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MINI vT ,ef the Proceedings of tM Y Ceuedi of the Village of Prior take in too County of "Stoll mad Step of
MienesoN, including elt eoteuels audited by as Council. }
April 21, 197` K
The Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on
„ n
April al, .1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock 'called the meeting to
order., Presenta we re Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Crakes, Watkins, and Williams,
Administrotor McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer,: hroel on, and Attorney Sullivan.,
The first item on the agenda was, the,Continuation of Public Hearing on the vacation of
"street in Eastwood.'`
Mayor Stock read'the Pubtic Notice :
Mayor Stock asked if there was any informotion to be presented.
The Green Corks Association presented a ;pitition requests the
requesting y `remdin
public access.
Mayor Stock stated that the Council accepted the, petition from the - Green, Oaks
A`ssociation relative to fhe'access road toot is in question, tlweA renwIn a public access. ;
Mayor Stock stated that Mr. Battis was suppose to have 'a recommendation based on
_his le`tler darted March 17, rv1975, 'the' question was whether the title lies in the
;adjoining property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Weiland's hairs ail the:rresident still wish
the particular'street vacated, and requested a 30 day delay to avoid a legal
proceeding 116" determine the..fee owiw6hip. Mrs Don _8enson,stated nothin0 further had
happerwd on this matter.
Attorney Lary Griffith .wos present on the behalf of Mr. Was Green and stated that most
pdrtiis are sa.tisfied- ,'With; what are anticipated to be the undeelying fee.ownirsh of the
tr6ct fol bwing vacation, a'nd urged thw�Council to take into consideration whether or
not the street is needed.or wantect by the City "and if not then;urged the Council to
vacate it. `Atbr ney.,Griffith noted he, felt it was in the best interest of the City to
vacate this to the
property stop responsibilihr °ofmaintainin it.and policing it and all
that goes with it and Mr. °Green has. submitted to the Council a proposed [eacictiw
gevenance which they would be willing. to "ecuta upon the'oacatlion,statina toot the
` LL
would not be ;utilized b
ixa;N y Wrote ,tl+an`;five lots so as not to have o problem with
t6un,`foot per lot lakeshore requirementand asked that =the Counci! r a, decision
Mr - 101" Benson stated that he could not agree with Mr. Careen that .the majority of'**
peoploi� involved an satisfied.
Attorney Sullivan said it was to' the discretion of the Council to do what they want with
the pnoper�ty.
p ' p
Attorney Griffith stated toot they would grant, back to the City or any utility company
-any +69461ent That was deemed necessary which is now tlwfe over the vacdted street.
C ouncilnwn Williams stated {a owes something � to
'City the people who do rtot live
on theAdke and that if thm prop" not gee to the bdjacent preropprty should be
tabled for mo'e study:
Mr. isenson stated there are not five ,property owners involved in,the vacation, but one
and most of the people %:the f3w A ddMio n to Eaot gad boughY:Prope'h► on the
provision,that, they have the access and use it for launching boats and hope to continue
doing that.
, J
^^ ^
~ Green,
Mr. stated in regard to Mrolberw' - =,rema
's�I t the
rk k too propKty;owners refitted to
have an access and Mr. Benson owns `that access and `they have been
provided the
exciusive,use to this access.
s :
koNti3 Aw*i
MINUTES of the Precowsojis of the villoa% Council of the Villae�r of him in the County of See" and Stall
v h
f< �, of
Miun*wta, including all aeea+uah audiNd by add Co6aeii,"
Mr. Green stated that the people.who live in tkisorea are, baby sitters, they, have to
look after children who are sent there unatiendecfi..
Mr. Jerry , Muelken stated, he want4O am to remain a public access.
A resident from Green Ooks stated he wanted, "the cab to remain a public access.
Mayor Stack stated that Fthe Council should determine;, the need for the site as a
public access. w
Motion was mods by Williams to retain the property PirstAddition to Eastwood as
a public rv occess -with a barrier' for no ehlbular traffic to, enter at this site, seconded
by r;`.;:e and upon a vote oaken` this motion; was rejectedt„
"Motion was made by Busse: that the.matter of the,property, in the First Additio' to '
Eastwood be turned over to the.,P,_Qtk Board for stud and :
y rpcoenmendat ' be made
to the Council, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it wasi duly passed.
