HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 28 1975t MINUTES of the Preceedtnpef ;Ihe Village Council of the Village of l►rier take in the Count of Scott and State of Minnesota, ineludino ell eccounh audited by said Council, " Apri 28__1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7;30 P.M. on April 28, 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Shock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer lsraelson, and Attorney Sull Non. r The following corrections were made to the Minutes April 21, 1975; Page one, lost paragraph, should read - owners referred to, have. - Pogo two, paragraph seven, Oaks should read Oakes.. Page three, paragraph two,, should read - Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the advertising for the police squad by o' i� seoonded Williams and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed. Page four, paragraph, two, should read - Councilman Oakes stated there was a farmer in last Thursday night who visited him ' with after the meeting and he talked :to several major owners of %' ,xaperty in, City of Prior Lake and because of implied threats contained in'the publication of Mr. Irgen, President ofthe .North Shore Home Owners Association, 'the comments made b Mr.'Dahl ` y gran apparently associated with the North Shore Oaks Home Owners Association, these °farm owners felt that there is a possibility `land that their farm is being held in confiscatory view by the present citizens of Prior Lake because of the third and fourth' of paragraphs the irgen's publication in the paper and` the folks who own "these parcels of land are circulating a petition to come before a the City of Prior Lake asking what the intent of the City is in respect 10 those. property owners who believe that the Council ,would like' to have that ftem land kept form land ` and to understand whether that is the wish the Council, `.` of in deference to responding to these citizens on the premise that if it is, the second action which would come about •` as a� petition would to be, transferred to the City f Shako` ' b pee and that about 1100 or 1200 acres. Councilmaw0akes suggested that before the Council \ is through and nd zoning and citizen response , Council should bwresporiciing to ail... " groups equally. N Page four, paragraph t;lral nine, should read - Motion was made, ; ,:y'Ctakes to recommend to this developer that the, shift in the road, take place - to compensate for the infractions on the rear yard setbacks and that Engineer Israeison give more consideratioh to the storm ` sewer that will„be flowing on the town rood, whether a rm sewer is necessary, if it is,` then should it be installed this time, - at coiuideration be even to the structures, plus or three ;feet in.placement.of st' ctures, by Watkins and upon ..a vote 'taken it duly was passed. r Pbge five, paragraph two,, second sentence,, should read, - Motion was made by Oakes to extend the grace period o£Tri State one week and at the and of this time if the rz Pumps are not installed`they will be replaced with o different make at the contr`actor's expense, seconded.by-Watkins and upon a.vote. taken it duly.passed. awes Page five, paragraph ten, should read - Councilman Williams stated,he was a ached by residents of Shady Beach and North Shore Oaks to ask the Council to designate the Lake of� Luke and the. entire corporateAimits of Prior Lake a wild life refuge. Motion." mode, by Oakes to .'approve the Minutes.ofApril 21, 1975,as omendad, seconded by Watkins.and upon a vote hhen,i duly, was passed.' Mayor Stock stated, in regard to the award * of the bid for the Gross Fire Rig, that there t, was a special meeting Thursday night, DgmBusse and MaybrsStock attended' the meeting as rah as the comet tiee ;of_the °Fire Department ;' po tment�and it is therr�raoonwne��datiomthat the City award the bid,to General Safety in the of ° amount $8,535.00. Motion wasr made ' b�.Busse to.award' the, bid for the Grass Fire Rig to General Safety for $8,535.00, ss�onded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: . "",, ,'° f1� J, ­1­1­_ l ea } Engineer`lsroelson stated the snow would still settle in there, but it.would improve the 'Ituation. �w _ r t „ (2) l t , .. � ► :;� . ,jam � i , Mi"UTlt of the Precoedi . 