HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 19 1975Sea ? MINUTEf of the hweedinoe of the Villas cowmi of the Village bins tab In the CeuMY of Seen M4 of �X Ml"06014, iaeludinil ell smuFft audited by said Council. c May 19,,, VV5 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7:30 P,M.(on May 19, X1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called.the '. meeting to order. present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Williams, - Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Israel son' and A tomey Sultivon .� The ll foowing correction was made to the Minutes of May 12, 1975: Page one, last Paragraph - indifference shouldread`in deference.. Motion was mode by Oakes;:ro � { approve the Minutes of May 12, 1975 as amended- seconded by Bus:a and upon a" "vote taken it was duly passed. r: Y Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Minutes of May 13, seconded by Busse and upon. a vote taken it was dui Y bossed •., , 4j . Motion -was made by Busse to approve: #6 invoices to be id Po , previou approved by the Finance Committee, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed ,- Mr. id Appel of'Red Oaks, was presend in regard to the condition of,** road in front of his properly; and requesting a street light for the area - _ •_ ;. Mayor Stock stated a street Iight was 'scheduled 'for this argot a that Mango was `rrrovinp back into -then area ro makegepairs °. t and ro cleanup his area. , j Motion was made by Otikes ro'approve the Police De partment Report, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Busse to approve the�Fire Department Report, seconded by Williams and :upon a. vo06 %'token if was duly passed. Ordinance Number 68 -36 -'update was tabled. Opinion >of Fireman Relief was tabled'; " .t Admini strator McGuire re stated�thotitire AIMAG.Public.Heoring Ior.ja 3, 1 975 has been rescheduled for July 1,, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. r E.eunetlsw Willidow thaw to is an ergo the Park Board disieu:aelirt rasr:tabiiih-1he po�i�dw isr lakpf ions Park;., the area good bla and w ldl<tdSing J ck E d. asrted b know if tFi* "Council would oosrs using this bl oakdirt for sewec vrahr projects r M°yo ! j S bek`refe reed thi= molte ro Err�isreerArrderson. �. Motion wog node by Williams to, m6"_ o,resolution.opor injj-the canoeptof , 1 ' s: - . . memorialising the next pork and accept the VFW as a. ` i, sporao'F, seconded, by Busse and upaw a vote *n it was duly passed I►dnrinistrobr McGuire,0M Mid a m the 197 7 enw regarding S 4 Liquor Licenset. ' � Motion was mad* ..; Mot o _ by Williams to approve the Off -Sal iLice `saes for B b D'Bar Brooksville Liquors, Grove's Gay Nineties, Snal l'i Bar, a Viking Liquors, seconded by�*ftk 'j and Alpowo vote'�token was." 1, : y� i x Motion was made by Buss* to approve the On Sale Liquor Licenses for A�h� Inn, { t °6 D'Bar; Grove's Gay Ninitie:, Sneli's Bor and_Prior Ptoce,'s oMrded by Sock +end upon q vote token it wvi dui Y passed. Councilman Williams abstained. Motion watmode by Busse to approve the Sunday Liquor Licenses for'Anchor Inn, Gs ve'i Gay Nineties, VFW pas 608; »and Prior Place, seconded by Stook and, "upon = a vote taken it was duly p(±ued, , AE ,. MINUTES of the Proeoodings of tb* Villoge Council of fli Villove of Prier Lek* in th 0 County of ticotf and stab of t� Min*etota, including ail oaouMs audibd by said Council. •u. r k; Engineer Anderson esented a change nge order from Nodiand Associates, in fora 6" water This service. Matter was tabled for more iitforn o Engineer Anderson presented d than ge order from Ames Construction requesting nn i extension to June 15 and cutting down the slope on Red ° Oaks Road for $1,015.00. Motion was made by Williams. to approve Ames Construction Change Order IF1 for =1,015.00, . seconddd by Busse and upon a'vote. it was duly passed. s1 Motion was made, by Wiitiom'sthat4he request for the extension by Ames' Construction from June 1 to June ,15 be tabled until. t he time that, it might.bemoe appropriate, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Engineer Anderson stated that Nod)and; is putting in a watermain along Highway 13 and other utilities that are in there. tend to meander around the locations or sewer and, water; and the telephone company has requested $1,100.0* t move these lines. A representative from the telephone company stated that the y quoted this figuring 30 feet per hour,.theiy also stated 'that accurate t OWN reds will be kept of the time spent, and they will charge according to the time spent, so it could be less tlwn;�1,100 :00. TI The cost will. be, the actual cost or the;;1,;100"00,, whichever is less.... Councilman Oakes requested the City Attorney check into the rights of occupancy. Mayor Stock directed the City A check into this matter and reprt back to the Council. Councilman Williams. re quoted that Engineer Anderson check +the rn .. Clemens onhole by Mr. Cnuncilwrn Willicrosaequesloci; tlwt!.EngineerAnderson,che dust control for 80080001h Manor `arid other areas wheri sewer,andl water are:.gaing in. Engineer Anderson stated he hod contacted ahe contractor on this matter; . _.. 