Councilman Oak t- ,led the .Park should .take into acoournt the several ` points '
ol~view to the bestof their ability to determine usage.
AtkKet.y Sullivan stated the Park Board should investigate Public *►ceases
a!ou4the lake. 1
.• Mayor Stock directed` tha'Pdrk." b oornider,t a other accesses around the lake
fir 301" it
of recommendation, and urged immediate .attention to be'�piven to the ;
one in quest on and continued the Public Hearing until May 12, 1975. i.
r r
Mayor Stodr.called the. regulacCouncil M to order. t
eating ;
Mayor S'`tock Balled for the opening of bids for, the Grads" Fire Rid.
0< �.;
The lovWq.bidt' re':reoeivwdt i s
C-L ed,'Fard P $4,495.0 y 596 Bids Bond� ii
Bean =Rtittpar�t o $4,700;.00 Slida On,Unit 596 Bid, Bond Attaehad
Gkwmtott Che.irolet $4,950.00,
No pid Attached .•
Minn.. Wanner Co. 4 . ; ;52,285.00 SI'ide..Mn Unit 59b'ilWBond Attached
General , Safety : $41, 535.00 396 Bid Aond Attached'
°Malkerson Moto 4, :898;.00 t
596 Bid bond Attached
Wiion was made �by Watkins to accept the bids for the Gro n R
ii Fire as present d
b tllrrl .thani over. to tha :File Deporhnent,Cpmen two for Nteir atd 'b present
to the Council ' q
their estimation of the low bidder for complete. 4nit, seconded
by. Busse and upon a vote taken it wa duly passed.
Motion Was mom :by;Watkins. to ,accept. the Fin .D eparhnent Repent, ae000ded by
Stock and upon a vote taken It was duly passed, ;
g t
'Motloh wus made b Watkins , approve, the M I .. . ,, .. it
y b Wastes of Apr 14, l p75; seconded by
Oakes and upon a vote 'tLlten it was duly passed.. `: =
" '� •.
'Motion: warsmada:by Busse to „the inyoices to be paid as.previously "goproved
by. the. Fioanee �Canttitittea, secott&d by Williams. and upon a vote' take it woi�ouly
Motion way -'mode by Busse to accept the Pol ice De _
partment Report, seconded by
and upon= a ,voti :taken I was -du)
c ti
, (2)
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of See" and State of
�s 4
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
Mayor ,Stock stated the Police Department has requested authorization to advertise =for
a squad, in order to qualify for' the contract that is open as for as receiving a 75��nit
the would have to authorize it at the present time so that the City, can'ualify
for the some government Old price-for this year, if the 'Council does ' it - later the;, will -
be going into 76 prices and then can expect a considerable increase.
Motion was made,by Williams to .authorize the advertising for the police squad, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken-, it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock stated the request for an ordinance establishing c curfew. 2
Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the Attorney to. prepare an gtdinance„
establishing q curfew and,amertd the liquor ordinance,, seconded.by,Busse and upon a
Grote Taken it was duly Paste• ,
Mayor # Stoek'stowd that at the last't ouncil meeting the Council requested
recommendations for Martinsanr Island Bridge from the Attorney,: Consulting Engineer,
Consulting Planner, need City Engineer,and, presented the sunnmay,of ltese
The recommnendation :from •Larry, Anderson, City Engineer, was that. Owtraveled roadway
be a minimum of 24 feet 6r_, foot
wide, with shoulders on each side,. based on, the
Minimum Highway Departmant Standards.
� t
g g . ;• ; .. . .
o The recommendation from Harold lsrae Consultin En sneer was that the traveled
a inimum of 24 fe t wi .
way m , de, bused on Minnesota Nrghway Department
Standards. )'
The recommendation from CMarles Tooker, Consulei oplanner, was that the bridge be,
replaced to o �2t foot, , Idth 10. aCO011NMladate and
P , pedestrian traffic, based on
, vehicular
the conc", icrwreached by the Prior,Lake Planning Commission, when establishing the :
r ..