'ef the Vill rps og* Council of the Village of Prior lake: in the Count' of Scott and State of ` M Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mr. Pat Kline of Lakeside Manor was present in regard to problems with storm sewers I in his area, , , Councilman Oakes recommended that this matter be turned over to the City Engineer. Mayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson to go out to Lakeside Manor with Engineer Israelson to take a look at the situation and ,see what can be done. Mr. Kline wanted to know if the grades that are established now are they the final grades, because there are some problems," one manhole is,six inches higher than the road, another problem is, `the road is one and one- half higher than the access ` ` to the outliot Mr. Kline also wanted to know what the timetable.was for the roads, when they would have the final paving. I Councilman Oakes recommended that the ity �ec and Mr: Kline visit about It the sevgml quo ti ns there are on the area to detenni what should be done. �r A�ine_siaio� speed limit t of 15MPH i not t Mayor Stock stated, there is a conflict here,: the State Law says that all = ,streets are -30MPH, the 15MPH that is presently there, that unless there was a.special permit f g given by On Stale Highway Department, that sign; is not a valid sign.° Councilman,Wil iams stated he attempted to Pe t the s ed limit reduced, in the:.Boudin s Manor area, and wont before the State and they came back and lold the City crew " to put 30MPH spited limit signs up, the City got an increase in speed. Councilman,Ookes.stated that if, the .City Engineer would contact Bill Schmokel ; ; ha would recall that the speed limit in Lakeside Manor is 20MPH on the road in question. .li^ayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson to check on the ,possibility of 'a sign relative to children in the area, . .. Mr. Bob Busse presented a change in the amendment for retirement relief payback for the Fi re .Deportment. Mayor Stuck stated had a long time member of the a} Eire Do powlineati Francis Snell, who just and wondered if this should be' A A ` " " amended so , thgt he would receive, his back pay. Mayor Stock turned the,motter } } over, AMorney Sullivan for legal elari.fi;cation. ' Mt Ben • lasr was, present,°A wonting= to know the reasoning in changing the street mm - e of "street in the rear of his property,. "Councilman Watkins directed Bill " " u S Sullivan to make copies of the street'naming information for Mr. Belt and stated r r that something would.be worked out on the nano of his street before CouncilrtianWili ams.stated. the Park Board would like to appoint Mr. Charles ? A Arnr.,ld asp a Park ;'Boord. member. Motion was made' by Watkins. to appoint Charles a x x A Arnold to the Park Board, seconded by Stock and upon a; vote taken it woeduly i p passed. ` o Councilman Williams stated the. Park Board would like a change .order on grading of the part', the purpose is to cut the` {ill{ along Red Oaks Road to,rmake the p pork mote visible from Red Oaks and also to alleviate a bad snow problem in the winter time; the dark Beard agrees to pay one. - half of the: changer orderand requests that _ pay one- half, and the cost 'is to be about $t 016'. . 00 f Councilman Busse stated that -he did not think this would salve the snow problem . I In the winter, the sr+o# would still settle. inthere, , , . MINUTES of the 'Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prier laka in the County of Scott and Stets of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council, j Mayor Stock stated that as.far as the amount of improvement the City would have on Red Oaks Road, the snow is still going to blow in there to a cortain.degree butit would ha a definite advantage that it would:open up the park site from the Highway ` 13 area, etc. Mayor Stock stated that *e bluff ihoi - is- there -k4ad of acts as a separation, 4i Councilman Williams`stated it rx, in the Park Board's mind also that, it will do a great deal for the park and after looking at it this winter it will probably do a groat deal for the Street Department. Councilman Busse stated it will help.it some but it will not solve the problem. Councilman Oakes recommended tharthis matter be referred to Councilman; Williams nd Councilman Busse. u` Mayor Stock tabled this matter until next week. i Councilman Williams stated the Park Board has ordered a reappraisal of Watzl,'s Point and a resolution.was passed which stated that condemnation proceedings shall be ninety days after the new appraisal is delivered to the Watzl `f: reached, s r agreement has not been a I Councilman Williams stated the Park Board has voted to return the roadway easement t " in Eastwood back to the Council and asks the Council to hold this in.abeyance until '! 