Supply Equipment Repairs = 5.74 Tome Mobil Service Equipment Repairs. 6.50 ;- v L&L OK Hardware �- - Supplies % 18.22 ' NSP Utilities +° . 947.14 r Andrews'Rexall Pharmacy ' Supplies ° ' 7.98 Valle Y 9u.Pm E i ent Co. Equipment E i ent Re rs I 17.09 Itasca Equipment Co. ° Equipment Repairs 24.00 a , Prior Lake Aggregate, Inc., Sand 142.12 a . ' W. G. Pearsoriq f e Crushed Rock 12.83, Elmer Busse Salary 330.65 l a Elmer Busse Oveo.ime 19.70 i TOTAL j $ ; 1,862.62 BUILDING FUND J Herb Sass Work on City .Hall S 196.:00 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 99.25 �t °L3L OK Ha Builiding Supplies 41 .79 ' NSP 98.15 a; Minn., n n. Natural' Div. - Utilities 1,48.87 Busse Super Market Cleoning.Supplies 23.00 Monnens Supply, Inc. Building Supplies :; ' 7.2.52 Prior Lake : Lumber Co., Building Sb P � P I yes < 1.39 Gross Ind`; Services Floor Matt ...... , .. �....: 17.40= •; , Gtendahl,Mechanlcal Heating Work ^" 600.00 .....: Gon Fahtenkamp Cleaning Service 60.00 c , Mrn Window Shade Co. ` Blinds 246.60 Plywood Minn., Inc. Building Supplies " 124.76 .Nick. WQIf n Flag Core`-` 20.00 Herbert 3ci:x Work on City Hall 13600 -,. PAR_ f Toms Mobil Service Towing cloy � 8.50 NSP Utilities 50'.05 TOTAL $ 58.55 ,. r 4 , fr ( 7 ) /7 i . 1 i?r� � :`$.s..�d' �43 J . ,, .+!49vsu: _�.�... y r 1 .!�'4P,'�k+C"b•`xl.°- � >',4.E t�l'nMG.l r<li MINUTES of the Froceedieos of the Village Council of the Village of'Frior Lake in the Count of Scott and State of` Minnesota, including all accounts audited by b said`Council. CAPITAL PARK FUND Kohlrusch Abstract and Title Abstract 142.00` Lyle Signs, Inc. Signs = 282.50 Israelson and Assoc. Engineering Fees ;561.32 TOTAL S 98 WATER IMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUND First Minnecpol'is Bond 'Interest S 374.25 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND Marion Colbeck Towing 10.00 E. Moves and M. Bluedorn - Condemnation 950.00 E.'Moves, M4 Bluedorn, L.. and B. l ., Schweich _ Condemnation 200.00 ~ Kand L. Didrickson Condemnation 600.00 3 E. Fahley Condemnation ,050.00 J. and L. Geraghty, E. Fahley Condemnation 1,150.00 # Edward Sharkey Condemnation Commissioner 279.40 b Ray Joachim Condemnation Commissioner 267:40 John Maras Janski and Gibson Condemnation Commissioner Appraisals ,; 268.30 „ Marsga and W. :M . Pearson Contract Payment* 1,150.00 276.48 Marsgo and Rior Lake Aggregate i ' Contract Payment 4,304.61 Mango and Minn. Gas Co. - : ,: Marsgo Contract Payment 1,063.89 v` Q� and Scott -Rice Telephone Marsgo and Bohnsack and` Hennen Contract ,Payment: 358,06 0 # J Mango and Wiener's Concrete. Contract Payment Contract Payment 2,126.73 1,999.66 .t , Marsgo and Tri -State Drilling- Contract:.PQyment 1', Vt.31 „ Ma'rsgo:em U.S. Cash Iron Pipe' Contract Payment ` 372.07 ' . Marsgo and Cantex Ind, Contract Payment _ 462.20 Mango and Davies Water. Equip. Contract Payment 1 612.30 f r ',Marsp and Ess Bros. Contract Payment 464.34 l Marsgo and Radloff and:Webbar Contract Payment 703.21 Mar%1p and Joe Graham Contract Payment " 106.04 { Marsgo and L. Schweich Bldr. z ' o Contract Payment 180;.18 Stop Payment Charge ;. TOTAL 2.0 0_ ` $22,�631.18� p CONDONSAAKESIDE FUND N.W Nationat Bank� ofM pis. Bond Payment " ;15292.25 72. -2 CMH -39 FUND: First Nat'l Bank of St. Paul Borxf'ITayinent . r. $ `4 055.11 First Nat'l Bank 6f -St.. Pauk Bond Payment TOTAL 1,2,752.50 $ 6,007.61 MAPLE PARK VIP' FUND Amer`. Nat'l Bank and Trust Co. °Bond Payment j �5 351.00 SPECIAL - POLICE: FUND Southside Dodge, Inc. Police Car r, 3,710 S .00 Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and,,upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P..M:' I r ' Michael, A. McGuiro, Administrator i r Yi M - • , C _ to o ''' o r .= k..'4t+ ..k'. .,p, -_ � x.1 _ � �` n O ,..