Subdiv lion Ordinance.<
The, :radomnendation from John -Co Consulti A s .
John-Cops, ng tiorney, was that the Midge be
r ; '
built io, minimum width of 24 feet, based on sound engineering practice.
Afhr,nsuch a motion was made by. Busse that the Engineer study waterway
width being 15 feet with a 24 fog +wroadhed wi -b "N6 feat on eaeh41iie foa total " 28
and; AO•re pcah the bridge b straiglthn the road; separldod by Watkins and upon a
voh toien it was duly posssd
Councilman �WaWns. stated that as a result of the Hearing April 17,' 1975
., gonceming}th�spettgn }by,AINiAC to rezone the described propart�► of the.Ptadic
il Hearing b classifications, two pirtons,irtInd one portion to R3.. Motioh was „
wadi and flee .Planning. Commi::ion''ecommwnds to the .Council - .thin this piopbsed
eemning byjALMAC. Corporation "be :;ritiedo: presented,, The ,cooed mutton was:made
.to to the ,C. ft, Council that�the,i"In ordino�q,conWning the Plan `Unit
Development be amended in line with Charles Tooker' immprandum that
night. Motion was made to reaammend to ALMAC Corporation -0and io the City Council
that this Plan Unit Development cantain. parcels from,County 4Z io the Lake of Prior
� Lake.
�. .
.Denny McWilliams of, ALMAC' presented his views on the. Public Hearing and
restrd that the 59_acre: iw'rexa► W itt
Motion was made by Oakes to accept the recommendations' fram the Planning
Commission stated in their three-motiont, of the Pub) is Hearing of April 17,,1975;`
seoendid b . Busse and v
y pan. a vote taken it was duly paurd.
Motion was made by dusa.to refer the, total bock.to.the,;
acres Commission for
rezoning, to R2 density" :a PUP ,pursuant to revision of he zoning ordinance,
seconded by Williams and upon a vote „taken it was duty passed. Councilman Watkins '
s _. , �u. s
MINUM of the Pro of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
mianosete, including all accounts coldiMt ky sold Council
Councilman Watkins stated he would take the Councils directions back to the Planning
Commission and the Planner.
1 Y t •`,.u ,
Councilman Oakes stated there was a tanner in last Thursday night who visited with
him after A& meeting and he talked to severaVmajorownersof property in the City
of Prior Lake and because of implied thrdaft contained in the publication of Mr,
Irgen, President oUthe North Shore - Nome Owners Association ,. the' comments made
by Mr. Dahlgren apparently associated with the North Shore Oak - Home Owners
Association these form owners felt that there is a possibiIlhr.that form land is i
being herd , in,confiscato vevi b fhe
ry y T present citizens of Prior Lake because of the
third and fourth paragraph of the Irgen's publication in the paper and the folks, who
own t6se parcels of land are circulatingto petition to come before the City of Prior
Lake asking' whahthe``intentof the City - in respect to those propertyowners who ; �0�
would Like to have that form la e t lard anAnderstand whether that is a
the wish of the Council. 'i lo, responding t citisens on the
+ premise that if it`is the second which would colRl a petitbn to be
traissferred to -the 2itj of Shakopowand that invoolves about` 1100 or 1200 acres.
Councilman Oaker'suggested , thdt before the Council is through planning and inning
and citizen response the Council should be responding to all groups ,
Reprosentativss of Omegei'Investments were present
and presented the plans for ,
The Trees.,
Councilman Watkins stated this matter has been appro ved by the Planning Commission,
Mr. Bill Sullivan stated the have• me! , the criteria required.
Mayor Stock stated that the building heights would not exceed 35 feet,
' Motion was made by'Notkins to +'table th6, no tier of The Trees until next Monday
nt t ceeonded b Busse and`.0 n'a y per,
4 •' ` � � •,' Y °' po vote`- 'ia�,ken it was duly
Mr. Bill Sullivan stated that the Park Fees will be =1,200,00.