'an agreement can be worked out among all of the residenis�of RLS 1, bts A' through O`; :. Motion,was made by Watkins to accept the recommendations of the Park Board regarding. ' the easement in Eastwood, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken` it was duly passed. , t Councilman, Williams stated thatcPatterson Engineering hassbeen engo ed for the water ". quality study of the pond area, t �, Councilman Williams thankediall the. le, and. all t he he;or ga _zatwr+s�who did wcha ; i great job planting trees.in.the parks, last weekend. ra � J Mayor Stack agreed with Cou.ncilmc�tiW�il.liams and stated it „ us effort by the community organizations and aJot was really a hertcendo , of private ".individuals. Councilman, Watkins stated there is. a Planning Commission Meeting art, Thursday night Councilman. Watkins presented a enema from. Charles, Tooker roardirl pg the'"Prior sake Comprehensive: Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Planned Unit Development O,cdinance for review by the Council and asked for ojomments from the Council by Thursday if pouible Representatives from Omega Investments were present with the preliminary pions for a ' The Trees t4 ' C Engineer. Iseaelson presented;estimatbd costs on the T,own.Roa�d.storm sewer. ? h Councilman,Aakes asked- if it is or not necessary. to do the storm sewer �- pro jeet now Engineer Isroelson stated it would be easier to do -it at this ti g ml.: , 'Councilman William& wanted to know how m wer wou much of the' oast of ,the storm se' ;fi A be.:assessed.,to "The Trees: d ;Engineer Isroelson n- stated they would.be assessed accordi to their,ocrea O * A- , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of jj Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Oakes recommended that this portion of the project be scaled down to consider that portion of runoff that The Trees would cause and that portion of it be port of The Trees development and that the; rest could be as development occurs in the area, considered as a separate project. Mayor Stock table&the• storm -sewer rtion for fu Po rther :stud . t t w y' i Motion was made by Watkins" that the. e]imina r Ian.' Th - r Pr y p of i'he Teses as ixesented be approved, the. buildings could be moved plus or minus three feet but no variance to setback will begrontedz c.parkded co iorj*,jk0�1 200.00 is payable at the time of the lwrdshell and that there nee ro be reasonable agreementcn the storm sewer, � seconded" by Oakes and upon a vote taken it,was duly passed. Administrator McGuire stated the Liquor License Committee asked Mr. Baden of the- Prior Place to attend the Council Meeting tonight. Councilman Oakes stated the :Liquor License Commission, the membership consists , of Police Chief Powell, the City Attorney Mark Sullivan, Councilman Oakes, City l4.. Administrator McGuire, hi &- reviewed the lice reports ports of each of the establishments, of he post year and found that over the post six months the reports nuntkiered five or , °.lost.. with t the except ion _of one; place.. Since August 1st of last year there. have - been k sixty calls to the Police Department excluding service calls to the Prior Place. Councilman Oakes roe a summary of the calls. Councilman Oakes stated the Liquor License Commission has taken no action on renewing he li i g guar licetue for the. Prior Place as the Comm ission r n s m o . tho h , u . .tit wo uld be wis se g to this is before the entire Council and to inquire of the Council' and. of the owner of the Prior Place what Course-of action seems wise. opolice Chief Powell slated that not all of -the problems were in the building, the rwiiber:of, calls is =:correct, but it is difficult from their reports to determine what ` ' i happened in the parking lot and whbt happened in"' the building,, Councilmen Oakes stated he thought it wise to inform the Council that if you extend' this loco years period it would be about $10 600. in, cost to. the City fo the police visits, and thought that the Prior Place is a center of interest h tote citizens who live = here and the Police Chief has as of last week offered up a curfew ordinance as a means of trying to restrict the 'things that =are goi�tg'on. k x xi May*r Stock asked if these calls were placid by the establishment. Police Chief Powell stated many of these calls were placed by the establishment" o t whin their helpjwhich the * * , �' y had encouraged them to do . ' } INayor,Stock stated possession of liquor by juveniles bothered him and asked for ' comments from the owner-of Prior Place. Mr. Bill Baden Avrn'the Prior. Place 4 °? stated he had a .lot of comments about a; lot of ' things and-did not know whero.,to= start and this was one of the thin �th , upsets them wry'mUAfoo., The possession of liquor is not liquor they receive from the Prior Place, they pick up wine bottkis, six packs'of beer, on an average, weekend they have half a du npsterof einptycans f om,their parking lot and they do not sell cons or bottles, tp he believed the possession'of liquor juveniles is not Ii r, Y,I quor they`ie' Ceive from the a` °. r� ,. Prior Place, bu't overall they hove.had? from the very beginning a lot .more 'problems than they had anticipated. They have worked as close as they could with the Police, l at fisst.tRey were working wi #h the Police Chief at least once. a week trying to figure out the if the .course. That► could make ,it zero calls' .City wished 'but. that is not what theywero - told to,do, they were told "o call anytime�'anything haj -red and`fh s is t , the e why r are so many calls, even if "the iRing was over they ccll;ed bad reported it '. to the Police. Mr. stated there biggest problem is the °parking lot. i , (4) 0 41 mn. � t X MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village, Council of the Vill a 9* of prior Joke in the County of Scott and State of m ? Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council. - Councilman Oakes stated -that there were 60 reports in six months and, Police Chief 4 told hin. that the Prior Place had been quite coope rative in rep everything,, there . q � p� Po g were 22 reports in 1975 which does indicate some downward trend, but would I ike to -since the Council has a recommendation of a curfew, to take a different kind of approach 3 and:say what would ybu_ folks bel ieve you should do to provide your. own sort of quasi enforcement so that whether there are the�se- incidents not, what sort of approach h would you folks care to :tell�the.Council you would take to eliminate 'the cause and not the symptoms._ Mr. Boden stated one area they have not found a solution for controlling is the parking lot,-iand,.they- have.no idea how to cope with:;it, Councilman Williams stated that maybe they were talking around the problem, the problem is why are the ehfldtfin there what draws. them there, the children hang out ; in these places for the nolse of the bands, without that noise they would not be there, if they were not there, the problem would not be there. Councilman Watkins asked if there was anything particularly unique about the total +!' operation that doos attract juveniles. Mr. Baden stated. the Game Room, attract$r just as many adults as juveniles and outside the' it i' h but d ng`the n ig h ts they do not have bands fhe problem <in the parking lot is still there; and the fact that they have music in two rooms, they have no kids in these „ rooms, the :kids. are either bbwling or. in the Game Room, the problems are not from the kids ° that are in the building for the evening as are from the kids who come in later in the evening from somewhere else with there wine; beer, etc. Councilman Oakes recommended the consideration of the Ii uor - q license be tabled for one week. - i Attorney Sullivan stated,- in regard to the parking -lot, in thel liquor ordinance there is one section which prohibits consumption of Liquor art a public highway or in a automobile, the City cannot prohibi consumption:.on•privat4 property,_ but perhaps, what 'the "City can do it�odd a�paragroph` to the ordinance to whereby the Gity,comptohibit consumption of liquorr"im anyrproperty.posted by the owner to prohibit the consumption, then the City could mako,arrests for consumptiom:irt parking ('ts: r.. ", - 7 tit". _ Mr. At Caseboldt stated that,in Denver they had this problemand,they would hire off duty,, policemen fto =vow a uniform but not his badge during the- p - hours and it worked 'Pretty�wel l �ihere . r . , Mayor Stock wanted to know if the Prior Place has a bouncer everynight. Mr. Baden stated yes and:�no, they have araomer theta. every nishi on the weekends or any night they feel there is something special coming, up they have, one or two there c specifically of the door checking ID's and then they switch off.to, walk the parking lot. Mayor Sto k wanted to know if they permit%the younger set who.are b4*1ing or in the Game Room to come back in through the dining area or bar. Mr. Badent, stated no� they: did, not: Mayor Stock directed the Attorney.to :.imaddi6owto the curfew that the City i is going to add to the liquor ordinance, a section dealing with private property and have that ready for ithe: next meeting and tabled the matter of the liquor I icense . Councti'man stated tin regard to the= curfew, it is obvlaus that`a number of other places in the City of Prior Lake are gathering points for the younger set, that it is i obvious- that. the curfew should stond•on its.own and the question of the Prior Place should stand on its uwn r n Councilman Watkinsstated that the corner of`aysaloon is o. lousy place for a YMCA. ' (5) ny C,�"'e,.N.'g ._ ... .