16 dln'sManor Second Addition - cut-de -sac in front of Joe Whitney war tabled: t; Engineer lsroelson presented- the'Mulenhartx Road�easibility ,,�sludy.x „Motioawas mob. by: - `Oakes` to table the discussion on Mulenhart Raad.ond } . selected Councilmen,_ gr bMrind r-= the road, to see what might be a compromise solution, seconded by Busse and upon *r ' ta view kenIt warduly passed + v C `Stock directed ...: Ma Councilman Busse >to take;a look, ot,this, matter with him. E sneer Israelson Engineer presented a memo regarding Kneafsey � sCove. Motion was made by Oakes `that the matter of Kneafsey's Cove, Road be tabled r y .... until next week, until' Engineer, +Isroelson.and A`Norney Sullivan.,ho won opportunity to find, out what the Council's :position really should be seconded by Wllliams arid: -upowg "vote token it wGrAuly passed, A' ayor Sto ck presented, an application from the•DNR that the. City sent in regarding the P ai!ct=. and the DNR is requesting more infiormation and a check for $15.00. Mayor S” turned this matter ;over;.ro Engineer 'braelsoni G E and directed the Administrator to hove,'o check made out for 415.00: ' Me* stabd he received an informgtionlslt:IrMii► , llMiwASristildwllirtlsn Control Agency statwo thot,the prolect: improvement 72 has been approved. b Cofafcilman Williams stated.thaton,the Daily Inspection. Report siated.May 5, 1975, j , on Lyoru Avenue. it *rotes that 'tho grate.valve .was close to grade; and asked Engineer 1 ., p o Isrw,h�on wlat;ebss,is • . '`: i "V: " stated zi Engineer Isroalson the to is brought ro grade :and all these + ore ,checked` when the pfolect is final, M .grads rig, seeding, sodding, manholes, volvesarecheck�d,_etc.,�� r (3) = MINUTES of fha Pr nM of the Villa* Council of the VlUaoe:,of hiw in the County of Scott, and =StoN ef, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. -Councilman Williams stated the report � tabd that Larry wanted rock around the hydrant and that is ail it says, -it leaves you hanging, did they put rock around the hydrant. Engineer Israelson :Idled the were i ' y going b dig up all- the hydrants in to .I .this area $ee if there is enough rock around them 1`Y b Councilman Williams statedthat on,the Da il Inspection Re t do r pe d Ma Station 145 it sa s the waterwain - , w It po y 6, 1975 at ` Y as to be 17 feet v, .found frarn the property Iine instead of 20 feet, and it says nothing in the rpportlif the Fine was moved to the proper len th or what was done withiit, it just says, that it .:wos found. Councilman Williams stated that these incomplete reports did not give him much Wwork with, Engineer Israelson stated if the line was 17 feet that is probably where it will stay, this is where they: had to lowir the :line.> Mayor Stock wanted, to know if the as-builh for this area would show this information, so that the City definitely would have -builh } as showing 17 feet from the property line. :x Engineer Israelsonstobd this, inf ormation will be puton, the. plans:. ` Engineer Oakes requested that this matbr left with EngineerAndersort for are rt to the G6ncil po ' . Counci Oakes stated that on Lot. l Block 2,, Hidden Oaks; this lot was to have been served by an ,individual grinder and the City was to have # , provided the grinder and"" that the installation and maintenance was to be the responsibility of whomever bought f A `• 'I that lot and subsequently there, was a improvem,int pro ject which, would b be served b permit that lot Y gravity and that lot was i fact r placed on the assessment roll. Motion was made by Oakes that the current assessment from, Lot 1, Block 2, Hidden Oaks be" .. reviewed ia determine its accuracy and upon finding it accurate ,or upon making it accurate then that assessment be adjusted by the City' - liability ,for, the `cost dd the 1 grinder, based on the prev; 'agreement, seconded b Busse.and v' Y rt; was duly.possed. Pon a mote taken :., k , °Mayor:Stock stated the City Attor as y given the City the easement foristreet and utilities for °the: Earl. Cabs aeuentent:nnd directed the City Administrator to contact Mr. ;Cabs on this easement. >. y ' Councilman Oakes stated, in regard to the City, insialling impro vements versus the developer, he would recommend that if a developer is willing to agree w the Ci ty timetable'of improvem6nt as we I I -as the- City is- able to match the;*ivate4eveloper`s schedule of Improvement then ` the private developer may apply to 4W City for those improvements. Mayor• Stocir• presented , aPy` .co of the'Deveb pe is A greement for review by Council. M6606 was made by Busse Rte table the DeveloPer'sAgreemient until the nezt Council meeting, seconded by Williirrns and upon a vote taken_ it was: duly passed,. Requestof Prior Souto for street pavlV was tabled. ; " Coum61lman,06kes stoted ge _that the Administrator has worked out on n ment`for _ rlpayrnentof assessments for Edna L. Maxwell :. 'Motion was made by Oakes that\ \in `arrangement L accord with the worked out by .the City Admihistrator that the request :for.exlended`tsayment of the, assessment be o approved for Edna L. Maxwell, seconded by Busse and upon-a vote , token it -was duly passed..° In regard to orderly annexation motion was made by Oakes for a resolution to autlrarize Howard Ka bet, Sec *tarybf tke,Minnesoto Municipal Cammissinn °to ,►` negotiate. the simplist solution to the .iluestion of split ownership of toot parcels between more than one community, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly poised J 1 } V , TIIMti'x4PatiMN+^r.a.gi:`X :ruzwun.. ,..�yyk ( aay..,u cf :tea, "•: -`*° ,_.... -nix' x..r. eJF'.P.'' c. L' ({4 �i; � ,, n II. f C} _rj ,� �t� S i4 �' S � ,fit pti