Motion v is•mode by Ookl ore nd to the •developer that the ,shift in the road
take place to , ' oormpertsoto for thiffractions on the rear yard setbacks and that
° En it r'1sr+ael ive mre o vansidgratton to the storm sewer that will be flowing
'town storm seweMcessory; if it is then should:it be installed
dt this omit, o4nsidr+rot'ion be " 0iv*wto the�type of structures
,plus or minus three
-�= feet in placement of structures, seconded by Watkim and
du p upon a ye* taken it was
Mayor Stock regdxst letter retating the'Co mmunity Park from Mr. and Mrs. Tschida. `
Administrator McGuire stated, there are two offers' in on the Will house at this time
VFW reco ' 'fin sd-it be tabled until nextweek "to find out if someone does buy it
fn'1he•meaniht* Motldrrvm'moje by Watkins to table the matterbf the Will
houm until mart week, -seconded by Ookestand upon a vote taken it was'duly
Administrator McGuire stated there. only one City that he know of that rants
entonna :poet and that was West St. `PauI "arid they rent to Air Comm for 05.00 per
nantk per, alntetlno 'Motion' Made b
yOakes tb direct the- Administrator to
renegotiob a prellminary°agreoment between Leuques Tower Company and the
City, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
Administrator - McGuire ; * this recoir niirtdotiora aF the rLgquor License
CwMitles, Motion =ways made Y b Oakes to set the Off -Sale Liquor License Fee
at 100.00 Sunda �'
y ..iQtor License Fee at $200.00, Setup Liquor License Fee at
5106,00,. Special''Club Liquor License Fee at $100.00 for 1975/1976, seconded
by Wctklrn' u Pori vote
a taken 0 was- duly'possed
' �kk � a "•L� :fie, •w. _ ,.r,.c;�,r4`e.a.r. „ e .. t _ .n,. �
MINUTES of the hoeoodinas of the Vilkpo Council of the Villege of tiler lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said' Council. "
Motion was made by Oakes that the Administrator be able to authorize negotiations
/rte on easements with the Attorney, secondedl, Watkins and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed. U
Engineer Anderson reported on Lift Station 0 12. Motion was trade by Oakes to extend
the grace period of Tri-State o at nd of this time if the pumps are nit
installed they will be tap ac t ;Met
of r'ge,xpense, seconded by Watkins and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Watermain across Prior Lake channel along CSAH 21 was tabled.
Engineer Anderson reported ol, the informational ,meeting with residents of Maple Park
and Kopps Addition:
Engineer Anderson presented,Construction Report on 1975 Projects.
"Mayor Stock stated that Mrs. Marlis Bluedom pointed out that in the Minutes it showed`
that the right -of -way for the storm sewer at Maven waS at L hand and questioned the
legal standpoint, if the process of condemnation was followed through is the City;
entitled to possess the property. , Attorney Sullivan stated the City has the right b
exorcise the easement.
Mayor Stock presented a memo from Attorney Sullivan regarding Mango payments.
I City installing improvements versus developers was tabled.
Mayor Stock presented information on types of street signs the City should use. Motion
was_made by Watkins to recommend that the City use "SCOTCHLITE" aluminum signs
for 54 interastions, seconded by Wsse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Councilman Williams stated he was approached, by residents�of Shady Beach and NoHh'
S 4. ask ttn Council to i the W Pip Lake e- wild- Itfe- refags.
Mayor Stock stated that tomaerow night at 6:30 P.M. at the Firo Hull the committee
A U be reviewing the bids that have boon turned over to them and the entire: Council
Is invited.
Ma*'Sto&L presented a letter from.Tim_O'Loughlin, Scott County Civ 1 Defense
Direci<,r, thankinp'the.City for Its contribution of S100.00 for Resus- Annie► and' that
they nre very appreciatiwaof this I and that the unit is available to the City of Prior
Mayor Stock stated the Minnesota State Fire School will be held May 19,. 1975.
Motion was made by Busse approve any members wishing to attend the Minnesota Stet.
Fire School may do so vWth. the City paying for the, enrollment fee; secortt�d. by
Watkins and`'upon a vote taken it was duly potted.
Motion was :made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes. and uponon voi ken «,
this meetinp'was adjourned at 1 1 U P.M.
Michael A.. McGuire, Administrator