� ,y;s•y i I 1 ! i i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake inthe County of Scott and State of- Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. {' Mayor Stock stated' that if the-Prior Place is having a problem they should immediately call the Police and that should not change. Councilman Watkins stated that the Prior Place should analyze there configuration and do some' inhouse marketing research to find out what they: need and what >R might need changing or, correction, very often when you are setting in the middle you cannot see the woods for the trees and it is not there fault, maybe there is a specific problem and they do not realize it because they are to close to it. Administrator McGulle stated the' - Liquor Committee also recommends, approval of ; n 3.2 On -Sale Liquor. License for the Country Hills Golf Club - for a one month period with a three`'oionth'fee of $25.00. Motion was made by Oakes th approve a 3.2 ` On -Sale Liquor License for the Country'Hills Golf Club for a one month period with ' a three month fee af;S25'.00; seconded by Watkins. 'and upona 'vote taken it was du y passed.:- The W l i` house was tabled . ` ' Administrator McGuire stated MWCC figs requested a resolution or letter permitting them io =enter and work on the City's permanent sewer easement. Motion was made by Oakes, 0wMWCC'be that: allowed to enter and do work on~ the City's permanent ,. sewer easements seconded b Watkins, and u y upon a vote' taken. it was. duly passed. . { Administrator McGuiret q memo on Mileage Compensation.' _ �i Councilman Oakes stated h' that this s -was an item he brought up-and itsaemed'wise to c ' because of the rather' significant number of miles that the Councilmen and the Mayor F travel, to consider the question of compensatiowat'this point, and, felt that the Councilmen and the Mayor who wish to apply for mileage inside the Ci ty', outside ' the re regular Council Meeti mi have the o t t gs gh pportuni ta do so, and recommended . thot'the Council consider the rate of ;.15 per mi1e� " Mayor Stock stated his own personal opinion is that he feels that for mileage outride - the City l "Imittof Prior' Lakwoncbusiness, the City has paid for in the past, but he ,g feels that for inside trips thot� a of the. City's constituents might feel that this is ( the Councilmen and Mayor's obligation and therefore he would not lean toward the mileage for the interior of the City of Prior Lake. « Motion was trade by Oakes to approve mileage compensation of. $.15 per mile inside { and outside the City of Prior Lake on other than regular Council. meetings, seconded ' by Watkins and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayoe''Stack voted against 'the Mot , , Administrdwe McGt)ire presented a memo regarding componsatidn' Shirlene Craig u U _ for the 'Planning CommissionMeeting Minutes. Motion was made by Watkips to approve �an incl' ease -of'$25.00 per imonth.for.Shirlene Craig, foe taking the Planning Commission Meeting minutes °and cidditional secretarial services, seconded by ,pusse and` upona -vote taken it was passed.i ' k I Engineer Anderson presented: the Gn tiWhReport dated April 28, 1975. Mayor ` Stock stated the Council approved tha Engineer's Report.. Mayor Stock itated •the Council has all received pictures of the Willows storm, sewer. J Engineer Anderson stated that the problem has not been solved. f. Engineer- A"nd"erson is working on this matter 10 resolve the problem. Watetmain across channel, CSAH 21 - tabled for further information.. Attorney Sullivan stated he received c telephone call from Green Heights regarding # storm sewer problems. Engineer Anderson is to take care of this matter. (6) I r at MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior fake in the County of Scatf and State of Mlanesota, including ,all accounts audited by said Court H. � ry , Engineer Israelson presented sketches of Martinson Island Bridge o A The ordinance 4 relating to curfew was tabled. ' The amended liquor ordinance relating tp curfew was tabled. ry w " The City installing improvements Viersus'develdpers was`'tabled; T ; Councilman Oakes_stated that would let the Charles - Tooker statement ` stand at °`the , moment.i It became apparent in the course of several- coMments re d rezoning, ' that members of the Planning Commission felt, thdr rezoning of outlying areas, but r + those served by- sewer' and water cnd' roads wds;premature and , he thought it was the y ' hie intent "of the City Council -and the Mayor that -when sewer; water and'r'"oods_ are 1'! an area -t hat the present zoning or`rezoningls not premaWre by definition, but as'he rdad, `the Tookerstatement," ' the first °pQwagraph itGwould appear that `is close enough to what he had in mind so far oi' development, peemature.or not; and ,he "wo e strengthen "that just n uld perfer to work =with Tooker having, read this- 'to-ma►6 and leave it the way it is. 7 �t Councilman Watkins stated he has been touring Planned Unit Developments, townhouses, condominiums, etc.; and stopping by and asking what is the densi r acre o ":hey k ty pe coulr gel' some idea in his own mind`what he is talking,about in dens tp and'suggesrod tlie, other Councilmen do the same;• u C OUn 11 c man Busse` stated he had a request for street lights in Gote"jy Shoff the dfawing forstreet Iightstome from NSP and he sugges far a designof the whole areas ted` the�Engirer to return if ' > to NSP r ' G Mcyor.•Stock, presented a letter from °a company that Mango owes Rn yfo, �� o a _ } Mayor Stock stated•'that reloti a to the problem ;-that the City is having with Marsgo's� . f work, the sag that occurt by 0te manhole, destroykjj one carg and,bbasically , for about one hundred-4' st the whole road is compl'e�tely gort0,�out of sight in that norticulau '! area " In digging up "the area hay, found tree st tmps, agog �eomplerolyacross the width of the itrect, the curbrstops were leaking, one of the pipes that comcaout wog compleraly' crimped, it would have been of no value to. anybody that would have haAM up to it becouse they would have had zero water"pressure, and"bosed on the work the City did just a couple of weeks ago in the other,, areas of the Marsgo projecuand 'found the same type of leaking curb slaps; impro perly installed, the Mayor "felt the City should take'` ,. <<�';�`5ctiowagbinOMarsgo, notify' the : bonding comps Orwhatever.the lega'i�J procedure is, Wl u! and the progect .contractor.. 'Motion was m'ad'e by Oakes thataction be taken ago instMars a and to go complete the pro jecewith another contractor, and frigineerAnder`son Wgiven: the Ieadership and ° take'whatever steps he needs to document the cases against Marsgo,, seconded by Bune bad'u n d�'Vbro taken wdis doi y' posed`. 4_ Councilman Williams stated he had „a great deal of trouble in,:his mind, t sr how treels; stumbs of trees, and this sort of =thing were put in a 300 {loot length without the- people, who are .,supposed to be watching!,this sort of thing, for theXity and control it and find it. MoybrStoek Engineer Anderson to work out the details and to follow along I through with the Council. 'Councilman Oakes stated therd has been discussion about the qual{ty of construction t that the of Orior Lake is getting from itscenftetors qv d this .goes all the way from hots a p gr `Phi before° the fact; during the-fact as required ° and - after the fact, call' paction . � •and degree of compaction 'rn: lifts and supposed it would be` wise -for the Mayor to direct , the City Engineer "to• report to the'Council in a week or so about what steps are going 6` 'be taken to meet Quality =Control. g , -. • + .. r. - t i.1 r _ _� r� o b,�• a14 r, (7) o n�� MINWU of the oodin111t of the Villap C404WI of thG Vlllao* of Odor take in the County of Scan and State of. " r :. Mice seta, i� eludie9 all acceunt:'aeiditod ' br saw Ceuaeii. "- � _ Ma ` Stocir tilt the °Co6ricil' shauld .give`!he yo City Engineer sQrne direction in the regard of Quality Control and that,the inspections be made by the City and that -the City - Engineer would' dstennine how many i.nd'►,vidual: would be necessar , qnd this type of= a thing and report backdto the 'Council c <, Councilman Watkins stated that the ' City has problems it has become aware o quite $° race► -Itty and thought that-Engineer �Andermn have the levity tolocquire the staff necessary to accomplish what the Aitorney feels is necessary is go through this procedure against Morsgo,and then �o contirejo on through the summer for a reasonably ' Qual Control force.. Councrlmann Watkins, =toted ta, l4andle what is necessary kr , the Mbrsgo project the�Engineer,m.ight have to gn immediately "to a co tinting firn' s and get -lwe .fiwe,qua�fied people to come in an photograph, survey,` layout, a inspect; dig,.or whataver,is necessary, then propgre again forw,hot the Engineer' = ro "believes no' nary, foa Quality Control foorce to take can of the problem that r aright be on the pro jects of tlars year; and,thot!ght4hi= 'should " -ba raoidy for matt! Mondays r meeting. L Councilman Williams stated in his estimation the City is not getting, what they are x � aying.for;hthe City is paying for a col ity job, the City is not`geRing a quality pa,, and believes tfhe_Ci,ty should do oM±-_- if,two, thing . !et it go,gnd get onotherFed ­ Oaks , Rood or shut thi`copitocior down! until -he performs the job os agreed:. in the x oontroct, ,it�.that means %puttiWtha.City,Enpaae�er,, yrith pie Inspector on the p i tomorrow morning, or whatever it lakes to.save .the. Clay frPM -f stinq the taxpayers ' money. 'Attome Sul�l ivan n y wa hdAb know what tie going to be involve in "correcting the les with Marsgo wilt the i ha _ prob m � , C t ve ao� dig this whole thing up:.� a ;r " En"gNmer. sr" stated. i f It as bad as what has been dug .upso for, yes. ' Councilman Watkins requested -ta Engineer „israelson thgt''hisrQuality.Corttrol team tutu in a »po on thii haw this, -11 occurred: Mayor Stock stated there is d& finitely a problem,and it has to be resolved and resolved forthwith..-,, - t Councikr�ar.Ctotes. suggested, an inforRrrationo) meotiny: with tho <peapts „of the area ` z ..r `1 tl t J o� n fi -i 11 wi cilmarr.Will to slated >he has_talked',with everyone ;n,the° ano arW told, b them ` ° r � bear with the City while Cit , trys ir;''correct this problem and he is getting 4 very tired ofpologi=ing for something has no control over, the Gity was assured''' ,^ that these r u jobs. - wen going.in .c6rk*ctly., even.over my statements that theY wen not, and something has, to be dore:nnw '' a Aftorrey Woven wanted'th l prelimincry plans so`he man ni.•?f the bonding ° ^. coot of the F pang City's position. J ), Councilmon "Watkins staled,thQ Council shRyld give the Administrator and City Engineer fhe'� thorny; to do +what is necessary.behNeen norr and.;nex# Monday for P Nang Council action. 'Ar Stock slated that on. the, Mars ty g,t too for a, '- °Yor head go, project the Cr canrwt. it is going b have,,to be well documented, before,,the City, ran do- at►ythirrg ourselves v in thi aria ,`bec4use the Ci eventual) is 'i b t the ibili: on the . k r ty Y �. �ti Fes rospons ty Q bonding ant:. Mayor;Sfockstated.he. thought the City was pufting.'�twr; things toaatirs±r.here which- he;,th*ughtashould be. separated; ,the: Morsgo,pro'ject is one __item, the other item is :the ,inspecting „prim of„4t'. QNa jty Control,, the Nlarsgo 4 probieni is dineted to the City Engineer id .work out and b saik whatever cbcumentgtion< necessary, ,b set it ,to the ;P►tbtnay, and ha ;nos authormtion b i y ,` pro.eed; immediately.- -Mayor Stock stated the other item, tha jnspecbti; he � 4 would li " kee # entertain a motion direct the 9 n Engi an s etorrtha� _y g. dY F .and ton rt to. the Council at the next meetin o y pe will a f Aw r !i 11111NUT", of the 'MtMdiMs of the ViMMe Cwneil of tM Viilove of tiler Lake in the County of seelt aad state of t;> "Aionesom. ineladkis oil eaeonts audited by`seid Council. be necessary, the amount of dollars that the City will be, looking at and this type of ! thing, a summary of what it wil l take in order to have the Quality Control that the' City is looking for. Councilman Williams suggested based on,what the City was told at the time the people , for inspections were hired that they were qualified individuals to do inspections' the fact arised last week they ere: not in anyway qualified to do inspections,,. if they are" qualified they are not doing it, seeinjOhot City money „is paying their wages he suggested that both men be dismisiedcbnd immediately until we get these people" do�i spections no proceed. Councilman Williams stated f;ma"wlwt he had seen on the jobs he had been on, a+d he hm been on all of them, he has" seen no regard at all for the compliance of the,controct, and if the contract is not going to be complied to they shou.Id not be working In is opinion. Mayor Smock directed Engineer Anderson to check on the 'inspectors. Councilman Williams wanted to know how density tests were taken in the, last thr" � years in the City. r Engineer israelson stated they.were token by Braun Engineering Testing,. R Mayor Stock recommended that the City use Braun .Engineering Testing this coming 7 week with Engineer 13raeisan's man also taking tests`, see where they compare ands have °a report back on the comparisons for this coming week., p ry ° Mayor Sack asked Engineer Uroelson - who is imehorge of the inspection crow and how ' { ' many msn do have inspecting.;. Engineer 'Israelson stated right now they have Greg Halling, Jim White, and Mexk t Schmocher,L doing the actual inspections on the jobs. m Councilman Will asked if itwos possible to get these people trained efficiently _ to do. 'job that they were hired.to do, now, not at the end of contract. 'Envhv 4sroelson stated he could assure the City that they will be% irvg the job i { w #� o otherwise they will not be heee. 'Mayor Stock sated he received a rep! from Robert Schmitz relative the.Aa resolution the City sent to hiss on the Gross Earnings Tax,° he is aware of the bill, he } =doe: rwt het personally that it is extremely beneficial to ;Scott County in particular nor to the outlying counties and *hat it is deli Y g gned kr the seven 'Metro Counties as obe ; Q ° unit and not as separate'uilis and this bathers and he will support the. bill•''. = however, he may request certain modifications to it. ; h Notion was made by Watkins to adiourn,wa � d at 10.10; P.M. y h Michael McGuir* v a n ; y , / t r c • W o t r� c. U 1 is